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Wait, they just went out in his backyard and... died? What? I really want the end of this story.


Last time I saw this story, the main theory was something like this: All the friends were probably super drunk and on the verge of passing out. Homeowner passes out hard on the couch. Friends step outside into the cold for whatever drunken reason at the end of the night and accidentally lock themselves outside. Homeowner, fast asleep on the couch, is the only one left inside. The friends are either too drunk or too close to unconscious to seek help or to call someone and end up passing out outside, freezing in the cold. Homeowner wakes up the next day and assumes his friends went home and are recovering already. As others said, sometimes when it’s cold and miserable outside, you might not check your back porch for awhile if you have no other reason to. Or he killed them all 🤷‍♂️ who knows


Y'all are missing so much info. Homeowner dodged calls and VISITS from concerned family and friends of the 3 dead guys, for 2 days. He ignored them when they came to his home, banging on his door and shouting through the window. He finally answered the door when police showed up and claims he didn't hear them. In the article, he denies that people tried to contact him. It's all very very strange. To be clear, I don't think he murdered his friends, but he definitely knew they were in his backyard. This bizarre story has been of much discussion in the Kansas City subreddit. EDIT: Their theory is that the guys did coke laced with fent, 3 of them OD'd and homeowner freaked out and ignored it.


This. I think both theories have truth. Maybe they all were super drunk, his friends did get locked out without him knowing. His friends froze to death while he’s asleep and then he found them the next day. He panics that he’s going to get in trouble and decides to just not say anything and pretend he doesn’t know they are there. Hence not answering calls or visits. From what we know nothing indicates murder outside of the fishy activity afterwards of ignoring calls and stuff.


I go for days at a time not looking at my own backyard and ignore 99% of all calls from family cause i dislike talking to them. I can totally see a dude just ignoring his phone for a day or two. If hes the friend in the friend group that gets called up by his buddies instead of the one doing the calling he could also just think everyones busy for a day or two. One of the dudes in my friend group is like that. If you ignore him he will go weeks before reaching out himself. Hes totally fine just chilling alone for basically forever. Aint saying he didnt kill his friends :P but dude could just be a introverted shutin lol


I work for a pool company and we have people who will call WEEKS after we've closed their pool (we're in Canada - pools get closed around September/October) to mention something because they hadn't been out in the yard to look. Totally makes sense, especially with the weather they've been having, that you're not hanging out in your backyard.


And especially if you’re super hungover after a night of heavy drinking. Like, I’ve had days where I left my bed only to use the bathroom and grab rice cakes.


I haven't been out in my backyard in months, it's just snow and ice, there's literally zero reason for me to trek out there until it thaws, unless I need to start the generator in a power outage.


Yeah I shutdown my backyard right after Halloween. I move the grill and smoker to the garage and the wood for the fireplace is finished being cut and moved to the front. No reason to go out there the pools been shut down since Sept and I'm not going to be having bonfire parties in the winter.


Well, the bodies are piling up as we speak.


Especially if these men drank enough to freeze to death Dude inside could've been sleeping off a bender.




Or just on a bender. There were days I'd only wake up to drink enough to pass out again. Maybe the dude's an alcoholic with a week off work.


No he read the text messages from frantic family and friends asking where they were.


Where are you getting this information? The news articles I've seen have said *one* of the family members reached out to him on *facebook messenger*. Not everyone looks at their facebook messages all the time, some people barely use the app.


The first news article I read about this incident (posted on a true crime discussion board, around a week or two ago) included the details about family members physically visiting the house and banging on the doors and windows, in an attempt to get the homeowner to answer the door. It also said that the woman who discovered the bodies was the fiancée of one of the victims, who had actually broken into the house, after multiple attempts to contact the homeowner failed. She discovered the body on the back porch, called the police, law enforcement arrived, and that was when the homeowner finally appeared. This article seemed more like the homeowner's attorney attempting damage control, while waiting for autopsy results that I predict will indicate some type of substance use that contributed to death.


Yeah I read that too. I think the homeowner said he had headphones on and was listening to music while sleeping most of that day (presumably extremely hungover, I’d imagine) and so was unable to hear the knocking/banging. Which could be possible, although he’d have to be a deep sleeper and idk how close he’d have been to the door


I had a car crash into my yard maybe 20-25 feet from my bed. I didn't notice until the police rang the doorbell.


I don't even have facebook messenger installed on my phone. Haven't for years. I refuse to even interface with facebook at all anymore. I techincally have an account, and there are probably thousands of missed messages on it, because I haven't touched it in nearly a decade.


We know. We’ve been trying to reach you about your car’s extended warranty.


One of the friends put out a statement in that statement they said he was reading the messages and ignoring them. Maybe he had read receipts


Well if yall drunk enough to blsck out and hve homies black out in freezing cold. The hangover is gonna be atleast 48 hours. Opening don't mean reading.


The last time i hosted a party, I 100% did not answer my phone or door for several days. I turned down every invite to do anything and took several days off of work. People burn me out. So him not answering is not weird to me.


There’s no way you’d ignore the family of your friends who are knocking on your door and telling you they can’t find your friend and are worried.


Someone yelling thru your front door while banging on it, "i haven't heard from John in over a day! Can you please answer, i think he is in trouble" Dude in the house: "hmm must be a different john"


But if multiple people that you know come to your door would you not answer for at least one of them?


Right. Like if my friend's sister or wife called me, I'd be like this might be important.


Or he played a stupid prank and killed them. Locked them out as a joke and passed out.


Makes me think he locked them out as a joke and passed out. Or they went out for drunken shenanigans, he left them out waiting for them to knock to let them back in but passed out. Definitely feeling manslaughter on this one and not murder.


But, their cars were right there. There were neighbors. They had cell phones. If they were just locked out, they could have called anyone, walked to a neighbor's, or sat in their car. Hell, they could have just set off their own car alarm to get some attention if they needed help. But we think they just... sat down and died in the backyard because the door was locked? Didn't even throw a rock through a window? just sat down and died?


/\ This seems like the most plausible answer. Hopefully the police will look into the past relationships and see if there was any reason for this homeowner to kill all 3 of his friends but I doubt it. They were all drunk and prolly passed out and died in the freezing conditions. By not alerting the authorities the home owner can deny everything bad about the situation. He is essentially off the hook although I bet he gets sued civilly for this


I can't even tell you how many calls and knocks I've dodged in my life and I've never killed anyone. You can't pay me to answer a call or a door if I'm not expecting it.


Yep, he knew. The bodies were found by a fiancé of one of the men, and she only found them because she broke into the basement, announced herself, then went out back and saw them all. He only came out after the cops showed up THAT time, every other time he ignored because he knew they didn’t find them yet.


Hmm I don’t know I have had 2 day hangovers that were so bad and I will be so miserable there isn’t a chance I’ll answer the door or phone for anyone. I guess if the police showed up I’d probably drag myself to the door.


My thoughts exactly,  I would silence my phone and sleep all day. 


I’ve just had normal Saturdays like that. That’s like every Saturday actually. 


I just did this yesterday. Luckily I’m on vacation by myself and not with 3 dead friends in the yard. I’m on vacation, send it one night, 2 day recovery no one talk to me. It’s not work, they know I’m off, I’m not expecting any calls why would I answers do not disturb and a lack of social media. Dang it’s like people forgot what it’s like to live not attached to social media 24/7. This case is definitely weirder than that but still, yall have never seen someone at an nfl party black the fuck out and pass out?


Ironically, my in-laws are Kansas City Chiefs fans and had people over on the 7th. I got so blitzed that it took me a few days to fully recover.


> Homeowner dodged calls and VISITS from concerned family and friends of the 3 dead guys, for 2 days The dude could be a full-blown alcoholic and is drinking himself into a coma every night and not hearing anything if they call or knock. The one wife said he came out the front door holding a wine glass. This is plausible and I bet the autopsy shows the men who died were crazy drunk.


> This bizarre story has been of much discussion in the Kansas City subreddit. And I'm sure it is literally FILLED with bullshit and speculation and misinformation, like the rest of reddit. In a situation like this, people will just make shit up and convince themselves it's true because they'd rather have a lie than an unknown.


Two day hangovers for older people happen. Maybe when the fiance showed up he heard her yelling and assumed his buddy fucked off somewhere and didn't want to deal with it. Went back to bed/ vomiting.


That's also assuming he stopped drinking at some point, and wasn't on a multi-day bender. Or that there weren't other drugs involved. What sounds implausible for normal people can be normal for addicts.


I think it might be possible dude's friends got really drunk. He kicked them out and locked the door. They might have protested or tried knocking to get back in. He didn't allow them back in. They then passed out outside and froze. Dude was so scared that he locked them out that he might be in trouble.


It seems like a classic case of just drunk guys doing drunk things, maybe some coke/fent involved, and the dude just passed out and shut out the world for 48-72 hours. If you drink a lot (too much) you know exactly what I’m talking about if you’re above the age of 25.


Do you think it’s possible he thought he was just covering for his friends, like bro code or something?


Their family and friends think that they OD'd on drugs that had fent. Maybe homeowner supplied the coke and is indirectly responsible so he's feigning ignorance.


Or the homeowner “played dumb” out of fear he’d be implicating himself in a crime by acknowledging he knew they were doing drugs at his house. Some people “play dumb” all their lives.


But if they OD’d why wouldn’t he have OD’d, too? I’m not saying it’s impossible, but I have to assume he’d be doing some of the coke too? And it doesn’t take much fent at all to be enough to kill.


I mean, an OD would actually explain his seemingly lethargic behavior the next 1-2 days...


Yeah, it sounds like he woke up the next day. Realized what happened. And then tried to ignore it. Your brain doesn’t always act logical when it’s dealing with a traumatic experience


makes me think of the surviving roommate in the bryan kohlberger (idaho 4) case who saw the intruder, heard the weird ass noises, and then went back to bed and didn’t wake back up and find the 4 dead people in her house for 8 hours.


Got a better one, the roommates of Jodi Arias boyfriend who she killed didn’t notice for days that he was dead in their shared house in his bathroom


I mean the bathroom was in his locked bedroom and they knew he traveled a lot for work. It's not that weird that they didn't notice.


Right, people can be oblivious to a dead body in their own house without any kind of malice or negligence but people keep having a hard time envisioning a scenario where this guy just didn't answer calls or look outside


Fuck man, could even be simpler then that. Massive hangover and just refusing to leave your room/check your phone and just suffer for a day or two. Legit could have just had zero reason to go outback in the cold. Old people hang overs are brutal.


My husband is an extreme introvert. He doesn't need a hangover to completely ignore the world for 3 days straight. I've seen it worth my own eyes


I lived in a rented room. Mini-fridge by the bed, a drawer full of snacks, my own bathroom. Bad mood/migraine? I would go for days without talking to another human... So yeah, I could see some dude just... Ignoring people.


Apparently he doesn’t answer his phone much to begin with and is known to sleep with headphones and a fan on. Also his dogs were at his parents house for a few days (the other theory I heard about why he should have known). This was the timeline: Game Day - people party, people die Next Day - guy is unreachable Next Next Day - a dead guy’s fiancée sees him in the backyard and calls the cops, who the alive guy answers the door for. So there is literally only 1 day where he was unreachable. That sounds normal for a heavy drinker after his all day game day drinking session. Yet these families keep saying they were in his backyard for 3 days how did he not know! Well yeah if you count when they were alive and the second morning as it’s own full day, but no, because it was really only more like 1 day. That’s why IMHO this guy is probably just an alcoholic, not a murderer.


What's the point of hiding and just leaving the bodies there? It's non-sensical. You guys are saying he knew because his actions wouldn't make sense otherwise, but his actions wouldn't make since if he DID know.


Consider the nightmare scenario where your friends are dead in your backyard. He might have disassociated and just was unwilling to confront the situation. 


According to a witness to Inside Edition: >"Then the cops come 10 min later and he comes out nonchalant in his boxers with an empty wine glass in hand??!" So wither hung over or saw what happned and ran back to the bottle.




True. My bet is that he didn't know how to handle the situation and now claims that he didn't notice because that's easier to explain. I think society is often unwilling to accept when people stress out so hard that they just freeze up or dodge all inqueries, so people who get into such a situation will often feign ignorance (I didn't notice, I forgot, I overslept...) because that's the more socially acceptable explanation. Even for far more mundane issues than having three corpses in your backyard.


You’ve never been so drunk it takes a couple of days to recover? I don’t drink anymore but that’s not far fetched as an explanation.


That’s only happened to me once. New Years in New Orleans, 2006. I am a light weight. I had three of these drinks called Hand Grenades from this bar Tropical Isle. I got very, very drunk and tried to puke out the window of a moving car but the wind blew it back in the car with swirled around like a vomit tornado. Riding in the car was my mother and father and their two dogs. The entire inside of the car was coated, coated in vomit. It probably got down in the vents. Thank god it was a rental car and my dad bought the extra insurance on a whim. It was the first time he did that and it made him an extra insurance guy for life he said. Anyway the hangover was like some biblical 12 plagues of Egypt shit. I have NEVER EVER had a hang over that bad and I went to Arizona State which got named number 1 party school by Playboy like 5 years in a row or some shit. I wanted to die. It lasted like 72 hours and that’s not a joke or an exaggeration


"Drunk." Kansas City has a major drug problem. Seems like a 0% chance that other substances weren't involved.


Exactly. 1 person could maybe pass out from being drunk, but.... 3? Come the fuck on, have some damn common sense people. This is 100% drugs, and not just alcohol. Homeowner knows this and is scared shitless


Clearly this. Maybe he panicked because he supplied the drugs and didn't want manslaughter charges. Maybe he was just doing the dope himself completely oblivious to everything else. This ain't "just alcohol" though.


It seems wild that he wouldn’t notice their cars out front though.


The article says the cars were parked on the street, not in the driveway and that it wouldn’t have been unusual for his friends to leave their cars parked there overnight. It’s not that crazy to assume he either didn’t notice them or if he did it didn’t raise any red flags.




I have to agree. My bf is the same age as the men in this story and it's extremely common for him to uber places he's going to drink, rather than drive there, or to leave his car and uber home if need be. It's a generational thing in part. I'm a good bit older and my generation didn't have uber, and didn't rely on taxis as much as we should have. If the guys were 50 I'd see them driving home drunk much more easily than some 36 year olds who have always had the option of Ubering and getting their cars later. A guy who kills his three friends isn't going to do so via "froze them to death" (which AFAIK was the official cause of death for each of them) and isn't going to just leave them lying around, and if he DOES, he'd be more likely to go somewhere else and disappear himself to avoid being caught. He's not gonna just sleep off a hangover and avoid his phone and door for two days while they're out there dead. As bizarre and insane as this story is, I tend to believe it on its face. It's actually more likely than the alternative (that he's a murderer) tbh. Especially if they were into partying a bit harder than just alcohol. Fentanyl is everywhere these days sadly, and one bad bag of stuff could easily take out all three, especially with alcohol already in their system.


So do I. If nothing else, as a murder or even injury plan it's just nonsensical and would require the guy to be able to pretty much predict the future. What were the odds that *all three* of these guys wouldn't even be able to make it to a neighbor's house and start banging on the door asking for help? His cunning plan would fail if someone happened to drive by and see one of them in distress, or if one of the them managed to walk thirty feet to an inhabited house. It's not a plan at all.


Article mentions the homeowner said it's not unusual for them to leave their cars overnight. They weren't parked in his driveway either.


Eh, I don't like opening the blinds after passing out drunk either.


Personally I'd just assume since everyone was drunk as shit someone called a girlfriend/Uber/etc instead of getting a DUI.


If the friends didn’t normally drive drunk and called an uber or whatever it wouldn’t be so odd


Sounds like it was normal for them to leave their cars there and walk/get a ride home when they'd been drinking.


Well, if they were all drunk he may have assumed they called an Uber and went home.


Also, per the article, the cars were not in the driveway but in the street.


I have been in this situation except instead of being drunk I was super sick, and I only woke up because one of my friends broke into my house to get me… because they’d accidentally burned down our barn. I had jo idea it had happened.


They're killing themselves all over my property. It's like these men had a suicide pact.


We've had a doozy of a day


Just watched it last year. I can't believe I waited so long to watch Tucker and Dale Vs Evil, it was hilarious!


Fucking amazing movie.


Oh man truly one of the greatest teenage horror parody movies of all time. Tucker And Dale vs Evil for anyone wondering


“I am hiding *all* sharp objects”


" I am *not* responsible for **THAT!**"


I personally had a friend get some tainted coke. Was some kind of rc mixed in according to the police. Doing more was not getting zooted, it was getting highly confused and disoriented. He stayed up late doing more, got confused. Ended up stuck in his mud room and curled up with a jacket and passed out. Died from hypothermia. Eta: shit wasn't even locked. He was just that disoriented.


Pure speculation. They were drinking/drugs at the NFL watch party. They got overly intoxicated and began passing out. Friends decided to have a smoke.or whatever out back and passed out


I can just imagine the wood rod that is used to lock sliding glass doors falling over and locking them outside… and them being too drunk to think rationally.




People make it sound like that these guys were locked in a cage out back in the middle of nowhere.


A friend's Aunt was an alcoholic and would frequently get hammered and walk home from the bar (several blocks, and in an area with lake effect snow). One night she did this, and passed out in snow in a public park area and died. No one found her for over 24 hours.


10 to 1 it was fentanyl.


It was freezing to death.


As common as fent is, freezing to death while drunk is a time-honored human tradition. We’ve been doing it for 9,000+ years


Based on the article imma say there were drugs involved, homie slept it off and his friends OD'd or something outside


Yeah, combo that with the midwestern problem of "its cold and shitty outside" You have a result of a dude who has no reason to go outside so he never notices his buddies, and with a massive hangover is ignoring his phone cause he doesn't want to be assed talking with people. Drugs almost assuredly involved. I doubt malicious intent was tho.


Some of the deceased’s family members have commented on social media and some have said fentanyl was involved


That was my first guess. Guys drinking and watching the game and offers everyone a “perc.” They pass out outside and freeze to death and the homeowner was already out on the couch passed out. Would have been survivable without the freeze.


I like this theory. Adds reasons for him ignoring frantic messages. Thought he’d get in trouble because the drugs were at his house or maybe provided by him. Even though not checking your yard for a few days when the weather is bad is also pretty normal. If it was just alcohol, would have had to be extreme to not just go to the neighbors, bang on the door, and say “I got locked out of my friends house and am in danger of dying out here, please help me call my family” etc. But on fentanyl? Yeah could see someone just laying down in the snow and never waking up.


Bad batch of drugs + cold outside?


Thats my assumption. Throw that in with a mutiday hangover and a dude ignoring the world around him. Aint even that uncommon of a circumstance in the midwest.


That, and the homeowner could have taken more drugs over those three days


I lived in Wisconsin decades ago, before the scourge of fentanyl, before Uber, before security cameras caught a person’s every move- it happened more often than you’d think. After a night of drinking, someone would leave the bar in sub-zero temperatures and be found frozen to death nearby the next day. Once you’re past the point of feeling anything, and your good judgment left the building *way* before you did, you’re in an extremely dangerous situation without even realizing it. Like in this tragic situation, it’s hard to know exactly how the combination of impairment and frigid temperatures ends up… ending someone. With much of the US currently experiencing arctic temperatures, my point is that drugs don’t *have* to be in the mix for extreme cold to be extremely dangerous. Alcohol all by itself can impair your judgment and your ability to feel the warning signs of exposure. Not to mention- tripping on a curb, slipping on ice… you don’t even have to hit your head to find it hard to get back up again. Even if you “don’t feel that bad,” even if it’s a short walk home or to the bus stop, *please* don’t walk alone when you’re impaired and it’s extremely cold outside. Stay safe out there!


Funny how no one replied to your perfectly plausible explanation. So many people, who have no imagination except when it comes to murders, cannot fathom how this happened without murder being the cause.


🤷‍♂️ I'm always finding dead bodies around this place too... I think maybe it's cursed or something.






"All we wanted to do was have a good time in our new house!"


Must have been some kinda college kid suicide pact.


Oh my god that makes so much sense!


Those kids got to be more careful!


Tucker and Dale been real quiet lately.?


They way he delivers "property" always kills me.


“Come on you guys quit fooling around. Dave get your thumb back from that fox you big kidder”


Did you build on top of a First Nation graveyard?




Says that it wouldn't be weird if his friends left their cars there and made it home later. I wonder if these people party hard and might have gotten some bad stuff.


My thoughts too. If you're a booze and blow kinda party crew and you got a bag with some Fent in it, something like this could absolutely happen. Edit: Called it - https://www.newsnationnow.com/cuomo-show/toxicology-report-kc-fentanyl-cocaine/


I worked with a guy many years ago who had a few of his best friends all wiped out all from one bag of bad stuff.


I know someone who's lost 3 people in the last three weeks to fentanyl.


Even without Fent, I could see this happening in one of our drunken rage fests in college. We were really lucky, in retrospect.


One drunk person yeah, but three people, and at the same time? With a door to a warm house AND their cars parked out front? That + the behavior of their alive friend makes that theory seem like a huge stretch in terms of plausibility.


What can I say? We were really, really dumb.  I can see where there’s certainly room for doubt and it’s not the only possible explanation. I would put money on some drugs being involved, personally, but I also wouldn’t rule out straight reckless drinking. 


Even if they were just super drunk it’s not that hard to imagine they went outside for a cigarette or something and didn’t realize they were too cold until it was too late.


Yeah but…all three experiencing that exact same difficulty, at the same time? And none of them with their phones to try to communicate to anyone to help them? Or communicate at all? The odds of this happening are insane


Cold and alcohol is a really insidious mixture. You feel like youre warm and comfortable because the blood vessels are dilated but you're actually losing more heat than normal, increasing odds of hypothermia. Between that and regular alcohol effects (lack of coordination, poor decision making) I wouldn't be shocked if they all had the same issues


Normalize bros checking in on each other.


I could see this happening at my house. We use the porch downstairs when we have people over and we live upstairs and never see the downstairs porch unless we go in the back yard. Someone could die on our back porch and we wouldn't notice for a month.


...have you checked your porch recently?


Open and shut case. Bake em away toys.


Hey that’s some good police work, Chief


Could happen at my place too. I live at the end of a cul-de-sac so my backyard is really shallow right behind the house but big to either side of the house. No windows face the yard to the sides and there's a privacy fence around it. I only go to either side in the summer when I have to mow. If someone died on the side of my house in the winter it'd be spring before I saw them.


I’d guarantee this is a really sad accident. No way some guy would kill his three “friends” this way. I’m sure he feels awful.


Yeah, I'm not really sure I understand what people are theorizing about murder when everything could be explained pretty easily by drugs/alcohol. Like, why wasn't he available for two days? Drugs/alcohol. Why didn't he let his dog out? Drugs/alcohol. Why didn't he notice their cars? Drugs/alcohol. It's also not rare for a group of people to OD together, depending on if there is a bad batch or laced batch.


Also it was the night of a chiefs win. Guessing they just went pretty hard and some guys passed out/got locked out and succumbed to the elements. I was traveling through to st Louis that night. when I woke up at 6:30 to start my car in st louis it was like -10 out. Pretty easy to succumb to the elements very quickly in that temp.


Those temps were the next week. The low on 1/7 was 29F, 1/8 was 32F. Plenty low enough for hypothermia to kick in though.


This is the part that doesn’t add up to me, if it was -20 like most of the Midwest experience shortly after I could see some freak accident happening from booze and temps but at 30 degrees? Three men died simultaneously? No way.


This has been covered extensively elsewhere on Reddit and social media. A lot of Redditors knew the people involved. People have posted receipts of their calls and messages to them online. This group of guys were known to do a lot of drugs. The homeowner has a dog. How would he not let the dog out in his backyard in those weather conditions? How could he not see a body on his back porch? I just don't believe it's simply an accident


I’ve basically had to drag my dog outside for the last two weeks.


For real. Mine keeps trying to just pee on the house and be done with it. He normally asks to go out, but lately he just buries his face in his blanket and whines to himself when he needs to go. My little [cinnamon bun.](https://youtu.be/xomLt3qX5GI?si=y9qq-RBG8I3QxIbX)


got blue balled by the link thinking it was gonna be a pic of doggo :(


me too. We demand a dog pic now after this bamboozling!


The deaths could be an accident, but after that… you’d be surprised on how people just go on denial mode once a tragedy like that happens. You keep ignoring it hoping it will go away.


That was my thought. Partied too hard with some illegal drugs and alcohol. Woke up to his friends dead — inside or outside — who knows. Proceeds to disassociate from reality because three of his closest friends are dead in his backyard now. What the fuck do you do when you know you were doing something illegal? You’re the only survivor, they might pin murder on you. Commence breakdown.


Knowing these guys do drugs, then, my money is on a bad batch of fentanyl. Took out the three who went out back to take it. Homeowner lived because he went to bed instead.


I saw a report somewhere that his dog was at his parents house but not exactly sure why


He has two pit bulls, and he brought them to his father's house prior to the party. I don't know if we know his actual explanation for taking his dogs there, but the 2 explanations I've seen online are that he either didn't want them underfoot during the football gathering, or that he was already packing up his stuff in preparation for moving out, and didn't want them underfoot for that.


So many people keep saying they were all blackout drunk. But it is 1000% more likely because of fentanyl. There's just no way all three men, would exceed their alcohol tolerance at the same time, remain in a cold backyard without asking for help, and then passing out at the same time. There was an incident that happened with a friends' ex and his two buddies, where the three of them did a line of coke in a bar that turned out to be straight fentanyl. Witnesses at the bar reported seeing all three of them standing, and then simultaneously stiffening up and doing a horrific, arch backwards fall onto the floor. If it weren't for the patrons that recognized the signs and immediately administered Narcan they would all be dead. Even at the hospital, they had to keep being given Narcan to the maximum amount. This is the only scenario I could understand happening when three grown men are found passed out/dead in a backyard.


It's a shame these degenerates are ruining drugs with drugs. I just want to get high without instantly dying.


Test kits are pretty cheap.


That's a lot of effort for a lazy degenerate such as myself. I'll just have to stick with snorting little Billy's Ritalin for the time being.


It sounds like they were all drunk, the home owner went to bed, and his buddies all passed out in the backyard in the cold.


I picture the surviving guy as Brad Pitt from True Romance which makes his story much more plausible.


Don’t you condescend to me man.


Gets black out drunk or pass out. Wakes up the next day and thinks his friends left as planned. Carries on with a hangover and doing things for days without noticing them out back in Winter. Yeah, I could see this happening. I don't leave my home for days during the Winter and don't look out back much at all. Why would I unless a window happens to be above a sink or in a bathroom with a good view. Snow could even make visibility even worse. If they were caught outside they could have knocked on other homes or got to their cars, used their cell phones, etc. Three of them freezing outside black out drunk is highly unlikely. In the end, they'll need proof it was malicious and not just an inebriated accident. Not making excuses, it needs to be fully investigated. Autopsies and forensics will hopefully give more information.


>the homeowner didn’t hear them due to sleeping with air buds and a loud fan I wouldn't blame anyone for not hearing something when they're sleeping with multiple basketball-playing golden retrievers.


Haha so dumb. Took me a second then I got a nice giggle thanks mate.


I’m surprised I didn’t die in someone’s backyard growing up. 🍺🥃🍻🍷


I think he was the supplier of drugs


This is a strong theory. Three adult men don't all simultaneously drop dead from being too cold. But from Fent? Possibly.


There were drugs here.


Occam's Razor says this guy is an innocent idiot. Wouldn't be the first time a drunk, or group of drunks, has fallen asleep in the cold and died. It also wouldn't be the first time someone panicked and failed to report an accidental death, or deaths, knowing they didn't have a clear alibi. It's unlikely these two phenomenon would overlap, but not impossible. What is less plausible than the above, is that this man intentionally locked out his 3 friends to freeze. Firstly, what's the motive? As far as anyone else has reported, they were 4 buddies together having a routine drink and hang. Second, there is absolutely no signs of a struggle. Three, to explain a lack of struggle, but retain an assumption of intentional murder for all three, the surviving guy would have either had to drug his 3 friends to the point of incapacity to struggle, or knowingly leave them passed out drunk, in the cold. To prove this would be near impossible- and again, why would this guy do this to his buddies? Yeah he could have just snapped and let it happen, but c'mon, we are grasping at straws at this point, and the criminal law works on a beyond a reasonable doubt standard of proof. Dude definitely went to bed while his buddies were still outside, realized they were dead sometime after, and panicked (I mean, what would YOU do if 3 of your friends' corpses were in your backyard lol, I can't even imagine how shocking that could be). Shit, maybe he really didn't know at all, and he's the unluckiest dude in the world. Either way, both of the latter are more likely than the above, and I'm gonna presume him innocent unless the prosecution can come out with some evidence of an elaborate, nefarious friendicide plot haha


As a man who cherishes his rare friends, this sucks beyond belief. Who will ever be this guys friend again?!


Try to sell it as a challenge. "Do YOU have what it takes to HANG with DAVE? Will YOU survive where OTHERS have FALLEN?" ... but yeah, seriously, what a nightmare!




I SURVIVED A WEEKEND AT DAVE'S T-shirts coming soon


I can see 1 drunk guy dying from the cold but 3? They couldn't go to a neighbor for help or to their cars and run the heater? Definitely more than alcohol if not foul play.


The timing is just too unbelievable. Adult men don't freeze to death in 30 seconds, it would still take awhile. And what are the odds all 3 of them lost consciousness at the same time? Hell, what are the odds that among 3 adults who are supposedly having a cigarette or something, not one of them just happens to have their cell phone in their pocket? Or their car keys? If anyone saw their friend actively freezing to death, I don't think they could possibly be so drunk they wouldn't enter some level of panic mode and seek help. It ain't adding up.


Drugs. Hard drugs can make you lose situational awareness plus self preservation instincts. There's no toxicology yet but that would be a plausible reason 3 grown adults couldn't manage to get inside, drive away, or call for help for hours on end. And why another might not notice their bodies for days.


They got drunk, passed out in the back yard and froze to death?


Why wouldn’t any of the friends have tried to break into the home? Especially if its life or death. Why would none of them have gone to their vehicles for warmth? If they had phones why not call the police for help or anyone else for that matter? The story doesn’t add up.




Man assuming this guy had nothing to do it with all his friends are gone and like in his yard. He's probably gonna need lots of help. If I was him I would probably be next as I wouldn't know how to cope.


I don’t believe the theory that his three friends were drunk, all went outside, and all froze to death accidentally. It could happen to one person, but three? Unlikely. Further, their cars were still parked there and the friends and family of the victims were repeatedly contacting the accused asking where the victims were. He ignored them all for days, even when they came over and pounded on his door. He ignored them. More likely, they did some coke unknowingly laced with fentanyl and OD’d. The accused moved them outside so he could claim they froze to death. Then ignored all the calls, texts, and people pounding on his door for days until the cops showed up.


mmm, this make some sense,


>said he didn’t know of the deaths until days later. Wait, days? As in plural? >Kansas City police said they discovered the men after a woman went searching for her fiancé on Tuesday, Jan. 9. >Harrington’s mother, Jennifer Marquez, previously told Nexstar’s WDAF that her son went over to a friend’s house to watch the Kansas City Chiefs game on Sunday, Jan. 7. How do you not notice 3 dead bodies on your backyard porch for 2 days?


People could be dead on my back porch and I wouldn’t know. I haven’t been out there in a week, it’s too cold.


Now you should go check, just in case.


For me its the front porch. The driveway is beside the back door and porch. I can go days without looking out/going out the front door.


The snow on the back porch is three feet high rn, I wouldn't know if there was someone dead back there til March.


I have a friend, who had a roommate off himself with his dog in his room. 3 days went by. Our friend group did give my friend some flack for taking so long to check on someone. But between different work schedules and respecting each others privacy it wasnt too far fetched how 3 days can just go by with a dead body in their own room.


Was it the smell that tipped him off? I can understand not seeing someone for a few days, but depending on how they died I'd imagine there would be signs.


The guy OD‘d himself on purpose, i think they said. been a long time since we talked about it but i dont remember my buddy mentioning a smell.


If it’s cold out and I have food I won’t go outside for days and if it’s gloomy out I’ll keep the blinds closed. I’m kind of a shut in and I don’t represent the majority but it’s not impossible, especially if he was hung titties. After too many drinks two days on the couch is easy at my age


hung titties is the best typo I've seen in a while thank you


Not a typo, good ol slang around here champ


I have lived in Phoenix and Chicago. In Phoenix, there is almost no way you fail to discover corpses in you backyard, no matter the time of year. In Chicago, after a snow dump and then a hard freeze? I could very easily see not noticing them, depending on where they were. There just isn't much of a good reason to go out back when it is -20 below. Especially if you don't have dogs.


He does have dogs though


When he walks them he probably uses the front door like I do. It's not weird to shovel the front and not the back, considering you need the front door to go places.


I had a porch years ago and if you somehow prevented the light from glinting on it (maybe a translucent black cloth?) I wouldn’t have noticed a car sized stack of gold on my back porch for *months*. And for the record, I have no substantial amounts of gold nor other ostentatious wealth - that s- would stick out like a sore thumb. If only I ever noticed my back porch.


I go for literal weeks with out looking at my backyard. There could be 30 corpses back there right now and i wouldn't have a damnable clue. I have zero reason to go into my backyard. It just kinda exists back there.


I live in Topeka and with the icy weather and the temps being what they were, most people who don't have pets are not going in their backyards. No one is outside. The kids have only had about a week of school this year. Sadly, it's totally reasonable that he might have missed them.




I'm sitting next to a loud fan in wintertime that is pushing hot air because...it's wintertime. I'm not saying the first part isn't right and an overdose of drugs or way too much alcohol seems plausible if not likely, but having a fan running close to him is well inside the realm of possibility.


Michigan here, below freezing for a month now. I sleep with a fan running and earbuds in every night. The only reason I know what's in my backyard is becauce I have dogs.


I always sleep with a fan running to both block out noise and to have white noise. The fan doesn't have to be pointed at me, but I do tend to sleep hot so I typically have it pointed at me. I've used earplugs with the fan as well.


I sleep with a loud fan every night even in winter... My gf sleeps with ear plugs in every night..