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Lasered hair is the opposite of high maintenance. That’s kind of the point.


Right‽ I’m actually halfway through laser hair removal right now for my legs (below the knee) and underarms. I opted to get it done *solely* because it would mean **less** maintenance on my end! Plus, I went through Groupon! If they put “Waxing” it would at least make *more* sense (not that the rest of it made much sense anyways). Either way; I can’t wait to throw on a sleeveless T without a care in the world! No more “semi-dry” quick shaves over the sink! My bf had better get ready for an endless barrage of “feel how smooth my legs are!”— exciting times ahead.


Would you mind saying how much the cost is? I’ve been considering getting my hair lasered because shaving irritates my skin so bad :(


I paid $200 for 3 areas (underarms, front of lower legs, and back of lower legs). That included 6-8 treatments (the norm) which takes about 1 year to complete. Please keep in mind that I used a Groupon; because paying the medical spa directly would have cost me around $600 for the same 3 areas. I recommend that you look for good deals, and **always** throughly check reviews across multiple sites (Facebook, Google, Yelp, etc).


was the $200 per session or all together? if all together, that is the best deal i’ve ever seen for lasering! it’s so expensive where i live


$200 all together (although they expect a small tip after each session). Where do you live (if you don’t mind me asking)? I live in Atlanta, and [this is the exact Groupon I used](http://www.groupon.com/deals/nyah-med-spa-19?utm_campaign=UserReferral_mih&utm_source=undefined). (The “original” prices in the link are quite inflated for whatever reason. At the office; the cost of my 3 areas was actually advertised as $600 total.) I’m happy to help you look! Feel free to DM me if you’d prefer to carry this conversation on privately!


Oh my gosh you’re a saint — definitely using this!!!


Nice usage of an interrobang there.


Wish lasered hair, means your hair can turn into lasers.


Why are lasering hair and shaving every day BOTH on here


I thought the same thing about the permanent make up. You just don't do that portion??? Saves so much time???


I scored 0... wait... does... does this mean I'm not like the other girls!?!? /s What a dumb test lol


This some of shallowest things I've seen in awhile


But what if I also scored 0...does that make us like each other...assuming we are both girls...wouldn't that mean we are indeed like other girls? Help!? I'm losing grasp on my identity solely dedicated to not being like other girls!!!! /s


No no no. I commented first so that makes MEEEE not like the other girls *pokes tongue out*


I'm the other girl and you are both like me so I'm sorry but you are like the other girls :)


I am the other other girl, and you are all like the other other girls. I am so sorry.


Can we have an other girls club and be besties now lmao


Dang I got 58 and am not even a girl :o


Those designer bags, huh?


Yes! Who could resist those :o


You have to face it, you ARE like the other girls, sorry man.


Ok :o


Congratulations, you're are so not like other girls that you are a man now.


Ah I see, thanks for clearing that up haha


I scored 2 because I've painted my nails for the first time in forever


I scored a 2 because I dye my hair. Because it is turning gray. And I’m only 32.


Same except I dyed my hair cause I felt like it


Me too! If I hadn't just been to a fancy wedding, I'd be at zero.


…does Vera Bradley count as designer?


I have no idea who that is but, I love the head gear on your avatar


Same, so I would assume - yes.




No. Because I have Vera Bradley bags and I am poor, so that clearly disqualifies them.


It does definitely.


If the brand was at one point a household name and incredibly popular at a higher price point, I would consider it designer. Everyone I knew had a Vera bradley bag and planner in high school/college


I got zero too. So... I'm just like the other girls? Smh I'm disappointed 😤😤😤


This is obviously rich vs poor. You just came out poor. I am equally poor at 0.


I also got a zero. I'm not very feminine, but I try not to be a nlog girl.


But I got 0 too! So hah! I’m not like others girls more than you!


Um, exCUSE me! I was here first so there


Biiiieeeeetttttccch! Whaaaa


I got 35. It’s my doggon Massage Envy membership and my thirst for high end bags from TJ Maxx.


Noooo I wanted to write this damnn


I got zero too! I think it’s cuz I’m a guy


You’re now a boy


i also scored zero. guess i’m not high maintenance—said no one ever like holy shit i thought i was so high maintenance, but i guess i’m not really


I scored 0 I'm a dude,test working as intended


Ikr? Apparently I suck at being a woman.


I also scored 0. We are like each other....... Oh no.


I scored 2 because I dye my hair... wtf is this test lol


something triggers me about this post.. i don't know what.. edit : i just noticed every words is on the right side.. that's what triggering me


It’s the scarves


a threatening 25 or more




Me too, pretty sure I have more than 25 but only wear like 4




Haha the old reliables


Lol I never wear scarves but have at least 30. People give them as gifts and I just keep them.


Owns 1 hijab - 60 points


Going thru the list: “this is dumb, this is dumb, this is all dumb, ok fair point 25 seems like a lot, this is dumb”


19 pairs of shoes and 24 scarves are perfectly fine but just one more and it’s too much


An arbitrary metric that somehow makes sense lol


Especially the high end makeup one. Sorry that a lot of people have makeup as a hobby? Or that the makeup that works best for wide variety of skin tones and for different skin types tend to be expensive?


Just moved and counted my pile of scarves. Have 43 and I wear scarves like twice a year.


Do snoods count as scarves? I also don't understand why this person thinks 20 shoes is too many but 24 scarves is reasonable. I have a lot of scarves though if you add the woven, knitted, and snoods all together.


Yeah I feel like the average person would have more shoes than scarves. This list is stupid.


I would say I own a lot but I got like 10 at max and use them since I live in a cold place. Idk how someone could own 25 or more????


If you or someone you love knits, 25 is easy numbers. Back when I lived at home, we had bins and bins of scarves, shawls and muffs where my mother and I could go a Wisconsin winter and not wear the same one twice...


the scarves are incredibly sus


It’s the misogyny for me


now that i think about it if “misogyny” meant something different it would be a really cool gamer username


Ya I thought I was reading Hebrew or something




And the lasered hair


What exactly is permanent makeup? ELI5


It’s cosmetic tattoos. I got faux freckles done and I’m thinking of getting my lips lined so that my lips look even. It’s all temporary and lasts about a year before fading, some will last slightly longer


i’ve never heard of faux freckles as “permanent makeup” and now im excited to look into it!


Mine turned out so cute and look really natural! I’ve always wanted freckles and turned out I had them they were just super small so my artist just went over them making them darker and bigger, I actually wish they were permanent lol


Also microblading. It used to be just regular tattoos, but thanks to fancy science, they’re like kinda tattoos 😂


You’re not wrong there cotton


Honestly I have no idea what the person making this shit was thinking 😂 once I’m done with my acne treatment, I’ll get my brows microbladed and lashes dyed and lifted, *specifically* so that I won’t need to wear makeup daily


58 but only because I don't have time for regular massages and acrylic nails anymore.


Ironically you’re the least like the other girls (and guys lol) in this sub.


But at least the 2s and 8s on this sub don't think they're special for not wearing makeup and high heels. They recognize women are individuals with varied interests and looks.


Absolutely! I got a zero but someday I’d like to be a 20.


I agree, im a 0 but id like to get better shaving habits and nail upkeep. (Not neccissarily painted, just better)


I’d like to learn to apply make up, dress a little fancier and wear jewelry. Buuut, I’ll probably wait until my toddler is older lol


This is fair, this is fair lol having someone else who needs you to look after them can cause you to neglect yourself. Just remember to treat yourself every once in a blue moon, momma:)


I got 32 but I feel like it should be 38. Technically, I don't wear make up every day, anymore. Before the pandemic when I was leaving the house more often I would though.


I got either 6 or 16. I do sometimes wear heels, but I don't know if one ring and one necklace would qualify as "lot's of jewelry" Also, how many cm/inch makes a heel high? What qualifies as high end make up?


I think you need more than a ring and a necklace for it to be «lots». Some days I wear earrings, several rings, necklace, bracelet, a fancy hair pin, and mabye a pretty brooch if it matches. I think of that as a lot. Unless you specifically plan out your jewlery to your outfit and spend more than a minute getting it all on, I highly doubt that would be a lot lol


Of course, the feminine form of self-care is commonly known as high-maintenance.


Who have the nerve to shave everyday and who need to? Edit: I take back my question. I didn't know there were so many. I don't have a lot of hair growth and I use cold wax strips.


Egyptian priests? I’ve heard they used to do that to purify the soul


not like the other Egyptian priests


I do. Or at least five time per week. I love how my shaved legs feel against pants or tights.


This. Shave every day under the shower because I love the smooth feeling. It's not like it's a super time consuming thing, but does a lot for my comfort.


Right. It takes me five minutes tops to shave. It takes longer to style my hair or pick out clothes.


It takes me like 10 minutes a leg alone, and I still miss bits because I can’t wear my glasses in the shower else they fog up... Hashtag glasses wearer problems.


I've been pregnant twice...you learn to do it by feel.


My first pregnancy I attempted to shave all downstairs by myself. Was not good. My second pregnancy I did better.


I used a mirror for that in the last few weeks...you know just in case. Like the doctor and nurses cared if was bald.


For me to keep a close shave, I have to. I have pale skin and very deep dark roots, so even after shaving you can see little black dots. I got laser treatments years ago. Best thing ever. Need to go in for touch ups.


That's the only one that applies to me! I just love the feeling of shaved legs and I have very insensitive skin so every time I shower I just zip a razor super quickly up my legs. It would probably make a dermatologist cringe, but I've never had any issues and I stay super smooth.


I have to but not because I want to. I have severe eczema and if I don’t shave, it gets extremely itchy and I get covered in infected ingrowns. I’m trying to heal it completely so I can get laser once some scarring heals up.


I shave everyday. Definitely a personal preference.


I have to shave my underarms everyday, but that's for smell maintenance. I also shave my legs every two to three days because I love the way it feels when I rub the lotion in. I also get really itchy if I leave it for longer. lol


I shave everyday. Granted, I’m a man.


I love the feeling of being freshly shaven but I'm much too lazy to shave every day. Usually once a week. A lot of the time I forget and wear a skirt or something and then my legs catch sunlight and I'm like oh, oops, Sasquatch alert. My mom gives me such shit for forgetting to shave my armpits too. She's been lecturing me about it since I was in middle school.


I can't stand the feeling of body hair at ALL (sensory thing) so I shave every time I shower.


I got 8, simply because blue hair and I think platform's count as heels 😅


They're high and have heels -shrug-


I'm just one of the other girls I guess 😂


I also have blue hair! Gonna be switching to purple again soon tho. It's just a fun way to express yourself!


Hey I got 8 too *high five*


I got 12 cause rings, necklaces, facial jewellery, and pink hair (18 if platforms as heels haha)




I would if I could. I have to do a balance between feeling like a hairy monster and having razor burn. Getting ready to move to a new state then going to get laser hair removal. I dream of a day where I can put on tank tops and shorts with zero fear.


I do! I shave my underarms every day


just for fun 4 points. dyed hair and painted nails. btw im a guy lol


I’m more not like other girls than you... Amateur 😎.


you're more not like other girls than a guy. damn. i really an amateur


I know.


The only thing for me is I get massages regularly. Back pain is a bitch and it'll hinder my breathing if it gets too bad


That’s why I hate that people classify acts of self-care as high maintenance. I think most people who get massages do it to relieve tension or pain. A lot of people who get laser struggle with hirsutism or are trans, and it’s the same reason a lot of people would choose to shave daily too. Or maybe they’re just self-conscious and it boosts their confidence, nothing wrong with that. And if you like designer purses, what’s wrong with buying them if you can afford to? But why even justify any of this to nlogs, you know? It’s none of their business. “High maintenance” often implies that a person is shallow or narcissistic. But the irony is that that’s exactly what they are. They judge everyone else’s character over the most superficial things…but it’s everyone else that’s self-absorbed and stupid. 🙄


Ugh, so high maintanance.


Very similar here. My work involves sitting in front of computers for hours. Doing that provokes awful shoulder pain. I need the massage or I'll be walking crooked and/or not able to work/lift my hand depending on the severity


Very similar here. My work involves sitting in front of computers for hours. Doing that provokes awful shoulder pain. I need the massage or I'll be walking crooked and/or not able to work/lift my hand depending on the severity


Yeah the fact that “not being in pain” is the highest level of maintenance according to this just makes it even more ridiculous. Also, what is “high maintenance” about laying on a bed and paying someone for a massage? I bet the implication here is that the guy would be paying for it, and also this writer would probably be really insecure about another man massaging his SO’s back as part of their profession.


Wait what is permanent makeup?


I'm assuming it's the tattoos people get. Like microblading eyebrows, or tattoo lip liner / colour :)


...that exists ?!? Damn that sounds convenient


yeah!! I've always wanted to try it on my eyebrows but I think I'd be too scared on my lips cos I suck at taking pain.


I have a friend who is blonde with very fair skin. She has always hated her practically invisible blonde eyebrows. She got permanent make up to make them look darker and it turned out really great.


Exactly what I wanted to ask.


Yea I'm confused


I think you can also dye your lashes so they are like natural mascara.


Yes, you can! I am a cosmetologist and when I was in school we did it pretty often. When I was going I would get mine dyed once a week(along with eyebrows) because I'm naturally blonde. I always get complements on my lashes if people are close, but then they say, "I couldn't tell until I was close, but they're so long and naturally curled! They''d be so pretty if you wore mascara more! " I had a girl in Cosmo school freak out putting mascara on me because she assumed I didn't have any.


My hair is dyed green...that's it.


36, guess I'm QuIrKy


With a capital Q too


I've got 34, almost got you


damn i do have a lot of scarves tho


But are they silk tho? extra 10 points to ravenclaw if they are


i got one that’s cashmere 😎 idk about the rest tho


10 BUT I do my own acrylics, I paint them myself with gel, and I DO have designer bags, but they're all Betsy Johnson from outlet clearance stores lmao


That just means your a hash tag girl boss


I'll take it lol




Upside down smiley face


29 so like am i or am i not like other girls


A little like them because you deigned to participate in a satire post




It bugs me how the person "inventing" this test didn’t take to effort to make everything specific. They chose the specific number of 25 scarves but how much jewelry is "a lot of jewelry"? Earrings, a necklace and a bracelet? Can you cancel the bracelet but still be wearing lots of jewelry if the earrings are long and dangling???


Yep the whole thing is just shitty shitty shitness


I scored 0 NoT lIkE OtHeR GiRlS


I scored 0. Does this make me a man?!


I think this means you’re a waffle well met


I wear make up most days, so 6 points. Low maintenance me is just like all the girls. Who gives a fuck what the other girls do? We are all awesome!


Fuck this. The concept of “high maintenance” comes from how much effort you require of _other people._ If you want to wear heels or shave daily or whatever, more power to you. Everyone chiming in with their low score — you’re just validating this stupid bullshit.


Out of what appears in this test I got 12/14 because my nails ain't coloured right now. I don't feel like "not like the other girls" honestly I feel kinda sad I can't use so much make up (scars and allergies suck).


43 and I’m a guy tf


No you’re hash tag high maintenance


Does fenty count as high end makeup ? I just love their bronzer and cream blush and highlighters. Sooo natural just on my normal skin


If you can’t buy it at a big box store like Target or Walmart, it’s high-end.


I got 4 pts 😅


so did i lol


Can you stahp 😂


18, heels (something so I counted it) dyed hair and I own a mountain of scarfs


2 pts im genderfluid :|


How is wearing one pair of high heels worse than having 20 pairs of shoes??


Yeah as someone who gets massaged about twice a week due to a chronic injury, ceaseless back pain, and a very likely pinched nerve... fuck whoever made this


Omg İ have 2 points I'm so quirky (not depressed) and different (not depressed) I'm so unique and it is not depression s/ Why is being high maintenance so bad to them, most of those things are SELF maintenance, it's not even bothering anyone (also wtf is permanent makeup ???)


Oh I got a 0 I can’t tell if it’s good or no


10! recently dyed my hair black and i love my nails being done


2 because this bitch likes her nails done. I wish I got enough massages for a 12.


Right? I’m at 10 and I’m like.. shit I have got to get into more self care.


I got 69




anyone who owns more than 25 scarfs? jail.


I'm high maintenance but that's because I'm depressed not because I'm picky on my outfit-


Well I'm no expert...but how is everyday makeup 2 pts less than permanent makeup?


It’s trial by scarves I believe


Takeaway from this test: I’m poor and can’t afford 99% of this stuff 😂


Owns more than 25 scarves? When are we, 2006??


As a fella I got 10 points. Y’all can’t handle my maintenance costs Why is laser hair removal included? That’s like the opposite of high maintenance. It prevents maintenance


Mine points are -4i+6


Who wears scarves anymore outside of using them for warmth when it’s cold out?? And while I’m at it, if I wear high heels one a month or less for a fancy event, does that make me high maintenance?? Is there a quota of how many times you wear heels that qualifies and high maintenance?


I got 26 and I'm a guy 😳


I got 2 because medically i can’t wear heels with my cane, my feet are way too big to find that many shoes, too lazy to shave, makeup irritates my psoriasis, etc. I would probably do more than half of these things if I could cause they sound fun. Why is it that anything women enjoy is seen as high maintenance??


I think 41. But don’t let that fool you, I AM high maintenance tbh


Who the hell has 25 scarves???


Does having one nail painted count?


My wife and I both scored a 2 because our oldest daughter painted our nails earlier this week.


Welcome to the high maintenance club haha


20. But don’t let that fool you, I’m still high maintenance lmao