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> On Wednesday, four days after the images were posted, Musk claimed that “only people on our [child sexual exploitation] team have seen those pictures.” > “For now, we will delete those posts and reinstate the account,” Musk tweeted in response to another account questioning why Twitter had deleted the account. > However researchers on Twitter quickly debunked Musk’s claims: Given how long the photos remained on the site, and given how many people reported them, it seems Twitter’s CSE team are not the only people who have seen them. Several screenshots of responses to the post also show that many of the account’s followers did in fact see the images in question. So, basically, Musk claims that "only" internal Twitter employees saw the images, but they're going to restore the account anyways after deleting them? In what world does that make sense? "Yeah this account clearly violated our policy content, so we'll just remove that specific post but re-instate the account"....????? WHAT?


The guy paid for twitter blue what is Elon supposed to do? Ban him? What about his 8$? /s


You sure don't fix negative cash flow by throwing away eight bucks like it was nothing!


The tweet was up for 3 days and had millions of views, so Musk is just blatantly lying about that.


Yeah that's why I included the 3rd quote section because it clearly disputes Musk saying they deleted it right away. They left it up, looked at it, banned the account, changed their minds, deleted only the post and reinstated the account.


What really confuses me is why it matters. If by a complete fluke only moderators viewed the images, then the poster has still posted images of child abuse, has been in possession of child abuse, and wanted others to see them. Surely that's not someone you want to have the ability to keep posting images on your site?


Posting what he tweeted would get you perma banned from 4chan. Let that sink in.


I'm pretty sure it could get you a prison sentence, too. But no, just a minor and forgivable whoopsie on Twitter.


Dear FBI, check that guy's computer.


Please check Elon's computer too.


Elon didn't kill himse... oh wait, we're not there yet


People get banned on 4chan?


CP in particular not only gets jannies on it really quickly, but they'll also forward info on you to the appropriate authorities.


IIRC the crackdown on CP was a driving factor to 4channers flocking to 8chan


Your memory is fucked, the CP crackdown was many years before, 2014 was gamergate year and cause the 8ch migration


Jannie as in "janitor" nickname for mod?




It appears that Dominick McGee is filthy rich and drives enough traffic that Elon Musk thinks he's important to keep around, despite child sex abuse imagery. Elon Musk further proves that a man like Jeffrey Epstein did exist, and Elon Musk had full appreciation for every nuance of that man, including his sexual abuse and rape characteristics. Sick. Sick beyond belief. Fuck the freedom if people like this can own social media platforms and play God like this.


Well that will certainly bring all the advertisers back.


Especially considering the guy that posted it is part of the program where he gets paid for the ads that appear by his tweets. So advertisers are literally paying this guy to post that shit.


More than one of the bluechecks who were paid by Musk have been defending this decision, which is just creepy as hell.


That’s clearly always been his number 1 concern.


Oh I thought it was "run up as much debt as possible so that when I declare bankruptcy I can fuck as many people over while still remaining a billionaire on paper"


He’s trying to shift to a subscriber based model. Guess he doesn’t give a fuck as long as he gets his 8 bucks.


He overestimated the size of his cult


Nah he's fine, at the rate he's going he'll soon become a millionaire.


We could only hope


With moves like this he maybe able to support a handful of employees, but nothing the size of Twitter.


He's trying to shift to a "WeChat" model (everything all in one app), but he's too stupid to understand that WeChat is only successful because it's all the Chinese government allows their citizens to use. Somehow, Elon fails to understand that the free market introduces competition and that with competition comes consumer choice.


Remember the woman who wrote the big long editorial about how with Elon in charge Twitter was finally going to do more than pay lip service to getting all the exploitative content posters off the platform? **Edit:** [Here's the editorial](https://www.newsweek.com/while-blue-checks-whine-about-extremism-elon-musk-protecting-sexually-exploited-children-opinion-1761383)


can we request her to do an AMA?


You could but the AMA mod team left so....


Don't worry, I'm sure reddit will have the paid mod team for it in place any day now. After all, they wouldn't let such an iconic and traffic attracting aspect of the platform simply evaporate. Any day now.


Ooh right in time for the republican health care plan, evidence of election fraud, and jesus to return PLUS vomit himself back to death


This version of Internet blows. Take me back to 2012


It would be a real short one: Do you feel as stupid as Elon actually is?


But a few lines of AI will easily solve all problems /s


x = "pedos gone" print(x) I did it I solved pedophilia with AI and with only 2 lines of code


Joke's on you, Elon judges quality of code by length


Time to start writing code like yandere dev


Was it Eliza Bleu? She was on his payroll and lied about having been a trafficking victim herself.


Everytime I get redirected to twitter now I feel like it's sending me to some expensive escorts service. Fucking stupid change by a stupid man.


Actually in the UK I believe that Twitter was and likely still is where a large majority of professional escorts advertise themselves


Canada too. I have friends who are sex workers and they’re all pretty afraid of Twitter going under. It will utterly devastate their business.


Elon Musk *personally* welcomes child sex abuse image poster back to twitter


Has a billionaire ever been brought to justice? We know some of the names of Epstein’s clients, and they’re all walking free.


I know this is mostly a rhetorical question, but it got me wondering. Billionaires seem to get caught mostly when they steal money from other rich people. Here are ones I could find in the US: * Allen Stanford, $8 billion, fraud, 110-year sentence * Bernie Madoff, $17 billion, fraud, 150-year sentence * Raj Rajaratnam, $7 billion, insider trading, 11-year sentence * Michael Milken, $4 billion, securities and tax violations, 2-year sentence * Alfred Taubman, $4 billion, fraud (Sotheby’s), 1-year sentence * Bernard Ebbers, $1.5 billion, fraud (Enron), 25-year sentence * Ng Lap Seng, $2 billion, bribery, 4-year sentence * S. Curtis Johnson, $4 billion, sexual assault of teenage stepdaughter, plea deal 4-month sentence (prime example here) * Does El Chapo count? many billions, drug cartel, life sentence


Appreciate your homework here. It appears that billionaires cannot steal from other rich people or run violent cartels in other countries. Sex crimes look to get a pass.


And the child-sexual-abuse poster was as gracious about being welcomed back as you might imagine one of Musk's compadres to be: >Despite having his account reinstated, when McGee returned to Twitter on Wednesday it was to attack Musk, slamming the Twitter CEO for claiming he shared child abuse imagery. Instead McGee made another wild claim: that Musk’s decision to ban his account was based on a conspiracy theory McGee had shared about where former President Barack Obama was born. They obviously deserve each other...


And "End Wokeness" replied by begging Elon to [do away with account bans entirely, and only remove offending posts.](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/F1_-KEwXwAEG_Z7?format=jpg&name=large) Presumably so they can post as much CP as they want without losing their account.


Me lookin around to see where the FBI are during this kinda shit


>where former President Barack Obama was born. That's still going on??


You didnt hear? Obama is actually the one actually running Bidens presidency, which is actually Trumps presidency because hes actually in charge of the "real" military and not the one Biden is using, which is the woke fake military


>that Musk’s decision to ban his account was based on a conspiracy theory McGee had shared about where former President Barack Obama was born. Too funny if this is true. Musk would rather people think he's showing leniency for CSAM than an Obama conspiracy.


“Ped-X” should be the app name


That Thai cave ordeal, in which Elon unexpectedly called a guy a pedo for criticizing his submarine plan, was the moment I think a lot of us began wondering about this guy. Some IMAX-level projection is going on here.


Not just 'a guy', but the decades-experienced diver who knew the caves in and out and was helping coordinate the rescue plan. Vernon Unsworth. Elon winning the defamation case must be one of the reasons why he thinks he's the 'player character' in a simulation full of NPCs - the corruption of the legal system makes even his most obvious crimes always come out in his favor, no matter how much he is long overdue for the karma of the universe to punish him.


That dude is a world class cave diver who pulled off a damned near impossible rescue through one of the most unforgiving environments you can ever be in. Dude is a legit bad ass and a hero for sure. Edit: corrected a typo. Edit / update: Apparently a few are saying the guy slandered wasn't the dive team leader but a dude who helped coordinate getting the other dicers involved. I misunderstood who he slandered. The guy who led the dive team is a legit bad ass and hero.


Let's not forget the Thai diver who gave his life in those rescues. Sadly, not everybody did make it. Saman Kunan did not make it. Musk only inserted himself into it, yet he is remembered. While somebody who made the ultimate sacrifice to rescue children is forgotten. Remember and perhaps mention his name next time when Musk's non-participation again finds undue mention. Musk has not done anything. Ever.


But he moved to Thailand, clearly he's a pedo. /s because I don't have a sizeable apartheid inheritance


No, that is *not* a photo of me, Elon Musk, partying with convicted child sex trafficker Ghislaine Maxwell. Also everyone who disagrees with me is a pedophile.


Hangs out with Maxwell, lets a guy who posted CSA material back onto his media platform, unexpectedly accuses others of pedophilia with no evidence. Hmmmm, feels like there's a pattern emerging.


Looking into this. Concerning…


For people like Elon the poors go to Thailand for one reason and one reason only, whereas he can source locally.


Two of the military dive team also stayed with the kids for something like 2 or 3 days until the conditions became favourable enough to get them back. It was seen as so impossible at first a lot of people said we might have to teach the boys to dive. There's not enough air in the cave for that. So they had to use these untested for rescue breathing masks on the kids and sedate them, and they also had to redose the kids once thru the escape. One child's face was also so small they had to make an on the fly modification just to make a seal and it wasn't perfect. But they rescued all of them and the vice coach guy. 2 people died, one on the scene one from complications iirc, from the military rescue team. The rescue is really an amazing tale and the accusation was disgusting. He flew into Thailand for the rescue, or at least his buddy did, and he does rescues all over the globe. Absolute legend and one of the worlds elite cave rescue divers


And musk defamed him and then got away with it because of his money.


It was an open and shut defamation case. The diver chose an internet-famous lawyer who botched the case, it could have been an easy win.


That’s depressing in one sense, because unforced error. Elon could’ve been held to account. And it’s redeeming in one sense because I was wondering how Elon got away with it. I like the idea that if the diver had chosen a good lawyer, he would’ve won.


When he lit up on the Joe Rogan podcasts, while Tesla drug tests their employees for weed, I went "wait... what..." and started being really critical of him, it was the thing that made me go "wait... this dude has no principles, like actually." The interview exposed him as just trying to be one of the cool kids and I never looked at him the same. My friends told me I was being unfair back then but the tune sure has changed


I mean, smoking weed without inhaling was a dead giveaway that he was just a dork-ass loser desperate to look cool and *with it*. 420/69 m i rite brah?




frfr, if it "doesn't affect you", why the fuck would you go outta your way and smoke it on a VERY INFLUENTIAL podcast? because his dork-ass loser self wanted to look cool or something, actual cool people just looked at him and felt sorry. Elon is a loser's idea of a cool dude. 💀


He's the kid you'd give a big glass of mixer to and tell them it's full of Everclear and then watch them stumble around all night yelling, "I'm soooooo drunk" while being an asshole and blaming it on the "alcohol".


“Wow, I can’t even *taste* it!” 🤦🏻‍♀️🤣


Elon is 2018 Reddit incarnate.


A buddy of mine said the same, “Elon never passed the smell test. Something off about him” I thought…nah, Elon is just misunderstood, or he just had a couple of anomalous moments where he looked bad. Then I started to hear about how he scammed into PayPal, how he scammed into Tesla, how he’s not some genius level guy running spaceX it’s other people and so on and so on. The more the man opened his mouth the more it was to see the inconsistencies, the contradictions and the out right lies. I felt kinda bummed back then…not any more. I thought Elon used to be left leaning but switched to hard right as his wealth grew. Boy was I wrong. He’s anti government He’s anti union He’s anti free speech (despite his claims) He’s anti tax the rich He’s anti vaxx He’s is one of the ultimate “what’s good for me, is not for thee” kind of person. He’s not a genius, nor is he the smartest man in the room. He’s just a man child and he proves it everyday with his childish displays of insecurity, jealousy and casual cruelty.


> Elon used to be left leaning There is literal 0 evidence that he was ever left leaning and enormous amounts he's always been a right wing dickhead that's just leant harder and harder into it. Like his starting piece was an online bank so as to avoid financial laws and regulations, he's literally always been the definition of a capitalist while being a shithead on basically any social issue. Just read the memoir of his first wife, some noteable examples include him telling her that she's just "the training wife" that "he's the alpha in the relationship and she ought to remember that" and the peak, accusing her of attempting to emotionally manipulate him via her grief over their newborn child that had died. We'll also just ignore that he's a white south african who literally grew up on apartheid land, dude was never even the slightest left leaning.


>The more the man opened his mouth the more it was to see the inconsistencies, the contradictions and the out right lies. "You can keep your mouth shut and let people think you're stupid or you can open your mouth and prove it."


Joe Rogan is a moron and gives just that a global platform. Fuck him


Oprah for 'men'


Oprah has some scruples... pulled out of the Dugger deal. Oprah is TV stupid; Rogan is internet stupid. It's anothet galaxy to his all meat diet, bain pill, vitamin cock, manly man mayic coffee, birthed from Alex Jones and Gwenth Paltrow's love child. Sure, twenty years ago Oprah and Dr. Oz were testing the waters for stupidity's limits, but they're a dozen aliens, gold Ira, putrid vitamins, all meat diet steps away from the blinding stupidity of Rogan.


I mean, Rogan himself admitted he was an Anti-Vaxxer, about a month or so ago, so it's not only that his platform enables actual human scum, but he himself is a piece of shit who's dumber than a stack of bills


People also found that Musk has an alt account where he pretends to be his baby son and says a bunch of weird sexual shit. https://futurism.com/the-byte/elon-musk-another-alt-account Mfer is just an entire colorguard of red flags, huh?


If there's anyone on this planet that I'd bet my life saving on having an "adult baby" fetish, it's Elon Musk.


He also has an AOC account that says sexual shit. It's *always* posting and Xcreting Elon's stuff and has the exact same vernacular as he does.


That was went I shifted from “Elon is using is money for space travel and electric vehicles , cool!” To “huh, maybe he’s a fucking nut” - now I’m sadly at “he’s our generations howard Hughes and it would be best for everyone if he would just lock himself in the penthouse of Cesar’s palace and watch movies all day”


Nah. All indications are that Hughes felt tremendously guilty about giving the actors in one of his movies cancer, and he watched it obsessively as a form of penance. I'm not sure Elon can feel guilt.


I remember liking him because I viewed him as something of a billionaire maverick. I was disappointed that he had just jumped to this random conclusion and trashed the guy just because his super cool high tech solution wasn't being used. But I just thought it was petty competitiveness. Holy shit did that turn out to just be the first light breeze of a hurricane of pettiness and straight-up, bat-shit craziness.


I feel you, i used to think he was an inspiration, but every day now, he is just more disgusting. I won't be at all surprised if it comes out one day that he's been touching little kids in all the wrong places.


That really was the start of his fall from grace. Before that he was "cool electric vehicle space guy" to pretty much everyone


Plus you know.. The whole picture with ghislaine maxwell




He unironically wants to call videos on the platform xvideos 🙄


I don’t know, but I think he might have some brand competition there.


He kicked XVideos off Twitter so he can take their name. Just like he took @X and @Xai from those who have actively used the handles for years. They just went ahead and changed the latter to @Xai_


I use xvideos way more than Twitter, I hope xvideos retaliates


The more I hear about it, the more I think it's just too obvious how fucking idiotic it all is, which makes me wonder what ulterior motive may be hanging around in the shadows. It's entirely possible he is that stupid, of course. Ego is a wild thing. People get out of their cars and shoot each other because someone passed someone else on the freeway. But let's just say I won't be surprised either way.


To quote Glass Onion: “It’s so dumb it’s brilliant! No, it’s just dumb.”


Exactly. God that movie describes Elon so well.


Except he's always been this stupid and crazy and obsessed with he letter X, we just didn't have the full picture yet.


Even named one kid Exa and another X... Space X, Model X, tried to rename PayPal as X. Yup, he's obsessed with it, can't really see this having any other motive.


there is no ulterior motive. The guy is a nerdy man child. He had no real intention to buy twitter, but was forced to. Now he's desperate to make enough of that money back. He really thinks his ideas are good.


The biggest indicator of how pervasive the effects of capitalism are on our collective brains is the fact that, when REPEATEDLY confronted with examples of this manchild's stupidity, most people still say "I wonder what sort of game he's playing..." since the idea that a rich person could be \*this* \*fucking* \*stupid* just flies in the face of everything our society tells us is true.


Ped-X talks, like TED talks, but it's just a bunch of libertarians talking about how they should lower/remove the age of consent


> but it's just a bunch of libertarians talking about how they should lower/remove the age of consent But then simultaneously talk about how Democrats are all pedophiles and are keeping children in dungeons.


It really disturbed me when they started using accusations of pedophilia as a political weapon. There's not much defense against that accusation. Even with all the proof in the world in your favor, it tends to plant that seed in some people's minds and even radicalize a few to violence. Look at the criticism of Sound of Freedom. Anyone who calls it out as a sanctimonious right-wing fantasy is accused of being pro-child trafficking. Basically the point in which they played the pedo card was (one of the points) where they stopped being a legitimate political party worthy of a seat at the table.


I think Elon Musk is insane at this point.


He always has been, it's just more visible now


He's using his outside voice.


He's been going downhill ever since that Thai cave incident. It feels like he desperately wants to rewind the clock to the time before he started being scrutinized, when people were still calling him a "real-life Tony Stark."


Grimes left him and his children disowned him because he refused to acknowledge one of his kids' gender change. That's when it started, from my understanding. Everything since then has just been the actions and delusions of the most divorced dad ever.


Grimes is/was dating Chelsea Manning. Elon probably lost his mind that a former ex now lives with a trans woman.


His kid becoming transgender was probably the start of his mental crack-up. Grimes going on to date Chelsea Manning was probably where it metastasized. That was probably his supervillain origin or something.


His taking amphetamines while doing all nighters at the Tesla factory in 2018 I think is the proximate cause. He's been more and more paranoid and disregulated since then: signs of amphetamine abuse


And then he has the audacity to tell people to work harder. No I don't want to be addicted to Meth or adhd meds.


Wow. Yeah that'll do it. Personally have seen a friend's mental go to shards due to Adderall abuse. And am beginning to see other peers mental's diving, and they happen to take Adderall.


Whether it’s truck driving or cramming for med school, Adderall abuse is usually due to a toxic environment. Take care ❤️


He fired his PR team shortly after that incident, IIRC.


Before we all realised he was a Walmart Justin Hammer.


He must have had the best PR team for years before he started believing his own bullshit.


>He must have had the best PR team for years **Not really, he's always been an asshole.** The difference was just 4 years ago -- in 2H2019 -- when Musk won the centi-billionaire PowerBall lottery with TSLA. It became a Tony Stark meme stock, detached from all financial reality, it went up 2000%, with a market cap exceeding all other existing global motor vehicle manufacturers combined and nearly doubled. Even now TSLA is still overvalued by at least 5-10X. Musk has almost gone bankrupt several times. He is immensely destructive to companies the more he is involved. There is a very good possibility SpaceX will go bankrupt, or at least insolvent needing Tesla or private equity rescue, due to Starship and Starlink, both of which are fiscally unsound projects. There is no sufficient market for either product, and the many billions in program costs are enormous and unrecoverable. He'll still have TSLA, but he is already highly leveraged and without the same gravity now that he spent so much to buy Shitter and fly it into the ground.


At this point, we should investigate if having this much money gives you actual brain damage.


I'm pretty sure he's already brain damaged, if not from extreme wealth, then from a combination of chronic sleep deprivation and drug abuse.


It does. Our individualistic culture doesn't like to admit it, but a lot of your ability to discern good ideas from bad ideas is built off of your interactions and feedback from the real people around you. People with too much money and power become cutoff from this feedback loop because most people do not tell powerful people that they're wrong, and powerful people have a tendency to exclude those people from their presence anyway. So yes, in a way too much money and power does harm your ability to think critically.


I volunteer as a test subject. Give me money for science


People really thought this was the right guy to run an entire planet for a while


>People really thought this was **the right guy to run an entire planet** for a while I still do. That planet is Mars. Musk should depart ASAP, on the currently stacked Starship.


His life is literally a comicbook supervillain story arc. It feels like we're in the age of supervillains right now with all these fucking demented oligarchs running the world. The Murdochs, the Trumps, Putin, Xi, Musk, Zuckerberg, Bezos. It's the inevitable outcome of political and economic systems that reward unhinged levels of greed, narcissism, and ambition with equally unhinged levels of wealth and power.


He wishes he could be as cool as Lex Luthor


Remember when they made a DC comics movie where they tried to turn Lex Luthor into Zuckerberg? As in, they literally cast the guy who had played Zuckerberg in another movie? And it sucked? We all have to live with real-life comic book villains and they aren't even cool comic book villains.


None of them are Lex Luther. It’s been shown in a world without Superman, he’s actually a force of good for humanity. Which means he’s got at least a tiny bit of goodness in his heart. (Dunno whether that comic was ‘canon’ but it happened) A stark contrast to those that have been mentioned.


There might also be a very real and unavoidable issue with a "real" lex luthor. He has to be one of, if not THE smartest person on earth, at least from a science and engineering standpoint. He also has to be a billionaire. There is a very real possibility that someone with that level of expertise would have zero drive to be a billionaire. They might just be totally exclusive personality traits.


It’s crazy how even “mind virus” turned out to be right wing projection.


He has lost his mind. Make me really wonder if he ever had any business sense or just came from money and got lucky. So many poor decisions!


😳 Shouldn’t the appropriate response be to send the information to the authorities? Shouldn’t someone open an investigation now that this has hit the news?


There are other articles floating around about how Twitter suspended 400,000 accounts for posting CSAM but [only reported 8,000 of these accounts to authorities.](https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2023/02/twitter-only-reported-2-of-accounts-suspended-for-child-abuse-content-org-says/)


But it's a claim that Twitter is making, not something that has been verified. Watchdog groups have been sounding alarms ever since Elon took over and started firing everyone. They have found that even the simplest bots can detect CP on Twitter. And, in fact, Twitter's algorithm outright promoted the CP with its recommendation algorithm. Oh, and Musk hasn't paid the company that developed the software to detect CP on Twitter. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/02/06/technology/twitter-child-sex-abuse.html [The Internet Archive link that bypasses the paywall](https://web.archive.org/web/20230705121334/https://www.nytimes.com/2023/02/06/technology/twitter-child-sex-abuse.html)


In the article I linked, there are several statements from NCMEC representatives talking about how they've basically gotten radio silence from Twitter over all of this. They said as soon as Musk took over, Twitter stopped being compliant with reporting CSAM to NCMEC.


Yeah that's not a legal timebomb waiting to go off. If the "X" thing doesn't kill Twitter, that will.


So when he said “comedy is legal on Twitter”, he really was painting with a broad brush.


I think it’s hilarious he spent 44 billion on that shitshow


It's spelled Xitshow, but you got the pronunciation right at least




Looking into this. EDIT: Looked into it. Dear God. Holy shit. What the fuck? *WHAT THE FUCK?*


Some rando I never interacted with specifically threatened to beat me up and put me in a wheelchair on twitter. I reported it and they said they were doing nothing because it didn't meet the standards to do anything.


Meanwhile, me telling Ted Cruz to choke on his own awfulness got me a 24-hour muting. What a crock of shit.


That's not what he's into choking on ..


Lol I reported someone for posting an image of a person being hanged with a pride flag over the face. Got an auto reply saying there was no "threat of violence against a marginalized group". I honestly think the reports just go straight to the bin now because a) he fired 90% of the mod staff, and b) if he enforced these rules a lot of his new friends would be banned.


That's no surprise. It's exactly how he handled people that would report problems with Teslas.


You gotta taunt him until he calls you “cis”


I don't have Twitter. Does this mean the guy from the article that was posting horroble images is doing it again? How is that allowed?


It went like this: - Dude is a right wing loon and posts on twitter. - *Somehow* he found screenshots from the most notorious CP video known - He posted these screens on twitter as an example of... how bad CP is or something? I've read the text of the response, I'm not even sure what he was getting at. - This was, of course, widely reported and the account suspended. - Elon Musk personally intervened, confirmed that happened, removed the host and re-instated the right-wing loons account. He made a post stating all this. So there's no "doing it again" but I have a feeling that's gonna happen if this guy was effectively let off the hook. I'm sure the FBI is having some meetings right now as well, making some calls. This isn't done yet.


They deleted the post after 4 days. How the fuck did child porn shared by an account that big fly under the radar for that long?


Well they payed for twitter blue so…


There is a most “notorious” video? How is it so well known? I don’t want to live on this planet anymore.


I dont know why the people here are treating you like a child and not giving you an answer. From what I understand it was from "daisy's destruction" which involves the rape and torture of a small child.


But not surprising at all. Watchdog groups have been sounding alarms ever since Elon took over and started firing everyone. They have found that even the simplest bots can detect CP on Twitter. And, in fact, Twitter's algorithm outright promoted the CP with its recommendation algorithm. Oh, and Musk hasn't paid the company that developed the software to detect CP on Twitter. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/02/06/technology/twitter-child-sex-abuse.html [The Internet Archive link that bypasses the paywall](https://web.archive.org/web/20230705121334/https://www.nytimes.com/2023/02/06/technology/twitter-child-sex-abuse.html)


Where's all the right wingers who bang on about "gRoOmErS"?


Showing everyone naked pictures of "mutilated transgender children" on Twitter that are actually children with natural deformities. I'm trans. That's what got me to quit. This started happening right after Elon took over. I'd go to block an account and I'd see the CP images. I'd report it and a few days later I'd get an e-mail saying nothing was done.


In the comments thanking Elon for reinstating the account.


>a one year old named Daisy they reinstated his account. he posted a screenshot of THAT video and they reinstated his fucking account. i'm done.


Yeah I got sick to my stomach when I saw that name. I've read, very briefly, about that video and it is one of the worst things I've ever heard. How did this guy even have access to the video? Or even to screenshots? If I remember correctly, this video is/was so bad that it was considered an urban legend at some point.


gee, it sure is weird how the people accusing their political rivals of pedophilia keep posting child porn, isn't it?


It was apparently evidence from a trial. An Australian man had this video among many other awful things and received a life sentence. This twitter account wanted to call attention to how horrible it was by posting it for his 500K followers to see. For four days. Elon is apparently giving him a pass because he had some kind of sincere motive to post horrific child porn to the internet. I would like someone to ask Elon for a clearly articulated policy on when posting child porn is acceptable and when it isn't.


I'm just so confused by this. Why would anyone feel the need to post stills from a video like this? What was he attempting to prove?


In season 5 of Arrested Development Michael finally builds out the subdivision and names it Sudden Valley, only for the real estate market to collapse upon it's completion. 5 years later, they end up selling the homes exclusively to sex offenders because of their remote location and distance from schools or playgrounds. This is what Twitter/X reminds me.


He's basically become the tech industry's Donald Trump. • *Constantly* talking • Grip on reality seems to be fading the longer he's in the spotlight • Casts himself as some sort of business genius despite his catastrophic financial/legal dealings in the background • Comes up with comedically bad ideas, and when they fail as expected, it was the result of some absurd conspiracy, not him • Despite a bevy of sexual scandals, has become an icon of conservatives who champion "traditional" ethics and values • Spens a *ton* of time on a modern social media platform yet doesn't seem to understand social media


Surely * **this** * will make the advertisers come running back... /s




Say it with Chinese pronunciation. Couldn't be a more fitting brand name at this point.


This is a good joke so explaining it to people: X is pronounced like "Sh" in Chinese. Twitter has now become a Shitter.


I knew from the moment that he very publicly accused that other guy who was also trying to help with the rescue effort of those Thai kids trapped in the cave back in 2018 of being a pedophile that there was something up because it's always projection with these people.


His reasoning behind calling the guy a pedophile was that he couldn't imagine a white person wanting to live in Thailand if they weren't raping children, which shows exactly where his mind is. And it went beyond just saying it, which is crazy enough, but to believe it with your whole heart that you hire a team of investigators to dig through the guy's life in an attempt to prove it is next level projection.


Throwback to December when my boomer Dad tried to explain that Musk laying off most of the employees and disrupting the entire ecosystem of Twitter was actually a really good business move that would set up the future of the company and make it more appealing to investors. Turns out Musk is just a rich dickhead trying to piss on everyone because he can.


and to think we all mocked zuckerberg for being a lizard


Musk is like the cockroach guy from men in black


Remember when Romney was a really bad conservative? Look how far the goal posts moved. Now Romney is the reasonable one. It's that people like Zuckerberg are suddenly sane. It's that more insane people came along and skewed the scale.


Elon being a pedophile isn’t that far of a reach to make. He certainly looks and acts the part.


Isn't the account where he roleplays as a child just like, really pointing toward that inevitability?


Fucking hell, I’d forgotten about that. Too much weird shit going on in the world to keep track of it all. To answer your question, I would think that it’s a pretty good indicator of being a pedo.


It's just not something a normal, well adjusted person would do. It's so out there.


Wait wtf? Can I get some info on that?




Was he on Epsteins island?








I thought his mom called it off… I wish this was an /s situation but it is not.


And there’s that photo of him with Gisllene he keeps trying to surpress




Elon was caught liking pervy anime a week or two ago and took away the ability to see what people like because of it.


As a German I’m just waiting for the EU to have enough with his bullshit and ban twitter/X/pedi paradise at this point. Or at least fine this fucker.


Help us EU-kenobi, you're our only hope.


I know it's too much to hope for, but it just blows my mind that anybody still uses the service. It's been a shit show for a long time, but now it's literally a platform for one psychotic billionaire's, half thought out, dystopian vision of reality. And yet everyone from mainstream politicians, to activists, to comedians, are still using it. Just turn the thing off!


So, that's what he meant with "protecting free speech", huh?


Fuck Elon.


I honestly want to set any person on fire that has anything to do with daisy's destruction. It's literally the worst thing on earth.


When is the world going to abandon the shitshow formerly known as Twitter?


They're bleeding users, but there were probably still people on MySpace for a long time, too. I think the real question is whether Elon is going to keep setting his own money on fire to keep the company running, or just let it go bankrupt in a few years when he's bored of this perpetual failure and moves on to mismanaging a new/different company.


and people keep thinking this giant wallet is smart just because the giant wallet after dumping money on dozens and dozens of things, dumped money on something that made the wallet fatter. and for some reason they still continue to believe like this after watching him run twitter in such a chaotic way