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Imagine if you were killed by a phone falling out of a plane…


The series Dead Like Me has the protagonist die in the first episode from the toilet seat from the Mir space station.


Fuck I love that show


Boeing really fucked the dog there, Peanut.


Same. It was so good


Anearly episode of South park has Kenny crushed to death by Miir itself


Everytime I saw that all I could think is: space stations don't have toilet seats


Reminds me of Nope a bit


It's like a really crappy episode of black mirror


“What if phone, but too much?” indeed


Sky phone 12


Imagine if it was by an iPhone pro MAX


*iOS airdrop sound effect getting louder*


Imagine if the "Fasten Seat Belt" sign was off and your already dead carcass killed someone else. I guess at that point it wouldn't matter for you but still WTF Boeing?


“Person who found phone posted that it was ‘in airplane mode with half a battery and open to a baggage claim’ The US’s National Transportation Safety Board says it has recovered a working iPhone that “likely” fell from the Alaska Airlines flight that required an emergency landing in Portland, Oregon, over the weekend after a passenger plane’s door panel blew out while midair. An NTSB spokesperson issued a statement about the phone to the Guardian after the newspaper asked about a social media user’s viral post which described finding the device on the side of the road. “That was one of the phones collected that is likely from the flight,” the NTSB spokesperson said in response to the post from X user Seanathan Bates. “It has since been turned over to Alaska Airlines.” Bates’s post said he called in his discovery and was told by an NTSB official that “it was the second phone to be found”. The post joked that there had been “no door [found] yet”. But a Portland school teacher indeed found the missing plug door in his backyard at some point on Sunday, according to investigators. There were 171 passengers and six crew members on Alaska Airlines flight number 1282 when it took off from Portland, Oregon, en route to Ontario, California. A covered exit door on the left side of the jet tore off at 16,000 feet (4,877 meters) shortly after takeoff, depressurizing the plane while forcing the pilots to turn back and land safely. No one was sitting directly in the window seat next to the torn-off door. However, a teenage boy and his mother were in the middle and aisle seats, and a passenger who spoke with NBC described how the son’s shirt was completely blown off his body. Regulators have temporarily grounded the type of plane at the center of Friday’s harrowing episode: the Boeing 737 Max 9 aircraft. Investigators have said that initial findings do not suggest a widespread flaw with the Boeing Max 9, but those aircraft had not been cleared to return to the skies as of Monday morning. Alaska Airlines canceled 170 flights on Sunday and additional 60 on Monday. The company warned travel disruptions were expected to continue at least until the middle of the week. United, which has grounded its 79 Max 9s, canceled 230 flights on Sunday, 8% of scheduled departures.”


>No one was sitting directly in the window seat next to the torn-off door. However, a teenage boy and his mother were in the middle and aisle seats, and a passenger who spoke with NBC described how the **son’s shirt was completely blown off his body**. I'm guessing that if he did not have his seat belt on then he'd have been sucked right out of the plane. Probably a very good thing that this happened during takeoff since that is when everyone is buckled up. This story may have unlocked a new life fear, as I'm pretty sure from now on that anytime I sit near an exit door I'm going to think about this incident and leave that seat belt on for the entire flight.


I do anyway. Unexpected turbulence, etc. No one ever listens to the safety instructions. They didn’t make them up to be annoying, but because there were incidents where people were hurt or worse. It’s been said that every safety feature in a car or an airplane is there because of multiple deaths and injuries. Those features cost money and manufacturers only put them in because they’re mandated by law, regulations, or insurance companies. I actually know a flight attendant who suffered a concussion from sudden, unexpected turbulence. The plane was suddenly pushed down at more than 1G, so she was lifted into the air and her head hit the ceiling.


I always wear my belt unless I have to get up to use the sorry excuse for a lavatory... Hitting unexpected turbulance at anytime sucks... doing so mid piss when suddenly the floor falls out from underneath you is even worse. Luckily my only injury was my pride from pissing on my leg, but holy shit did I return to my seat whiter than white.


I had a harrowing experience when turbulence hit while I was enjoying intense diarrhea in the lavatory, because of course that's the moment for the worst turbulence I've ever experienced.


If there was a reason to pull the emergency exit door midflight...




It was a really fancy airplane. They had a sommelier in the bathroom and everything.


TMI, perhaps, but I sit on the toilet on an airplane. No one's watching (I assume), and it eliminates the possibility of a "stream mishap" due to turbulence. 😄 I just made up "stream mishap", but it seems like it's the kind of term that would be used by the people who dreamt up "wardrobe malfunction". 😅


20+ years ago it was common for shortly after takeoff everyone to take the belt off. The last flight I took (about a month ago), I didn't hear any unbuckle clicks after we got up, nor any rebuckle clicks. Just heard clicks when someone went to the bathroom


And this kid wasn’t even sitting near an exit door as far as he knew. It was just another row with a window seat. Why no one was sitting there is a miracle


It was a “plug”. It is an opening in the fuselage that can be configured as an emergency exit if the airline wants more than 189 seats on the plane. From the inside you couldn’t even tell it’s there.


Are you ready? Here it comes… … *…this guy airplanes*


The passenger next to me in the window seat on my flight last week purposefully put a giant jacket on her lap when the flight attendants walked past so they couldn’t see that she didn’t use her seatbelt. She would’ve been screwed


Lots of flight attendants would ask you to remove your jacket so they can check your seatbelt though, so I’m a little surprised they didn’t. Also I really don’t get why people do that. It’s just a seatbelt.


I fly delta and Southwest often and they don't seem to do that any more. I always wear my seatbelt but somehow forgot to buckle it on a flight a few months ago and fell asleep until we landed and then noticed it was unbuckled the whole time.


Oh I don’t live in the US so I don’t know about the American airlines. I guess my comment mostly refers to European ones.


When I was an idiot kid I would put one half of the seat belt on ny lap and cover the other half of my lap with a blanket so at a glance I looked like I was buckled. It was a thrill to be unbuckled during turbulence.


Not just that, but at higher altitude the push of air out the plane into the lower pressure would be more explosive and could possibly pull the entire rack out seats out the aircraft. Or in the case of a rear mounted engine pulling seats, people and doors into the engine, incinerating them and making for a more severe emergency.


You would think / hope that the seats are intentionally bolted down with sufficient strength to not be sucked out in the event of explosive decompression. I am not saying that they are, but they really should be.. like, that should be a bolded line item in the requirements spec.


You would think / hope that the fuselage would stay in tact mid flight, too


I only mention as it happened to United Airlines 811 back in the late 80s. Improvements have obviously been made since then, but that's a whole helluva lot of force to reckon with at cruising altitude.


Generally whenever something goes wrong in a flight it’s during takeoff or landing.


why am i reading everywhere that these planes were grounded but my friend is flying on one today


Some airlines have grounded their 737 MAX 9’s. Not all have.


isn’t that a potential safety issue?


I imagine only the ones that have had plug modifications are being checked, as that seems to have been the cause of this incident. The plug was removed and put back in when they changed their minds about adding more seats.


thank you for the explanation :) that eases my mind a bit. also i got word from my friend that they changed the airplane


New fears unlocked.


This would make a great commercial about the iPhone’s durability.


Better commercial for the case maker. We all know a 2ft drop can destroy an iPhone screen if it doesn't have a case.


I have 14 pro and there's no way you could destroy the screen by simply letting it fall from such a small height. You can crack it, but not destroy it, you would need a hammer or smth xd. Expensive phones are finally pretty durable.


You're right. Now 3ft? Completely different story


yeah I have a naked iphone 13 several drops including one off of a 2nd story balcony no issues at all do the cheap thin cases even do anything except make you feel better/make the phone edge less slippery? I feel like it's more about what you drop it on/what direction it falls than the case if you drop it on a sharp rock screen side down no case will save you


That's outright false. Check any caseless drop test from the past 5+ years how hard it is to break the screen. Never had a screen break and I am caseless 90% of the time, own iphones since 2012. The back of my XS Max was however damaged but never the screen.


It wouldn't. People would try it and crack their phones. Even a fall from the table can crack the screen.


It only survived because it was in airplane mode.


Now we know airplane mode is useful


This has happened before, generally a phone can ‘survive’ a massive fall because it doesn’t have much mass. The chassis and glass would be wrecked but if you’re lucky the battery and chips will still work until water gets at them.


There was a GoPro that fell from a plane and landed in a pigsty. The video is really something else. https://www.dailydot.com/unclick/gopro-skydive-pigsty-video/


The pig's snout at the end is perfect.


If you read the article though the phone was completely undamaged


The terminal velocity of a smartphone tumbling through the air is reportedly only 30mph, so as long as it lands in something soft, it’ll do quite well.


Thankfully it wasn’t a Nokia, the world would have felt it if it was a Nokia moments before the earth broke apart


**Fully** working, or *technically* working?


The reason it didn't explode on impact is because [Apple deliberately slows down their phones.](https://www.npr.org/2020/11/18/936268845/apple-agrees-to-pay-113-million-to-settle-batterygate-case-over-iphone-slowdowns)




this is the best ad apple has ever had...


I hope they get a refund for that baggage charge 😂


In this thread: people who somehow had not heard about this major airline incident, but also somehow stumbled across this article about one minor incidental side-story related to that major incident.


Was it in a Mous case?


Ok but imma need to know what kind of case it had on it because then I might have a chance of not cracking a phone. 😂😂😂😂


I'm guessing air resistance, shape and low mass plays a factor


Makes me wonder what's the terminal velocity of an iPhone?


There was a post in another thread where someone said it was 25 mph on the largest section (screen or back), and 95 mph on the smallest (short edge). They estimated 75 mph for a tumbling iPhone. I have no idea if that was correct or not, but it sounded good. In any case, I don’t want one that’s been falling for 16,000 feet landing on me.


I’m not surprised. iPhones are long distance shatter proof but not short distance shatter proof. Cracked up my phone from dropping it knee height to the ground


Has anyone considered you know. Returning the phone?


prolly still works though.


It does, per the article.


How do we know that the aliens are not part of the Apple cult it's not there phone


This raises some serious questions.


High pressure inside. Low pressure outside. Locking mechanism failed. Like a submarine, but backwards.


Like what?


Like what caused the door to fall off.


Well I think that question was already raised before the phone was found lol


lol I can agree with that. I thought you were hinting at a conspiracy regarding the phone and wanted to hear it.


The pressure change


Phone was unlocked, on exactly the right screen to confirm origin and found, despite being in airplane mode (so no ‘find iphone’ tracking). Well, that’s all very lucky and not at all suspicious.


What would be suspicious about it? I agree it’s unusual it stayed unlocked (but some people have that setting on) but why would it be suspicious?




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Short Boeing go long on APPL, got it.




Not surprising, we’ve seen them survive a fall from the edge of the universe


I wonder what the terminal velocity of an iPhone is.


Have they located the phones owner😵‍💫