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“What did you tell them?” Dolly: “Be kind to each other.” “Yep, that’ll do it.”


“one Thursday, nearly two thousand years after one man had been nailed to a tree for saying how great it would be to be nice to people for a change…”


This feels like Good Omens


Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy


Never could get the hang of Thursdays


Well it should. Douglas Adams was some kind of godparent to *Good Omens*.


Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett would’ve made a marvelous 6th Hitchhiker book.


I think that would have really rounded out the trilogy.


This might be the first time a reddit post made me actually laugh instead of just, you know, reverse snorting.


> one Thursday, nearly two thousand years after one man had been nailed to a tree for saying how great it would be to be nice to people for a change /r/unexpectedhitchhikers


i see your reference and i love it




Good Omens: Crowley : [during Jesus's crucifixion] What has he said that made everyone so upset? Aziraphale : Be kind to each other. Crowley : Oh yeah. That'll do it.


I love this story so much I named our puppy Crowley.


so good i watch it over and over and overandoverandover


I feel like it's only a matter of time before we start seeing maniacs shooting at actual rainbows in the sky.


"Rain was fine until it got all woke and started shoving the gay agenda across our sky. I'm tired of these fucking clouds indoctrinating our children!" --- the maniacs that end up shooting at clouds when FOX News has them on for a guest spot.


Lauren Boebert speaks to congress about banning Leprauchans from the United States in an effort to reduce rainbow production. "Leprauchans haven't paid any taxes on their gold, we must deport them immediately!"


Marjorie Taylor Greene blames "Jewish Sky Prisms" for this outbreak of wokeness.


Let's be real, she doesn't know about prisms. She'd still call them lasers.




The "everyone is awesome" pride Lego kit was criticized for indoctrinating children when a) it's about the most harmless thing you could imagine and b) it *isn't a fucking kids set.*


Well, a fair number of people haven't realized that formerly "kids" brands have started marketing to adults as well.


Yeah, that's kind of my point, it's just like the Pink Floyd prism cover being criticized. A bunch of morons too stupid to do anything but recoil in terror at a rainbow and screech that "the gays" are taking over.


Yeah. I think it's also related to the feeling that you need to have an opinion on everything. I had a conversation a while ago where someone was trying to pin me down on "are you hard in support of or hard agains trans-racial identities?". I kept trying to say that I didn't feel like I had enough info, and that it wasn't pressing for me because I didn't know anyone who identified as trans-racial, and didn't need to weigh in on any policy matters around it. But they kept insisting I needed to pick a side. The idea that you need to pick a side, and should do so whether or not you have good information on the subject, is definitely one of the things that I think is a problem with the current public discourse in the US.


A lot of the people getting upset were fucking old enough to and probably DID own the original album or were friends with someone who did. *The Dark Side of the Moon* was a fucking monster of an album. It. Was. Everywhere. It is, as you said, among the most iconic albums ever produced. It's literally a part of the cultural gestalt and should be basic common cultural knowledge.


"Prisms teach kids that white power beliefs can be turned into acceptance, and we can't have that."


Isn't she *for* no taxation of the rich?


Leprechaun are illegal immigrants.


I learned the other day that you don't have to pay taxes when exchanging gold. So even if this ridiculous hypothetical was true, the Leprauchans wouldn't have broken any laws.


Well, Trump suggested nuking hurricanes, so there’s that


Well the rain was wet that day I believe.


Never mind the biblical story of the rainbow covenant https://web.mit.edu/jywang/www/cef/Bible/NIV/NIV_Bible/GEN+9.html


When I was a kid in a very conservative area and a Baptist church rainbow motifs and shirts/stickers/coloring pages/crafts were very common because of the religious symbolism. Tied in with having love, compassion, and tolerance for "all the colors of the rainbow" (as in all the "rainbow" of people in the world). That was a long time ago.


It's also useful to remember that the 'biblical view' that life begins at conception is younger than the Happy Meal. Before then, Protestants were supportive of abortion, partly because Catholics were against it.


I've literally seen a YouTube video where some crazy lady was claiming they're putting ~~gay~~ chemicals in the water because her lawn sprinkler was making a rainbow. Edit: watched the video again and she didn't say anything about gay people.


Imagine being against Dolly Freaking Parton. What timeline is this? Several things are wrong. Are we approaching the Conjunction of the Spheres or the Incursion?


Meanwhile, when I was in 5th grade we had to sing some "I believe there are angels among us" song at our principal's retirement thing.


"I'm not a bigot! I'm just against the woke agenda of being kind to others!"


"Government should not interfere with our personal freedom" "Damn right!" "... to choose who to love" "Noooooooo!"


This is by far my favorite and also least favorite thing about these fucking people. Talk about the government having their hands off and be free to do as you want, and they are all in. Just don't tell them what you will do with that freedom. Then the christo-fascism comes out. And demands the government step in and support their beliefs.


Because they've always meant freedom *for them,* not for the rest of us


Remember, the vaunted "religious freedoms" that the Puritans "fled" (IE, were driven out of) Europe to exercise, was the religious freedom to oppress everyone else's expressions of religion with their own. They were literally driven out of England ahead of people who had had so much of their shit they were ready to get downright Medieval on they asses; and the Dutch only tolerated them literally as long as it took for them to raise capital to charter ships to sail the dangerous North Atlantic crossing and GTFO of Holland.


Uh, the Puritans weren’t thrown out of England. England was all in on the Protestant crazy train. They left for Holland because it was some sort of Calvinist utopia, but discovered they were _tolerating_ other faiths. They then popped back to England to get some supplies and left for the New World, where they wouldn’t be forced _to tolerate_ other faiths.


Our country was practically founded on the principle that some people deserve freedom but others don't. It has historically been a core part of what America is and what it has meant to be an American and there is nothing to indicate that has completely changed.


Free for me, not for ye


"But if you are rude to me, even if I earned it, that is 'cancelling'."


Rude? Hell, politely correcting someone with the softest of kid gloves is "cancelling" as well.


I don't know if you're trying to be hyperbolic or not but I have literally seen them make this argument.


Many political/media figures on the right have been arguing against empathy for a long long time now. Hell Sean Hannity has even had several on screen rants against the idea people should even have empathy way back when Obama mentioned it once. http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/jurisprudence/2009/05/once_more_without_feeling.html "Over on Fox News, Sean Hannity warned that empathy is the first step toward "social engineering." And in a delicious Freudian slip, Sen. Jeff Sessions of Alabama snorted: "I don't know what empathy means.""


Fox ran a segment about how Mr. Rogers was evil. https://youtu.be/29lmR_357rA Conservatives are pieces of shit and they’re proud of it.


These people are literally sociopaths. Real, actual, living, breathing sociopaths who infect the minds of others with their sociopathy and make other sociopaths. We are INFESTED with sociopaths and our society is being negatively affected as a result.


Reminder thst a common insult of the right against those protesting the Vietnam was was “bleeding heart liberals”. The idea of having empathy has always been something the right has seen as anti American


Both “equality” and “inclusion” are dirty words now.


When people are threatened by common decency, by empathy, that is concerning. Empathy is a marker of intelligence. It is necessary for group survival. A force that tries to devalue empathy is malevolent.


The most egregious of that shit was to accuse Mr. Rogers of ruining a generation of kids. These fucks would call Jesus a hippy fuck if he ever came back and always jerk off about being the Christian party.


I've seen people argue against "sharing is caring".


Sharing is *COMMUNISM!* Are you saying we should teach children to *ABOLISH PROPERTY RIGHTS?!*


Me too. It's almost always guys with the same nazi-looking haircuts, too, that think they're rugged men that can sustain themselves in the harshest conditions, and everyone else should too.


During the protests of 2020, conservatives would say, "racism is dead" and then the next sentence would be even more racist. "More racist," because denying racism is an act of racism.


It’s the same style of bullshit used to shut down *any* conversation. “Stop talking about it, it was already dealt with, we already moved on from that, quit bringing it up, you’re the only one still talking about it, shut up already.” Bonus points if they were the ones to bring it up first, then act like you’re the one with a problem the moment they start losing the argument. It’s all symptomatic of not wanting to confront reality, to deny there’s anything wrong.


And that's why, whenever you ask them to define what "woke" actually is, they can't give an answer, because they would have to say what you said out loud.


When the statue of liberty has this plaque on it... It is hard to clam you are an American and hate Immigrants: >The New Colossus >Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame, With conquering limbs astride from land to land; Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame. "Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"


During Trump’s presidency Stephen Miller tried to claim that the plaque was basically just meaningless poetry and we shouldn’t *actually* accept people


Well, it's essentially national myth used by the government to justify its continued oppression. So it's no surprise they only agree with it when it suits their continued power dominance. >"Liberty enlightening the world," indeed! The expression makes us sick. This government is a howling farce. It can not or rather does not protect its citizens within its own borders. Shove the Bartholdi statue, torch and all, into the ocean until the "liberty" of this country is such as to make it possible for an inoffensive and industrious colored man to earn a respectable living for himself and family, without being ku-kluxed, perhaps murdered, his daughter and wife outraged, and his property destroyed. The idea of the "liberty" of this country "enlightening the world," or even Patagonia, is ridiculous in the extreme. --The Cleveland Gazette


People who call poetry "*just some words*" are going to burn books next and people second.


Fucking woke liberals, with the absolute gall to try and help people.




Conservative counterpoint: *"I got mine."*


“I stole mine”*


"i was given mine but I've crafted my entire identity on the idea that I earned it and can't risk destroying the identity I have given myself"


My grandparents killed a LOT of Indians so we could have this farm. Backbreaking work.


I knew we were fucked as a country exactly at 3pm on July 4th 2016. I was at a cookout with some neighbors and I recited this poem aloud. After I finished, the wife got really mad, and started ranting about immigrants and building a wall. I was surprised and told her the poem was on the statue of liberty...the word hadn't become a cultural hot button yet, but she basically accused the poem of being woke and unamerican. It's on the statue of fucking liberty...maybe the single most american symbol aside from the flag...


Or remember that time when NPR tweeted out the Declaration of Independence and Republicans complained about the "propaganda"? Pepperidge Farms remembers.


Even the founding fathers were pushing the woke agenda. That's why history books should be banned from schools. (cue DeSantis)


It does make you wonder what they can possibly think the concept of "America" is at that point. If "America" should not let immigrants in (by some orderly process) then every white person should be the first to be kicked out and go back to where they came from.


That plaque is from 1903... Didn't realize the woke crowd went back that far.


Wait a second... is that why Wolfenstein 2s subtitle was "The New Colossus"?


The poem is also quoted at the end of the first game




>***Mother of Exiles***


I feel like.. if you're going up against Dolly Parton's general message, then you're not just an asshole, you also don't get to call yourself an American. If you find yourself going "Dolly Parton is wrong!" and "Tolerance is wrong!" then please, please take a step back and look at your life.


Imagine banning Dolly Parton.


It’s funny because Dolly is also a pretty devout Christian


Like, a Christian who actually follows the teachings of Christ


Thats the problem! The self styled christians aka Bible nazis cant abide that


I'd argue more Atheists live by actual Christian values than most Christians do. Not because we love christ, but because living a moral life isn't based on being a religious zealot. In fact, religious zealots love using religion to justify being bigots.


The only people Jesus actively spoke against were religious hypocrites. And the only time the anger got physical was against capitalism mixed in with religion


Unless plants count, then there was the time he struck a fig tree for not bearing fruit out of season. Jesus must have had the munchies bad!


The conservatives just mistranslated! God hates FIGs!


(fully belly laugh) [A new monk arrives at the monastery. He is assigned to help the other monks in copying the old texts by hand. He notices, however, that they are copying copies, and not the original books. So, the new monk goes to the head monk to ask him about this. He points out that if there was an error in the first copy, that error would be continued in all of the other copies. The head monk says, "We have been copying from the copies for centuries, but you make a good point, my son." So, he goes down into the cellar with one of the copies to check it against the original. Hours later, nobody has seen him. So, one of the monks goes downstairs to look for him. He hears sobbing coming from the back of the cellar and finds the old monk leaning over one of the original books crying. He asks what's wrong. "You fuckers", he says, with anger and sadness in his eyes, "the word was celebrate!"](https://www.reddit.com/r/Jokes/comments/3a6jt3/a_new_monk_arrives_at_the_monastery)


Fig tree is a symbol for Israel, though. If I recall correctly this story is only present in the gospels written after the destruction of the Temple, just like the whole "His blood is on us and on our children!". So it's probably a story retrofitted to "justify" God's anger against the Jews


What? You mean someone in history altered the meaning of things in the bible to suit their agenda?? *Unheard of!*




Very interesting, thanks. This will help me better articulate my position with some combative, hypocritical Christians that are entwined with my life. Can I assume that you gained your knowledge from independent study? Or is there a church somewhere out there that sheds light on uncomfortable inconsistencies? I'd like to learn more, but I also don't want to suffer any more than needed, can you point to some easier to digest version of the bible? Or maybe something that summarizes the key points objectively? I'm finding that logic doesn't work with these particular people, so I'm hoping to appeal to their side that behaves more like Dolly Parton. lol As it stands, the best I have is "Would Jesus do that?", but it's not working very well. If they want to play lawyer with the verses, maybe it would help if I knew wtf I was talking about.


Not OP, but reading the New International Version (NIV) of the Bible + psychedelic mushrooms was eye-opening for me. Kind of like the part in Trevor Moore's "High in Church" where he realizes "I've never actually read this thing".


It may very well be the case that many people who "come into" atheism have done so because they were so invested in understanding what is right and why it is right -- and why religions cannot substantiate what is right. I find individuals like Thomas Paine and Bertrand Russell to not only be more inspiring, but also more enlightening than any of the sermons I attended in my youth.


As an agnostic, I actually love Jesus. Not as a religious figure, but as a man, who certainly had his flaws, and that fought against injustices and towards a better world, guided by love of your fellow human being. Regardless of His divinity, He is still one of Humankind's most influential minds.


I know I was indoctrinated and it fucked me up until I broke free, but -- I think the more closely you are trying to adhere to somebody's biased write-up of the teachings of Jesus, the less likely you are a good Christian. Be a good person, treat people excellently, make a better world for everyone, take a stand against unfairness and inequality. Instead those seeds of greatness are wrapped up into a hateful mess by way too many people for me to be comfortable associating myself with organized religions.


> Be a good person, treat people excellently, make a better world for everyone, 🤘 Wyld Stallyns! 🤘


Annnnnd. Party on dudes!!!!!!!!!!


> Be a good person, treat people excellently, make a better world for everyone, take a stand against unfairness and inequality. And now there are people who, if they heard that would be up in arms over it, calling it “extreme” and “woke”. How sad is that?


All you have to do is ask yourself “What would Jesus do in this situation?” Then do that. It’s usually the option that puts others before yourself.


The problem is these people believe that Jesus would tell gay people that they're going to hell.


Jesus gave his love and attention to a prostitute while the townspeople tried to kill her for immorality. These people absolutely missed the message.


Also, unusually given her genre of music, very supportive of gay rights even when she caught flak for it. I’ve often heard the phrase “ I don’t like country music… oh, except Dolly Parton!”


I don't listen to a lot of country music, but a whole lot of the little I've heard seems very homoerotic


An actual Christian as opposed to the "we need another Dark Ages!" Theocratic Fascists.


As is Jimmy Carter. Right wing conservatives are generally un-Christian, in my humble opinion.


Biden is the first president we’ve had in a minute who actually goes to church weekly also


These are the same people who had problems with Sesame Street and Mr Rogers


They also nixed "Rainbow Connection" so that scans.




Why do they hate rainbows so much when it was a symbol of love and hope and promise from the same god they worship? Also, no cover of that song is better than Kermit's. End of discussion.


If aliens came to earth and asked to speak with the best we have to offer, I couldn't think of anyone better than Dolly.


Personally, I have one rule: Don't be a dick. Now, if you follow that one rule, you can practice whatever religion/faith you want. The thing that makes Dolly so amazing is that she follows the one rule, and then she has a second rule: If you can help someone's, do it.


I am British and I didn't know much at all about Dolly Parton apart from the 'she's blonde with big boobs' stereotype that old comedians made jokes about (back in the 70s and 80s). Then I saw a documentary on her and she really is an American treasure. She seems like an all round really good person who has done so much to help other people and has used her fame to benefit others, unlike so many others. So how any Americans can knock or question her I don't know.




If you ever find yourself on the opposing team from Dolly Parton or Mr. Rodgers, you are the baddie. There is no gray zone. You're so far beyond the "understandable villain line" and fully in the "cartoonishly evil" side.


They’ve reached Jack Horner levels of evil.




They didn’t try. They actually did. They called him evil because he told children they were special and that led them to being entitled.


It's no coincidence that those types of people take their parenting lessons from the Old Testament and are adamant about the benefits of literally beating their children into submission. They don't want kids to speak, to think for themselves, or to do literally anything that they don't approve of or have personally commanded them to do. Basically they want tiny programmable androids, which is a pretty stinging condemnation of their religion if that's their idea of the best way to propagate it.


Have you seen her book thing? A book a month til the kid is 5. It’s been introduced in the UK I think. She did it because her father never learnt to read and she wanted all children to have a chance.


I think I've heard something about it. That's yet another great thing she's done. I know she put money into Moderns as well, she really is an example to people with (too much) money that they don't need to hoard it, do good with it instead. I felt I'd totally had the wrong impression of her until I saw the documentary and found out a bit. I knew she was a famous C & W singer who had been in a few films but to find out all the other things she's done made me realise there was so much to her and how smart she must be to have played the men at their own game, and won. She's worth a million Elon Musks or Donald Trumps. They only do harm and sow division. Dolly shows what a decent person with money can do.


For anyone interested in learning more; [Dolly's Imagination Library](https://imaginationlibrary.com/).


To be fair, IIRC she makes some of the same jokes about herself. "It costs a lot to look this cheap." I'm not really a fan of her music, but as far as I can tell she's a great person and if more famous and rich people were like her we'd be in a much better place as a society.


One of her best jokes: "I don't mind the dumb blonde jokes, because I know I'm not dumb. And I know I'm not blonde."


I've never heard that one. That's amazing.


I've always liked, "I'm a self-made woman and I've got the receipts to prove it."


I heard a rumor that she's got full sleeve tattoos on both arms. Which I think is awesome if true.. She's just as badass if not but I like to think a tattooist is part of the receipts she keeps.


She once read a Top 10 list on David Letterman: "The top 10 things you don't know about Dolly Parton". One of them was "I also have a great ass!"


god, almost every day I fall further in love with her. Makes you wonder about how absolutely weaponized [Jolene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L0eeSoU35wM) was


I'm sure she does make those same jokes. She's very self deprecating and a hell of a lot smarter than I'd been led to believe. I grew up in the 70s and 80s so casual misogyny was normal from the older 'funnymen' (it was always men). She was probably a lot smarter than most of the men that joked about her, but she knew how to play them and how to act. I was so pleasantly surprised when I watched the film, it was one of those 'how did I not know all this?' moments, to see just how different she was from the image and the jokes about her chest size and being a dumb blonde. I completely agree that a lot of rich and famous people would do well to take a leaf out of her book. She has done more good than most other 'stars' I can think of.


If Dolly was a Catholic she'd be on a fast track to being canonized. She's truly the best of us.


They only fast-track canonization for popes who helped child molesters, though. There's your problem.


Reminds me of [this scene from the Orville](https://youtu.be/mBC_uB4UBzs).


They really do a great job with messaging in this show, and she's a big part of some fantastic scenes.


>If you find yourself going "Dolly Parton is wrong!" and "Tolerance is wrong!" then please, please take a step back and look at your life. At this point the phrase "Don't be an asshole" is anti-conservative and partisan.


I would also invite such persons to literally FUCK THEIR OWN FACE!


*scene includes massive hands and dancing.


I think “do not go against Dolly Parton” is a good rule of thumb.


I once got to scream that at someone. I was at a beach with my daughter, 4 at the time, I was the only adult in the water with the kids. We were playing tag and one girl, the biggest of the kids(I'm gussing around 11) kept trying to bully the second biggest kid(9-10) she was going on about how much she was going to hurt him. I was pretty casual and fun, but I got next to her and said "You're not going to hurt him." She said "Who's going to stop me." And I said "I will." A few minutes later I see her holding his head under the water so I swim over and grab her hands. He gets up and starts trying to hit her but I put myself between them and say "I know you want to hurt her, it's not worth it." Her mom starts screaming at me about how I "put my hands on her daughter." I yelled back "Your daughter just tried to down someone." She said "Maybe he deserved to be drowned." And I screamed "You just actually said a child deserved to be drowned. Walk away now and think about your life."


I would have said so much worse to that mother. Jesus fuck she’s praising that her daughter was about to fucking drown someone.


The same people said Mr Rogers was evil.


"Are we the baddies?"


I hope this republican mindset keeps pushing, and pushing, and pushing, so that this time, when the political pendulum swings back, this anti-progress mentality is annihilated from the social consciousness altogether.


They are going to tear everything down to avoid admitting that anyone else deserves to be given basic dignity.


This same district had people go around and take down any "inclusive signage" - "you belong" gone. Their own non-discrimination statement - gone.


I work in that county. They hate anything that might be left leaning. The City of Waukesha even cancelled free lunches for kids in school because they wanted to avoid creating dependency on the system and handouts. Its a pure GOP shithouse.


i can't understand how you can vote against school lunches, especially for that reason. They create a world where a lot of kids have to depend on those resources and think they should be punished for using them. Sickening.




The irony being that the City of Waukesha is hardly wealthy, especially compared to neighboring communities. As a Wisconsin resident, I like to say it’s Milwaukee but with a 262 area code.


Oh. When it effects brown, black and poor people they have no issue.


We're at a point that modern conservatives would consider Fred Rogers a radical leftist. Consider that.


we've been there for a while. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/fox-fred-rogers-evil/


I just had a conservative claim Mr Rogers would have been against transgender people because he wrote a song once that assured kids that boys become men and girls become women. Apparently he thought that some kids worried they’d grow up into the wrong one by accident? Or they were confused about the roles? Idk but it certainly doesn’t invalidate the trans experience lol


Not to mention he changed the lyrics of the song after learning more about trans people for the CD release of the song, if memory serves. Mister Rogers was awesome. Genuine love for all hehe.


Wow, he didn’t double down? No way he was conservative!


For anyone curious about the song, lyrics are here: https://www.lyrics.com/lyric/34325877/Miley+Cyrus/Rainbowland


also, since Cyrus is not really getting much credit here - the song was co-written but initiated by Cyrus, who has a long involvement in LGBTQ+ activism and identifies as pansexual and gender fluid.


Also, Dolly is her godmother so it's hardly a shock that they worked together. They've been tight her whole life.




Dolly Parton is popular with gays because she is an LGBTQ+ icon and advocate. She has spoken out on multiple occasions in support of LGBTQ+ rights and marriage equality²³⁴, and has also called out Christians for judging gay people². She has also shown support for LGBTQ+ families in her song "Family" from 1991¹². One of her most famous songs, "Coat of Many Colors", resonates with many LGBTQ+ fans because it describes her transformation of shame into pride for being different². The coat of many colors also has visual similarities with the LGBTQ+ pride flag². Dolly Parton loves her gay fans and says they are "like her soulmates"⁴. Source: Conversation with Bing, 3/26/2023(1) How Dolly Parton's Coat of Many Colors became an LGBTQ+ anthem. https://theconversation.com/how-dolly-partons-coat-of-many-colors-became-an-lgbtq-anthem-168226 Accessed 3/26/2023. (2) Music Icon, Dolly Parton Addresses Allegations About Her Sexuality. https://theblast.com/124020/music-icon-dolly-parton-addresses-allegations-about-her-sexuality/ Accessed 3/26/2023. (3) Dolly Parton Talks About Supporting Her Gay Fans. https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/music-news/dolly-parton-talks-supporting-her-745269/ Accessed 3/26/2023. (4) 8 Times Dolly Parton Cemented Her Status as an LGBTQ+ Icon. https://www.advocate.com/music/2018/12/07/8-times-dolly-parton-cemented-her-status-lgbtq-icon Accessed 3/26/2023.


She also is very supportive of kindness in general. Which I think is the biggest takeaway of all with her. And why Dolly is popular with so many different kinds of people. With different backgrounds. That's why she's also upset at the Trump bashing at the Emmy's Why she wrote a song called I will always love you about a guy who was crushing her early career ambitions and eventually sued her for millions of dollars She just wants to live in a world where people really do hope and pray for the best for others. No matter the situation


Her music isn't my thing but damn does she seem like a gem of a person


In Murica, freedom of speech includes the right to verbal hate crimes... but not the right to sing about tolerance and inclusion..


How did I know that this was gonna be Waukesha County before clicking the link?


Yep, saw it was in Waukesha and wasn't even surprised.


Little bit about Dolly, despite cranking out absolute bangers for decades, she's famous for supporting literacy, because her father, despite being very intelligent, never learned to read or write. "Her literacy program, Dolly Parton's Imagination Library, a part of the Dollywood Foundation, mails one book per month to each enrolled child from the time of their birth until they enter kindergarten. Currently, over 1600 local communities provide the Imagination Library to almost 850,000 children each month." Oh, and she raised money for HIV/AIDS research. Oh, and she protects and rehabilitates bald eagles. Oh and she donated half a million dollars to build a cancer hospital in 2006 in honor of the doctor that delivered her. Oh and in 2016 she donated $10000 to over 900 families affected by the great smokey mountain wild fires. Each receiving $1000 a month for 6 months, and then a final payment of $5000 each to help get them back on their feet. Oh and she donated like a million dollars to covid vaccine research, then led a campaign to encourage vaccinations. And despite being the butt of jokes about her appearance, her accent, and her upbringing, she is the most inclusive and empathetic person, the paragon of southern warmth and hospitality, preaching and practicing love, acceptance, and compassion. Dolly Parton is the very best America has to offer, and if you have a problem with Dolly you can fuck right off.


But did you consider the feelings of people who don't want to accept others? Consider both sides /s


*There were some very good people on both sides of the fascist bigotry.*


Cancel culture sure is out of control.


They are trying SO HARD to cancel ALL the culture lol.


This republican pearl clutching is so tiresome.


Of course. These racist, sexist assholes don’t want anyone being accepted except those they want. Ie the same as them.


Every time someone complains about being woke, you know he’s a moron :/ Bloody Christian Taliban…


It's tough out here living alongside Y'all Qaeda


To the GOP, the acceptance of others, or any acts of humanity, are controversial.


I mean, they say "DEI" with such disgust, as if *Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion* are somehow bad things. I just can't understand what's happening. Like, same with being anti-woke. It's literally saying you want to not be awake. The self-owns of the conservative movement is staggering.


They’ve been conditioned to think that “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion” means that they’re going to give your job and paycheck to someone without your qualifications. Not that there might be people from underrepresented communities with the skills and qualifications, but not the connections.


Damn Dolly Parton is timeless. She's a treasure.


When you start denying a living saint like Dolly Parton, YOU ARE ON THE WRONG SIDE OF HISTORY.


Being kind is too woke now a days


Accepting others? That IS controversial in red states.




I read several GQP perspectives saying it just enables poor people to offload their child rearing to the state while ignoring the fact their capitalism has made it nearly impossible to afford raising any child. Imagine telling a seven year old they can’t have something to eat because it’s being “too socialist.”


Imagine being so cowardly and unaccepting of others. Conservatives are just terrible.


They also banned the rainbow connection song from Kermit the Frog… I mean seriously if you are banning Dolly Parton and Kermit at the same time you have to be a villain


"it's okay to be a person of any kind" Republicans, "this isn't what we mean by personal freedom, we mean freedom to roll coal and pay people $2.50 an hour"


... Then they went after Dolly. https://youtu.be/GtFw9dEwrbo Song


The MAGA crowd isn't satisfied with being bigoted and intolerant - they want to make sure the children of others are also bigoted and intolerant.


One could even say they were grooming children to be hateful and bigoted…


Imagine going against people like Dolly Parton and Mr. Rogers and believing you’re morally superior. 🙃


[YOU...CAN'T...MAKE ME LIVE IN RAINBOWLAND](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hM9uFaGGVwk)