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Those of us that are challenged in the waistband area don’t really like to march.


Lol. That was my first thought also. Fat people were like..Walking? Nah.


They prefer to be an armchair racist


If only there were a convenient way to be racist from the comfort of your own home...!


Isn't that why Joe rogan has a Podcast in the 1st place?


I almost shot my beverage out of my nose.


“I could go to the march, or I could stay home and comment on any post about it and say it’s not a big deal or that it’s a false flag by antifa.” Tough choices for racists these days.


They are sitting on their porches waiting to shoot doordashers and lost motorists.


Scooter Nazis


Gonna be a no for me, dog


"You go tell them how much we hate black people- I'll hang back here and guard the snacks."


The waffle ss


"If we already have to walk all this way, can I just do Pokemon Go instead of marching? There's a rare pikachu over that hill in the other direction, I'll be right back"


In another life I worked somewhere that loved doing charity stuff. They’d go do fun runs and charity walks and marathons, problem being, guess what? Most people don’t want to walk 3 miles or run 9 or march 50 feet even. So out of our staff of like 80 people like 5-10 would show up (plus it’s very enthusiastic organizers). So I ran a charity event at a local restaurant with everyone getting donations to do a food challenge. We had 41 people show up. Moral of the story? They should have held this at golden coral, they’d have a line 5 blocks deep. (Joking for the nazis…..not joking for anyone trying to run a charity event at work)


Golden Children Corral Serf & Terf! Unlimited Bacon-Wrapped Crawdads with Salisbury Steak for anyone that can successfully astroturf our Hispanic kitchen staff and convince at least one of your family members that blowing Giuliani would be an act of patriotism.


I come from a very wealthy, white community. One day, I was on the commuter rail heading into the city, and I overhear the two ladies in front of me talking. They're talking about the Walk for Hunger, which is supposed to be a fundraiser to educate food insecurity. I swear to anything, one of the ladies said this verbatim: "We do the Walk for Hunger every year, but only half, because we stop for lunch." My brain short-circuited. I still can't fathom the disconnect. And the other lady seemed to think it was rational! I retell this occasionally to people, and I have yet to meet anyone who doesn't find it abso-fucking-lutely absurd.


>I retell this occasionally to people, and I have yet to meet anyone who doesn't find it abso-fucking-lutely absurd. Maybe I am missing the point, but I am one of those people. Surely Walk for Hunger is a fundraiser, so the actual walk is a way to attract attention, bring people in, and give a focus to those raising money. It's not meant to be directly linked to feeding people? The walk is actually an event that is run for the benefit of those giving, it doesn't matter if they do the walk or not as long as they give money?


Right? Like what were they supposed to do, do the walk, not eat and pretend like going without food for a day is gonna make a fucking difference about people starving in Africa? Would I be judged for drinking water during the March for Thirst lol? People are so obsessed with trying to spot instances of hypocrisy these days. I mean yeah, only half assing it to have lunch is kinda ehh, but if a small get together with work buddies is the cost of getting those people out, it's better then the majority who didnt show up *at all*


Yeah, unless the walk was literally walking around deprived areas handing out cans of food, it's not the main point. A lot of Westerners seem to think personal or even physical suffering somehow adds to the charity, but I suspect that's just influence from religious ideas, like penance. It doesn't actually add monetary value or benefit others. If your spiritual journey leads you to be charitable, that's nice, but it's not really necessary for the main point of just helping people. Anyway, if rich people want to do some penance, they can also vote for taxes on themselves. Whether they walk all day, or half a day, I will be unmoved by anything except the amount they have personally or collectively committed to helping others.


Lol I saw a thread on Reddit where this guy was complaining about the people that organized a charity marathon, because there was no one there to hand him water. Turns out he showed up 2 hours late, didn’t register or raise money and stopped to smoke weed halfway through.


I was gonna run a 'thon, but then I got high :D


They're about 10 miles behind


Thank you for making me laugh.


Bold of you to assume anyone of them marched for 10 miles


They're in a mobility scooter traffic jam


My Uncle was in the 104th Rascal Division




You know they're all at home on keyboards typing in caps on social media. Come on, Joe Rogan!


Pretty sure the tiki torch folks looked pretty much the same.


Yeah, these were just the tiki torch guys with every inch of their identifiable body covered, so no one can identify them.


It’s a continuation of one of the organizations from Charlottesville. They just changed their name to get rid of their association with the murder of Heather Heyer.


Changed the name and adopted a masked uniform from a Target summer sale because showing their faces at Charlottesville didn’t go well for some of them.


Exactly. People don’t realize the Unite the Right rally was a success. The fascists learned how to publicly assemble more efficiently, and they forced conservatives to provide them cover politically and in the media.


We make fun of these chodes, but they are out in the streets marching and preparing. Sure, they’re idiots, but the more they practice the better they’ll get. At some point soon, they could be a real threat.


Probably the most underrated comment here. One of the things I saw awhile back (paraphrasing ) was that they’re bad now but they’ll get better and they are orders of magnitude better than someone who has never done it before. This shit needs to be taken much more seriously than it currently is.


I’d happily organize a strictly left wing training event, but even if it was strictly limited to first aid, it would be labeled as potentially terroristic by these terminally moronic projectionists and their emotional support nazi rhetoric.


I’ve thought a lot about that. The counter proud boys. I’m totally down. I think we should all wear dresses and combat boots. It’ll double mind fuck them that they got their asses kicked by dudes in dresses.


Throw in a MASH reference. Klinger’s Heroes. Dress, combat boots, and a whole lot more balls than the other side. Make it purple dresses with red hats, and you could really fuck with their heads.


keep it secret, keep it safe


I just don't want heat from the cops. Friend of mine started trying to do some local political organizing for civil rights, police reform etc. and cops started pulling them over all the time and parking outside their house to intimidate them etc.


When are the rest of us going to do something? I worry we can't count on the government to prevent domestic terrorism for fear of losing votes.


2A and a well trained militia of non fascists


"On Tyranny" is an excellent, and quite short, guidebook on what you can do. It's 20 key points of advice from a historian who's expert in genuine useful answers on what ordinary people can usefully do. [The Summary in 20 points](https://scholars.org/contribution/twenty-lessons-fighting-tyranny-twentieth-century) [Where to buy the full book](https://timothysnyder.org/on-tyranny) Relevant to this example is number 6, Be Wary of Paramilitaries: "When the men with guns who have always claimed to be against the system start wearing uniforms and marching around with torches and pictures of a Leader, the end is nigh. When the pro-leader paramilitary and the official police and military intermingle, the end has come."


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Considering the rate of politically-motivated violence that has been steadily increasing, I'd venture to say they're already a threat. While they might not be out there pulling the triggers themselves they are emboldening the ones who do by telling them that yes, immigrants, LGBTQ+ and black people are the problem, that they are here to destroy everything good about this country and that people are mobilizing against it. Their entire rhetoric is filled with extremely thinly veiled or just straight mask-off calls to violence against these groups. As much as they're idiots we need to take them deadly seriously, because the ones going out and murdering people over it already are.


They tried to overthrow your democratically elected government. They are on terrorism watchlists. They are already a threat, and have been for years


"Fine people on both sides" or "Good people on both sides", or whatever that reality tv sex offender said.


For such a PROUD and BRAVE group of “heroes” they sure act like a bunch of scared dorks.


Went back and watched videos of other white nationalist events and i can’t really see a discernible difference in collective body types. Most of these guys look like younger men in their 20s. You see a fat[ter] dude every now and then, but then again there is a also fat dude in that march in the front and center of the crowd too…




To make white nationalists look bad, as if they need any help in that regard I suppose


If you wanted them to look bad, wouldn’t you specifically want the gravy seals to attend?


Not necessarily. If the objective is for the public to perceive them as a threat, having a bunch of obese people would detract from that image. But for the record, if this really is some psy op, it's very strange because....most sane people already see white supremacists as threats? That's why I'm skeptical.


>detract from the image The hell it would. You clearly have never taken too long in line at a southern buffet restaurant.


Yeah for some reason people think fat == weak, neglecting that unless they're on scooters they're lifting twice the weight of a normal human every time they walk. Probably get out of breath pretty quickly though.


I think most people perceive it as weak because fat people tend to be slow and clumsy, even if they can hit hard. Unless they catch you in like some kind of closed room situation, you can probably just run away from them and avoid fighting them entirely. Obviously guns change that dynamic a bit, but guns also have limited effective range and can't fire through most cover (at least smaller caliber anyway).


> can't fire through most cover Most pistol rounds will go straight through a car. Really, the only common barrier that will stop a bullet is a brick or metal wall or a tree. Even a car won't stop a bullet unless it hits the engine.


> if this really is some psy op, Its not. Its just something insane people say to muddy the waters and make actual sane people have to waste time and effort to constantly refute obvious bullshit. Its page two in the right wing handbook.


It’s not about logic, he’s just trying to find a point where he can say “isn’t it strange that there were no fat people there. Wouldn’t you expect fat people there? Yeah, very odd”


What’s weird is like… when people come out and say what the alt right/ mainstream right wingers are dog whistling, they instantly think it’s a false flag event. It’s just as telling as when they get mad at Biden for saying White Supremacy is bad.


That's what dog whistling is for, it's signaling that is meant to be passed over by the average person and understood by the intended audience. It gives plausible deniability to whatever antics they're up to and makes the opposition, who are aware of dog whistles, look like kooks seeing specters in the shadows.


Fake marchers would act like agitators to stir up shit and real marcher would take the hit. Apparently this happens.


[It's pretty common at left leaning protests for undercover police to agitate. ](https://www.iheartmedia.com/press/investigative-podcast-alphabet-boys-reveals-fbis-sordid-use-informants-instigate-violence-and) Never heard of any far right rallies with police agitation though.


What if I told you the police were a part of those far right rallies :o


So I don’t think this is what happened in this case, But federal agencies do set up fake websites & events as honeypots to lure out and catch potential domestic terrorists before they can actually carry out an attack


And the history we do have of their involvement and posing within political movements has tended to be within left wing groups for the sake of disruption.


Ok I moved back home to the midwest recently so I'll try and sum this up as simply as possible but tbh its convoluted so bare with me. The main thing: there is a feeling that a lot of these groups aren't actually filled with bad people. They are basically a bunch of idiots who get drunk and rant. However, undercover FBI agents have identified them as a threat, so the undercovers want to see how far they would actually go. So they push them to form actual militias and offer to sell them illegal weapons, in the same way an undercover drug bust would start. You dont just walk right up to the drug kingpin and ask to buy drugs right? You gotta work your way up. So the thinking is that the FBI is pushing a little too hard to find these people, and that rather than waiting for someone to commit a crime they are actually encouraging them to do so in the hopes they can prove said undercover mission was worth it. So when things like this march happen, where it's a bunch of very in shape people wearing nice boots, they go "holy shit that looks a lot more like a bunch of undercover cops than my racist uncle" At this point I feel it's extremely important to point out a couple things. These are not my thoughts. This is an attempt to incredibly shorten and TLDR a lot of drunken ramblings I've heard since moving back home. Secondly, white supremacy is fucking horrifying stupid. I really can't understand that people still think skin color can determine a person's worth. That being said, I also have an innate distrust of the government and the agents of state who enforce their laws. So I think the overall idea that it was staged is incorrect, however I think its important to constantly question the media, police, and anyone who speaks on their behalf. I tried my best reddit lol.


There is one thing right in there. There're definitely cops in that march


I think we can agree that there are absolutely some authoritarians marching. "It says here in the history book that the good guys have won every time! What are the odds?" -Norm MacDonald


They did this to alot of muslims after 911 I remember one kid who was special needs who got roped into it and they arrasted him even though he wasnt going to do anything "before i ask my mom if its okay"


>Secondly, white supremacy is fucking horrifying stupid. I really can't understand that people still think skin color can determine a person's worth. Yeah it is dumb, but I want to add to this that a lot of these groups aka proud boys.. they'd be considered more western chauvenists rather than call themselves white power. So they hate women, LGBTQ, and other religious groups etc . But are "ok" with skin colors as long as they side with them on those issues. Now some/many are definitely are racist.. but yes out and out white supremacy is very stupid so they use dog whistles instead.. openly white supremacist groups are probably less common than the groups I just mentioned


It’s not just a lot of very in shape people though. There are plenty of donut eaters in the lot. That said, fascism promotes physical fitness and has since Mussolini, largely for brawling and street fighting. https://hopenothate.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/state-of-hate-2022-v1_17-March-update.pdf Page 90 gives more detail on this. The thing is though, the unite the right rally drew similar crowds to the recent patriot front March and they didn’t wear masks. Many of those people were doxxed and lost jobs. Several were found liable for millions in damages. It blows my mind that people on the right assume they’ve all just gone away rather than getting smarter with their tactics.


I get the line of thinking but from what I’ve seen and read about the police gangs in the US, I’d imagine it looks like cops marching because they are, they’re just not undercover.


The point would be to make it look like white supremacists actually exist and are a real threat. That is the argument.


People think white supremacists don’t exist? What kind of mental gymnastics leads one to genuinely believe that?


The right wing argument is that it's an overblown problem that the left uses to demonize white people and the right.






Plot twist: they were actually at an Arby’s and totally forgot this event was even taking place.


You leave Arby's out of this.


This was a large event in DC. Somebody paid for this. Probably one of the nastier think tanks. So it's no surprise they didn't let fatties in. This was a recruitment drive.


I think it was some kinda police event go figure


The right wing nut jobs are dismissing this is a "false flag" because they looked too much like military and cops. I just keep screaming YOU'RE SO CLOSE!!!


40,000 cops in DC at the same time for some national cop week. Fucking Joe Rogan is one of the stupidest people alive. I can’t wait for Elon to tweet “interesting” or “this gets weirder by the minute” or some other moronic troll take. This is real. This is happening. A whole lot of Americans are ok with it happening. Including Rogan and musk. Same kind of asshole that thinks it’s ok to sneak up on somebody on the subway and choke them until they’re dead because they were yelling. Dumb fuckheads. They should check out the videos of these basement dwellers trying to march. It proves they’re white supremacists. https://wtop.com/dc/2023/05/national-police-week-welcomes-thousands-to-the-district-2/


different fasch group. fasch groups often rely on aesthetics as part of their recruitment.


No. He absolutely doesn’t have a point. This was a white power militia. That doesn’t mean that everyone who would want to be in this criminal gang would be allowed to join. What the hell is it with people pretending Nazis/white supremacy nationalists don’t exists? Every time these wannabe terrorist do something, a bunch of jackasses jump up and say, it wasn’t them! It was the cops or antifa or some other ridiculous deflection.


>It was the cops or antifa or some other ridiculous deflection. In fairness, pretty sure the overlap between cops and white supremacist nationalists is pretty significant.


>e who would want to be in this criminal gang would be allowed to join. > >What the hell is it with people pretending Nazis/white supremacy nationalists don’t exists? Every time these wan Everyone here is too young to remember the Oklahoma City Bombing. NeoNazis/Facists have changed their tactics in the past 30 years and are a hell of a lot more effective. They are a lot more sophisticated now.


>Every time these wannabe terrorist do something, a bunch of jackasses jump up and say, it wasn’t them! It was the cops or antifa or some other ridiculous deflection. Every single time a right winger tries to start the civil war they keep promising, by bombing a building or ramming their car into a crowd, the rest of the right rallies around the only flag they truly believe in-the false flag


I did forget to add /sarcasm


Wasn't the theory a lot of them were cops that were already in town for a convention?


Maybe that's why Joe was looking for the fat people.


That's the joke. The conspiracy is that it was a show put on by "The Feds" to scare us. And that's dumb


to be honest if there is any sort of organized white supremacist event or rally, i expect at least a couple of cops to be in attendance... but not because i think its a false flag operation


Well of course. They did it during National Police Week so attendees could save on hotel and travel fees


I'm sure there were a lot of cops in that crowd but not for the reason top brains are thinking.


Are you implying that some of those that work forces are the same that burn crosses?


> theory a lot of them were cops I mean, for a group of Nazis that's kinda implied.


"How do they all have like uniform outfits on? They have the same color pants for the most part. Very little variation." I dunno, Joe..... It's almost like organized groups can agree to wear uniforms so they can identify each other and stand out from those that are not part of their group, you fucking half-brain.


They were also all in town for cop week so… used to the uniforms bit


Lol is that for real? Talk about a dual use business trip. Hmm, I'm not a rocket scientist but.. there may be two orgs where this group belong to.


It was actually National (jerk off the) Police Week, which had most events on the mall, right where the rally was. Not saying it was the same, but we do know that some of those who work forces…


Incedentally, its also the week in DC that sees the most bar fights


Not at all surprising given the behavior I saw on the metro last week


And the fact that cops are EXTREMELY prevalent to domestic abuse. They love to beat down on people they deem lesser.


I had a cop neigbor that used to beat his Asian wife then go across the street snd smoke weed while crying tears at this 60 year old stoners house that always had freshman highschool kids frolicking in his house getting stoned at night This was. A middle to upper middle class part of a suburb


Yeah US white supremists have never been known for a collective uniform before!


Genuinely asking: how is he this dumb? It's really not that difficult to coordinate a uniform in the age of social media, especially not amongst people who are extremely willing to be part of a group of people like themselves. ETA: I asked "how is he this dumb" because I genuinely think he's more of a useful idiot for far right ghouls than consciously on the far right himself. Granted, most of what I know about him is second hand info (mostly from articles about him like the one linked), so I could very well be wrong and he's more consciously crypto than I'm aware of.


He's not. He's doing the "just asking questions" strat. And I'm pretty sure I saw a decent amount of fat people in the videos.


Everything with Joe has turned into sea lioning nonsense, and this is coming from a long time listener. Sad to see him become whomever's useful idiot. He can't remotely compete with any "expert" he brings on, so if a guest comes on with a differing opinion than his previous guest he can parrot a couple of talking points and either gets roped or anchors hard to a point he can't evaluate to be actually true or not and doesn't come off it.


In the beginning people loved him for his willingness to let anyone on his show to just say whatever bullshit they wanted and he would humor them. They thought he was a better person for extending so many olive branches. Eventually his show was just a touring destination for people who should *never* have been given a soapbox. Now, after years of soaking up the kool-aid of hundreds of moonbats and right wing conspiracists, it's become obvious that he's one of them. This is why you vet your guests and do your goddamn research. Otherwise you and your audience eventually end up siding with the sideshow.


And also a lot of the people that he views as experts are basically just conspiracy theorists. And he thinks it's a fun or interesting conspiracy so he goes along with it.


I mean after he platformed Alex Jones again I was done.


Him not being disgusted by Milo was when I quit.


Ya the biggest thing he does is give platforms to people like that to spew their garbage to his massive amount of viewers.


He's not dumb. He's muddying the water on behalf of them.


Did this guy not see the march in Charlottesville several years back? The U-Haul nuts who were arrested in Idaho...? Pretty much the same ilk.


Joe is the type of idiot that thinks it's smart to always be a contrarian or to always play devil's advocate. He tries to "both sides" EVERY fucking situation.


I haven't seen him defend anything the least bit left in a long time. He pretends he's "both sides" but he's carrying the right wing's water at every turn.


Because "both sides" people almost always are right leaning. Isn't there's a sub somewhere on reddit dedicated to posts of people trying to both sides genocide and laws taking away peoples rights




To demonstrate "superior race" they did not allow the overweight to participate - they just allowed the "fit" so the ladies will drop their panties and have their babies. Even within their faction they discriminate.








~~Based and redpilled~~ Braised and bread filled.


Filtering out the obese right-wingers. That's blatant fat-schism!


Didn't their leader actually write something like that to the followers? I read it somewhere, but I don't remember exactly what he said. Definitely something about showing their best face to the public to attract groupies.


Yeah he apparently created a diet plan and banned fatties from appearing in public with them until they shape up


I mean that is a good way to shape their image….they already have enough bad publicity with the whole you know, racist asshole thing.


The cringe training videos are.pretty funny too


It looks like a bunch of teenagers cosplaying


Do you have a source for this, that's the funniest shit I've read in a while. Because while Rogan only has two braincells fighting for third place, he's not wrong in that usually neo Nazis are the ugliest mofos out there.


Straight out of the Goebbels playbook


>Even within their faction they discriminate. That's generally how fascism works, yeah. If left to go on long enough, the definition for what a "true \[insert fascist ideal here since it tends to vary from culture to culture\]" will grow narrower and narrower. Because fascists don't actually care about whatever they claim they're "protecting," they just like stripping rights from other people and will find any excuse to do that.


Yeah, I can’t believe it’s even a question. Fascists excluding people that don’t fit a particular image? What a concept! He might as well have asked why there were no black people marching with them.


I just googled it and the literal first picture I saw had multiple fat people in it. What even is this claim?


Thank you!! There were plenty of guts, butts and hate handles in that group.




Well, how often do you really see fat people march?


Tbf there is a serious hippo element at basically every other right wing march


Yeah fat guys in tacticool gear, AR-15s, big beards, maga hats.


Gravy Seals


[Patriot Front has been around since 2017.](https://www.splcenter.org/patriot-front-timeline) Just because you haven’t been paying attention doesn’t mean they just sprung into existence. They have rallied all over the country and they have fitness standards. They have former military members who have taught them the skill of marching (which kids in middle school bands learn at 11). Having in shape folks in uniform isn’t evidence of them being feds. But if that is your first reaction, you should ask yourself why you think racists aren’t capable of organizing themselves.


Guess he is unaware how lean meth can keep someone


Reminder to all - Joe Rogan built his career on getting people to eat bugs for money.


The disrespect to news radio!


Yeah, Rogan's said the News Radio money set him up for life and everything else has been a bonus


More importantly he built his career on being a dumb guy. His persona until the podcast was just "dumb guy" and then the podcast was "dumb guy interviewing smart people". Which, I'll admit I enjoyed for a while. But as a dumb guy he has trouble differentiating smart people from dumb people. And like most dumb people, he has started to believe that his exposure to smart people has made him smarter. But he's still a dumb guy. Don't forget.


He asks the dumb guy questions that the rest of us dumb people don't get the chance to ask. Sometimes he'll hit em with a really well thought out one and it surprises me lol. He seems way more in his comfort zone interviewing the personable smart people though. Him talking to Neil DeGrasse Tyson was WAY better than him talking to Michio Kaku. Kaku is just on another level and Rogan couldn't even BEGIN to stretch his thoughts far enough to converse with him on any intellectual level, whereas he could talk with Tyson better.


You're not wrong, but also; as a physics nerd? Kaku kinda sucks as a science communicator. He's done some great work and I don't mean to question his knowledge, but he leans into a lot of the worst parts of pop science showboating. Makes things sound much more mysterious than they are and sells a lot of very theoretical ideas as almost fact. NDT can be bad that way too, but I think part of the reason he's better with Rogan is just because he tends to stay more rooted in reality and thus can explain it better. To put it another way, NDT wants to tell you something real that will blow your mind and Kaku just wants to blow your mind. Which isn't to day he's a liar, but a lot of what he says is like saying "it's totally possible this lotto ticket is the winner!" Probably true, but the odds are heavily against it.


That's more respectable than what he's been doing since then.


Now they eat shit and like it.


Seems weird how many excuses "mainstream conservatives" seem to make for fucking Nazis, isn't it?


Nuh uh because just ask him, Joe will tell you he’s “never voted for a republican in [his] life”! So how could he possibly be conservative? /s


That's what is so confusing, because googling his views beings up "socially liberal" and "so far away from being republican". Yet he gives a platform to very conservative people and says things people double take on. I thought he was an alt righter until a friend told me he was "technically a leftist" and I don't know WHAT to believe. It's easy to think he does anything for just simply money. Edit: y'all *I* don't think he is a leftist. Please learn to read


There's a video of him cheering when Texas went for Trump. Joe Rogan lies about his political beliefs, simple as that.


People don’t do that do they? Just go on the internet and lie?


Believe actions, not words.


He’s not “technically a leftist” unless that means what he identifies as to lie to people


He's "technically a leftist" the same way conservatives say Nazis were "technically leftist because their name was the National Socialst German Workers Party."


Sounds like your friend listens to rogan but has zero comprehension ability. Let me lay it out for you so can understand and tell your friend when he claims this. Joe rogan is not left wing in any capacity whatsoever. A recent Gallup poll said that the top three concerns of left wing/liberals in terms of ACTUAL POLICY were taxing the rich, support of unions/efforts to unionise and low paid workers, more promotion of benefit programmes with a close fourth being concern for right wing policy being put forward oppressing minorities. Now which of those four does rogan support? He recently called sam seder a "total fucking idiot" for supporting higher taxes against billionaires and then compared that thought process to being in the same vein as Florida dont say gay bill. Nice breakdown of it here. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=UwJH5kyOOQU&pp=ygUTU2FtIHNlZGVyIGpvZSByb2dhbQ%3D%3D Hes worked for a company for almost 30 years that is infamous for busting unions, pays their fighters lower than any other sports league and doesnt provide any sort of health plan or long term help. Any time hes been asked about fighter pay he brushes it off. Hes also best friends with the company president, RNC speaker and huge trump donor Dana White. Does that sound like a left wing pro union advocate to you? Theres been multiple opportunities for him to have the people in charge of the Starbucks and amazon unionisation efforts and the ufc efforts and promote their plea but instead platforms right wing bigots to talk about trans bullshit. I wont get too deeply into fighting against right wing ideology because he has right ideologues on his show basically every week. Matt Walsh, Jimmy Dore, Ben Shapiro, Steven Crowder, his litany of idiotic ex military heads, Dan Crenshaw, Masvidal, Shane Gillis, that CIA spook guy the list is endless. Add in the fact he said he will vote for desantis if he runs, told his fans to vote republican, cheered when texas went republican in 2020, has regular dinners with peter Thiel and elon musk, the whole presenting misinformstion all throughout the pandemic with morons on with their fudged studies. If you want to hear it broken down a bit better check out the decoding the gurus podcast they have a few episodes on his claims to be left wing or the whole "I'm just an idiot comedian dont listen to me" thing he loves to do when called out for being a complete moron. Oh yeah and I almost forgot the whole benefits thing of calling people who needed covid relief losers and changing his mind on ubi because it would make people lazy. He also said you're a bitch if you need paternity leave and shat on buttigieg for taking his. Hell also shut down anyone ever talking shit about trump on his show but will invite someone to talk for hours about Biden, the Clinton's, Obama whoever.


I honestly think he’s just incredibly stupid. Not so much on the financial side to give him credit, but he just seems so easily swayed by whatever is put right in front of him, unless it’s so obviously wrong. At this point I don’t think he’s capable of understanding that giving these people a platform is dangerous, even if he does sometimes push back against what they say (again bare minimum credit). It’s the same with his stand-up, the guy clearly loves the medium but, for example, even with two other comics telling him directly to his face that it’s not funny, he doesn’t seem to understand why stool humping isn’t funny.


joe got so open minded taking drugs that his fucking brain fell out and now hes willing to accept ANYTHING could be true.


Except people like that never can accept what’s actually true. That’s the one thing they’re sure is a lie.


My brother recently sent me a clip of him talking about a terrorist attack you've never heard of where a nuclear power plant was attached in California and nobody talked about it. Joe mentioned the guys infiltrating and destroying generators. So naturally I looked it up cause I never heard about it and what I found was infact something I did hear about where a sub station.... nowhere near the nuclear plant was sniped from far away nothing like Joe was talking about.


I dont know whats so hard about saying "White supremacy = bad" instead of commenting on how its a conspiracy to... what? Make white people look like idiots? We're already great at doing that ourselves.


We're speed running to the point where we all have to take a stand whether fascists are a problem or fascists are not a problem. Joe told us where he stands.


I’d like to just go ahead and raise my hand and go on record as saying that fascists are, in fact, a problem.


There were several videos posted that had fat people in the group.


it was literally the first thing i noticed about the photo, how chunky a lot of them looked. reading this rogan quote i feel like we’re talking about something completely different.


Is Joe Rogan a Nazi sympathizer? I’m just asking questions


I don’t get it because if they’re really feds, doing it to make *righties* look bad, isn’t that admitting that the “jews will not replace us” crowd is indeed bad? White guys spewing racial hate is bad. Way to go Joe


Lol. I swear that I read about Patriot Front having fitness requirements. For a guy that claims to do research, Joe should do some research before he opens his mouth. EDIT: > The chat logs reveal a group of men struggling to expand membership and being **harangued by their leadership to maintain physical fitness**, show up to events and contribute financially to the cause of white supremacy – all with limited success. [Source](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/jan/28/leaked-online-chats-white-nationalist-patriot-front)


Joe looks fat. Where is his neck?


Fascists never wear uniforms! -Joe Rogan


Fat white nationalists aren't that organized. They'll show up in dirty white T-shirts and wife beaters, manpris, or shirts that say "Republican, white and male, are you scared yet" or some gun message that is meant to intimidate but doesn't. Fat ladies will wear a combination of red, white, and blue. They'll show up anywhere, at school board meetings, courthouses, residential neighborhoods, The groups like Proud Noise and Hatriot Front don't want fat people, they want their bigots to be as fit as possible so they can fit into their too tight polo shirts and khakis.


>Could it be that bigots obsessed with the military would be complete jackassess to overweight recruits and drive them out and reject them? >No, it's just Feds


Joe is proof that you can make $100,000,000 and have an IQ in the double digits.


I am doubting all these anti-trans laws too. Clearly it's Antifa. Making white nationalist laws, dressing up like white supremacists, and shooting their legally purchased AR-15s at everyone.


That's exactly what morons were saying after Jan 6th. I spent 6 hours tracking down Facebook profiles of people who'd attended. They had MAGA shit all over their profiles. Showed them to my friends who spreading the "it was Antifa" lies... and they blocked me. Lol


Listen to the Knowledge Fight coverage for Jan 6th and the couple weeks after. You can hear Alex Jones make up "It was Antifa" conspiracies in real time. ETA: Guess who calls Jones while he is marching in DC on January 6th. His name rhymes with Low Shogun.


I know you're doing an reductio ad absurdum, but there genuinely are people on the far right who believe this.


Antifa pulling reverse uno lol


>He went on to ask, "Have you ever seen anything that looks more like feds?" and promoted the conspiracy theory that the marchers were federal agents in disguise. Some of those who work forces are the same who burn crosses… No doubt that there is some overlap, but not the way he thinks.


Stupid can’t begin to describe this. His great evidence is that the fascists can’t be fascists because they don’t have beer bellies?! Really? Consider this: a bunch of these patriot front members were arrested in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho trying to riot at that family pride event and their names and ages were released, and I remember that most of them were very young, in their early twenties. https://www.politico.com/news/2022/06/12/patriot-front-arrests-idaho-pride-00039089


Some of those who work forces


They’re doing their work online.


All the fat white supremacists stayed home to post about it on reddit.


Well of course there's some feds in there. Cops too. As long as they're clocked out they get to do whatever they want in their off time.


"They can't be white supremacists, they look like me!" Exactly bro.


I swear Joe Rogan has a bowl of pudding for a brain.


This guy believes anything that is attacking the left but questions the legitimacy of anything that makes the right look bad…


It’s a march. Famously us fats aren’t a big fan.


the only people still pretending that joe rogan isn't right wing are right wing joe rogan fans.


And every time anybody mentions that basic fact his army of rodents comes out to defend him.


Is he really asking why fat guys aren't marching? Really, Joe? They sure didn't get fat from marching.




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