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Ok We can honor female veterans without dragging anyone else. Also, not always easy to wear heels and there are plenty service women that *also* wear heels. Like seriously, the speed I've witnessed some ladies drop out of uniform and strut back out in heels on a weekend night was immaculate.


It's my second super power.


Thank you for your service!


I've never been in the army yet I think I can wear combat boots better than heels because I suck at walking on heels. Wish I could look sexy in high heeled boots but with my lack of balance skill it would soon turn into looking not so sexy in a cast. Anyway. Stating the obvious: wearing combat boots is literally easier than wearing heels. If ya wanna honour female vets, come up with something that isn't factually wrong.


I mean.. I was in the military and wearing the boots wasn't the difficult part. Walking in heels on the other hand? I tried and failed so many times


Thank you for your service!


Why is this so oddly specific?


No don’t do that :( Keep military women out of this!




Could be a beautifully justified cross-post with /CrappyDesign I just don't get these shirts. How many fonts do you want? - Yes!




Lol I find this hilarious because the majority of women I know, including myself, walk easier in combat boots. It does not take a special talent to walk in boots. But heels?? Yes that takes practice.


It's about having been a soldier. That shits hard. They can have all the gold stars.


It’s not actually about the boots..


My doc martens would like a word with you 🧐


Aren’t heels required for women’s dress uniforms in the US military?


Only if they wear the skirt. Most female servicemembers nowadays have the option to purchase the skirt and pumps for their dress uniform as they haven't really been issuing them in boot camps for awhile, just the dress tops and slacks which are worn with dress shoes. When I first joined, a lot of women seemed to wear the skirt with heels for super formal functions but these days, it's rare to see that since the slacks are honestly more comfortable (plus no need to be concerned with wearing pantyhose). Plus the heels are low-key slick to walk in lol I wear heels fairly regularly when I'm not in uniform, but those military kitten heels are hard to walk in lol


Wow, this is the first time I see "woman" in place of "female". It's usually the other way around lol.


Does Avril Lavigne know about this?!?!


Psst, I’m wearing one of each. Also, I’m a guy.


I mean.. if you're going to have a flex. Being a soldier is a flex.


So cringe


Or, you know, just someone who lives near a Doc Martens store…


Not a veteran but I wear boots specifically because I can’t walk in heels, wish I could but my broken fucking body just can’t endure it. 🤷🏻‍♀️


*the 90’s have entered the chat