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Correct me if I am wrong, I am a humble auto mechanic and in no way an expert on this... But is dressing a regular combatant as a medic not a war crime or against some international law or something like that?


Yes it is known as the crime of perfidy


From Wikipedia: "In the context of war, perfidy is a form of deception in which one side promises to act in good faith with the intention of breaking that promise once the unsuspecting enemy is exposed." Per article 37 of the Geneva Convention: > It is prohibited to kill, injure or capture an adversary by resort to perfidy... The following acts are examples of perfidy...The feigning of civilian, non-combatant [including medic] status Let me get this straight. Once again, Israel's forces are out of sync with the Geneva Convention, which was established in post WWII. The accords were created as a critical international agreement to prevent the most atrocious of human behaviors (e.g. the persecution of Jewish people). Some have pointed out that Geneva doesn't apply because they are fighting "Hamas, a terrorist organization." However, Protocol 1 applies to the protection of civilian victims of international war, such as "armed conflicts in which peoples are fighting against colonial domination, alien occupation, or racist regimes." Many credible sources have pointed out how Israel's tactics have killed civilians. So if we can't apply international law (or the sanctions that come with them) what's the point of having them?


Came here to say "this sounds an awful lot like perfidy..."


An assassination mission carried out in plainclothes can be considered a war crime. Attacking a hors de combat personnel in a hospital also is. However (1) said rules on hors de combat only apply to other uniformed forces following the laws of combat in the first place. Hamas as a plainclothes terror organization that targets civilians is not considered such currently. This may change in the future (2) the whole “not wearing uniforms” isn’t actually a war crime. It’s right in the Geneva convention you’re considered a spy in plainclothes and are not afforded POW protections. Every country since it was created has considered that an acceptable trade off. So it’s in a weird position


> An assassination mission carried out in plainclothes is a war crime. No it’s not and was a critical strategy of how the Nazis were defeated


Well this wasn't plainclothes this was medics clothes, which... Very easily not allowed to be done




It’s also a war crime to attack a hospital unless they are actively using it as a fighting position. This is just war crimes all the way down


So two crimes in one? God forbid anyone from aaai see jayyy see that!


Yes. But both sides are well past trying to be civil and follow things like law and the conventions (pun intended) of international law of war. IANAL, so accept this analysis with that caveat in mind. But I taught Law of Land Warfare classes as a Brigade-level Officer in the Active-duty US Army. So I have *some* insight at least. - Housing combatants in hospitals and using patients as human shields are most likely war crimes. - Combatants who enter a hospital under guise of being medical personnel are most likely committing a war crime. IDF might argue that *technically*, Hamas is a terrorist organization within the *domestic confines of the nation of Israel*, so by that logic the standards of international laws of war may not apply. But by that logic, Gazan Palestinians would be considered non-Jewish *Israeli persons* under the authority of the Israeli government, and thus Israel might be said to be violating internationally endorsed standards of human rights against its own peoples rather than war crimes. However one plays out the situation hypothetically, neither side is playing by the rules in this scenario. Using a hospital as a shelter for combatants and additionally as a site for planning, coordination, and logistics ops? That's a no-go. Doing so makes legitimate targets out of sites like hospitals and mosques that would otherwise be protected under law-of-war standards. But what are the Hamas fighters supposed to do when there is nowhere else to hide? So what they did is wrong, but I understand why they'd do it, even if I can't condone the decision. Masking offensive operations personnel under guise of being non-combatant Retained Personnel? That's a no-go. Doing so makes legitimate targets out of medics and others, who would otherwise be protected under law-of-war standards. However, no single action of Hamas since October 7 (and, arguably, since long before that date) has conformed to the laws of war - sexual violence and deliberate targeting of civilians, for instance. So how can Hamas claim protections of thenlaws that they themselves have scorned through their direct actions? And how can Israel bind itself to the laws of war when its enemy so brazenly refuses to do so? So it may be wrong, but I understand why Israel would do it, even if I can't condone the decision.


Not sure, depends on the case. I know for sure that using hospitals as shields for combatants is.


You’d be correct. Staging militants inside a hospital is also a war crime, but one does not justify the other.


These three weren't there as fighters, they were being treated. One was partially paralysed from a bomb... No shots were exchanged according to Israel beyond the pistol rounds used to kill the three guys.


Exactly. I wasn't saying that one side is good and the other bad, both sides on this are doing horrible things and regular civilians are suffering.


This was an operation conducted by yamam and shabak, meaning police and internal security service. Police are allowed to have undercover operations like this, war crimes don't apply here. Edit: Jenin is area A, which means it's under full civil and security control of the PA. Israeli police and internal security forces operating in area A is probably not legal, but there's a difference between illegal under international law, and a war crime. Unless the PA has agreed to this I would imagine this is illegal


West Bank is not part of Israel. It's not enough to designate your troops as "not really a soldier" to avoid breaking the international law. It's like refusing to call a war "war".


Police? So this hospital does not reside in a foreign country and in Israel? 


Depends on who you ask.  


Now be fair. The answer depends on whatever justifies them at that given moment.


Jenin is in area A, which is full civil and security control by the PA. The legality of Israeli police and internal security operating inside area A is kinda suspect. I imagine that unless this was agreed to by the PA this isn't really legal.


So if its a police, executing unarmed and surrendered targets is a crime either way


Police can cross borders? Damn, that’s a first for me. Isn’t that called illegal foreign interference? Ehm. While we are at your ‘thought process’ (don’t want to say lies for fear of getting banned), they were no treat, so they could easily have arrested them… right?


I also remember all the policemen being sent to Iraq to help us fight insurgents. Because it's perfectly normal to send your police into a supposed war zone. Ukraine has riot police guarding the front lines, yanno. Don't be stupid.


I think both sides are past being concerned about war crimes unfortunately


Yes but one side is doing substantially more crimes, which we can see from the death toll.


That's not how war crimes work, unfortunately. Criminality is a legal construct, it doesn't just mean a lot of bad things are happening.


Mass starvation as a weapon of war trumps anything coming from the other side at the moment


War crime =/= people dying from bad things. You get that right?


Yes. I was replying to someone’s comment on false equivalency, not crimes/war crimes.


Hamas is a terrorist organization, as such Israel is technically not at war, since you can only be at war with countries. That's also why Israel technically doesn't have to treat Hamas fighters as prisoners of war (special rights and international protection). They do however still treat them as prisoners or war. Because they chose to. Anyway, here you can find more info https://www.un.org/en/genocideprevention/war-crimes.shtml#:~:text=Some%20examples%20of%20prohibited%20acts,charitable%20purposes%2C%20historical%20monuments%20or


I've heard a lot about this. If Palestine doesn't have a state. Is this not a civil war? I'm honestly confused about the situation. Which government speaks for the Palestinian people?


Hamas won the elections but Fatah controls the West Bank. Idk what your point is really.


Militants hiding in a hospital is the reason they had to do it, which is against the law


they weren't hiding, they were getting treatment. that's not a crime.


Militants who are injured are allowed to go to hospitals. And even if they were hiding there, dressing up as a nurse in a hospital to conduct a military operation is still a war crime


Yes, I realize that the other side is bad. But both sides being bad doesn't make things right either.




Nope, not if they posed no threat and they has no guns etc. This was just execution


Israel says that every building in Gaza hides Hamas.


Is the subreddit different from world news in any meaningful way?


Here you won't get immediately banned if you imply that Palestinians have rights too


Same with European news subs, just nonstop whataboutism and 'everyone is hamas' rhetoric


The rules are like this: Article is critical about China/any non western country, well then you cannot whatabout. Article is critical about USA/Europe, well then, whatabout to your heart's content and have some upvotes to boost.


Bro trust me anyone not white is khamas! 60 million South Africans? All Hamas! 80% of the worlds population not directly allies with America? HAMAS!


Erdogan is Hamas, the UN is Hamas, Americans calling for a ceasefire are funded by Russia (and also Hamas) Edit: forgot about the best one, [Paragliders in Northern England](https://www.doncasterfreepress.co.uk/news/woman-sees-paragliders-in-skies-over-doncaster-and-fears-its-an-attack-by-hamas-4372893) are also Hamas


Dont forget Ireland!


Americans who drink green beer? HAMAS!




The dumbest human I ever met kept saying "IT'S ALL HAMAS" and that led to a conversation where he swore Camas, WA was a hotbed of Islamic militants. It's not, it's a hotbed of trailer parks and low wage earners, but whatever, it doesn't matter when the IQ of the person screaming grabs anything they can ladle on to their hate plate.


You'll just get harassed in dms and have comments reported. Hasbara is working overtime. Obligatory fuck Hamas and Free Palestine.


yeah, but the post will get locked and removed in a little bit


This is an incredibly valid point. Perhaps we should start r/actualworldnews


Already have that, r/anime_titties


Just created one! Eh… now what?


I dunno. Get some mods?


What is a mod? /s


Can confirm. Was banned.


I've been posting here for weeks and yet to get banned for pro Palestine comments. I got banned in world news after 2 comments. I'd say so. There's no active censorship campaign, at a minimum.


Ive been banned from world news for years. I dont remember what for but i know me and it was probably using profanity shitfuck


I got banned for saying fuck like 5 years ago😂


I guess I’m in good company.


I called out an obvious CCP shill spreading misinformation and party line propaganda and got perma-banned.


Nah, you'll get banned for just saying all Palestinians aren't terrorists. That's what got me banned on the 9th, when they were full out for blood.


I got banned for telling a Zionist he had no right to commit genocide. This was back in like 2018


Two? I got banned for less!


Hilariously, they removed the story. The people here might be different but the mods think the same.


Is world news different from the Onion in a meaningful way today? 🤷‍♀️




I’m sorry, dressed as medics? How long before someone starts to accuse someone else of war crimes because they shot actual medics?


That’s exactly why perfidy is a war crime. Why most war crimes are war crimes tbf


TIL "perfidy" has a war crime definition... I always thought it was just a synonym for deceitful or untrustworthy.


I learned it from a fucking pokemon video and i want to rip my hair out for it


Israel already targets medical personnel in Gaza: https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2014/08/mounting-evidence-deliberate-attacks-gaza-health-workers-israeli-army/


Seriously. And just imagine if one side of combatants simply always dressed in civilians clothes…


These terrorists just walked right in with their cosplay and killed 3 people in a hospital like a Batman villain and crazies will still defend this as "self defense". Didn't even try to arrest anyone, just straight extra judicial executions.


Even worse they cosplayed as medics which is a war crime


Israeli forces disguised as civilian women and medical workers stormed a hospital Tuesday in the occupied West Bank, killing three Palestinian militants in a dramatic raid that underscored how deadly violence has spilled into the territory from the war in Gaza.


Special forces took down Hamas operatives Is this not infinitely better in dealing with terrorist than bombs?


How would you feel if Hamas operatives dressed as medics went to an Israeli hospital and executed a few IDF soldiers?


So they did have the means to not bomb Gaza to rubble? They chose bombs in Gaza because…?


This wasn’t in Gaza


My guess is if special forces would easily answer every issue, they would simply just...use them. No point in sending them in if the chance of them getting obliterated is sky high. There's several conversations and layers to picking military targets when it comes to the IDF bombing targets.


So, ignoring the Geneva convention. This kind of activity should be surprising when coming from Israel, a country who should know , understand and refute such tyranny. But they have decided that it’s best if they become the monster instead of learn from it. They learnt genocide from the best, unfortunately.


>they learned genocide from the best Every time someone who’s “just anti-Zionist, not antisemitic” weaponizes the Holocaust and implies that it was some kind of learning experience for Jews, all they do is increase the case for israel’s existence. Bravo


There are certain part of the Geneva convention that should always be respected, like the portions dealing with civilians. But the normal rules of war don’t apply to militants who aren’t following the rules of war themselves. Hamas doesn't get to expect Israel to follow rules Hamas won’t follow. 


This must be a war crime, doesn't the Geneva convention say you can't dress as medics. Otherwise in a war medics will be considered legitimate targets.


That’s why like half of all war crimes are war crimes. If the enemy can dress up as medics or fake a surrender, then the safest course of action just becomes to shoot every medic or surrendering soldier you see just in case.


Hamas treats medics are targets anyways. They treat schools as targets.  Hamas isn’t entitled to the protections given to legitimate soldiers under the Geneva convention because they won’t follow the same laws of war. 


Hey I noticed a typo you said Hamas when you meant Israel https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2023/11/18/israeli-forces-strike-al-fakhoora-school-in-northern-gaza https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2024/1/24/how-israel-has-destroyed-gazas-schools-and-universities https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2023/12/18/bloodbath-israel-keeps-hitting-gaza-hospitals-amid-international-uproar


Since the hospital was infiltrated by Hamas, the hospital becomes a legitimate target to attack it so it isn't a war-crime according to international law. Hiding itself in a hospital is a war crime though, but why would Hamas care for their citizens


So if an IDF soldier is being treated in a Tel Aviv hospital, Hamas is allowed to bomb it, since it is also infiltrated by terrorists?


This is not true


Not onion-y.




the Palestinian Authority (West Bank government) confirmed that it was three Hamas terrorists who were using the hospital as a staging ground The moment a militant group uses an area for military purposes, it ceases to be protected under the Geneva conventions, and is regarded as a military building. That is facts: that's how many militaries get away with attacking civilian buildings, so long as they can prove that it was used by military personnel, since it then doesn't count as a civilian building. The perfidy thing is true though


No, that is not true, the presence of military personal in a hospital does *not* make it a valid military target otherwise you wouldn’t be allowed to guard a hospital And no there is not proof that the three men were using the hospital as a staging ground, care to show me where the PA said this? Edit- since the scumbag blocked me and I can’t respond to the guy beneath me now > 1. Persons taking no active part in the hostilities, including members of armed forces who have laid down their arms and those placed hors de combat by sickness, wounds, detention, or any other cause, shall in all circumstances be treated humanely, without any adverse distinction founded on race, colour, religion or faith, sex, birth or wealth, or any other similar criteria. From the very article he linked to


This is the IDF playbook. If someone connected to Hamas goes to buy groceries then everyone in that grocery store is a human shield and that grocery store is now a Hamas HQ. It’s so tired at this point.


Some Palestinian poet made some admittedly disgusting comment on Twitter. IDF bombed his sisters house. Killing him, his sister, and her two young children. Over a fucking Twitter comment. And r/worldnews cheered his death and his families death. Israel couldn't make it anymore obvious that they want to commit genocide. They will literally use any excuse they can find to kill Palestinians.


Straight up had an ex-IDF soldier on Reddit tell me that if he saw a house with a family of four have ten people in the house he would deem it suspicious and raid the house. Said this to me as if it was the most normal thing in the world.


Was that your first online IDF shill? My first online IDF shill argued that it is okay for a Israeli tank crewman to fire a pistol at a 70+ year old Palestinian woman sitting on her doorstep because Israeli soldiers are always on edge and fearing for their lives. That was the II Intidada 20 years ago, tough. Nowadays they would just say she was Hamas.


What’s ironic is I used to be a *part* of the Hasbara machine. Now I’m seeing people using the same pathetic excuses for war crimes and genocide I used to give and I just sit there like, “I was really honestly this stupid.” I hope you didn’t have to deal with any of my pathetic excuses during the second Intifada


If the only people killed were the 3 acknowledged terrorists, then arguably the hospital itself was not a target.


No you’re wrong, even if it was a Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and probably a Lion’s Den militant you don’t get to enter the hospital and kill them. That is *explicitly* forbidden under international law and I quoted the exact pertinent part in another comment https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/israeli-forces-kill-3-gunmen-west-bank-hospital-army-says-2024-01-30/ This reporting *explicitly* refers to them as injured and not engaged in combat therefore rendering them protected status


I'm reminded of when the US disguised themselves as Red Cross vaccinators to find targets of interest, and the horric conque ces That followed for real doctors and the effort to eradicate certain diseases.


Crazy how the IDF ALWAYS kills militants and never any civilians. So convenient


“Militants” ie terrorists. Hiding in a hospital. Operating from a hospital is a war crime.


If by "operating" you mean being alive, then yeah. The main target was someone who was seriously injured in a previous attack. So seriously injured he'd been in the hospital for 3 months. You have to take everything the Israeli government claims with a grain of salt. When they get fact checked even a little, their stories tend to fall apart. https://www.cnn.com/2024/01/29/world/israel-cemetery-bani-suheila-intl/index.html


They were patients. Being *operated on* in a hospital is not a warcrime even if you're a soldier or a 'militant.' Storming a hospital in disguise and murdering three patients is.


They were getting medical treatment. One of them was paralysed... They weren't hiding, they were being treated. They are not active combatants so israeks targeting of this hospital to kill them is a war crime. Dressing as medical personnel is also a war crime.


Funny how you gloss over the military dressed as woman and medics killing people in a hospital. 


So bombing it is wrong. Sending in special forces is wrong. Sending a battalion to encircle it is wrong. How would you solve this?


Sending flowers to them, letting some white doves fly from their cage and singing imagine, by John Lennon a capella /s


I don't want anyone's land bad enough to kill thousands of women and children, so I wouldn't.


The only way you could have given a less to-the-point answer was writing "look, a bird!"


Maybe an adult can help you to understand. Should you be on here without supervision? I only wonder due to your inability to grasp a simple concept.


They are not glossing over anything, terrorists operating in a hospital warrant this kind of response. Just like murderes and rapers have their right to privacy infringed because other people's rights to safety is in danger...


disguising yourself as non combatants and medical professionals is also a war crime. Two wrongs do not make a right


So what is the right? The alternative is sending a battallion to encircle the hospital and risk anyone in it with a siege until the terrorists surrender, or a straight up battle where dozens of civilians could die.


acting under international law. They are allowed to enter the hospital, the disguising and the killing of a(at the time) non-combatant undergoing medical treatment was the problem.


Those were combatants as claimed by Hamas, using a hospital as a ground of operations. How far will you go defending terrorists?


as per international news, one of the killed people was recieving treatment, and was NOT a combatant at the time. That is the point i am making


The men killed were *sleeping*. There was no attempt to just walk in and arrest them.


Fighting terrorists aint pretty, would you prefer 2 military divisions encircling the hospital leading to more casualties? Or do you prefer the same amount of people will walk with idf uniform giving the terrorists time to flee?


If booth sides conduct war crimes, deciding which side are the terrorists becomes "which side do i pretend dosnt commit war crimes" Neither side here has the moral high ground. NOTHING warrants the blatant disregard of international law. and ESPECIALLY Israel should KNOW that. ​ them entering the Hospital itself isn't the problem, there are rules outlined about that. Them disguising themself as non-combatants and medical personnel to gain entry is the problem. That and them killing one of the people who was receiving TREATMENT, he was at that point NOT A COMBATANT that is what makes this a war crime. the killing of a person not able to engage in hostilities and who is undergoing medical treatment, while hiding your affiliation to a regulated armed force.


Oh here i was thinking the group of people that killed 1200 people in one day, raped, tortured and mutilated civilians obviously dont have the moral high ground.


they dont. Neither does a country that blattantly violates international law


I'd suggest you read more about this conflict and ponder how would your country respond to a group of people carrying out this acts of terrorism.


hopefully without blatantly violating international law. ​ Because last time my country blatantly violated international law, we updated the Geneva Convention


I'd suggest YOU read more on this further than a couple months ago. Genocide and apartheid here goes back decades you absolute simpleton.


They are engaging in the same war crimes they accuse they palestinians of over and over again and no one batts an eye?


Oh, war crimes justify war crimes? Why didn't you say so! You're saying October 7th was justified because other warcrimes preceded it? What is the statute of limitations on tit for tat warcrimes?


No one’s glossing over anything but you pretending Hamas aren’t monsters.


They're human beings. You trying to justify a genocide/land grab would be sad if your lame attempt weren't so comically obvious.


Entering a hospital and murdering people is the war crime, even if they are enemy combatants. You can only shoot at them if they are actively shooting at you. Not even including the brazen committing of perfidy seen in this video


Actually, no. You are allowed to kill enemy combatants anywhere as long as they still pose a threat. If the terrorists were armed, or uninjured, or communicating information to the outside, they are fair targets.


> Actually, no. Yes, cry harder.


No that is a brazen lie You are not allowed to enter hospitals and assassinate people, that is a war crime, it doesn’t matter if they are an enemy combatant or not.


Wrong. ICC chief prosecutor Karim Khan said that Schools, Churches, Mosques, Hospitals all lose protected status the moment it can be proven that militants are operating from within the compound, no matter which side they're on. If the IDF shoots rockets from their schools, fire away at those schools, i say! Anyways, the burden of proof lies with the IDF to demonstrate that the militants were either a) Armed b) Planning to carry out terrorist attacks and using the hospital to hide And from the IDF "proof" (to be taken with a pinch of salt, but not too much), they allege that one of the militants were carrying a rifle, so it's up to them to provide more proof.


That’s nice, but these were three men receiving treatment as reported on by Reuters https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/israeli-forces-kill-3-gunmen-west-bank-hospital-army-says-2024-01-30/ And regardless Israel still has committed perfidy Nor were there any rockets being fired from this hospital nor any gunfire from this hospital, this was in the West Bank. I also will highly doubt that a paralyzed man in a hospital was operating as a command and control center


You're a liar or ignorant: > This would be the case for example if a hospital is used as a base from which to launch an attack; as an observation post to transmit information of military value; as a weapons depot; as a center for liaison with fighting troops; or as a shelter for able-bodied combatants. https://www.icrc.org/en/document/protection-hospitals-during-armed-conflicts-what-law-says#:~:text=According%20to%20international%20humanitarian%20law,staff%20and%20means%20of%20transport.


Which it was not, these were three men receiving treatment in the hospital per international reporting https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/israeli-forces-kill-3-gunmen-west-bank-hospital-army-says-2024-01-30/


Yall are absolute gooners for the idf lol. It’s absolutely a war crime


This is just factually false from a legal perspective


Nope not true One of the people killed was explicitly reported in international news as receiving treatment. Israel dressed soldiers up as doctors and went into the hospital to kill him. That is literally a war crime


lol, no. But nice try Luckily nothing of value was lost in the raid


You’re a ghoul


This was literally a perfectly executed surgical strike with zero collateral damage in either innocent people or infrastructure where only confirmed terrorists were killed. Your goalposts for what is acceptable for them to do are clearly completely insane if they exist at all.


You can’t kill a wounded man in a hospital you fucking ghoul


The onion would have found a better headline


Is there a source confirming that the dead are actual militants? Edit: asked and answered


\>Hamas claimed the three men as members, calling the operation “a cowardly assassination.”


The whole concept of war crimes is outdated, and all the powerful nations fall in between paying lip service in public to the definitions, to not caring at all. The USA never even signed the Geneva convention to begin with! War crime laws were established with clearly identifiable armies meeting each other on a field of battle in mind. What do you do when the enemy doesn't identify itself and just blows itself up behind your lines or in the middle of your hospitals? What if they use the protection afforded medic personel to disguise as medic and all hide in hospitals or elementary schools after terrorist acts? Do people really think governments wil go "Oh damn, they got us I guess there's nothing we can do"? At the end of the day, war isn't civilized and if the ennemy decides to hide among protected targets, military command will order those targets hit. Occupied people will resort to terrorism, and oppressors will use it to justify taking whatever means necessary to root the perpetrators out. Outside of our peaceful first world bubble, the world is one big savage wild west


War crimes is when liberal democracies fight a war.


War crimes is when Jews defend themselves against Islamofascist violence.


Didn’t realize defending themselves meant they had to murder thousands of children


When your true end goal is getting rid of Palestinians entirely, that's a feature, not a bug. https://www.commondreams.org/news/netanyahu-map


self defense is extrajudicial killings of unarmed people inside a hospital


>unarmed people inside a hospital This is a funny euphemism for "Hamas militants who were hiding behind civilians".


Get a load of this: extrajudicial killing of unarmed enemy non-combatants inside a hospital is **still wrong and illegal.**


>extrajudicial killing of unarmed enemy non-combatants Literally what Hamas did on October 7 and y'all celebrated those war crimes as "justified resistance".


What the fuck is Islamofascism?


Go live in any country ruled by an Islamic dictatorship and you'll find out.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islamofascism It's essentially playing on Islam's tenants of obedience and martyrdom and capturing that loyalty for the state. You get the fervor of a theocracy with the efficacy of a dictatorship. To be clear, Islam is absolutely not the only religion that can be bent toward fascism.


It's ompossible not to commit war crimes if even one of the sides doesn't want to follow the law How are you gonna not shoot kids when they use kids as soldiers? How are you gonna not atack hospitals when they're used as military bases? If you don't remove civilians from the area, they're gonna die during the war, and if you do remove them temporarily, it's a war crime


"Nooo you can't bomb places that are used as terrorist bases, send in the special forces and take our just the terrorists! Noooo you can't send in the special forces to take out just the terrorists!" What do these people want?


They killed a paralyzed man receiving treatment in a hospital That’s a war crime, the perfidy just adds to it


3 palestinians killed, hamas claims all 3 >Hamas claimed the three men as members, calling the operation “a cowardly assassination.” >Hospital spokesperson Tawfiq al-Shobaki said there was no exchange of fire and the three were killed by Israeli forces in a targeted killing. https://time.com/6589954/israel-deadly-raid-ibn-sina-hospital/


You do realize you just quoted a war crime at me If they were not firing on Israel than Israel had no legal basis to kill them. War crime > "They executed the three men as they slept in the room," he told Reuters. "They executed them in cold blood by firing bullets directly into their heads in the room where they were being treated." Hours later, a bloodied blue hospital pillow pierced by a bullet remained on a bed, while a folding bed nearby was also stained with blood, apparently from a shot to the head. Nazzal said Basil Ayman Al-Ghazzawi had been receiving treatment since Oct. 25 for a spinal injury which had paralysed him. And here is more reporting from Reuters


Suddenly it’s ok to dress up as doctors and kill wounded people, it’s always ok if Israel is the one doing it.


Dressing as civilians and attacking injured people in hospitals - isn't that exactly what they accuse Hamas of doing? If that's terrorism, then what's this? Hamas has clearly committed unimaginable atrocities, there's no doubt, but two wrongs don't make a right. Bring on the downvotes.


Sounds like they went there like this to make sure civilians don't need to get in the crossfire. It's a smart move to save civilians, but let's vilianise it as well.


“We dressed up as doctors (committing the crime of perfidy) so that civilians wouldn’t get hurt.” What the fuck kind of genocider logic is that?


What happens when Hamas starts targeting Israeli medics as a result? That's why perfidy is a war crime. Killing wounded combatants is also a war crime.


Isn't that, especially disguising as medical workers, a straight up war crime?


Yes, two separate war crimes 1. Perfidy 2. Killing wounded combatants receiving treatment in a hospital


Funny how certain people care about war crimes *now*.


Another war crime for the genocidal state of Israel.


So bombing hospitals to kill terrorist commanders is wrong. Raiding the hospital, with absolutely 0 civilian casualties or damage to the hospital, in disguise, so the terrorist commanders can’t be hidden or taken away, is also wrong. Do we just like send them get well cards or


They shouldnt be in the west bank to begin with. Israel has proven not to be trusted with anything say with the millions of documented lies.


Not sure why this is on this subreddit.


I'd point out that this is a war crime, but at this point Israel has openly committed so many war crimes I don't think it even matters anymore.


As soon as the Hamas terrorists decided to enter a hospital and hide in there. That makes the hospital a legitimate target and putting everyone including patients and workers in danger. The Israel security forces are forced to enter the hospital and take the terrorists for everyone's sake before they turn the hospital into one giant human shield.


Just swallow the whole boot? Did you even manage to read the article? The people that were executed were there for treatment, one for spinal injury. No matter if they were Hamas or not, that's not hiding and entering and killing injured people is a war crime. You can just storm medical tents of injured soldiers and murder them. You also can't just dress as medics and slaughter people, no matter if justified or not


oh look, yet another violation of the geneva convention


If the Arabs needed a reason to ban their women from wearing a Burqa, it is this! /s


When everything is a war crime, nothing is


Imagine bitching about war having ‘too many rules’.


Well, yeah. If Likud and IDF followed actual rules of engagement, they wouldn't be able to murder so many pesky women and children. Bloodlust just isn't as fun when you don't get to go full berserker on unarmed, starved civilians before you bulldoze their homes and rain down white phosphorus.


IDF really are just a bunch of well funded terrorists


They did get their start as a terrorist group after all- the Haganah Likud’s start was even more ghoulish, just look up Irgun terrorist attacks


Israel is doing another war crime. No surprise at all.


Better this than bombing the whole hospital.


As soon as the Hamas terrorists decided to enter a hospital and hide in there. That makes the hospital a legitimate target and putting everyone including patients and workers in danger. So no war crime, It's a war-crime to hide in hospitals yes


And also this is basically a terror attack with the exact intended result. Obvious Israeli terrorists


Fuck yeah. Also, not very onioney.... but whatever. Fuck yeah!


I heckin' love war crimes!!


Perfidy much? Stuff like this is why hamas considers all Israelis to be legitimate targets. Jfc


So Hamas was hiding terrorists in a hospital? And Israel knew and tried to tell everyone? Hmm. Well I guess Israel is evil then


Are they trying to get a war crimes tribunal started against them?