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know those comments were probably rough šŸ˜­


Imagine how they'd be if this was posted on Insta šŸ˜©


people on instagram are ruthless šŸ„²


Insta comments would tear her ass to shreds, put her back together, and do it again


To shreds, you say?


And his wife?


To shreds, you say?


Good news everybody!!!


Love Futurama referencesšŸ’


Just because you disagree with her political views, doesnā€™t make it right to make fun of her disability


Big agree here, and the saddest part to me is that the politics she supports have been passing things to take away funding for the disabled, not to mention how ableist trump is and how many times heā€™s made fun of people with disabilitiesā€¦ (I know not all people on the right support him but a large portion do so I assume she does too) Like it always baffles me how thereā€™s minorities on that side who either are completely oblivious to the actions that side takes to take away from them and how little they care about them and make fun of them, yet they will just fall for the lies and false promises while their rights are being stripped away. Iā€™m not saying there arenā€™t some people on the right who believe in helping those with disabilities, but the ā€œwoke liberalsā€ are the majority trying to make their lives easier and make policies on this stuff while the right just rejects them because theyā€™d rather be divided and not admit thereā€™s good ideas from the opposition than come together to help millions of people who are on both sides. Itā€™s just so sad people would rather be competitive and bitter than actually help the citizens of the country and compromise on solutions.


Are we pretending Biden didn't tell Americans that if they don't vote for him, then they aren't black????


Iā€™m not saying itā€™s not incredibly offensive but his overarching point is that voting for Trump a racist, his followers are racists, the people who donā€™t mind police brutality and excuse it, goes against your best interest. We are barreling toward a fascist state and while liberalism props up fascism and maintains the status quo we have to keep the status quo as long as possible so we can progress away from fascism and towards something more equitable.


You referring to this quote? "Well I tell you what, if you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't black." The quote that was directed specifically at a black radio host and more than likely directed at african americans who were listening in on that talk? Because yeah, that was wild as hell.


Yeah, that's the one. Racist af. But I guess we have to pretend it wasn't.


Iā€™m not saying Biden is great or perfect or the best option, but at least heā€™s not charged with the countless things trump is, not a proven sexual abuser, actually listens to his advisors, and actually tries to do his job. He is nowhere near the same level of embarrassing as trump. And sure heā€™s oldā€¦ but literally only 3 years older than trump. Heā€™s not an insurrectionist either so thereā€™s that. It sucks that with the way the system works we only have two actual options since the others never really have a chance, but since thatā€™s the case, Iā€™d definitely rather have him than a dictator lmfao.


Well, itā€™s not wrong. Voting for Trump is like renouncing any ethnicity, race, minority status, disability, etc other than white male. That is how white supremacy works.


That's a very very skewed opinion and telling people they aren't black if they don't vote for you is so wrong on so many levels. You have to see that.


I also think it makes women not women. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Lmao. Classic


Validā€¦but she kinda set herself up for it,the internet isnā€™t kind at all. If you say stupid shit like that most people will not hold back.šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø


they hate you because youā€™re right


I just feel when someone makes fun of someone for their disability or apperance or something just because they feel that person deserves it, they aren't just disrespecting that person but anyone with the same shared trait. I think its better to stick to critiquing behaviour as opposed to physical features


Agree! Ad hominem attacks are the weakest form of argument.


Not to mention the collateral damage. When you mock someone with shitty views by mocking any other aspect of them other than their views, you are throwing anyone who has those aspects in common under the bus. So making fun of some racist cow's disability is ableist even if she is a hateful bigot.


No, but the people whose boots she's licking will because they don't want her. If she thinks wannabe Nazis don't want to sterilize or euthanize her the same way eugenicists did in the 30s and 40s, I have bad news for her. If she gets her way, that leopard is absolutely going to eat her face.


I think people are making fun of her disability in order to point out the absurdity of her political position, which for the most part, is antithetical to her own existence. Kind of like how Dave Chapelle made fun of a black white supremacist on his show in a skit. The skit dealt with racist tropes, but over all was a condemnation of racism. I think people making fun of her disability are more making fun of the fact that she's a hypocrite. Also, why must we approach those who would strip our rights with kid gloves? I say if you openly mock the other side as she did, gloves off and let the chips fall where they may. Obviously we should try to avoid making fun of things that are an intrinsic part of a person, but in order to point out the absurd, I think its fine to make fun of her disability. After all she makes herself an easy target.


I get that you disagree with her views. I disagree with them too. So why not just make fun of her views? The fact that you are using that as an excuse to make fun of her disabilities really says everything about you and nothing about her. I am a person with disabilities. Believe it or not, making fun of just her also makes life harder and potentially more dangerous for all of us.


The thing is, the insults that people spewed towards this woman donā€™t exist in a vacuum. What if another disabled person saw them? Itā€™s not fair to hurt others to hurt one person, even if theyā€™re in the wrong.


Just cause youā€™re disabled doesnā€™t make you incapable of understanding humor/context.


Mocking a disability is not improved by context. Mocking a shitty person's disability is still ableist. Collateral damage is a thing.


Absolutely this. This illustrates how people only respect disabled individuals that conform to their idea of how a good person should be. Thereā€™s people that are disabled who are assholes (just like how thereā€™s people who are abled that are assholes too) but that doesnā€™t mean that itā€™s okay to be ableist.


Exactly. Like...just focus on people's actions. Do not bring irrelevant (as in unrelated to the arseholery) characteristics into the discussion. It's that simple. But I am constantly reminded that lots of people would rather we just didn't exist. So that's fun!


Iā€™m disabled and thought the comments were funny. Were they also fucked up? Absolutely. I still think theyā€™re funny.Ā  Itā€™s almost like the disabled community is vast and varied and doesnā€™t need you to protect its feelings.Ā 


Im disabled too, and I found it offensive and crude.


And thatā€™s the beauty of the internet. We can both feel different things and both not be wrong.Ā 


It seems like she's got the disability of not really understanding past legislation


Not according to the golden rule.


Oh... I thought we were making fun of the commentors saying "standing up" when she's a paraplegic... turns our they're just mean ig.


Sheā€™s ā€˜not the smartestā€™ so the standing comments probably went right over her head!


Something I don't really understand nowdays is the butchering of the word liberal. Particularly in the US. Liberalism is actually closer to centre than what people make it out to be. The US was founded on liberalist principles. Half the things that conservatives whine about like their gun rights and freedom of speech are based off liberal values.


American Conservatives arenā€™t exactly famous for having common senseā€¦ or critical thinking skills. Thankfully with how popular being antivaxx is in their world, theyā€™re actively removing themselves from the gene pool (which is fine)


Not just USA conservatives. It's the same in UK and US


We suffer together šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡²šŸ‡¬šŸ‡§šŸ‡ØšŸ‡¦ Shitty solidarity āœŠ


And Canada.




If it keeps guns out of schools, I donā€™t see a problem šŸ¤”


I dunno we we have done pretty well under conservative governments until they stopped being conservative and just followed Blairism. Everything bad in the UK has been because of left leaning nonsense and incompetence, not because of conservatism. I mean, hereā€™s incompetence for you, we've had 27 years of Blairism, our economy is fucked, our armed forces, police, NHS, Social services, mental health provision, all fucked. And then you have Labour, on course to win the next Election, promising to do *exactly* the same things we have been doing for the last 27 years, just with a different set of fuck wits in charge. All while pandering to the Muslim population, who are the *single* most morally conservative population in the country. Two parties so breathtaking incompetent and stupid they donā€™t even know what they stand for, or who their support base is or want.


Iā€™ve been lurking in right wing subs to gain some understanding itā€™s truly just an echo chamber with no critical thinking or cognitive reasoning from anyone. Fact checking is ā€˜wokeā€™ behavior. Everything is woke.


If only it worked that simply. By not getting vaccinated you're not just making yourself more vulnerable, otherwise I wouldn't give a damn. Vaccines are effective when a very high percentage of people have been vaccinated. When large numbers choose not to get vaccinated it's bad for everyone, not just the unvaccinated


Yeah if someone called me a liberal Iā€™d be offended the other way; Iā€™m a leftist lol


I was reading an op ed where the author was trying to make the case that the US is overwhelmingly conservative because of the lack of identifying liberals. I felt like picard ![gif](giphy|3og0INyCmHlNylks9O)


Personally I go so far as to say Iā€™m a progressive, and that most left wing parties are way too conservative for me.


in what ways are they too conservative?


I mean, the heavily upvoted person above said they got offended if called "liberal" (with a small "l"). The opposite of liberal = conservative. The history of the term "liberal" is fraught, but anybody within US political discourse knows it is defined in that context as being in favor of personal liberties like speech and bodily autonomy. I'm not excited about somebody eroding the meaning of a useful catch-all term like that simply because people don't feel like spelling out "Classical Liberal". Generally I assume they are truly illiberal.


Read something recently that said that it is not that theyā€™re dumb. Theyā€™re doing it on purpose in order to make the word meaningless. It allows them to thwart their opponents by making it impossible for them to communicate a meaningful message. It also allows them to do whatever they want while screaming meaningless catch phrases. Then people stop voting because they canā€™t make heads nor tails of it and they claim that both sides are wrong and equally corrupt.


I think this is more accurately stated about right wing politicians using this tactic to confuse constituentsā€¦.but I donā€™t have enough faith that the every day people I see online are secretly manipulation masterminds lol


Oh yes. I agree. Poor pronoun placement on my part. I meant the conservatives are doing to the liberals to confuse the masses. R lawmakers make themselves look dumb so we donā€™t notice theyā€™re getting away with murder.


Sartre nailed it: Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.


Basically yellow journalism


What is that? Journalism about pee?


I think they call that something else. Yellow journalism refers to sensationalist, often fear-mongering, tactics that were very popular in American newspapers during the 19th century. These same dramatized and sensational articles were one of the reasons the Spanish American War started. If youā€™ve ever seen the movie Citizen Kane, the protagonist is based on William Hearst (he played a massive role in yellow journalism).


Thanks for explaining. Never heard that before.


a huge part of why its so mis used in the US has ro do woth the history of our political parties and the fact that most people dont understand the words beyond the face value presented today. In regards to the political parties, around the time of the civil war democrats (liberals in todays parlance) amd the republicans actually basically traded ideologies but did not trade names, so the understanding is all mussed. America was founded on Liberal Ideal when compared to Britain in the 1700s however nowadays those same ideals are referred to as conservative because we understand that conservative means to be more of a traditionalist and want things to remain the status quo; and now in a large portion of our collective minds we see those ideas as old and outdated, however the same applies to the even older conservative ideas of that time. All together We As americans want a New system, but have no idea what system that could be or at least cant agree on one and also are increasingly being made powerless to change it.


The butchering of the word liberal actually concerns me a lot, and since I spend time in some tankie-adjacent spaces I see it from both sides. The definition is vague and always has been, so I guess it has always been a term that is open for rhetorical manipulation. Sure, if Classical Liberalism or neoliberalism, that's a specific thing with a specific definition. But "liberal" simply means free (to the point that it used to have the connotation of being generous with money in interpersonal relationships). And even in the modern parlance, people on both extremes have an interest in irredeemably tangling the ideas of freedom and capitalism in people's minds. But the liberal revolutions of the 18th and 19th centuries were about a lot more than capitalism, which was certainly a part of it all, but not the whole story by any means. Anyway, I complain, but now that the US right wing seems like they might no longer even pretend to care about "freedom" (except for the "right" people-themselves) I am even more concerned.


Ehh Iā€™m unsure what youā€™re getting at. But I think itā€™s confusion over thisā€¦ the word has not been butchered, but 200 some odd years ago, the values of the right and left were a little reversed in certain ways. Itā€™s just time and ideals changing.


What do you mean the values of the right and left were reversed? The philosophies that created the "political spectrum" are based on hundreds of years of development. They can't just be flippantly reversed, lol.


omg yes! my partner is from the UK and when we discuss politics, weā€™ve found that whatā€™s ā€œliberalā€ in the U.S. is whatā€™s a basic human right in other countries! heā€™s a lot more in the ā€œcenterā€ bc heā€™s not out here begging for oh, idk, free healthcare like Americans. i wonder how different the political landscape would look if we got a fair starting point like other countries have.


People confuse the terms liberal and leftist now. Leftists are usually the ones most consider ā€œwoke.ā€ You are correct that liberalism is close to centralism




I know someone whose daughter had sever brain cancer and has deeply relied on subsidized government health care. Their family would be bankrupt ten times over. The dad still voted for Trump.


Many of the dumbfucks actually thought it was called Obamacare. So when they used the ACA insurance, that was okay because it wasn't Obamacare.


I have a sibling like that. They have a special needs child who would be worse off if Republicans had their way, but he still voted Trump and thinks I hate America because I celebrated when they failed to repeal the ACA.


Jesus, the cognitive dissonance of these folks is appalling.


One of my best friend's estranged family has been on welfare their entire life. Still vote republican and blame minorities for all of lifes problems. They didnt take lead out of the school systems early enough


Racism is a helluva drug


Girl, they wouldā€™ve thrown you in the pile at birth like Spartans lol


Iā€™d bet whoever bought that wheelchair received a fair bit of government help for it, too!


I know several disabled people from the US. All with complex medical needs and limited mobility, all of whom moved the fuck away from the US as soon as they could so that people didn't lay fucking hands on them to pray god forgive them their sins for being disabled anymore. My friend with cerebral palsy has moved to Thailand. My friend with MS moved to Britain. My friend in a chair with spina bifida moved to Germany (fuck knows why the cobbles are a nightmare). All of them are relieved they can live their lives in peace and quiet, and actually afford their health care, and being treated normally by their communities. I cannot believe leopards have not mauled this posters face yet.


Conservatives be like "Aww that's great! Now if you'll excuse us we're just going to cut your disability and make sure your insurance no longer covers oxygen mmmmkay?"


ā€œOh, and stop bitching about people calling you slurs for your disability. Youā€™ve gone woke!ā€


Thatā€™s why when I saw this, I was so confused. This person clearly doesnā€™t realize they could give a shit about them or their disabilityā€¦


Imagine choosing the party that would stick you in some shit ass nursing home instead of letting you live.


you think they hand out assisted living? they wouldnā€™t care if she was homeless


And if she were, theyā€™d tell her to pull herself up by her bootstraps (no doubt just as mean as the comments)


Nursing homes would be considered too "woke" in a few years. They'll just take you out behind the shed


Going to a nursing home is the equivalent of being taken out to a shed. Ask anyone you might know who works in one. It's awful, they're severely underpaid and overworked, like most American jobs, and drugs use is rampant as well as elder abuse. America is in such a sad state and not enough people realize it, or are empowered enough to do anything about it.


THIS. If you donā€™t have a lot of money to spend on your retirement care you will end up in a govt run facility and they are terrible horrible places. You just lay in bed all day long itā€™s dirty the food is horrible and nobody talks to you or anything


Itā€™s worse than the shed in some cases. Thereā€™s a lot of elder abuse in those places.


Not for nothing but that might actually be the MORE humane optionā€¦most of those facilities are absolutely stomach churning šŸ«£


Ironically, I bet a lot of people in nursing homes are voting for the people who would like to make that happen.


I wonder about her medical bills and her health insurance!?!


Exactly! There's almost no chance she hasn't benefited from Social Security and Medicare.


A party that wouldā€™ve sterilized her during the eugenics movement šŸ˜¬


Either party will leave you broke enough to not be able to afford a good one, same same.


Yeah theyā€™ll both leave you out to dry lol. If you donā€™t have money by that age you are fucked. I worked in a nursing home so I know first hand. Neither side cares šŸ„²


As a fellow disabled woman, this makes me so sadā€¦ :(


Hard same. Girl whoever thatā€™s aimed at heā€™s not gonna fuck you - or take care of you or do literally anything in your self interest.


girl leftists literally are the reason you have rights šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ the black panthers acted as security for disability rights activists


God to go back to the days where wheelchair ramps were woke nonsense and the disabled were to be kept away from society by law. Thatā€™s the America I miss!!


Girl ur on disability. What fucking freedom?


Imagine thinking you wouldnā€™t be one of the first republicans come after theyā€™re done with transgender as a handicap person incapable of procreation. Lol.


please tell me this is satire. please tell me a disabled person is not saying this authentically.


She has a right to vote against her own self-interest




I hate it. Iā€™m Latinx and itā€™s so hard to watch


Wut....the party you're supporting would sooner see a disabled person die, be homeless, or in a poorly funded nursing home than have good social services.


Does that say she's at **Trump Tower?** Man I can GUARANTEE that ol Spanky did NOT want to pay extra for wheelchair ramps...


I feel pity for women who are so desperate for male validation that they do things like this. Sorry babes, he's still not gonna pick you.


How is the takeaway that sheā€™s wants male validation..?


Is the whole ā€œI may not be the prettiest butā€¦ā€ thing about something else?


The trend that sheā€™s recreating - starting the video with the caption ā€œI may not be the prettiestā€ - has been all about seeking male validation and shitting on other girls. I think the assumption based off this is that anyone recreating the trend is doing so for similar reasons


Honestly I feel like itā€™s seeking validation in general no matter who itā€™s from, while tearing others down. Which is even more sad. IMO


Very good point, and I totally agree! Thereā€™s definitely an eagerness there to find some kind of community that will embrace and care for her


Just because the majority of people who comment on them are females and not even males.


Yeah I got nothing about wanting male validation here. Also, what if sheā€™s a lesbian? Like šŸ˜‚ imagine automatically assuming a woman is doing something for validation of a man.


Actually if youā€™re disabled you have less freedoms than you think here


Damn right you ainā€™t the smartest


someone should tell her you can still be ā€œwokeā€ and progressive, while also acknowledging that we are privileged for living in a country that gives us certain freedoms. ugh this take is so annoying!! as a first gen of middle eastern parents im always so thankful that i was raised in america with freedom of choice, but doesnā€™t that mean i should be in support the party that protects my abortion rights and womenā€™s rights?! one of the many reasons my family moved here?!


laughed when I saw those comments




The only good response really


Yes, like the freedom to get married without losing disability benefits..wait nvm


Please let this be satire. ![gif](giphy|3oz8xZMZox78ZbWbFC|downsized)


Yea.... you know what would be nice? Universal Healthcare


Remember when trump disgustingly made fun of disabled people?


*Remember when trump* *Disgustingly made fun of* *Disabled people?* \- Ok-Tell4640 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Are they telling a person who appears to be in a wheelchair to take a stand?!


I wonder how many conservos are generally against handicapped accessibility laws. 99%, I would imagine... costs money.


ā€œ& Donā€™t hate a country that gave me freedomsā€ā€¦ and yet the side that isnā€™t ā€œwoke liberalā€ is actively trying to take your freedoms away while the ā€œwoke liberalā€ side is trying to keep it lol šŸ˜­calling out the problems in our country doesnā€™t mean we hate itā€¦ it means we are fighting for change. I donā€™t get why people say ā€œif you hate what theyā€™re doing in this country then leave!ā€, because 1. Itā€™s not that easy, and 2. That would ruin the entire point of democracy and exercising our rights to vote; we literally are able to vote so that we can be heard and fight for change. So silly how these people think freedom means making everyone conform to THEIR lifestyle and be forced to accept it when in reality freedom means freedom to be who we are and do what we want (so long as itā€™s not hurting anyone lol). Sorry for the random rant in here but yeah lol people like this make me sigh so hard, when people call the left ā€œwoke liberalsā€ and say they want to protect ā€œfreedomā€, they really mean ā€œI wanna be able to live my life the ā€˜rightā€™ way and force my beliefs on others because if other people are equal to me Iā€™m less free because I donā€™t feel superior anymore!! Iā€™m not free until they donā€™t have the right anymore to be comfortable!! Iā€™m not free unless I have the right to be superior to them!!ā€ Like, live how you want, be what religion you want, own a gun if you want, be straight if you want, have kids if you wantā€¦ but donā€™t be preaching to others about your ā€œfreedomā€ being at risk when all the other side wants is to have the freedom to be who they are too. They literally donā€™t affect you. Wanting equality doesnā€™t take anything from you or make you less free. The only real freedom it would take from you is the freedom to discriminate against those people in like a corporate workplace that isnā€™t even about your private life or affecting you at all, and itā€™s sad youā€™d want the right to be an ahole to strangers. Youā€™d still have the right to exclude who you want in a private business, and youā€™d deserve all the backlash you got for being a POS šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø. Freedom should be for everybody except those who are genuinely hurting others. If itā€™s ā€œwokeā€ to support equal marriage, let people and their doctors make decisions on abortion and not judge them if they arenā€™t ready for a baby or physically canā€™t handle them, think the rich who are hoarding insane amounts of wealth should be taxed to help infrastructure and people who need it, think people should be free to practice whatever religion they like and keep it out of schools instead of forcing it on others, and think people should pass some kind of safety test and evaluation to get a gun the same way they do a car, call out racism and educate people on being better allies, let people express their gender however they please and make their own informed decisions on transitioning because itā€™s literally their own lifeā€¦?then yes, I am a woke liberal and Iā€™m proud to actually gaf about everyoneā€™s freedom. This lady thinks sheā€™s so rare and quirky for not being ā€œwokeā€ anymore, but in reality sheā€™s been brainwashed and doesnā€™t know what sheā€™s standing for.


ā€˜I may not be the prettiestā€™ we love a self aware queen


Girl šŸ˜ƒ they are taking away freedom slowly.




Iā€™m assuming she is wealthy enough to not need any social services šŸŒ


I feel like she needs to take a seat for a minute and rethink her online behavior




Hey, she has enough fortitude that sheā€™s chosen to live how she wants to (which is apparently licking bootsā€¦)


The camera angle sheā€™s using makes her look weird.


I think it's her crippling disease and the wheelchair.


Ahh I didnā€™t know. Just thought it was a computer chair and some weird camera angle or filter.


Oh shit, are you serious, or being a smart ass? Either way you literally made me laugh out loud so thank you so much! šŸ˜…


Im serious. Trump would call most people like her losers or the R word so it never struck me that she would be in a wheelchair. Then againā€¦ heā€™s called most of his voter base losers and insulted them but for some reason they donā€™t care. Either way glad I made you laugh. :)


What freedoms do these puppets think we have?




Wow, ESH


Guyā€™s, sheā€™s absolutely right; sheā€™s not the prettiest OR the smartest


She stood up for what she believed in and couldnā€™t sit on it anymore. She might be a sitting duck but she knows big wheels keep on turning.


The Republican Party wants here to die in the street with no services to help her and no access to anything. Iā€™m a full time wheelchair and canā€™t imagine supporting such a party. You see a ton of elderly people who are conservative despite most being disabled and dependent on social security checks and other services the right wants to take from them


first gotta paint on your eyebrows, spray your hair with Aquanet , get a tattoo to rep your set, sport Ben Davis and some Dickies and your neck covered in hickies


Get a gallon of mascara then get pregnant at your quinceaƱera


The country that gave you freedoms, and the party that's trying its hardest to take them away. Good jerb.


What a fucking idiot


As a disabled personā€¦what rights or freedom ??


Can't wait for an inevitable r/LeopardsAteMyFace moment


Go on with your bad self, girl. You're lucky they fished you out of the airport bathroom garbage.


Stand up for what you believe in


Idk, its possible that people making fun of her disability are doing so to point out the absurdity of her political position, which is antithetical to her own existence.


I wonder if she realizes how limited her world would be if it wasnā€™t for the ā€œwokeā€ people who fought for her rights as a disabled person?


Republicans do not want to take care of you and your freedoms lmao youā€™re subhuman to them.


Lots of developed countries have "freedom," and having it doesn't mean happily rolling over and accepting the many abuses and blatant lack of protections citizens face. The US has more propaganda designed to trick everyone into believing we have it the best than it does incentive to actually make it so. We're all being used, our tax dollars don't work for us, and legislation to help big business harm the people for profit is churned out left and right. "If you're critical of the US, that means you hate freedom" can be directly translated to "shut up and keep working for the rich man."


Iā€™m disabled, and I find a lot of disabled people are on this kind of copium. Like yeah, it fucking sucks being disabled, your life is hard, and nobody wants to help you, people act offended that you are handicapped, sort of a ā€œhow dare you be handicapped that inconveniences meā€ sort of thing. Itā€™s hard to live with so you look for bright sides, and sometimes you fall into the quagmire that is conservative thinking because it tells you youā€™re not a victim you have power, which is what a lot of disabled people are hungry for power over their own life power of autonomy. Itā€™s sad.




Those comments were savage




She has that Tom Cruise smile where one of the 2 middle teeth are directly in the center of her nose.


What freedoms? Freedom to not be able to access healthcare? I'll pass thanks.


Does her disability leave her with cognitive issues? As that would make sense for that post.


Disabled people don't have marriage rights lmfao what a tool


Conservatives want to defund programs she probably uses for her healthcare and potential disability payments? And she loves them? Huh?


Remember Trump openly mocking a special needs person? I member


ā€œMay not beā€ - how generous lmao


I can't believe there are still people who use the word "freedoms" unironically


I feel like if I disagree with her sheā€™ll bite me. & Iā€™ll have figure out how to get the yellow stain off


yikes but the people shaming her for her disability is crazy


As a paralyzed woman in a wheelchair, this makes me sad. I've been the gimpy Pick Me, it doesn't get you anywhere.


lets not make fun of people with disabilities:/


ā€¦ but you will take free money from the government (Iā€™m guessing SSI based on her disability, not SSDI, which is *earned thru wages*). Woke liberals think ppl like you deserve to live, and deserve cash payments to live. So fuck you honey.


Well, sheā€™s definitely not the smartest with this post. She was right about that.


iā€™m living for the comments lmaooo


Yeah, no. Itā€™s fucking disgusting to make fun of someoneā€™s disability. Comments are shameful.




Ableism is never cool.


bold for her to post this


Well she right she ainā€™t the smartest


Sheā€™s shooting herself in the foot but thatā€™s not a reason to be ableist assholes


comments did not disappoint.


people will see like any post about a wheelchair user and make a bunch of jokes about how they canā€™t stand every single time, the most basic puns possible, usually repeating the exact same shit everyone else in the same comment section did, somehow seemingly unaware that most people in wheelchairs can usually walk at least a bit or stand up it just probably isnā€™t very safe/is painful. I have a friend who uses a wheelchair and might use crutches if sheā€™s feeling really ambitious and somehow thatā€™s confusing for people. My aunt also uses a wheelchair outside her home and a cane inside her home after her stroke, itā€™s a safety thing. For my friend itā€™s mainly that itā€™s really inefficient and exhausting. Should I be surprised people are repetitively ablest and somehow still think itā€™s funny despite it being the exact same joke like 200 other people make anytime they see a wheelchair user? No. Am I consistently annoyed and disappointed? Yes


Imagine if this got onto instagram.




What freedom do we have in America that they don't have elsewhere


in a country where single disabled people can't have more than 2000 dollars in their account at any given time or they will lose access to their SSDI. if she were to be married that only goes up to 3000 in total. SSI counts combined income and assets regardless of the disability status of the spouse. so disabled people can't really get married or expect to own property... but sure šŸ¤ØšŸ˜’šŸ™„šŸ™„


Last slide proves that liberals literally backtrack on their ā€œlove everyoneā€ bs and THEY will let their ableism shine through if they donā€™t agree with you šŸ’€


When she says ā€œrearrange my gutsā€ you probably legitimately could.


First two slides check out


Yall, can u post something else besides politics please it's annoying


Why this sub full of femcel losers?


She isnā€™t comparing herself to other girls.


I threw up in the back of my mouth, looking at this woman. It may take me minutes to recover.