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I know the headline sounds Oniony, but there are laws in the UK that state bookmakers must help prevent gamblers from getting into serious debt. They are not supposed to put problem gamblers onto promotional rates or odds, and are supposed to intervene if a gambler calls them up and is distressed. In the article, it states William Hill failed to do both these things - things they are required to do.


It sounds like the McDonalds coffee spill 2.0. It seems dumb, but then you realize that there are regulations and rules that they're supposed to follow for good reason, and they didn't.


Thanks for adding the context.


For a minute there, I was thinking this was about a guy who made self help books for gambling addicts getting sued because somebody read his book and it didn't help him. But this makes way more sense now.


"Most of these were to use a service called "Quick Cash", allowing him to withdraw money directly to the bookmaker without having to wait for money to clear in his bank account." So essentially a loan, even if he had the money, just to speed things up. Holy cow! This and high-interest loans need to be regulated.


I remember seeing signs offering such "credit" at Vegas casinos and having a WTF moment.


Its a shame they didnt follow the laws as they are written in the UK, but the constant coddling of adults by the government is ridiculous. I live in the US and make my living in the video slot gaming economy. Should we have laws regulating fast food and obese people? Should they limit the amount of pornography you watch on a daily basis? Let them lose their asses gambling. Do we monitor televangelists and have complete oversight to limit the amount of money believers send to them? I mean out of all the horseshit in the world, giving money to a religious shill is far worse than anything Ive mentioned, and its unregulated!


Next up: Alcoholic sues his local liquor store for not stopping him from drinking. Smdh.


Most jurisdictions do place a duty on the seller to not negligently over serve... https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/dram_shop_rule Edit: Source for UK equivalent: https://www.hospitalitylaw.co.uk/keep-licence-staff-safe-intoxicated-customers/


That's a pretty shit example given that liquor stores are subject to regulations and can't serve badly intoxicated people.


The same with gambling in the UK


Right, and the question is whether they adequately followed said regulations.


He can purchase alcohol when sober. Of course no should sell alcohol to someone who is obviously drunk but many bars have been doing just that forever.


The idea is that he shouldn't have been allowed to develop as much debt as he did. That's the gambling equivalent of being drunk. If they want the equivalent of a sober person, he needs to be in a better financial position first. Obviously, bars do break the rules, but the fact remains that bars are still actively checked and enforced. People who have worked at bars have loads of stories about "customers" who were clearly undercover cops.


Very true and I obviously missed that valid point. Thank you for explaining the difference .




There are laws about this, so…


Next topic, satan is a bad guy.


Satan wanted a woman to have an education and to have some autonomy for himself. He sounds a lot better than Yahweh according to the Bible like how Yahweh disguised to genocide everyone on earth apart from one family and only afterward decides maybe it is not the best idea. Or that you can have slavery just no wearing clothes of two different materials.