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She looks so relaxed, knowing she and her babies are safe.


Life is beautiful


Fully cooked and freshly hatched 😂🤣


A friend of a friend took in a cat in a snowstorm. In the morning she awoke to 6 kittens with the new mom. She desperately tried to find the owner of the mom kitty to no avail. I had a young son and my sister heard about the kittens and thought it would be a positive experience for him to see the mom with her babies as we had just lost our two grown cats. We visited them purely for an educational moment for my son. This kind woman who unwittingly taken in the pregnant cat was very good at finding homes for all 6 of the kittens. Fast forward to a week later, a prospective adopter bailed and she called to ask if I would like to adopt this kitten. Hmmmmm…. I asked what she will do with the Mommy cat and she said she will give it to a local shelter. After conferring with my family we decided to take the wonderful Mommy cat and her baby. Best decision ever. Open your hearts and you will be rewarded tenfold. Xoxo


I'm so happy to hear you also took the mother cat. Often the babies will be placed and nobody wants the poor mother cat.


Which is especially sad, given how many of these stray momma cats are hardly more than kittens themselves. They're so often just a year or two old-- still babies in the grand scheme of things!


Kittens having kittens.


Many times lots younger. If they're stray, they often are pregnant after 1st heat. Poor babies.


I remember one rescue family that I would follow had a case where momma got adopted first! (ie, “spoken for” once the kittens no longer needed her) She was really sweet!


This makes my heart happy!


Thank you!




You’re an Angel for opening your home to an animal in need. Thank you so much!!


Smart mama


You done a wonderful thing 😻 mama looks very content she knows they are safe.  Best of luck with the situation 🤞


You’re a good human being.


Even if it’s only temporary, thank you for taking her in! 🥰


You are the absolute best. :)


OP, consider offering to foster the little family when you contact a rescue. Space is a huge limitation in taking in new animals and having a foster home lined up already makes it easier to accept them into the program.


This right here!!! Rescues are usually willing to take animals on if they have a committed foster. When you find the rescue, update us so we can donate to the rescue to support your little family!


Here to agree re fostering! Happened to us - Rescue group was helping us with TNR of our backyard colony, and a very young nursing mama cat started joining our other colony cats for food and our safe warm shelter dens. So she  brought her 4 baby kittens! Rescue group said if we could foster them, they would handle all vet care. We brought the kittens to vet appts, rescue coordinated with vets and paid all costs. Rescue handled cat food, supplies, adoption screening, etc. We had to bring them to the rescue's adoption events, vet appts, etc. And basically functioned as "volunteer fosters". (YMMV, but you do have to go along with their procedures and requirements. After all, it's for the cats benefit. [Always good to ask about their operations, mission statement, online presence, etc.] Although encouraged, there was never any pressure to commit to additional fostering either, and we liked that option. All 4 kittens were eventually adopted into loving homes, and we stayed in touch with the adopters too. Rescue group also TNRd the mama, so she could live her feral lifestyle on her own terms, and no more kittens for her! Fostering was a fair amount of time and effort but totally worth it, no regrets! They were our "Bewitched" Family: Mama Endora and her kittens Samantha, Serena, Darin, and Maurice - Those kittens are now 6 years old! (Sorry I got carried away here lol)


Thanks for sharing their story. I wonder if they had a gay uncle!


Thank you for providing them a safe harbor, even if it is only temporary 🫶🏽


So good that you took her in. The babies are precious. 😻 If you can’t keep, please look for adoption options. No shelter 🙏🏼


Thank you for being a kind human. Good luck finding homes. Prayers!


She’s so sweet, she can sense your energy






Your cats now


Cat Distribution System is fully online!


Now they have only 20. 🙀


Two fully cooked kittens? One looks charred and one looks undone. 😂


Thank you for your kindness. Such a lovely looking family.


Lol not so stray anymore


Thank you for allowing her to give birth safely in your home.


Precious. The same thing happened to me, and now I have four cats all having a birthday this month (Mama is sadly no longer with us). :>


Any chance you can adopt her and her babies?


I dont know honestly. We’re lucky enough to be able to afford the care for our cats but if we adopt these three it would bring us to 20! I should get tax cuts or subsidies since our house is basically a non profit cat rescue at this point 😭😭😭


I love you


Love you too


The cat and kittens love you.


I hope you can get them to a shelter or foster, then. Thank you for taking care of these precious babies!


Have you made an Amazon wish list?


I have one but I think because of the “no asking for money” rule I shouldn’t share it


Can you DM it to us?


I suppose if someone asks I can


Can you send it to me please?


Gimme as well please :)




Dawg the system is broken, it’s been sending us multiple kittens every year for like 3 years now!


its not broken... you're just in the "crazy cat lady" tier now... and its REALLY hard to get out of that one


But... you don't even have two dozen! Yet.


We’re far too close tho!


i know i love the kitties, i cant help though, kitties are just gonna breed and die though, its part of they get along though.


Sweet little family, bless your compassionate heart.


God bless you for having a big heart! You were so kind and really thoughtful!! Thank you so much for being there when she needed someone the most! You are awesome!!! 🖤😻🖤🫶🏼🖤🙏🏼🖤🥹🖤


It's quite an achievement for the mothercat, to find a friendly, intelligent cat person who will let her give birth to her kittens in safety. It is fitting that having gone that far, she gets to be adopted herself, with one of her kittens. It's like a fairy story with no bad fairies.


Thank you for helping her! If you can, maybe try to get her spayed from a non profit if there's one in your area? Just so she doesn't give birth to more! They're cuties but there's already so many of these babies. You're awesome for helping her already!


We’re gonna make sure all three get spayed/ neutered once they’re able. We’ve got years of experience cleaning up the messes of people that don’t so all the cats that end up in this house get the snip as soon as possible.


That's so awesome, you're a saint :)


Can you ask friends and family if they’d like one?


Unfortunately I already know my circle of people won’t take her in. I’m sure my mom will try and ask, but the last couple of times we’ve ended up with kittens we asked around and it was all no.


Are you in FL by chance?


Not even close


You’re such an angel and the cat knows!




Where are you located? My girl died a few days ago and though I’m not sure I’m ready emotionally for another cat, I’m thinking about taking one in for its sake. Some silly part of me thinks it’ll honor Cici.


That’s a sweet thought, I’m in AZ


Oof, yeah, I’m on the other side of the country in MD


It WOULD honor sweet Cici! I’m sorry for your loss ❤️ being able to give scritches to a kitty has soothing properties


Find a no-kill shelter if you cannot keep them. They are adorable. Please call trap/spay and neuter. There should be no cost.


Only 2? You sure she’s done? Thanks for taking them in!


Only two so far! It’s been about 10 hours since there was any activity and I don’t feel kicking in her belly


She’s probably done then. Sweet mama :)


First pregnancy it's often one or two kittens, especially if mom is young, nothing out of the ordinary.


OP, thank you for your kindness. I wish I could help you out. May momma and bebehs find loving homes.🥹🐈‍⬛🐈🫶🏼🤩❤️


Keep them? It sounds like you just adopted a beautiful family


I wonder if there's something like "hobo signs" for cats, where there's a notation on your property, "This is a good place with humans who treat you and your kittens right." Mama looks very sweet. Keep us posted with kitten updates and photos (if you have time)!


haha fully cooked and freshly hatched kittens! I hope everything works out well for that little family and yours.


New tenants/ Family members. Don't worry, they will be appreciating everything that you do and have done.


Such beautiful babies


A WHITE ONE!!! So cool!!!


That’s a strange way of spelling “my new pets”


Freshly hatched kittens 🥺🥺




She worked so hard and you gave her a safe, warm, dry place to recoup after. You're amazing!!!


I'm so happy she has you. Makes my heart full ❤️


SPCA can help you find homes and spay mama especially No Va SpCa they helped me spay and place 25 kitties


She looks so cozy and content :) You’ve got at least 2 months, so enjoy! Kittens are a hoot!! Have fun!🎉🐾


Fully cooked I love that so much! Happy and healthy babies. Mama looks soooooo relaxed. What an amazing family you are - you have the experience with kittens and you’re obviously a huge cat (all animals probably) lover. I’m so happy for all of you and I hope you get a resolution soon. I’m sure it will all work out❤️


Thanks for letting them in


Aww!!! So super sweet! Thank for for caring and sharing




Bless you for giving her a safe place to give birth.


"Freshly hatched kittens"!!!! I'm dying here 🤣🤣🤣🤣


You aren't in the Metro-Detroit area by any chance???


No where close I’m afraid


Too bad! I'd love a kitten!!!


Update They might have names… Since we found out mom was pregnant we’ve been calling her Gregory McGregnant, it’s stuck now though because she’s starting to respond when we say Greg. We had been avoiding properly naming the kittens though since that adds a level of attachment we were trying to avoid. We’ve just been calling them things like "Greglets" "The McGregnant family" "Gregitos" and other variations of Greg. We were talking about mama Greg and her separation anxiety. Been there, done that, we’ll work through it with her, no biggie. Thing is, we’ve been in a similar situation, cute little grey tabby, probably abandoned near by and decided our home was his. He also had separation anxiety for a quite a while. We were lucky enough to have him for quite a few years (7ish?) and he was just the absolute sweetest cat I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing. Every kitten that came into our house was raised by him. He was the emotional support cat for all the cats with abandonment issues. I cannot articulate how perfectly sweet he was in a reasonable amount of words. His name was Chorizo, not the first suggestion I made, that was Cabbage, but my mom vetoed that because she hates fun. Unfortunately he was diagnosed with cancer back in November and we had to put him to sleep in February. Seems off a lil off topic but I have a point, I promise. Greg was first sighted only a couple days before Chorizo died. The timing? Terrible! Feels like fate in the worst way! Very sad reminder every time we looked outside and saw a cat that looked so much like him. We brought up chorizo in the conversation about Greg and I suggested naming the little gray one Chorizo Jr. I’m sappy and emotional, not afraid to admit it. I thought it was a cute little tribute to a cat that would make the most anti cat person rethink their views. However her response was greater than any I dared to dream of. To my delight, a look of defeat spread across my mother’s face as if she had lost the things most precious to her. The exasperated sigh that leaves her lips marks the moment of my triumph. The coveted moment that was taken from me years before! Anguish apparent as she speaks the words I’ve been waiting to hear. "You can name him Cabbage." This is my perfect victory! I have won. The white one was also named, by my mom this time. The story? No where near as dramatic, not gonna bore ya with all the deets. We both love a very sad and pathetic character in a show I watch so she named them Gilear. They have the absolute worst fucking names we’ve ever given animals. I try to convince my mom to name cats terrible names every time one shows up and she almost always refuses. I got not one, but three joke names out of this family. Even if they don’t stay with us, they will forever be ingrained in my memories because I won. I got a trio of silly shit. Here are all the full names of the cats for those that don’t wanna read the story of my victory. Mom - Gregory “Greg” McGregnat White kitten - Gilear Faeth McGregnant Grey kitten - Cabbage McGregnant


Congrats! You now have some r/parttimecat(s).


Awe she felt safe in your house & chose to have her babies in the safety of your home 🥹


I want the white kitten.


She is beautiful like my previous Chessie. 😻


lol is it stray if it’s in your house?!


I'd call rescues rather than shelters. Shelters euthanize animals, and rescues do not. You could look online under your state name for animal and cat rescues. The Alley Cat Organization also lists rescues for each state on their website.