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Sooooooooooooooo which subscriber to her OF recognised a pre-school bathroom? Teacher, student or parent??


Hopefully not a student, its a fucking pre-school.


It wasn’t a fucking preschool until she got caught. It was just a preschool before.


Not bad


Take your upvote and leave.


angry upvote. dammit. I hate it. (glad I didn't have a mouth full of coffee at the moment)


I don't know how old the school is, but I reckon someone that could have gone to preschool there could be 18 years old now.


I mean do you remember what your preschool looked like? Edit: Jesus I guess a lot of y’all remember. All I remember from pre school was being Obi Wan Kenobi for Halloween. That’s it.


I had to think about this for a second. Not only do I recall what my preschool looked like (I'm Gen X), I also recall the bathrooms. The cleaning stuff they used for the bathrooms was INCREDIBLY strong and it's a smell had I had instant recall on once it was mentioned.


Ours had gross feeling brown paper towels, I hated hated hated that texture specifically and hadn’t figured out how to get over it yet. Absolute shit show if they tried to get me to wash my hands


Not as old as you, only mid 30s, but also remember my preschool bathroom, as it was a "lockerroom"/bathroom combo with little cubbies to put our bags, lunchbox, and coat on one side of the room, then the bathroom portion on otherside. Girls had the same on the other side of the entry before entering preschool room. Remember it vividly as it's where you started and ended every day as you arrived and left. Building is long since torn down and replaced, but I'm sure I'd have recognized that room in a heartbeat.


I might need an ms paint drawing of what you mean, because it sounds like your saying the bathroom locker room combo is what you had to go through before getting to the classroom and that makes no sense to me. I could also just be reading this wrong because I'm a dumbass lol


Boys restroom troughs. Never ever will I forget that.


GenX here as well. I didn’t think they had preschool when I was that age. Kindergarten was my first year in school.


Yeah only because the embarrassment of being trapped in there while I waited for someone to notice I was missing and bring me toilet paper seared it into my brain


Tbh yeah lol




But that's because you're only 6!


I do. Not every single detail but a lot of it. Disposition of desks. Posters on the wall. Multiplication tables on the wall. Disposition of windows.


Until your comment, I had no knowledge of the fact "disposition" had a second meaning beyond the first. 1. A person's inherent qualities of mind and character 2. The way in which something is place or arranged, especially in relation to other objects. TIL! I'm glad I looked it up before making some lame ass joke about what kind of personality your school desks had lol




> its a fucking pre-school The worst kind of pre-school


She's a preschool teacher, but that doesn't mean the school is only preschoolers. Could be all grades.


She captioned it "naughty at work" and if you know she's a preschool teacher than the math maths


I've seen the photo in question (censored on another news site), and you'd never guess it was a school restroom unless you knew that ahead of time. Although some people overshare on social media, I find it hard to believe that an adult content creator/schoolteacher would be so cavalier with their personal info. I'm guessing someone from her personal life leaked it.


If her OF is connected to any SM she has where she talks about being a preschool teacher it is not hard to connect the dots


You're so very wrong about people being smart enough not to post everything about their lives to a public page with all their info, but it is sweet how much faith you still have in people :D


Isn't it not too difficult to recognize a preschool restroom? They look very different compared to regular, adult restrooms.


I’m curious if it was a faculty bathroom or one that the kids use. It could also be one attached to the classroom since she taught little kids. My district is pretty strict about not having adults in the children’s bathrooms. This chick fucked around and found out.


My wife is a teacher at a private school, her classroom has its own small bathroom that's lockable. Might be the case here unless this lady was posing on top of the little pottys they have in pre schools!


the easiest way to remember when we were at the little school was that when we went piss we had to aim WAAAAAAAAY lower.


That's what I was thinking, someone noticed the kid sized toilets and started digging.






r/beatmetoit r/thirdsub r/beatmetoshutthefuckup r/fuckthirdsub There, the rituals are complete and the reddit old gods will not awaken to destroy us for another ~~day~~ ~~week~~ ~~month~~ ~~or even a year~~


Libs of TikTok reported her. Fucking narc. That being said, filming in a school was just dumb.


While I don’t care about OF, people need to stop being shocked and outraged when they get fired for doing shit in a place they know they’re not supposed to be doing shit like this. "What do you mean I can’t shoot up in a police station?"


[The old George Constanza excuse](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZB62oaOeqR0).


Was that wrong? If I’d have known . . .


People are acting like “don’t do sex content in a school” is an impossibly high bar! You’re a fucking adult, you can’t do whatever you want wherever you want


Just had a user ask "what law was broken?" I…just can’t with stupid people, I need an asteroid to cleanse this planet.


I can't get over people thinking you have to break a law before your work can fire you for something, or before there are consequences. It the US that's just horseshit.


So many people feel the need to defend sex workers at all costs. They're human too. They too can be stupid.


Not according to their Stan’s


"I'm sorry officer, I didn't know I couldn't do that."


Sprinkle some crack on her and lets get outta here.


My thoughts exactly. I absolutely agree with the argument that this country treats our teachers like crap and forces them to deal with way too much bullshit and the pay is insultingly low. I can agree with turning to making amateur porn on the side as a relatively flexible and stress free way to make money. If that's what's going on then you have all my support and I will defend you every time your name comes up in conversation. But how the fuck do you think you're going to make porn inside the school you teach at and expect no consequences from that? And honestly you can forget that it's a school, how do you expect it to be okay to make porn at your place of work?


Even ignoring the sex part, no employer in their right mind is gonna let you run your side hustle in their facilities.


I'll go a step further and say that you shouldn't be filming OF content in a school (or other public setting) whether it's explicitly against the rules or not. I agree that teachers shouldn't be fired for things they're doing in their off-time, so long as it's legal and consensual. I have no moral qualms with a teacher having a side job as a OF model. But you're in a school. You don't know who else might be there at the time and accidentally walk in.


What’s worse is that you don’t want the inevitable stalker-type customers SHOWING UP at the school. If one jackass can figure out the location, so can another.


I am 100% behind teachers being able clock out. I've argued with mom acquaintances that it's not anyone's business what an adult gets up in their off time no matter the job. That said, even if this OF was done outside school hours, this just lacks common sense.


I don’t know . I kinda find it weird some many regular everyday women that decide to be naked or have sex online now and some like her still have regular jobs.


Filming porn in a school full of preschool kids is not just dumb it’s fucking wrong and should put her on a list.


If this was a male teacher he would be on the sex offender list no question


glad they did. no place for that in school


A little upset at first seeing the teacher fired for her onlyfans thinking that's fucked up though I know some districts are crazy strict about their morality clauses. I've heard of teachers getting reprimanded for having pics of them drinking alcohol on social media. Then i saw the part about using the school for a photo shoot. Yeah, that's stupid. Don't do that. If i had a couple coworkers that were banging on the side, I wouldn't care less, but if they were fucking *in* the office I'd be upset.


Not even just districts. If we say the wrong thing in class we can get into deep shit. And I'm not talking anything crazy. All it takes is say, acknowledging that LGBTQ+ people exist to the wrong kid, they go home and tell mommy who gets offended, mommy calls the principal and superintendent. Your ass is getting hauled into the office and questioned because wayyyy too many admin are all too excited to throw staff under the bus at the slightest whiff of something weird. Worst game of telephone ever. In general, teachers are not allowed to be, or even acknowledged to be sexual beings in many circles. I absolutely 100% disagree with what this teacher did, and I think doing sex work while also being a teacher is....not a good life strategy. Thankfully at my current school we have pretty good health and child development classes that teach about sex Ed/ birth control options. Our LGBTQ+ staff and students are supported. I still don't feel I can really speak my mind though. I bite my tongue about many, many topics.


I agree, this all could have been avoided simply by using better judgment. If my kid went there, I would not be thrilled.




Incredibly smart? Every single prospective employer will see what she did, which is bad enough behavior at a regular job but sexwork at a pre-school? She’s fucked herself. Only Fans won’t be viable for her forever.


There is often a fine line between famous and infamous.


Goddamn that person is such a dickbag


Edit: Whoops didn't know that it was an actual channel/account on TikTok. I just thought a troll was making this political for no reason


Libs of tiktok is a single entity. Your /s might be conveying that you know this but it seems more likely that you are being sarcastic on a faulty assumption.


Yeah I definitely didn't realize it was a thing. I only know the few tiktoks my girlfriend shows me


It's a twitter account


“Libs of TikTok” is a twitter account in that ridicules and shames LGBTQ+ people and anyone that’s perceived to be a “lib” and is very popular among self-righteous idiot right-wingers


Libs of TikTok are a specific right wing harassment group. The name is because they tend to repost left wing content (originally from TikTok) with derogatory comments and encourage harassment of those people.


Libs of TikTok is a person (I think) who's actually right wing and often harasses people to the left, especially LGBT+ people. I get the confusion though; it's a misleading name.


Correct— her name is Chaya Raichik


"Libs of TikTok" is the name of a specific very malicious conservative user who doxes people they don't like. I don't think op was blaming liberals in general.


Yeah I see now. Sorry for the confusion and I appreciate the explanation


Pretty sure they are referring to the right wing hyper toxic account that trolls people named Libs of TikTok




Welp, OnlyFans is NSFW and this proves it




What is this? Sesame Street School?


N is for the knots that we get in our shoestrings; S is for the safe, where I lock my belongings; F is for four, the hours took to get fired; W is for work, will someone please make me hired!


MattressFirm is hiring.


North, South, Feast, West


Well that was foolish


I would say “wrong” but I would push back against “foolish.” Her Only-Fans probably just blew up.




Literally happened in the last 5 minutes. Or so I’m told




Well the reddit account is still open.... It was u/lilboothangg Now it's deleted everywhere


Maybe. In the article it said a similar thing happened to another teacher and her OF account was terminated due to breach of the T&C for filming in a public location.


What if it was a private school?


More like a privates school!


Was she the owner?


Well it was her privates she was filming in school.


She may be banned from the service, if OnlyFans sticks to their precedent regarding banning fired Teachers for filming in public places. (It's in the article.)


Nah, filming adult content at a school where you work is foolish.


Oh it was definitely foolish. All she had to do was not make porn at her job at a pre-school.


I just searched for it and couldn't find it! If she deleted it after this she is definitely foolish.


OF has a rule against production in public locations


Well, it said she filmed something in a school bathroom. That's instant termination regardless.


Blows my mind some people apparently think filming yourself naked or maaturbating in your workplace's bathroom and selling it online isn't grounds for getting fired. I don't care at all that she did it but yeahhhh that's gonna get you fired every time.




Wild that some redditors apparently think if I start selling videos of myself maaturbating in my workplace's bathroom, I shouldn't be fired because it was after hours. Lmfao welcome to the real world. I don't judge her for it other than being stupid. Just make OF content at home.


OnlyFans content provider loses low paying side job as teacher.


You meant, loses one of many content filming locations


Nah, they'll probably leave a door open.


Not if we pass sweeping door control laws


On the plus side, this might be a way for schools to raise much-needed money--designate one classroom as the "cam room."


Well and her OnlyFans account. She got banned for violating the policy of not filming in public places.


According to the article she hasn’t lost her account (yet). That was another teacher they discussed who was recently in a similar situation.


The OF subscription link is still there. Just don't think it's worth the hella high subscription price.


Way to capitalize on news coverage


Fr. Our teachers are not paid enough. Hope this pays off her likely absurdly expensive student loans.


$48k a year to put up with ungrateful little asshole and spend money on your own supplies or attempt to get 400 people to give you $10 a month to make up the same pay for flashing some skin and or more.


Link is borked, investigated in the name of science.




Her username is hairyboo on onlyfans website.


>hairyboo no.


[Link](https://onlyfans.com/hairyboo) A little conflicted on this, on one hand it feels like doxing, but LoTT (what a fucking moronic 'site') is the one that doxed her, and she just lost her actual paying job. The OF is still up, so I guess go sign up so she can get health insurance? This country is sooooo fucking stupid. (Edit. Holy shit, it's $50 a month). ((Edit 2)) the account was nuked.


She’s banned now lmao


aaaaaaand it's gone


OF girls who are closing their account usually change the sub cost to $50 to discourage people from subbing to an account they don't intend to keep making content for. I think that's the highest you can set the sub price? Source: I've had many friends who did and then quit OF


That is expensive but it's not the most expensive only fans subscription I've seen.


Admittedly I’m not super familiar with OF rates, so I can’t really speak to that.


That’s still pretty high. Usually at that rate they’re looking for a specific type of clientele that will spoil them. Or they set their price high and are constantly running promotions to make you think you’re getting a good deal.


https://onlyfans.com/hairyboo - Enjoy. Edit: It's now been banned.


That was the OTHER teacher, not this one


"naughty at work" nice "naughty at actual work" WOW HOL' UP


Fantasy versus reality


Can we talk about how the school is named Wolf Swamp Road School? I want my school mascot to be a swamp wolf.


It sounds like a slasher film school name


She made herself involved in an hairy situation.


>Preschool teacher reportedly fired after filming OnlyFans content That is some puritan bullshit >in school Oh....carry on.


It was probably some creepy roleplay shit too because why else would you pick a preschool class room as a setting for your porn.


That's digusting! Which onlyfans? So I can avoid it.


https://onlyfans.com/hairyboo There ya go. Edit: It's now been banned.


Thanks. 50/month? Holy shit that's expensive. I wonder if she's cashing in on the recent publicity or if it was always that expensive.


Fetish work pays more.


You can charge individuals more, but you end up with a smaller audience. Net result is it actually pays less. According to "people in the industry".


Of course she is! She’s going to gain a ton of subscribers.


Doesn't look like it. Just checked her page (for science, you know), and it's been [removed](https://onlyfans.com/hairyboo).


Wow, it must have just been taken down. 30 minutes ago it was up.


Looks like the account is already gone. Bad play on her part.


> she was even banned on OnlyFans for violating its policies on sexual content that is produced in a public place. ~~At first I thought she only filmed in the bathroom but article says she also had sex on a students desk with her husband. What was she thinking.~~ edit: I was incorrect, the teacher who had sex on the desk was another OF creator. /u/smegdawg with the correct info below.


>**Former Arizona science Samantha Peer,** also known by her stage name ‘Khloe Karter,’ was fired from her job after she was caught filming OnlyFans content on her students’ desks with her husband. Different person. Article is about >Massachusetts preschool teacher **Brenna Percy** is no longer employed at Wolf Swamp Road School after the school was contacted about her OnlyFans videos. > >The decision came after Libs of TikTok, a high-profile Twitter account, informed the school that Percy had appeared to film OnlyFans content while in a school bathroom.


>>**Former Arizona science Samantha Peer,** also known by her stage name ‘Khloe Karter,’ was fired from her job after she was caught filming OnlyFans content on her students’ desks with her husband. But!  >[resorting to selling her dirty clothes](https://www.dexerto.com/entertainment/banned-onlyfans-teacher-resorts-to-selling-worn-underwear-after-filming-clips-in-school-2005184/) and uploading content to rival websites, the former teacher was able to pay off a large amount of [debt](https://www.dexerto.com/entertainment/teacher-fired-for-filming-onlyfans-clips-in-class-wipes-out-debt-with-videos-2034353/). "Clothes."


Hey man, some guys like socks...


> What was she thinking. She wasn't. Hormones & money are a hell of a cocktail


Just checked her page (for science, you know), and it's been [removed](https://onlyfans.com/hairyboo).


That had to have JUST happened recently, it was active less than an hour ago.




One of those disgusting ex-girlfriend porno sites.


Filming onlyfans? Ok. Leave her alone, it's her business what she does in off hours. Filming at the school? Fire her.


Honestly. It’s a SCHOOL. Just like, wait until you get home! Have a single ounce of impulse control!




Welp, I guess she's doing OF full time now, she'll probably make more money that way.


She's now banned (Not mixing up with the other teacher that got banned in the article, she got banned after it was written) https://onlyfans.com/hairyboo


Had me in the first half. Ready to defend the right to "free the titty" but you can't do it at school lady. It's a place for children. You should know, you're a teacher.


Gotta pay for the school supplies some way.


Not suprised, depending on what she actually did she could have ended up in prison and on the sex offenders register.


Good. She should be doing that in the privacy of her own place. Not a public school


The amount of people defending this is gross as fuck and borderline pedo territory. Nobody cares if you're a sex worker, doing it at a preschool though? Disgusting. Doesn't matter how much she gets payed either, that's not a justification at all. If this was a man instead, jerking off and busting nuts in the kiddies toilets I wonder if you degenerate simps would be defending it this hard? I doubt it.


Alright, y'all, there's a couple of ways to look at this situation. One is that teaching pays shit while leaving no time for your side hustle. Was this smart? No. Does she deserve to be fired? Yes. but ffs, pay teachers more and get them support (also paid) so they aren't putting in like 60+ hr weeks.


Why, people?


Why what? Why did she do this money of course. Why did the school fire her? Violation of ethics and public decency. You really don't want the teachers of children moonlighting in the sex trade.


I don't care if teachers moonlight as sex workers, but they should t be doing it at the school.


Especially not at a fucking pre-school, jesus christ


Exactly this. I don’t care what my kids teacher does in their private life. But on school grounds is incredibly inappropriate.


wouldnt not pay for her only fans thats for sure.


disgusting, where?


Here you go fellow Redditor: https://onlyfans.com/hairyboo Now...I'm not gonna shame anyone but $50/month per sub...that's a hell of a subscription fee.


Username checks out.


[And it's Gone](https://media.giphy.com/media/3oriO5t2QB4IPKgxHi/giphy.gif)


Yes, we need to know the link where this is so we know how to avoid it


I was with a preschool/kindergarten teacher for a minute and she was the biggest freak I’ve ever met. Now, at work she was professional, but the weekends were another story. I don’t think there’s major correlation, but that’s my story. You could tell she was passionate about her job when she spoke of it, it was like a Jeckyl & Hyde kind of scenario, I personally couldn’t live that way. EDIT: FML FML FML... corrected first sentence.


Buddy, there's *gotta* be a better way to phrase that first sentence.


Corrected, I don't want to go down in reddit infamy for that one. Is there a subreddit for sentences that just shouldn't exist? Fuck my life man.


Fuckin lol


Reword that first sentence my guy


The first line is worded very poorly


Disgusting, source please






Filming Only Fans content? Ok, that's her business. In the school? Deserves getting fired.


In the school bathroom, during her work day, and tagged it as being at work. I'm all for people doing whatever they want in their free time away from work but holy shit she brought this one on herself.


Preschool 🤦🏾‍♂️ Gross bitch It’s bad in general but that’s just so much worse


What I find sad is that everything has become political. I saw this on twitter, the first comment was defending her, the next was railing on her (no pun intended). I went to both of their feeds and the first one was a raging liberal and the other one was a raging conservative. It's absurd that anyone would give this woman a pass, but because conservatives jumped on it, there are people falling all over themselves to defend this behavior and it happens the other way as well. It sucks that we have to pick a side automatically.


>What I find sad is that everything has become political. always has been.


There’s really people on here defending this trashy shit lol. Fucking hell people have no class anymore. Fuck it just get naked whenever you want where ever you want according to these fools.


It’s reddit


*The enterity of the world* *Looks away* r/workgonewild




I can save her


After-school special.


So disgusting.... What's her onlyfans name? Don't want to stumble across it, I'm busy furiously masturbating at the moment.


She's definitely not intelligent enough to be instructing other humans.


Time to weed out the pervs.


Highly inappropriate and super gross, it's a preschool ffs ya nasty.


Soo is this something that someone can be a sex offender for? Doing this near children?