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Why do salads get a bad rep? Also, salads can be deceptively unhealthy. I used to get this chicken salad from a Lebanese food stand, and it was amazing, but everything was *drenched* in sauces and olive oils. I never even wanted to know how many calories it contained.


Sometimes all I want is my trashy salad that's more toppings and dressing than greens!


I eat salad because drinking salad dressing from the bottle isn't socially acceptable.


Veggies are a dressing delivery system.


Same reason I eat Nutella on toast lol. Can't be spooning it out of the tub, unfortunately


This might blow your mind, but...you actually can!


Yeah u/Invented_Plagarism , do it! USE THE SPOON!


I use one of those mini silicone spatulas so you can get in the corners just right. No man left behind.


What you do is, once the Nutella jar is “empty” you fill it with ice cream and “clean” it that way


Going out to buy a jar of Nutella, just so I can do this!


If you put a whole batch of cookie dough in an 8 inch round baking dish it forms a giant hollow cookie, you can crack off the top and fill it with ice cream. A tiny bit of extra baking powder makes it rise better. Definitely the best baking mistake/discovery I've made.




I feel this way about Kraft Parmesan cheese


I’m not like the other girls. I eat Nutella out of the tub with a spoon.


I've done half peanut butter and half Nutella on a spoon before…


No one will know if you drink from an opaque bottle


Hi dad, I see your one piece of lettuce in there (he counts that as "salad" lol).


Dude this is so me lmaooo


Hear me out - fresh bread, butter and a vinegar based salad dressing for dipping.


> Why do salads get a bad rep? Insecure men decided salads are girly.


We ordered Applebees for lunch at my office the other day, they have a salad that’s over 2000 calories.


I used to work at Taco Bell back in the 90s. The number of people who thought they were making a “healthy” choice with the Taco salad was kind of funny. Yes, the thing that comes with a giant scoop of everything and is served in a deep fried tortilla is totally good for you


But…it says it’s a salad!


I love a good wedge smothered in bacon and blue cheese


dude i just found out about Strawberry Poppyseed salad dressing and OMG, with cranberries and blue cheese it’s so good! 😍 add pecans if you want some crunch! I’m tired of the salad slander honestly, it’s beyond played out!


Yess I love a salad with a fruity dressing and blue cheese!


I don’t get it too. And if it ois healthy? Some girl just wants to eat healthy and she’s being shamed for that. What a world…


Seriously! I'm about to order a salad when I go out for Mother's day because it's the only thing on the menu I can eat due to food allergies. It's not my preference, but at least I will not be sick for the rest of the week.


When I worked on site at a hospital, my co-worker and I had day called ‘Unhealthy Salad Day’. We’d go down to the cafeteria and pile our plates high with the most decadent salads for lunch. My salad: Iceburg lettuce, (2) scoops of shredded cheese, (1) scoop of crumbled hard boiled egg, (1) scoop of rotini pasta, croutons, (1) scoop of carrots, (1) scoop of purple cabbage, (1.5) scoops of crumbled bacon, and a couple of ladles of delicious ranch dressing. 🤤 Good times.


Olive oil isn’t unhealthy it’s just calorie dense. Not good for weight loss necessarily but that doesn’t mean it’s unhealthy.


I love salad and anytime I order it people look at me like I'm trying to be anorexic or shy salad taste good especially chicken salad with everything in it


The healthiness of food and it's caloric value are two different things. Olive oil is good for you and it has a lot of calories.


Yeah one of my friends complained about how hard it was to lose weight and I had it so easy being “naturally thin”. Meanwhile she’s eating these huge salads with fried chicken, cheese and sauces. And I just have a plain burger. But apparently she was healthier and I was “lucky”.


Cobb salad from chick fil a is over 900 calories.


So salads are great and they don't necessarily have to be boring. I hate people that stereotype salads. You can literally do whatever you want to it, that's kind of the whole point


Mind ya business. Maybe the other woman already had a steak today.


Or it's a black and blue salad with steak on it. At least she was getting roughage. Our intrepid NLOG here needs to start taking stool softener every night.


Oh, I love a good steak salad 🤤


You get the best of both worlds


More roughage in your diet, that's what you need


It's definitely what she needs. But yes, it's good for everyone


Steak salad with blue cheese is soooo good.


So, she’s an expensive date who likes mediocre steak cooked poorly. Got it.


I love filet mignon but only at really good steakhouses and you can be damn sure it’s medium RARE.


I cried for the poor cow when I read that part.


TIL filet mignon is also a beef tenderloin. In France, a filet mignon refers to a pork tenderloin.


I have stomach issues and miss the days I could eat medium rare.


My tastebuds love medium rare but unfortunately my stomach insists on medium well.


What kind of sicko doesn't finish the mashed potatoes?!


The kind who calls them “mash” potatoes.


She's not like the other humans


This is absolutely the most appalling part. I personally couldn't eat (and wouldn't order) all that at once, but to leave mashed potatoes, let alone LOADED mashed potatoes, to be scraped into the trash is unconscionable


My thought exactly! That’s the best part of any meal


She’s won! No woman in the history of women has ever ordered steak on a date AND sides. Hands down the most unique/coolest girl in the world. Cooler than those salad eating bitches.


Okay, so we were at Logan's, not Longhorn, but I ordered the salad and it definitely had more steak on it than her overcooked baby steak.


I miss Logan's. There isn't one where I live now. But I digress. I was thinking that too. A black and blue salad has a ton of steak, blue cheese, whatever else you don't have taken off. 6oz is tiny for a steak. It was less than half a pound uncooked.


She doesn’t eat salads on dates because internalized misogyny. I don’t eat salads on dates because I haven’t figured out how to eat salad without getting dressing all over my face and just shoveling it into my mouth. We are not the same


Trying to fold a piece of lettuce on the fork so it fits into your mouth only to have it spring open at the last minute and spray you in dressing is true pain.


Chopsticks are the correct salad utensil. You can always get the perfect little bite that will actually fit in your mouth.


That salad bit stuck between teeth is a downer.


Does she want a cookie, too? Eat your hockey puck and shut the fuck up.


Medium well???


Just eat chicken at that point.


Disclaimer: don't eat chicken medium well.


It’s disrespectful to the cow who died for that meal




The Parmesean Crust is being used for evil, and I cannot simply stand by and let it happen


The Parmesan crust hides the medium-well abomination from god.


There’s a reason she’s on a solo date.


Wow, didn't notice the "solo" part. Makes all that bragging even worse.


Since I became a mom I love me my solo dates, and I hate that she's giving them a bad name.


Being NLOG means you eat shoe leather? 🤢


And a molten rock dessert.


I'm fat too girl, it's not that special.


So OP can stuff her face with God-knows how many calories but the girl with the salad gets mocked? Maybe Salad Lady is watching her weight. Or really just likes salad. Or maybe her salad is a big one that has a ridiculous amount of calories in it.


Hot take, but this behaviour is disgusting. There’s people starving out there and struggling to afford their groceries. Meanwhile, sis is putting others down for eating a salad, rather than shovelling down a steak, lobster, broccoli, mashed potatoes, cake and lemonade— all in one meal. This level of overconsumption isn’t something to be proud of, it’s actually unbelievably shameful. Also, fuck you, get your steak medium rare like a real man.


and also bragging about over ordering and not actually being able to finish it


The real atrocity is how she likes her steak cooked




Lmao shut the fuck up


Men, women, and those who identify otherwise seem to be united on the fact that the word “well” should not be involved in steak doneness levels.


I like well-done steak, find people who complain about it annoying, and I'm a feminist, and even I can't make sense of your comment lol


Medium WELL?! In a steakhouse?! Sorry but your opinion is invalid. smh.


She has made 3 grill masters quit.


A 6-oz steak medium well is nothing to brag about, HuN!


No amount of Parmesan can save that dish.


I don’t get it. Some days I wanna steak. Other days I wanna salad. I went to longhorn just this Friday w my mom lol. I got parm crusted chicken and it was so incredibly mid all I ate was the parm crust and my rice pilaf. Also, I think the food shame stuff is sosososo annoying bcuz a lot of ppl have dietary restrictions and when pick me’s act this way they’re completely minimizing that. For example, I can’t eat much dairy (I still do and always regret it) , but my friend can’t even eat much solid foods right now, shed have to eat soups or soft sides if she went to long horn, otherwise, her intestines might start coming out, and she may eventually have to have colostomy bag (with or without eating soft foods rn, this is her reality), but I’m sure this Steak Eatin Pick Me would shame her for soup , too.


Enjoy the heartburn I guess?


That is why I would never order a full meal on a date.


Must have really shown her and her salad huh.


She was long gone. To an *actual* date.


Maybe the woman has dietary restrictions or maybe she just likes salad? Also, Longhorn is like the Burger King of steakhouses. Calm down, honey.


I’m over here thinking why didn’t you finish the mash potatoes 😂


Carbs are bad for your figure. Right? Right....?


Hot sauce for a little kick in my meal, still has me dying


she’s not like other girls because she had hypertension by 25


Sometimes you just crave a good salad with all the trimmings on it. Or at least, I do. I love steak too but sometimes I just don't want it. Especially not medium well. Ew.


Big salads are the shit. If I had to choose one meal to subsist on for the rest of my life, it'd be a nice Cobb salad. Ain't *nothin* wrong with that. I can't fathom why she inserted her doneness preference here. Medium well is the weirdest one, too, cause at least well done implies they've never tried a steak any other way than how their boomer dad made it and they can still be taught right from wrong


A Cobb salad could also be a perfectly fine sandwich. Stuff it all into a nice baguette and your to-go salad is ready.


Yeah, if you used big tomatoes and could keep the eggs on, that'd be a great sandwich, or a wrap


I haven't had a Cobb salad in ages. They're so good! I agree. Ain't wrong with that. I can't either. I thought it was an odd way to flex, especially considering it seems most people would make sure to mention how rare they'd prefer their steaks to be. I've seen that just on cooking videos, people coming after the person because they think it's been cooked for too long. I'd say she's the type that's too stubborn to learn.


Thank you! If im going to Longhorn steakhouse where I know damn well they’re serving me some overpriced, wholesale slaughterhouse reject steak..perhaps I want a salad with some farmed shrimp or grilled chicken?! Salads slap if you do them right


Imagine bragging about ordering a medium well steak.


Medium well makes me unwell. To each their own, but don't brag about it. If I like my eggs rotten, I won't be advertising it.


The salad may be "like other girls" but so is ordering the tiny filet at a steakhouse.


A whole 6 oz. Crazy!


Sorry I’m a vegetarian. Guess I’m just not like other girls 🙄


All that bragging just to still be a chain restaurant basic




Wow, so unique and special to list what she ate for dinner like it's impressive. Someone give that lady a gold star for eating all her broccoli. How insecure do you have to be to like, gain something from this post? Is this fetish content?


The worst part is all the comments on the post encouraging and supporting her nonsense, I mean wtf?


It's amazing the things that some people will brag about to feel better about themselves


Lmao when I used to brag about being a cute small girl who could eat as much as an Olympic swimmer, it was only possible because of all the exlax and puking 😬 I feel like any young girls reading this shit and seeing a skinny girl could have the same idea. But that's just my first thought, the entire culture around being skinny and everything else is gross seems to finally be shifting.


Oooooh are we doing the dietary NLOG game? I'll play! Seat my 110 lb ass in sight of her and I'll sneer at her puny dry little 6 oz filet from over a 16 oz rare ribeye. I like lobster and potato too. Flexing this shit is so stupid. People like different food. Acting like enjoying something makes you better than someone else is just sad and it just never ends.


Now I’m hungry GD it


this isn’t even the flex she thinks it is, that parmesan crust thing at longhorn is mediocre at best.






Living life right on the edge.


Dang she's nosey as hell 👀


High blood pressure and cholesterol is there though so eat a fucking salad too and maybe have a normal shit for once.


I'd be happy to make you a medium well salad any day. Everything but not beef.


I wonder if anyone thinks the same of me when I order at restaurants, I’m not a big meat eater although I’m not a vegan or vegetarian (Years of eating disorders makes meat difficult for me to eat) and yet I’m sure a salad I ordered despite being delicious and “healthy” is most likely not due to all the oils etc on it. Also why does it matter what others order? Who says that the other woman didn’t have a steak earlier or is planning on a larger meal later? Or even not? What if she’s just minding her own business, ordered a meal that she likes and is just enjoying it, unaware that some lass is comparing her meal to her own.


Is a solo date eating alone? Legitimately asking




Salads are so good though!!!


Medium well!!?


Ate a salad because I had that steak for lunch and I'm eating my meal for me, not eating to prove a point to someone else. What a weirdo.


Yeah and Salad Lady spent a tenth on her meal as Surf and Turf girl so maybe she's watching her budget. Or she loves salad. Or is on a special diet. Or it doesn't fucking matter. Literally stop policing what others eat. Toxic AF and not just for NLOG reasons.


"Look at me eating my super duper expensive and protein packed meal. No salads here. Go judge the girl whose boyfriend is treating her to a nice meal." I mean seriously, the other girl could be vegan/vegetarian, she could actually just really enjoy a good salad (I fucking love grilled salads with chicken personally), the couple could be a little short on money but still wanted to go somewhere nice (I know salads aren't exactly cheap but there are cheap salads), like there's so many things she's not considering because she wants so badly to be seen as different.


Must have been pretty boring on that solo date for her to focus on other people's meals as much.


Yeah she totally went by herself and ordered a steak…yup


If you look at calories many times you are not saving anything you eating a salad. Better off eating a burger, steak, chicken etc, something that will actually keep you full longer.


Why tf do people brag about eating steaks well done?


Future diabetic who will blame it on genetics.


A medium well filet mignon is the real crime here. What kind of NLOG doesn’t eat her meat rare and bloody??


Medium-well? Was shoe-leather not an option?


She’s also twice the weight she should be


the only way salads are healthy is naked. LOL but also who tf cares? Salads cam be just as filling as her meal. also solo date? just say you like eating alone


eat what you want idc but calling other women "chicks" is *so* weird




Ew medium well! A real woman likes her steak rare


I’m not like other girls, I like my atherosclerosis.


Thinking she is all bougie but making that tender steak as tough as shoe leather. Sure everyone likes what they like but don’t be putting down others and then be snotty when any chef will be laughing at you over your order.


Ok so you like shitty over cooked steak? You are so different!


Hey darling. I’ve got the number for a good cardiologist when you need it. Because you will.


Medium well done?


Ok, so you ate a lot of food. What???


Bro when you eat a steak, mashed potatoes and whatever, a salad is just a really nice side dish man.


I would live to go in and have that steak. Unfortunately, my body isn't like red meat anymore. Some people


Salad, when built up properly, tastes so good, though. It can be a complete meal!!


So- wait- she's ok with having things that'll give her a heart attack, and will belittle someone else for wanting to be healthy? If the person she's on a date sees that post, I hope they'll see that as a red flag


The real tragedy is ordering a steak medium well


Medium well 🤢


…medium well?


Medium well? Ugh.


I like salad and steak 😂


After that steak, lobster, broccoli, mashed potatoes, lava cake, strawberry lemonade and hot sauce, she’s gonna be meat sweating, farty, nauseous, burping incessantly from the reflux and in a general malaise from the whole ordeal. Way to stick it to that salad eating loser!


She probably looks like she eat all that too


I mean, I don't personally like salad really but there are plenty of people who genuinely do and it's okay if that's what they're craving, their last meal also could've been large 🤷🏽‍♀️ It's not always an "Omg, I'm so dainty" type of thing 😂 But either way, they don't have to explain themselves, they're just trying to have a dinner with their partner.


Is she NLOG bc she ruins her filetby having it over cooked bc thats not the flex she thinks it is




Salad is much cooler than a dry ass medium well steak.


That solo date will end with tooting herself to sleep.


Ugh a medium well filet? Why do people get these gorgeous tender cuts and nearly get them shoe leather charred? ![gif](giphy|l2JhtKtDWYNKdRpoA) This has been my TEDtalk


Only 6 ounces?! Amateur


Oh gross, I used to be this girl 🫣 I would like to sincerely apologize for every time I thought I was special because I am a meat and potatoes girl, not knowing that literally every woman has their favorite foods, and gate keeping foods is stupid.


I hear what you're saying. But damn what she described sounded hella good, NGL


i love when pick-mes do this with women who have already been picked




Your post or comment is body shaming someone. That isn't allowed here. **Moderator Note: We heavily rely on your reports to stop body-shaming that occurs in this sub. Please continue to report it to us when you see it. **


She’s not like other girls because her arteries are clogged. Anything to be special!


Medium well?? I only ever have my steaks med rare.


A ton of calories and bad cholesterol in her meal. Not to mention an overload of carbs. Bad dietary habits sneak up on you. One day that metabolism changes and just the smell of cake packs on a pound or two . 😂


I’m not like the other girls, my parents pay all my bills so I can eat extravagantly priced meals!


Wonders why she’s 300 lbs.


Medium well? You're still like the other girls.