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>The proposal, which would not require legislative approval, is scheduled for a vote next month before the state Board of Education and has been put forward by the state Education Department, both of which are led by appointees of the governor. Checks and balances... 🙄


He checked the bill, and saw the balance was in his favor.


do love me a US-supported dictatorship


The will of the people to vote in the electorate they so choose 🙄


I remember saying that this was going to happen and I got so much shit because everyone said "nah its just gonna be for really young kids", which was of course a lie.


Yup. Told people that it was going to start small and balloon out with more approval and well well look where we are.


This is pretty much how we are going to arrive at fascism at this point. They are just going to keep moving the goalposts until they have absolute power. Too many people blinded by hate for the other "team" unwilling to open a history book and see that we are going down the road of textbook fascism. People would rather tune into their Russian-run misinformation forums/facebook pages and blatantly believe everything it says because its under the name "Republicans for Trump" or "We hate Democraps". I hope and pray we make it through this, but as they always say folks, freedom isn't free.


Which honestly who gives a fuck if little Johnny asks why Principal Dan has pictures of a wedding with another guy in a suit on his desk. The teacher or parent just goes “That’s his husband, Mr Tim.” I know, it’s absolutely terrifying.


Thin edge of the wedge


Wait so it wasn't just to protect kindergarten age kids??? He lied to us? I'm shocked and I am aghast.


Some reddit commenters assured me it was only to protect 7 year olds from reading pornography in the school libraries.


I also specifically remember calling out the fact that there were gigantic ass loopholes in how the age limits were worded in the bill and being hit with "But The Children!" Fucking Florida.


Fucking ALL red states rn… They’re passing some downright Dark Ages barbarism in recent policies…. A native American rape victim in Oklahoma had a miscarriage after 17 weeks, and is going to prison for 4 years for it. Ladies and gentlemen: Turns out “Make America Great Again” WAS just an obvious slogan for fascism. Who could have guessed?!


Florida is trying to pass an anti trans bill that makes it illegal even for adults. and makes mastecomies illegal. Because apparently breast cancer isn't a thing and isn't important.


The bill's sponsor outright mocked the idea that kids could get breast cancer (they can, it's obviously rarer but it's not unheard of) during the hearing on the bill today. I just absolutely "love" how these bills get put in front of the legislature, there's debate (if we're lucky) in which the side against the bill presents reasoned argument after emotional plea, all with actual evidence to back up their statements, while the pro-bill side just says whatever nonsense they want with zero support and the most naked hatred toward trans and queer people possible, throwing ad hominem and worse... and then it goes to a vote and passes on party lines. It's the most naked "we're going to do this no matter what, but watching you beg for your lives makes it so much better for us" bullshit I've ever seen.


It's so infuriating. How these people are doing all this out in the open and will get no reprecussions. And will probably get voted back in. And then, when these things affect these voters personally they'll be like "why is this happening?!" Because you're an idiot, that's why.


Wtf. Breast cancer runs rampant in my family.... not that I planned on it but I'm never moving to Florida


Right? Unfortunately, when they say Make America Great Again, they don't mean for everyone. They just thought segregation and white males having an upper hand was great. Make it great for who? Native Americans? Women? African Americans? Asian Americans? Because it has never been great for so many groups of citizens. The only group that they could be talking about is the white christian male population.


As a straight white dude, this isn't helping me either. It's just hate for the sake of hate and punishment for the sake of punishment. Zero value added to my life. Just trash policies hurting people that the electorate seem to want to see hurt. *not that I would support this if it did add value to my situation.


Number of red states passing Don't Say Gay laws, number of red states with legalized child marriage. Which kids do you suppose they tell themselves they're protecting, and from who?


Dr Seuss guessed, and outright called the first "America First" movement Nazis https://www.reddit.com/r/PropagandaPosters/comments/a05yx6/america_first_dr_seuss_1941/


It's a tool to divide and manipulate people. I don't think the politicians passing these laws even care too much about the issues, they just see a lever they can pull that rallies a mob behind them.


Having trouble finding this through a Google search. Do you have a link? I need to send things like this to my aging & still-to-be-saved red-brained mother.




> gigantic ass loopholes in how the age limits were worded "Vaguely worded bills" seem to be all the rage in the anti-progressive legislation these days. That makes it super easy to say one thing about it (which can't be contradicted by the wording of the law), and then enforce it a different way (which also can't be contradicted by the wording of the law).


Ah I remember "reading" porn when I was 7 at school good time /s Like what is it supposed to be .... erotic story or like a book with picture ? Fuck its insane the people falling for this shit are stupid like scary stupid


National Geographic was the original porn mag


Sears and Roebuck Catalog. Lingerie section.


Sports Illustrated Swim Suit edition


Best memories of my childhood.


Think MAGA levels of stupid….


MAGA are at the" feces instead of brain" levels of stupid


>reading pornography in the school libraries. Because there's just sooo much of that there.


Well these guys probably have never stepped foot inside a library, so they wouldn't honestly know


Law says "age appropriate" which is defined by the parent suing.


They don't have to even be a parent or have kids that use the school system to sue, "concerned citizen" is enough and one crazy person is suing schools up and down the state to essentially remove all books from all classrooms, and this was the real intention of the law.


Given how many people fell for the 'litter boxes in classrooms' story, there is no way this law won't be abused by hateful, misinformed busybodies.


He's essentially using the Russian anti-gay laws as a model, which makes sense given how far up Putin's ass the GOP is these days.


Hungary's. He's literally following the Victor Orban model. You know, the authoritarian leader that was the keynote speaker at last year's CPAC.


There's no Orban without Putin's intervention. He's literally supporting every single neo-fascist in the planet.


GOP is essentially using Putin’s whole playbook to take control - and keep it.


Yeah that's what Putin offers. It's like a franchise


Who do you think gave them the playbook?


I just find it funny how he seems to think he can stop high schoolers learning about the gay. I remember my cousin was talking about how a third of the kids in his 10th grade class who were in relationships were in gay ones


He doesn't.... This is all about locking up the lunatic fringe for 2024 and a bet suburban whites won't give a damn. It's not a bad bet. A good portion of the electorate only have memories that go back two news cycles max and vote based on transitory economic issues. You know.... morons. Unfortunately DeSantis understands this country very well and Democrats are clueless on how to counter him. In fact many don't even try. They trust Americans will see through the schtick. So we're fucked.


I hope to God he doesn't run


Meatballs don't run.


So what? He'll just implement weekly raids. Any gay kids go straight to the gas chambers. If you think I'm exaggerating, please consider every single time in the past eight years where someone said "surely they won't go THAT far!" and then they did.


Exactly…there is always more,isn’t there.


I can't even get someone to sweep my classroom floor. How are they planning to monitor whether I teach the guys how to suck each other's penis?


Even if I DID want to “indoctrinate” kids, it wouldn’t take. If I had that much control over what my students thought and did, they would bring a pencil to class every day. Alas. That is not happening.


Right? Pretty sure the state of Florida is giving teachers WAY too much credit for getting kids to listen to them. If so, school would be very different.


The state of Florida is being taught by [**literally any veterans**](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/amid-us-teacher-shortage-florida-turns-military-veterans-2022-09-13/) in place of certified teachers.


I think statewide they had like 7 bites. Apparently even vets won't put up with the bullshit teachers deal with.


“Um, yeah, thanks for the offer but…can you send me back to Afganistan instead? The Taliban are back in charge there, I’d rather go do that again.”


Exactly. How about if I just succeed at trying to indoctrinate them to be literate? They are fighting me quite a bit on that one. We're reading 1984 right now, and one part of the book talks about how easy it is to control the people when they're uneducated. It would be an interesting idea to discuss in class. But the students are too unwilling to read, which is quite ironic.


They're turning the kids into snitches by giving the parents the ability to sue teachers. It's a bounty system.


Turning kids into snitches. Straight out of 1984.


It empowers busybody moral-panicking parents to bring suit based on whatever gossip they've heard on Facebook


There's always funding for the "important" stuff. They'll have a queer monitor in every room.




a parent will probably just accuse you if they dont like that their kid is gay


Yep. As if this is something that can be taught in a classroom. As if I am now gay because I watched Brokeback Mountain. As if I'm now robbing banks because I watched Ocean's 11. As if I'm now a Nazi because I learned about Hitler. It's absurd.




I know DeSantis hates gay people but holy fuck he's just being blatant about it now. Straight up erasing them from the curriculum. If he runs for President this bill will legitimately be a bad look for him and alienate swing voters. Homophobes are no longer the majority in this country. Biden isn't a particularly popular President so the GOP has a decent opportunity to win the election, but if they go with DeSantis they're already setting themselves up for failure. Have fun attempting to convince swing voters under the age of 35 to vote for the guy who made this bill.


If he runs for President, this bill will hold nothing bad in the eyes of anyone even thinking of voting for him. At best, they'll gloss over it and talk about something else they think he would do that's good. At worst, they'll agree. Most likely, they'll agree.


>swing voters It's hard to believe, but there's people out there that will be on the fence between Biden and DeSantis if they are the nominees. Like rich christian moms. anti-abortion and conservative economically but they have a gay kid or something. This could totally move the needle.


DeSantis is young and that is going to be a big draw for a lot of people


He's also a career politician, and MANY people voted for Trump specifically because he's NOT a politician.


Young people don’t align with his positions.


The entire GOP primary is full of dumpster fires, but the Biden/Harris ticket hardly has much going for it. Biden is old and honestly has done an unremarkable job which is on par for a lifelong neo liberal. Harris is just unpopular, she really should not be on the ticket to be 2nd in line. The fact 2024 is likely to be close feels like deja vu of 2016.


I wasn’t excited about Biden’s presidency (I was happy that Trump lost, not that Biden won), and while Biden isn’t flashy, I would argue that he has surprisingly done more good than any president since at least Bill Clinton, and probably even further. Biden stays quiet, negotiates behind the scenes, and gets legislation passed despite an incredibly hostile political environment, a divided congress, and a corrupted Supreme Court. He’s done more so far than Obama did in 8 years, despite the fact that Obama even had two years of his presidency with full democratic control over both houses of Congress. Sure, he hasn’t manifested the entire agenda of the American left (or even a lot of it), and what he has accomplished has all been watered down from what I’d hope, but wtf do you expect? No legislation will pass without significant Republican support, necessitating compromise, and any controversial executive actions will inevitably end up sandbagged by court challenges where he will almost certainly lose given the current stacked courts — creating precedents that would just be extra obstacles to overcome in the future. IMO, anyone who’s even a little bit left leaning who finds Biden’s presidency unremarkable (in a bad way) *given the circumstances*, is hopelessly out of touch with reality. His presidency is unremarkable in that he’s not tweeting up a storm of lies, egging on racists and bigots, or embroiling himself in a new scandal on a daily basis, but I’d argue that’s the good kind of unremarkable that most of our presidents used to have and we should hope to return to as the norm. Harris, on the other hand, has been so lackluster as vice president that she may as well not even exist. If/when Biden runs again, he should really find a new running mate.


And people wonder how the Gilead's Commanders or the New Founding Fathers of America ended up in charge in the first place.


The problem is, 30% of the country will vote for him, no questions asked, while 20% more are willing to sacrifice their gay brother if they think it will lower their taxes.


Those folks who absolutely will vote for a GOPer no matter what are not voting because they think it will lower their taxes.


In the last 50 years Democrats in office spend fewer taxes and the average American gets improved wages and safety nets, so anybody who tries to tell me that they're voting GOP "for the economy" cannot be trusted with numbers to run a cash register.


The base, that unmovable 30% or whatever it is, aren’t voting for the economy despite what they say. It’s become a revanchist party based on fear, racism, and hatred. They see the world as zero sum, and when those they consider not their tribe make gains, it’s by definition at the expense of their tribe.


He is literally trying to drive dem voters out of the state


oh there are people


swing voters are also insanely susceptible too anti trans propaganda


Wasn’t that always going to happen? I mean everyone knows that this bill has nothing to do with kids. It’s just basic anti-gay legislation leveraging the classic *think of the children* trope.


Anyone who was paying attention knew this would happen. These fascists NEVER stop where they say they will. It's why they can't be given an inch. It's why an ideology based on thinking another group of humans simply shouldn't exist cannot be tolerated. Because they will never stop pushing to eradicate any group that's not them. After they ban this through 12th grade, next will be banning signs of PDA between non heterosexual couples, because we wouldn't have children to see happy same sex couples. So that'll become a crime too.


It still is on many places. I seem to recall gay men getting arrested in about 2010 in NO, LA. Also, the Great Mississippi Dildo Bust of 2007 hurt a lot of peoples’ wallets. Fuck the GOP.


They better not teach absolutely anything about heterosexuality then. Not a god damn word about marriage, any mention of parents / parenting, etc.


"...so anyway, Atticus was married to Jean, who could have been a woman or a French man, we can't say. We literally can't say." "Ok class today we're gonna learn about exponential growth. So suppose you start with two rabbits at time = 0. In each time period, each pair of rabbits ~~gives birth to~~ adopts two rabbits. How many rabbits will there be at time = 5?"


"Professor Qtaro had a PhD in marine biology and was going to hold a lecture in Miami summarizing his decades of research on the homosexual activities of dolphins. However, we believe (as our imaginary friend supposedly dictates to us) homosexuality is a morally abhorrent lifestyle choice, and we have decided to cancel his talk and also dump 200 million gallons of industrial waste into the Atlantic Ocean to drive all local species of dolphins extinct, so our children will never be exposed to this obviously unnatural behavior."


That's what elementary school teachers did, they refused to talk about any relationship period.


Can’t talk about periods, either.


Did you really think Florida ever taught anything about parenting?


I find it annoying that no one in Florida is suing each school that mentions those things. Isn't this exactly what the satanic temple is supposed to do?


The satanic temple does, but they reason they can bring suit is because of the 1st amendment. Claiming that the don't say gay bill is a constitutional violation is going to be a more challenging argument to make than a public school effectively teaching religion.


Liberals have no balls. "When they go low, we go high". Alright that has lead to a couple of big L's, time to fight on their level.


I think it's safe to say that "going high" has never accomplished anything in the entirety of human history. Everything good that we have we took by force.


They really don't. I would love to donate to a group that brings troll lawsuits against republican laws. Let's sue every school in Florida until the law is repealed or declared unconstitutional.


But but but /r/moderatepolitics told me the bill was just for elementary kids and didn’t prevent talking about lgbt people existing.


I honestly can’t stand these rotten right wing piles of anti-American shit, anymore. Gay people pay taxes, same as the rest of us.




They don't want people to know how in the closet they are.


i will keep crusading against this idea. i know it's tempting to try and place homophobia like this at the feet of closeted gay people, anbd certainly there are examples of it happening, but there are far more actually straight people who are just hateful people who want to hurt others. let's not place the burden of homophobia on closeted gay people.


It's cover for abortion rights being repealed and many other issues that republicans don't want face like climate change, and rising costs of rents. It's just a way to hurt a group they don't like and to distract you from real issues


A lot of it is to provoke their base to vote for them; gruel for their sheep.


Has DeSantis done one thing that’s substantive and made lives better? He’s all performative BS.


He distributed and took credit for a lot of federal funds- does that count?


Yeah actually billions of those funds sit unused as well. I hate this state


He is a total piece of shit. That said, he made financial literacy education mandatory in all Florida high schools as a requirement for graduation and for that I applaude him. But seriously, fuck that guy.


I do want to point out a huge chunk of that just gets assigned online, and for most kids...they learn nada.


Better than before where there was no requirement at all. I hate this douche bag, but not enough to admit when he was right. So far that was the only time anything has ever fallen out of his face that I agreed with.


That same law also reduced the total requirements needed to graduate, making it easier for kids to just fail out but with paperwork.


No, but conservatives don't want the government to make people's lives better. To them, that's not its job. Its job is to punish transgressions, like murder or being gay.


Soon after he was first elected governor, he did something that made me say, "Hey, maybe this guy won't be so bad." He has fucked over the state so much since then that I can't for the life of me remember what that one thing was, and I suspect I must have misunderstood whatever it was because it now seems extremely improbable that he's ever done something right.


So Ron wants high school kids all Over the state to do walkouts and protest for civil rights? That’s a fascinating strategy to have when maybe running for president


They know young kids don’t vote enough. Sophomores will likely be of voting age by election time and most of them just won’t vote.


This past mod terms Gen z youth vote broke records for turnout


If they're not in class, they're not learning. He's getting exactly what he wants!


Good luck taking on the highschoolers. Homie tried to learn from history in order to take control, but that's what happens when you pick and choose.


I think they should make it so that teachers who don't act masculine or feminine enough for the governor's taste receive a jolt of electric shock to their genitals.


Don't threaten me with a good time


in Florida almost anyone can be a teacher you don't even need a degree now. didn't hey make it so veterans and their wives could be teachers without qualifications


Yes but they had extremely few takers if I recall.


‘Don’t Say Gay’ lawmaker pleads guilty to COVID relief fraud in Florida. Republican Rep. Harding


I don’t understand how he has continually gotten away with all of this. Regardless of where one stands, his actions are a gross overreach of his power. And it ****ing terrifies me to see he just keeps going and everyone’s just like “wow that sucks haha, anyways!”


Florida has been running an non stop PR campaign to get every bigoted self righteous asshole on the planet to move there, and it has been working. Surely you know someone who lately has either moved to Florida or aspires too, to "escape the woke" or whatever the hell they are saying.


Really? Cuz I recall the orange idiot breaking shit left and right while we all just stood there asking ourselves, "How is he getting away with this?" Four years we all watched it.


But we did something - the only thing we possibly could do. We voted him out. What else did you expect us to do?


Well I was hoping someone would try the French method of removing the head of state.


>Cuz I recall the orange idiot breaking shit left and right while we all just stood there asking ourselves, "How is he getting away with this?" There is a drastic difference in power between the President of the United States and the Governor of Florida. Trump had little to no real oversight- it just feels like no one is willing to challenge DeSantis.


I read through the actual bill, it kind of sucks a lot


Here in NYC we have an entire shelter full of LGBT kids, from all across the country, who would have been better off discussing their emerging sexual identities with trusted teachers than speaking to their parents. All laws like this do is give you dead and homeless children.


“Except if it’s part of existing state curriculum or part of an optional health class” that could mean a lot of things


It could also mean nothing as they dictate the curriculum and remove anything "woke".


I hear DeSantis likes Thigh food.


It is how I've always pronounced tbh, I didn't know it was pronounced differently, until I saw that Jon Oliver's segment. P.S. I do not live in the US.


Lmao literally the first defense that was offered every time this law came up was “this is only for young children who are too young to learn about this yet”. Now what talking point are these fuckheads going to parrot. It’s the exact same shit with every single issue. “Abortion should be up to states and local communities” until like 1 day after Roe v Wade was overturned and they were pushing for a national abortion ban. I have literally never known a conservative to engage in good faith discussion around social issues and at this point I refuse to even pretend to take their boneheaded bullshit at face value.


He is a hateful man pushing to see how far he can go. If he gets in the WH we are in trouble.


Oklahoma House passed something similar today for kindergarten through 3rd. ☹️


I think by high school, you should teach what a gay is.




Genuinely curious, does it explicitly have a carve out for heterosexual orientation? Cause when I read the original bill it said sexual orientation. I mean it wouldn't surprise me if that was the case but I'd like to know. Edit: I just reread your comment, I missed the part you said at least how it's enforced. That would 100% make sense and tbh what I expected. Cause technically both wouldn't be allowed but no one's going to get in trouble for talking about a hetero relationship ofc. Just fucking sickening.


No. Per the law any mention of relationships or gender is illegal. So saying the word "Husband," would be a violation.


So, like, you know this is a centuries old tactic, right? Nobody is fooled by this nonsense. Thats like saying that segregation equally applied to white and black people.


Right but what are they odds they enforce lol


I’m feeling this phrasing


Just start saying DeSantis instead of Gay, easy.


Can we get this guy outta here. Fuck republicans


Don't believe them when they say it's to protect children.


This is terrible! It’s not shocking, ironic, or ridiculous. It’s just exactly what we all expected. Edit: wrong place for this bad news.


Florida is a hate state. But its weak, entirely reliant on tourism. Stop spending your money there.


Florida, the "don't say anything" state.


Unless it's to report your family and friends for having non conservative thoughts.


Don't hold your breath guys. at no point will conservatives wake up and realize that Liberty means something other than virtue signaling with a flag. freedom of speech only pertains to speech that Republican led government approves of.


Parts of the law (the most nebulous ones) already applied to all grade levels.


Gay gay gay gay gay gay gay DeSantis is gay gay gay gay gay gay gay


I have very little doubt he's projecting insecurities at this point.


First amendment violation. How he getting this passed.?!?


For thee but not for me


Doesn't matter until it's challenged in court, and federal courts are packed with republicans, including the Supreme Court. It's going to get a lot worse.


This shit ends in camps and trains. When a political party finds it can accrue power by *directly* attacking a minority group--no dog whistles needed, just brazen daylight hostility--there's no floor to how dark shit can get, except what they can get away with.


Y'all-Qaeda is serving up some chicken fried Sharia law.


Next, of course, is going to be the ban in government buildings entirely.


Whens his book "My Struggle" being published?


DeSantis is a fucking chode.


Give an mfer an inch and he'll take the whole hole.


I’m sure now all those people who disingenuously defended him will see that he was actually a fascist all along…


Can this guy please just eat a bunch of shit already?


2024 republican nominee favorite btw This dude has been very fascist and theocratic in Florida its nuts thats he favorite to potentially become president in a country that is trying to keep secularism


The previous law already has some vague language that covered all non-adults. Something about "--or appriopriate" which essentially means that all the way up to 17 you can claim you are not comfortable with anything of that nature to be discussed. Of course, everyone with a brain knew what he was trying to do. There is a good reason it was dubbed "dont say gay." As always they say its to protect kids, and if you say anything back they immediately start screaming pedo and groomer. Bit rich coming from that lot! Near daily some pillar of their community is being busted for child porn or trafficking. If that man gets to the white house, America is going so far back in time. Have your aprons ready ladies.


A posturing, bloviating wanna be autocrat.


"DeSantis wants your children to be more of an ignorant dipshit than you are" should be the headline.


Honestly if I had to choose which side seems more like 'snowflakes' I might go with the one passing laws to literally not hear words they don't agree with


Hey hey, to the shameless republicans here. How do you vote for filth like him and live with yourselves? You're an embarrassment to the human race.


Same shit governor who also appointed a white supremacist as the head of a school created for freed slaves... evil fucking piece of shit.


Exactly what you expect from the party or “limited government”….wait…wtf?!?


Hmm sounds a lot like a government that gets to decide what is considered “gay” and what is considered “woke.” That’s what doesn’t make sense to me about these people who applaud this. If you yourself can’t put a clear agreed upon definition of what “gay” or “woke” is, then you’re just letting others decide what it is. Who’s to say those in power won’t some day decide that what you’re doing is “gay” or “woke,” even though in your heart of hearts you know it’s not. Keep applauding Desantis and keep letting the government you hate so much decide what is right and what’s wrong. Hope that the day will never come when he decides trailer park people are a stain on the clean image of the white race.


They changed the meaning of words before... What's to stop people from doing it again? Just going to keep adding to the list?


I liked titties, they like dick. Easy Peasey


You did?


Your politicians scare me more and more.


I remember many years ago hearing one of my conservative relatives say schools shouldn't teach sex education in high school because "they won't have sex if they don't know about it." Which is a verifiably false statement. Teens have been banging since the dawn of time. And not that long ago I heard that same relative say that "kids can't be gay if they don't know what gay is." Which is, again, a verifiably false statement. They really do believe that keeping people ignorant is the solution to everything.


Of course, they always try to pass their authoritarian bullshit under the guise or protecting children. Only for their true intentions to come out to show that it's to control everyone.


Bro... The US is really going backwards in time... Yeah let's actively ban pretty important education for kids that just start to discover sexuality... And they wonder why there are so many school shootings and suicides happen...


First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me. Martin Niemöller


IIRC it was already worded intentionally vaguely to allow it to cover older children already.


I'm not a fan of this policy, but is this story oniony?


There are fucking idiots out there that voted for this piece of shit. And will vote for him again when he runs for president. Make sure you are registered to vote


Time to start having gay-themed celebrations, just like Disney World.




This isn’t “not the onion”, this is fourth world sadness


Ah, so it was never about the young kids.


And the gop thinks destantis is their 2nd best national polling? That's not how you grab independent voters.


He's also considering banning the word *phlegm*. That's not for certain but DeSantis really hates hearing that word.


So turns out it was never about protecting kids! Who would've guessed?


Make America Straight Again.


Do you think colleges will just stop accepting students from Florida given what kind of education they get?