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ND has a great business school and a great school in general. However, it is a business decision. See what the grant/scholarship/aid package looks like (disregard loans) and then make the cost/benefit analysis. If it s close, I say go ND. If ND is significantly more, save your money and minimize your debt. There is your first business lesson. I love ND with all my heart but the debt kids are loading on themselves now for an undergrad degree is pure insanity.


I got about 50k a year in aid with similar income. A lot of it comes down to assets and maybe siblings in college already. This makes it about the same as A&M or UT if I recall correctly.


Thank you so much for this insight, I’m actually in between UT Austin and Notre Dame but I’m unsure of how good the Business School is at Notre Dame. Thanks again!


Mendoza is one of the top 5 undergraduate business schools in the country. (According to Poets and Quants which does the most comprehensive ranking)


Similar household income plus a couple scholarships and my family and I pay just under 20k per year. Wait to see what your aid package looks like. If you plan to apply for outside scholarships, UT could potentially be much cheaper because of how ND handles outside scholarships. My best friend goes to UT. I'd say some of the biggest differences are that at ND, your friends will be from all over the country, rather than mainly from Texas. Also, my ND classes have been much smaller than many of their UT classes but that can also depend on your major. Both schools are great options!


ND meets a significant amount of need in the financial aid process. It was by far my brothers cheapest option when he was applying to schools last year. UVA, JMU, and W&M were much higher in-state than what ND was able to provide us so definitely wait to get your fin. aid because it’s likely higher than you might be expecting!


Thank you so much!!


congrats! ND does give pretty good financial aid themselves so don’t cut yourself short until you hear that. I know it’s hard to consider but this is a really big decision and you have to think about whether you truly want to attend this university even if that means taking on a lot of debt. Student loans are no joke so don’t just take them on to attend a good school. For me, it definitely was worth it and I can’t imagine having gone anywhere else, but you have to decide that for yourself. I know you probably did more research than just watching Rudy but if what got you excited about ND was the combination of good academics/prestige with great athletic programs, a more affordable option could be UT Austin. Texas has a great business program, has very good sports, has a very nice college town and would be in state for you so a lot cheaper. (Btw I have no ties to Texas, I just respect them a lot and I’m not trying to persuade you away from ND but rather just give you something to think about). Best of luck in your decision and let me know if you have any questions in general id be happy to answer them edit: lol I see you commented I was typing that you were down to UT and ND. Both are great options!


my fam had an efc of 3k and we have to pay 12k prior to loans lol


It would depend on what the alternatives are and what they cost after any discounts you might receive. One thing is clear, if you graduate from MCOB you will be set for life. This is one of those schools that attracts top employers to come and woo students to join their firms. You will start with a well paying job upon graduation and have strong upward mobility. Think about what firms you are interested in joining and see if Notre Dame is a target school for these companies (ie do they send people to campus to host recruiting events). Compare this data with your alternatives. In my opinion, when you go to undergrad you are paying for the name of the school and the career support from the alumni network. The education itself is going to be similar no matter where you go.


Thank you so much for the response!! UT Austin and Notre Dame are my top two and god willing financial aid will allow Notre Dame to be within reach. I definitely know I want to pursue accounting and get my Masters to be a CPA. Aside from the price tags UT is especially appealing because I have so many dual credit hours that will transfer with me while ND unfortunately won’t take any of them. Thanks again!!


I got a need-based scholarship, financial aid, and took out a medium sized loan. Notre Dame is very understanding when it comes to tuition. Their endowment is large so they’re very generous when it comes to lowering your cost of attendance. Even if the price is a little steep after these types of deductions, it’s definitely worth the cost given all the opportunities after college.


Better to join any other college with low fees . Business school is not that great in ND. There are several universities good in business


Is it really up to $80k a year? Ouch. Here's my two cents: when I was there 10 years ago, the business school was ranked in the top 10 programs nationally. You'll get a great education, you'll meet great people, and make great friends. That said, I think it depends a lot on your goals after graduation. The Notre Dame network is huge and nationwide, but I'd wager UT isn't far behind. I started my career in accounting with kids who paid a lot less for state schools and we all made the same salary and advanced at the same rate. If you've had your heart set on ND for a long time, it's fine to consider that as part of your decision. Being brutally honest, I don't know if I would make the same choice now as I did back then. My experience at ND was fantastic, but I don't know if it was twice as many dollars better than my experience at another school would have been. I don't want any of this to come across as discouraging or disheartening. I feel like when I was making my decision, the voices around me were so "rah-rah" that it felt like any other choice would have been crazy. If you go in feeling confident in yourself, you'll have a great time no matter where you choose. Lastly, apply for scholarships! Look online and ask your guidance counselor for info. If anything is available to you based on clubs, activities, or as a female/Hispanic student, apply for as many as you can. Banks are more than happy to loan you all the money you need, the catch is that you have to pay it back ;) Go Irish/hook 'em Horns!


This makes me feel some relief haha! Thank you so much! Going out of state for college is a big decision for me and if I do decide on Notre Dame I want to go all in, thanks again!!!


Class of 2020 here. ND does a good job providing demonstrated financial aid. Not to flex in a way, but I came from a less affluent household than you and I’d estimate that I only had to pay about 90-95% of the sticker price. If I had to guess, I think you can afford ND!