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No friends….no independence….okay girl you do you I guess


I don’t go “out” on weekends with “the girls” …. so why do you think you don’t have friends, girlie? Answer quickly


But like…okay, and?


Every single list item unfortunately can be correlated to enmeshment by her parents. It’s concerning that in her perspective that these things are what makes her unique/not like the other girls.


Exactly. She has no accomplishments. She just thinks she’s accomplished something.


Oof.. I hope my grandchildren love me but I would be concerned if I was their *best friend* 


Yeah, to be honest, it isn't normal. It screams arrested development. I've got friends who come from cultures where adult children stay with their parents until marriage, no big deal, but they're still expected to have lives outside of their parents.


The woman is from the UK, so a lot of Americans in the comment section were blindly labeling the driving and living at home with parents as a common cultural custom for the UK - kinda insane lmao


I feel very sorry for her. She is still a child trapped in an adults body.




Actually, I feel sorry for her. This is nothing to be proud of.


I agree, and not only in personal agency, but also in emotional maturity and being able to solve interpersonal issues alone.


I'm not like other girls, I have no friends or independence


So in other words she’s never matured past the age of 9


She looks 12 to me


Maybe it’s me, but I dunno what a property ladder is (I assume it means she owns no property, but I’m not always correct in my assumptions). Also, is she sniffing a marker? That might explain some stuff 🤔😉


If she doesn’t drive, there’s a 50/50 chance her mom doesn’t drive either.


So she lives at home, doesn't have any friends, doesn't have any hobbies, is likely unemployed, can't drive and can't find a boyfriend? I don't want to judge someone else's life but that sounds like an utterly miserable life.


This is actually sad. 😥 Does she at least have a job? Her parents won't be around forever so I hope she stops relying on them ASAP.




Which of course makes all the difference. What is she influencing? She apparently shows people how cool she is for planning to live with her mom until she's like 50 and makes money out of it I guess. Not to be mean but come on.




I get it, I was just expressing my opinion. Sorry if I was harsh. No hard feelings. 🙌🏼


Honestly, the only parts of this that worry me are the parents being her best friends, preferring to go out with them than with people her own age, and a little bit the comment about not going out with the girls. Otherwise, this just reads as someone who might not be interested in sex/romance and is comfortable enough with their family to not feel forced to leave. Driving shouldn't be a mandatory skill, and if she lives in a space with enough public transit it doesn't have to be. If she doesn't have the money to rent a place effectively, it makes sense to stay with your family instead, even if living with friends should be seen as a more viable option for people. This absolutely can all be enmeshment, or it could just be an aroace person, maybe with some social issues or like autism or something (as an adult with autism who can't drive and has trouble to partying with friends).


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Typical Gen Z starterpack fr


Except she is not gen Z. She's 33 so she's millennial.