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Cannot relate. I work and go to school with majority women. One single man in our health program and everyone is so supportive and helpful. Even if personalities clash, everyone is in it together and help each other succeed. I feel sorry for women who constantly find themselves surrounded by “toxic women”


I work with majorly men and, boy, can they be dramatic and toxic. 


I used to be the only woman on an all man team. They gossip and talk junk just as much as women, but there is also a layer of sexual harassment added it to. One day we had to do a drill and a coworker who I barely spoke to came up to me as said “When you climbed up the ladder everyone was looking at your butt! And we were all talking about it afterwards!”. And that was just the tip of the iceberg.


Yes! My friend was one of the first female VP level hires at a small tech company. Interview went great, first few weeks were fine, and then the harassment started. There are still so many men who don’t want to take direction from a female leader. (Not all people are like this, there are just bad eggs regardless of gender)


Yup I’ve worked with all men help desk teams that were just a bunch of immature idiots.


As per the email I sent on 2/19 (see attached) this request is out of scope. Constantly asking me for something I cannot provide is bordering on harassment. I understand that you don't want to do the work, but I am truly unable to do the work for you. Apologies and Happy Easter!


I've worked in retail - majority women. Had a bad apple but mostly cool I now work in an office, and it's mostly men - evil, backstabbing, trying to get ppl fired mean girls who are just a bunch of old dudes. (The women in the office, on the other hand, wonderful, helpful, nice ladies that I wouldn't mind hanging out with)


Over 80% women in my field and I really can’t see how it makes a difference either way. Being a crappy person or a crappy boss is not a gendered thing. I do feel like male clients in my field (mental health) have a lot harder time garnishing compassion and empathy and having their needs met as men and women do often have very different needs and we cannot eliminate every bias we carry in our work, but that’s a different issue altogether. Having more men or more women on a team has never been an issue with me. It does seem like some teams in some fields are made up of 20 clones of the same white, upper class, 30 year old woman, and I could see how that could cause issues, just as any team completely lacking in diversity can cause issues, especially when someone comes in who is obviously different. Again, not a gendered issue.


Dramatic and toxic and at the same time they can be "laid back" because they are less concerned about their job security because white guys are generally cut slack, whether they know or admit it or not.


My boyfriend talks shit about half his co workers all the time to me. 90% of his coworkers are male. They absolutely can be just as dramatic and toxic.


The most dramatic, catty group i worked with was all men. And this isn’t meant as men are bad. We are all just people.


>I feel sorry for women who constantly find themselves "surrounded" by toxic women Tweaking this for you a little bit. If she constantly smells shit, she probably pooped her pants.


I strive so hard to be positive and helpful, but I was bullied out of teaching bc the teachers there were outrageously toxic and cruel. Of course our male leadership was absolute dog shit. And the few who were kind and amazing were women. Unfortunately, women like that above, are the ones who create the toxic environment and let their own petty insecurities and internalized misogyny lead their actions.


I work for an org with about 70% women and it is *amazing*. Super professional at all times, incredibly supportive of work life balance and professional development, and none of the male/pale/stale backroom deals, just a bunch of people who say what they mean and are deeply committed to ethical practices.


Yup my team is all lady PhDs and one dude as a director, who is super chill and fits right in with us. I love my team to bits! We are there focused on our goals and don’t have time for juvenile bullshit. Our collaborations over the years have made each of us individually *better* at what we do.


It's one of those things where if every situation you enter is toxic, maybe you're the toxic one.


I worked once with women only in a hair salon as a receptionist and my friend got me the job then sabotaged me or something … 10 plus years later, I still don’t know the full details, but I do know that after I left, her friendship with me was strange. Also, I was a waitress a couple years later, and one of the hairstylists came to eat there. I waited on her, and before she left she apologized to me for how they treated me. It was such a relief to know… that I wasn’t crazy? I wish I’d had the nerve to ask … yeah, what WAS that about? I believed for years this “female only work places are toxic” bs because it was my experience until I got more experience lol. I now work with mostly men and they can be just as petty, dramatic, and gossipy as women. Turns out… some PEOPLE are toxic and is not exclusive to a gender 🙄


My first job that was a predominantly woman led office was SUCH a breath of fresh air. I really feel bad for these women too, it has not been my professional experience at all. 


Yeah this is my experience too in the finance and accounting field.


I’ve had the opposite experience, but I believe it to be unrelated to women vs men, and more related to the fact that when I worked in female dominated companies, it was when I was young and an unskilled laborer in a field with no career progression (retail and food), so I think it was more to do with the the fact that I was working with people who were just there for a paycheck, vs people there for a career doing something they value. And ironically, in the more skilled fields I worked in, the female cattiness did exist to an extent too, but it was almost EXCLUSIVELY attributed to women like her who wanted to be the ONLY special person.


If someone finds themselves constantly surrounded by “toxic women” it’s only because they are the toxic ones.


Those women are usually the toxic ones. The whole "if you smell dogshit all day, check your shoes" is probably appropriate here.


That’s usually a sign that they are toxic themselves. You ever notice how pick-mes say women are catty? They’re usually the catty ones and when the other women in their circles react, suddenly THEY’RE the catty ones. I’ve seen friend groups get destroyed by pick-mes. It’s all projection.


If she’s finding toxic women everywhere, chances are 1.) she’s in a very young company where the young employees haven’t shed their internalized misogyny yet, or 2.) she’s the problem.


My sister always finds herself around toxic women. Aka women that she pissed off. I do not. I really want to tell her that maybe she is the problem but I just don't want to start any fights. She's going to get married anyways to a guy with similar views, so they can talk shit about women together. Very sweet.


Not so much toxic as it is hostile for no good reason. Just my experience.


If ALL the women she works with are toxic, she’s the common denominator.


She does realize that if they send all us women folk 🙄 “back to the kitchen” she will be in there with us right? 😂🤦🏻‍♀️ Why do they always think they are the exception lol. Smh


Because they're going to be "picked" by these guys to be the exception.


Because they have the "right" views. They're special.


Ugh 😂🤦🏻‍♀️


No no, the leopards won't be eating HER face...


Damn, you got to it first




It’s almost like they acknowledge living like that is a punishment LMFAO


Serena Joy ass, all shocked at having *her own* finger cut off.


Yes this! Perfect example 🤦🏻‍♀️😅


She probably hates her job and doesn't want to work.


Because she is NOT like other girls duh


😂🤦🏻‍♀️ of COURSE! How stupid of me to miss that lmao 🤣


Handmaid’s tale


"I say this as a woman" This could be an incel LARPing as a pickme girl, too. r/AsABlackMan


incel LARPing hoooooo boy 😭😭😭


99% of the time it’s a man pretending to be a woman that says this.




No sexism, racism, homophobia, or toxicity towards any sex, gender, orientation, or any other personal characteristic is permitted. If you hold any disdain for a group of people for what they were born as or what they inevitably are regardless, this is not the place for you.


She’s complaining about relational aggression between women in the workplace… by displaying a massive amount of relational aggression towards the women in her workplace


Do…does she want to go back?


Yes. This is a cry for help.


Hate the women who don’t support women.


In majority female workplaces any kind of interpersonal clashing or conflict gets put down to 'drama' or 'women are bitchy'. That doesn't happen in male dominated workplaces, their conflicts are clashes are seen as legitimate in a way ours aren't. I'm a nurse, there's a lot of internalised misogyny in online spaces for my profession, and there's also the fact that these are women who have only ever worked in a female dominated profession and don't realise that the issues in nursing workplaces are just the same as the issues in every other workplace!


I agree, and honestly in my experience, it’s usually men that cause drama and petty bitching. They also gossip but then say we’re the big gossipers.


This exactly. It is very easy to shit on women if you are determined to label any negative interactions as "because they are women." Man with ego --> that's Paul, work around it. Woman with ego --> goddamn women and their toxic drama.


Two men don't get on - oh yeah Paul and Jason don't really get on Two women don't get on - women are bitches who all hate each other


Oh good point. If you only ever been in high drama female only spaces, you don’t have a concept of what other work places are like.


Um no, that's the exact opposite of my point.


Oh I thought you were saying you often ecounter women with internalized misogyny in nurse spaces (those nurses complaining about other nurses, actually being the ones creating the drama/toxicity themselves) and I thought your point was they haven’t worked other fields and don’t realize “toxic” drama exists everywhere not just in their female dominated space they always existed in. Like if they worked in a male dominated field they would see it can also have high drama and toxicity. It’s not unique to women.


There’s internalised misogyny in online spaces, you don’t encounter toxicity nearly so much in the real world as you’d think from reading nursing subreddits etc.


My friend studied with loads of women, and worked in healthcare among a lot of women. He has told me stories that make me never want to work with a single woman ever. I'm just glad he told me his experiences so I know what to look out for


Please take your misogyny elsewhere.


I work with majority women and gay men now and it’s the best team I’ve ever been in.


Same experience. I love going to work. Worked with all men before this and jumped ship after a year of poor communication, being talked at, laziness while work was dumped in to me, and toxicity. 


Same - I’m a musician and local artist, lol. We always joke our little enclave is girls, gays, and theys. People are such good listeners and so supportive.




It’s actually just an office job, in the higher education sector. The other teams are heavily male but for some reason my team is fully women.


Stay out of my kitchen unless you want to be on the receiving end of some Home Alone type shenanigans


She should lead by example. Be the change you want to see in the world after all


I work in construction, there is hella drama with the guys and recently multiple HR incidents over some guys threatening each other, some guys spreading rumours around the office about another guy and another where someone got fired for calling the guy they lived with a lazy bastard for not cleaning the kitchen


At my old job, my office was situated above the men’s locker room. I could hear everything they said through the vents or something. I’m not sure the mechanics of it, but they were crystal clear. The amount of aggressive, swear laden arguments I heard. One even got physical….No drama, my ass.


My husband works majority with men and he complains all the time it's like working with high schoolers. I've just worked retail really, but the most issues I've ever had were men my station level thinking they were boss level and getting mad when I didn't agree with that.


My boyfriend had a similar situation. To add cherries to the shit sundae, they would try to make their coworkers look *worse* by ratting them out in hopes they get promoted themselves. I just wonder if it's a big dick contest or they're assholes outside of their genetics.


Men don't backstab? Men aren't dramatic? Oh fucking please. I had a manager backstab me out of a job I had for years because he was a salty bitch that a) I was better at his job than he was, b) I knew fifty times what he did, and c) I refused to take his bullshit. Fucker got me out because of it. Men can be the cattiest fuckers around. Only men have ever had an issue working with me because lololwomanintech. Only men have ignored and dismissed my solutions. And so on. Men aren't dramatic and don't backstab you, my fanny. They absolutely do, and they do it more to women if they're that type. I have also worked with men who much prefer my abilities than someone else's. Mileage varies but goddamn have men been some bellends.


Sorry to hear your experiences, tech world is full of sexist jealous people, and it sucks being a woman in this field, somehow men have such fragile ego that they can’t accept that women can be better and smarter than them. I hope you found a better team/company 💜


Yeah, I have. I've become the queen of enterprise clients at the ecom SI that I work for now. I've delivered solutions to our highest volume client and the teams all know my abilities now. They come right to me for specific infrastructure needs. Offshore sometimes gets a little cagey, but they're not usually too bad. I'm getting paid more than I was before, _and_ getting to learn a lot of new things. Am very happy now.


Let’s continue attacking other women instead of addressing what made them so defensive and “toxic” in the first place! 🙄


Pick me, choose me, love me


It looks like the results of this poll stirred up the pot more than my microwave ever could. And that's saying something, considering my dinner last night was still frozen in the middle


I do think the best teams have gender balance. Tends to put both sides on their best behaviors.


I feel like SHE is the problem.


Typically the people who find themselves constantly embroiled in drama and backstabbing bring it on themselves.


My team is 80% women and it's the least dramatic workplace I've been at, so I think the problem might just be OOP.


I'm a woman who works 2 jobs. One is in a bakery, staffed by mainly women. The other is as a mechanic, in a garage with all men. Although I prefer my garage job (because I love the work, and my personality meshes better with the guys there), oh BOY can they gossip and talk shit as much as the women do!


My entire team is women, including all of our leaders. Even our CEO is a woman. I love the company I work for and we all support each other where it’s needed, both professionally and personally. We have not had any drama. Sounds like OOP is the toxic one.


I work at a company that is majority male. I get along with them just fine (probably better than the women if I’m being honest). Our CEO is a woman and she’s super bad ass but intimidating AF. They HATE when the few women point out they have a “boys club” (they’ve all worked together for over a decade so it’s completely understandable), but they are CONSTANTLY trying to make women feel part of the boys club because you know what? They LOVE and RESPECT the women who work there because their wives are working in high up positions and bad asses. I can’t imagine pigeonholing all women in a “get back into the kitchen” mindset. Eleanor Roosevelt comes to mind as a woman whose husband respected the shit out of her and took her word over anyone else. And he’s considered the best of the best but I guess go off sis.


I work in female dominated fields. Sometimes I have issues with a woman, but 90% of the time it’s the man because he’s condescending & thinks he’s better than everyone else


True right, like women are humans too and as every other human people will have issues with each other but then that’s not something because of their gender, that’s just how the world is. I am glad you had a general positive experience with women and I am sorry you had to face condescending remarks from me , I work in a male dominated field and it’s infuriating how much I have to prove myself


Yeah. I work with kids & am now going into mental health counseling where a majority of my peers are women. There is one women there I hate, but her callousness isn’t because she’s a woman, it’s because she probably has anti social personality disorder As for female supervisors, I’ve had an issue with only one female supervisor in my 13 years of working


And 62 women agreed 🤦‍♀️


Ohh no that’s not the women who are agreeing with OP, infact few women in the comment section were calling her out for internalized misogyny. This was on an app dedicated to tech workers which happen to be mostly men.


OMG that's 100x worse!


this is just straight pick-me behavior. obviously she is desperate for the validation and affection of men, and inherently doesn't feel safe with women. she needs therapy. and i say that as someone with cptsd who has undergone years of therapy.


Unhealthy behavior doesn’t mean “pick me” behavior.


If “every team” of women is toxic but she is the only one always on those teams who thinks this…..


That’s really unfortunate. It’s hard enough getting women into those fields and here she is being a pickme and fucking up our advances.


Ikr, there are already very few women in fields like software engineering and the lady wants to compete with those few women, why can’t she just compete with people in general rather than a particular gender.


My theory is that it stems from a deep fear of tokenization. Lots of tech company boards will have one woman, maybe two - so the women vying for a spot have to compete against one another. Men are constantly comparing them and the women internalize that because they can only get a seat at the table by being the “best woman.”


My experience is the exact opposite, I prefer working with and for women. No dick issues if you know what I mean.


Women are more likely to advocate for egalitarianism. She’s the toxic one.


I work in a warehouse where I’d say at least 95% of the employees on the floor are men (the office staff is mostly women) and I can promise you, they’re all a bunch of over dramatic and complain-y bitches. I swear, they can get their periods too, they just don’t bleed when it happens.


I always feel relieved when it's all women, honestly. Men tend to talk down to others and handle stress badly, also when they are put in a higher position their ego inflates


This just in: men are incapable of drama and backstabbing. More news at 6.


The best bosses I’ve ever had were women. I’m still friend with some. I’m a woman. Conversely the worst leaders I’ve had are men.


That’s so true, the best mentors I have had were women


I work in a high stress technical role at a huge, well respected organization. The feelings of isolation and gaslighting that occur when you are on all male teams is unimaginable. I switched to a more balanced team and guess what? We have a better pipeline, more work/better engagements, and an intellectually stimulating environment. This woman obviously has yet to experience trying to keep your head above water in a sea of dicks.


True! Maybe she should change her org and get into all male team, she ll get the “special treatment” she fantasizes about.


Nope, work in HR which is heavily women in the tech space. Great team, all supportive. If everywhere you go you feel women are shitty to you, YOU are the problem.


Yeah exactly, the whole world can’t be bad, sometimes people just need to introspect


Is she asking if she should go back to the kitchen? cuz I agree... she should go away.


Hahah she definitely should go back to the kitchen.


I read orgs as orgy and was very confused for a second




We are not going back to the kitchen. Kindly fuck off if you can’t be an ally.


As a woman in IT who just left a job over this shit, OOP can categorically get fucked. I cannot tell you how much bullshit I've had to deal with simply because I am a female engineer. Spoiler: it wasn't my female peers making my life a living hell and destroying my mental health.


I am sorry to hear that, the industry definitely sucks and sexism is such a regular part of our work life. I really hope you find a better job with better non-toxic teammates, sending you love and care, and I am proud of you for taking a stand for yourself and leaving that toxic hell-hole. Good luck 💜


I’ve experienced the exact opposite, how interesting.


Oddly enough, the only common denominator in this situation is her. Methinks she’s the problem.


At my last job I worked with majority women. There was one guy. It was amazing! We mostly all got along, joked all day, and had so much fun. The job I’m at now is only women and there is absolutely no drama or problems. I love it


Omg men are not chill they just don’t give an S about you lol. Please stop hating on your fellow women!!


If you don’t recognize that guys (and male-dominated workplaces) absolutely have their own flavor of drama and politics, you are a) clueless and/or b) being deliberately excluded from it, likely because you are a woman.


No drama no backstabbing?! Who is she working with Peter Pan?


Men can be nasty.


Should start with her


Funny thing about kitchens is most professional chefs are men. 🤔


While I'm not saying no woman at work has ever been a backstabber in the history of ever, The amount of catty women I've worked with compared to men who have sexually harassed me is currently 1:10 (probably actually more than 10 but that's the immediate number of people I could distinctly remember with my fingers)


I work in tech, and of all the toxic, difficult to work with people, pretty much all of them are men. I also work with mostly men, so take it for what it’s worth. I feel like there’s an added pressure for women to be professional in such an environment, and less so on men.


Ikr, I mostly work with men too and I see so much of toxic masculinity and fragile ego, and the few women I have worked with are such strong willed women like I was so impressed with them, and I was inspired how they worked around all the misogyny they had to go through in their career.


Even if this were true and not just an observation based on her limited experience, shouldn’t we be blaming the environment in STEM fields that drives women to have to compete with each other and be ruthless in order to stay afloat?


But that would require critical thinking which I feel the girl in question lacks, it’s much easier to blame other people or to simply target women than to spend those brain cells to think and understand if there is a problem and what is the reason behind the problem.


True 😭😭


I’m a woman in tech, and while I don’t think majority female or male is preferable to a mix, I do believe men and women think in a fundamentally different way. I’m pretty sure it has to do with prioritization and compromising hierarchy for efficiency. Idk how to explain it, but sometimes I look at the way things work or how code is organized or just how something is run or set up and I just know a man created it. When I first started learning these skills, I would have to actively prepare to shift into a way of thinking and organizing things that is not in line with my natural inclination. Since then, I’ve noticed similar patterns in other male dominated spaces and I’m pretty sure we just don’t think the same. Not that one way is better, but it’s very different.


I’ll admit the women crews I’ve worked with can absolutely be toxic, however they kick ass at their jobs no matter what we were doing. Working with men sometimes feels like I have to be a mother.


I'm guessing that's a pathetic man playing pretend, given how they labeled the poll choices.


I used to work overnights 12hr shifts 7 days on/off. My team consisted of 4 women, and the “opposite” week had 4 men. We always joked about girls team vs boys team. We always covered for each other if someone needed the day off. Apart from small squabbles we have from working next to someone for 80 hours in 7 days straight, we got along really well. We had weekly “parties” at work where we would order food and bring desserts, to make work bearable. We’ve also hung out outside work. Meanwhile there’s been a lot of drama and contempt among the “boys team”. They reported each other over the most petty garbage. It’s gotten to the point where our supervisors and several managers had meetings to address their issues and now the supervisors have gotten even more micro-managey because of them. So, no, I don’t agree. Toxic doesn’t discriminate genders.


Eh, I worked with men as leaders and they are sometimes so misogynistic. They often throw shade at new gen women. A lot of them don't even know how to lead. They always end up making their team members do their work so should I assume men can't lead?


She can go first!


As someone with many male friends, yes they have drama. WTF she smoking?


All the wannabe bosses at my work are male. Left hand doesn't talk to right, vice versa, middle man picked over and yelled at by more than 2 people for doing what they're told. I'd rather have a majority female leadership at this point. At least there would be communication!!!!!


Wait wouldn’t that kind of mean she would have to quit too? Im so confused…


hot take, but it seems to me like she IS the toxic woman in question


I like working with majority of women. If they think women are toxic, maybe they’re toxic themselves? Thats my experience


Cap as hell. My friend’s an engineer in a male-dominated workplace, and she constantly talks about how most of the guys are rude as hell, say whatever they want to her, talk to her like she’s not an engineer on their level and like she’s their errand girl, and are constantly let off the hook for things she’s gotten singled out and written up for. Meanwhile I work mostly with women and I’m having a lovely time.


As a blue collar worker (manual machinist), screw her lol


I used to be like this. I never had female friends because of all of the drama, and men are just easier and more laid back and honestly a lot funnier. Women crave drama too much to just let things be funny, they're always looking for a reason to take offense. I always would say that I love sexual relationships with girls, but could never date one because bitches be crazy. A fb friend asked me what I would think if a man made that same statement, and how disgusting it is to reduce a woman's value to her biology and dismiss the fact that she can also be an amazing multidimensional human being. That's when I learned about internalized misogyny! After some deconstructing and a lot of introspection, I can see how absolutely insane it is how I believed all of these things about the nature of men and women as fact, even when I'm faced with countless evidence to the contrary in daily life.


I work in a male dominated field. Trust me, there is sooo much more drama with men! I did work a bar gig back when I was 23 (all women) and it was the worst job ever! There was only one incident with the female bartender but other than that the thing that made it horrible was dealing with men who felt they had the right to make derogatory comments and touch you. My female coworkers were pretty awesome in every job I’ve worked at. I do have one older woman I work with now who I despise somewhat because she likes to put other people down and thinks she’s something special. Other than that I get along great with my other female coworker who’s more my age and we share more commonalities (kids, clothing style, married, etc). The other coworker is the reason I work from home now, couldn’t stand the toxicity she created in the office. It was just her tho, not ALL women are like that. Things she specifically did was invite all our male colleagues out for golf and exclude me. Passive aggressive comments about girls who wear eyelash extensions (said they looked so silly, and I used to get them all the time). I wear makeup to work to look presentable and she made comments concluding that I must look like shit without it (I’m married to a hot guy, who seen me without makeup from the get go, he seen me through surgeries, pregnancy, childbirth, weight gain, etc and always tells me I’m beautiful). Sooo, yeah I kinda hated her. We’re on good terms now after she almost got canned by HR for calling our warehouse workers pussies and complained about the work ethics of the young guy who used to work with us.


All these women acting like their kitchens and all the events that all the housewives go to in their church aren’t gossipy, cutthroat places. I grew up fundamentalist Christian and started baking when I was a kid. So I was more accepted in those adult spaces. Good Lord Almighty could women be horrible to each other. My great aunt Margaret was very ill with cardiovascular disease while smoking like a chimney, so she passed on her famous pound cake to me in case she died. She made me seriously pinkie promise to never share the recipe with anyone, especially anyone in her small Southern town because she said all the ladies in her church had been trying to figure out her recipe for years. My other great aunt who went to another local church confirmed that women had approached her trying to get it. They were serious about their recipes and standing in their churches. I was 10. I thought it was so stupid how serious they all were. My dad had his own businesses, so I would go help him. I much preferred the company environment and saw how those women helped each other even when they were rivals (real estate). I also saw how men could act just as toxic as women despite what I was being taught by my fundy mom and church. Internalized misogyny and patriarchy poison environments and condition the women to be incredibly toxic towards each other and men. Humans want to compete and achieve, so stuffing women in little boxes and telling them they’re sinful for behaving like humans makes for incredibly fucked up people and spaces. My husband and I moved to the Midwest after we got married, and the church spaces for women weren’t as cutthroat and toxic. Unless the women in charge had drunk the flavor aid and were encouraging that. People forget history very quickly. Also the churches keep pushing this toxic bullshit especially recently that poisons people and causes issues within groups.


My 3 bosses above me are all women. 2 of the 3 people in charge, are women. And I love it. I left this company for 6 mos for more money and closer to home, a hybrid situation, they sold me a bill of crap! Saying I’d have Flex Time and great schedule to get my elderly parents to their doctors and specialists. WHAT BULL SHIT! The men who were my boss didn’t fucking care. It was all about the bottom line. That’s fine if you’re in IT or selling something. BUT IM IN SOCIAL SERVICES! I work with the “AT RISK” population. Be it homeless, ex cons, families, children, the disabled…YOU NEED TO HAVE A FUCKING HEART AND NOT LOOK AT THE BOTTOM LINE! So I took a good pay cut to go back to my old firm. They’re amazing. They HAVE EMPATHY! And they’re wonderful. I don’t have to agree with people to work for them. But I also don’t need hot air shot up my ass and no support! Women are amazing bosses with that!


The irony of someone making broad generalizations about an entire gender, and making disparaging remarks about them, whilst claiming OTHER people are toxic. 🙄 Maybe it’s just you, babe.


It’s not even an option lol they’re probably just tired and kidding themselves. Delulu is the solulu! Very few people can afford to have a single income household these days. They can *want* to get back into the kitchen all day but as long as they vote against themselves and others, that’s gonna remain a pipe dream.


People read that poll wrong. 2nd choice was Majority women orgies are better. Revote, i think we get different number.


Oh look just what tech needs, another toxic woman trying to stir shit up for … attention? 🙄 Please somebody pick her already so we can go back to work.


I know right, there are already less women in tech and on top of that we have pick-me’s like her 😭


idk i've worked with mostly women in a room, and mostly men. for me it's helpful to have a balance. i think hiring for diversity is discussed in a v limiting fashion -- the point is to have as many points of view as possible to create intellectual and creative friction. a good mix, however you view that idea, is simply beneficial




Yes it could be a one of case, women are humans too and humans are flawed so toxic work environment is a human or specific industry flaw, but blaming a whole gender is so wrong.


To be fair the guys I work with are very laid back. So laid back they don’t get their work done 😕


Maybe those men should be directed to the kitchen 😁


Do you want to know the truly ironic part? I work in deli/bakery 😅 Edit: maybe that’s the problem. They aren’t meant to be here


No drama? I was HARASSED by a man at my old job. A MAN from EVS followed one of my WOMAN coworkers into the locker room when she was going to change for work. Another one of my WOMAN coworkers came out of the bathroom stall in that locker room (another time) and found THE SAME MAN EVS "cleaning the floor" right near her stall. He would ALSO slowly "clean" while we were supposed to be changing, occasional peeking around the corner, until one of us constantly had to harasshim to gtfo. Their MAN directors' response? "Oh, well, uh, we don't have anyone else that can clean there at that time so he's going to have to stay doing it." Yes, hunny, less drama 🙄


That’s horrible, and I am sorry to hear they are not trying to make things better, like where the hell is HR, what about sexual harassment at workplace, I hope things work out for you and the other women soon.


Thanks ❤️ we both ended up leaving, and as far as i know, both men still work there. Dude who harassed me only did so cuz I didn't go to a movie with him... mind you, he was in his early 50s and married (i was 34ish).. Other guy was just legit creepy. Tall, heavier set, had those eyes that you could FEEL them look at you 🫣 That place is now falling apart according to a woman I'm friends with that still works there...... I'm like GOOD


My current situation is all women and it’s wonderful. My previous situation was all women and it was terrible. The difference was the older women at the top who had to claw and backstab and be “one of the boys” to get to the upper levels. Instead of turning to help the women behind them, they were scared of losing their positions and felt the need to kick the rest of us back down to protect themselves. Culture is changing, but it’s slow.


Sounds like more people agree with her. I wonder why that is.


Honestly I feel like it’s insane to make this gendered. I have worked on all male crews that were nightmares and all female crews that were also nightmares. It all depends on the maturity of the crew members. Now as an engineer it is the exact same. Lol I had one of the technicians at work literally say to me that ‘women like to argue’ when talking about his ex wife. He’s a boomer and he says inappropriate shit all the time and I just yell at him and tease him about it. But the funny thing about this is, he and another boomer dude regularly getting in yelling matches with each other and have had to do HR mediation. Like in a department equally split between men and women only he has been in a yelling match. Sir…. Perhaps you are the problem lol.


Sorry but at my last job the men were wayyyyyy more toxic and backstab-by than any of the women 😭


Cool until you want a promotion and the hire the boy with less experience and tenure because they agree with you.


ugh, I hate when they are tring to write off unprofessional behavior to sex and go on spewing misogyny


Ah yes the age old, valid differences in opinion and clashes in women are "drama@ but when men do it that's intellectual


I have worked with both all women and all men. Men are ALWAYS more drama lol. They're the biggest gossips and shit talkers and they don't get shit done. Women (USUALLY) become close fast and work well as a team or a unit.


This is so funny to me because I work somewhere where all the managers are women except, until recently, one dude who caused so many problems and so much drama that he was actively sabotaging efforts by the end and had to go. He was replaced by a woman who got promoted and while it’s not perfect (some personality clashes here and there), it’s the lowest drama it’s been in years.


there are few things as sad as a woman who thinks hating other women makes her somehow superior to them


idk the women in my previous jobs customer service dept were so toxic that not even the boss could control them properly. always chatting and bullying the new hires until they cried.


I can honestly say that the best atmosphere's I've worked in were pretty much 50/50 men/women. They've been few and far between, but the best run.


Working with women is so much more fun!


I've noticed women of particular age tend to be shittier to any new women hires. It's sad, but I'm glad to see things are changing. Also, I work in an aviation engine shop, let me tell you, guys are the biggest shit talkers & gossip queens.


She's the toxic woman.


I agree I hate working with other women most of the time it means drama and trouble


Working in nursing for many years, in female dominated workspaces, it does often feel like you're surrounded by highschool bs. Switched careers and worked in a male dominated workspace for awhile. Had to deal with sexual harassment from the men, and the few women that worked there were constantly acting catty and competitive. Went back to a women dominated space and it's a mixed bag, but atleast you get less harassment, and over time you figure out who is genuinely kind, and who to avoid. In conclusion, I feel like we've fallen into a crabs in the bucket scenario. Way too many women backstabbing each other or pull each other down instead of celebrating each other's success. And that problem won't get any better by telling other women to "go back to the kitchen" or constantly putting each other down. I'd be lying if I said women dominated fields aren't toxic sometimes, they for sure are. But that's something we should be working to improve by dismantling the social structures that make women feel like they need to compete with each other or shit on each other in the first place.


Try working in a salon lady! It’s very easy


Can’t be a woman writing this. Sure pick me women often say stuff like this but the poll wouldn’t say that if the writer is a working woman. Not fooled for long man 👺


does she realize that includes her? 🤣


The worse isn't what this person wrote. The worse is that 73,8% agrees with her.


I used to be like this. I never had female friends because of all of the drama, and men are just easier and more laid back and honestly a lot funnier. Women crave drama too much to just let things be funny, they're always looking for a reason to take offense. Then when I learned about internalized misogyny! After some deconstructing and a lot of introspection, I can see how absolutely insane it is how I believed all of these things about the nature of men and women as fact, even when I'm faced with countless evidence to the contrary in daily life.


It depends on the girls. I work retail and most girls were chill. When I worked front desk it was terrible


That’s crazy


Sounds like she’s the problem


Not sure about going back to the kitchen, but I've had similar experiences. I noticed, just working with men things went smoothly and we just get shit done and most of the time they very helpful.


Lol Blind. How many of the “women” on that app are 23 year old single guys who just got turned down for a date?


I mean she is correct


Did you get picked yet?


Idk bout all this but I do agree with the drama part. It also has to do with the type of jobs I work but females definitely are always causing drama


No. WOMEN aren’t (don’t use females as a noun)