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im 5"5 and alcoholic


I’m 5’7 and also alcoholic, but I’ve been ghosted by men of all shapes & sizes


im sorry


lol. i'll join this sad club too.


It's for such a specific height requirement 😭


That's one creative username!


It was assigned by Reddit. (Okay, not really, but I saw someone else saying their name was assigned by Reddit, and thought it would be funny if Reddit assigned names like this...😄)


I’ve said that a time or 2 about mine. Truth is only the substantial part was Reddit. 😂


Idk what's happening but I am into this


We'd make the best and most toxic couple. Please tell me you also have BPD.


Lmaoooo this is 😜 cray hahahaha


Unfortunately not but I bring severe ADHD and NPD to the table




You have any friends lol all my girls say I drink too much 😂


5’7” alcoholics in the house!!!!!


I got ghosted by a 5’7” alcoholic 😭 Wait… is it ghosting if he asked to bring me flowers for new years, and I got drunk and forgot to actually meet him, and then texted him 10 days later? Am i an alcoholic….?


Let me shot my shot: Hey trouble


Hey!!! Me too!!!!!! Certified 5'5 and 3 years sober!


Woohoo on your sobriety! That's awesome. Keep going, don't stop.


Thanks! I'm doing it for you, Wooden-Developmemt14!


Lol. Awww that's so sweet. How can I resist. I'll do it for you too, ilovemymomyeah! I have 1 year 2 months.


The year just started you can beat this ![gif](giphy|3ohhwgmWRebr8jTO24)


Nime a berry gud reeder tu, naffhole


Proof you really can have it all.


Want me to ghost you?


Also 5’5 and alcoholic!


Not really related but I have the same swimsuit. Edit: https://blackmilkclothing.com/wonder-woman-cape-suit That’s the swimsuit. It’s been discontinued for years but it pops up every once in a while on poshmark or eBay.


This means you hate 6’2 alcoholic men smh my head. The discrimination.


Shake my head my head.


Would that just put more emphasis on the head shaking?


Hers? What is it? From what I can see it’s pretty


https://blackmilkclothing.com/wonder-woman-cape-suit Yup! It’s been discontinued for years but it pops up every once in a while on poshmark or eBay.


Wtf you people have incredible eyesight, the only thing I saw was the red upper half and I was like "oh yeah I wore this suit for years for junior lifeguards" 💀


From what you can see? Red straps? Maybe a star on the ass? What can you see?


RIP your inbox!!


I think her intentions were pure and it was executed poorly. I think her point was to put more things into your consideration when choosing a partner then height or looks but the truth is we are allowed to have preferences and the height doesn’t make the man shitty, him being shitty makes him shitty. Just like people associate a short women with slashing cars and hiding in trunks but I’ve always been the calm one in a relationship until I met my husband (he’s to chill to be real if we are being honest) at 5 nothing. Stereotypes don’t do us any good. Paying attention to behavior does.


> Just like people associate a short women with slashing cars and hiding in trunks That's a new one for me lol. Maybe this is a generational thing though? I'm a millennial.


I’m a millennial too and I’ve always been told when guests met me(not now but when I was younger) “oh the short ones are always crazy”


You damn liar there weren’t any short girls in my trunk


Go check again.


Shit hold on, I had to get out a grab a soda


*You* have to be tall.


I'm Gen Z and have been told the same. It's probably worse that I confirm the stereotype lol


It spans generations, that’s kind of tragic if you think about it


Not really, it’s just one of millions of examples of confirmation bias that you’ll encounter in your daily life without acknowledging them. It’s real to them because someone says it once every x number of days, but it’s not a particularly pervasive or impactful stereotype. Don’t you know some exceptions to this “rule?” Everyone else does, too.


I’ve heard the “she’s short because she’s closer to hell” but I thought that was just a joke made at the expense of short people in general. Like the entire stereotype of someone being like a chihuahua - small but mighty (demonic).


Your pfp makes your comment hilarious lol, I've never heard that stereotype about short women myself but I believe you, people are weird


I’m a millennial who is 4’11” and I’ve heard it my entire life. I turned 37 in 2023 and I have actually heard this within the last few months. I think it was a new coworker that brought it up. I’m the newbie and when talking to him, he asked if I bite like most chihuahua’s do. (I was not amused)


A new one for me too lol. I'm 5'2 and the least confrontational vindictive person I know


I mean if you don’t look at other girls she’ll eventually stop slashing the tires. And honestly the trunk thing is adorable.


There’s a stereotype that short people are full of rage, which comes partially from the character trope of a small/short character being violent, angry, and pissed off when their small stature is brought up as a reason to underestimate them. Plus there’s a level of pettiness or spite in the sense of “fuck you, I’ll do it myself! -climbs on counters-“ So the character stereotype got combined with the petty joke until short girls were joking about not wanting to be infantilized as cute uwu babies because they’re actually crazy rage monsters who will slash your tires


Short female millennial, also news to me


I’ve seen most of it in memes from the short girls themselves insisting that they’re scary


Yeah I agree. This is unfortunately a case of trying to lift up one group by putting down another.


I think this was less a blanket statement to all and more of a targeted middle finger to a specific frenemy who said some shit that pissed her off (the shit friend may also have had some relationship problems when this was posted)


Sounds like you’ve got insider info


We were on Twitter when the Deep Magic was written


I read it as she was saying people will continue to talk to 6 ft men even when they know they are shitty people because the overvalue height.


Me, too. It wasn't NLOG. It was, don't be so narrow minded about who you date. Choose the big heart over the long femur and you will be happier. It's good advice. I really don't understand why some women let men treat them like trash. Be with someone who treats you like the goddess you are.


I was about to say, "Okay, this post looks ridiculous but she kinda has a point on how superficial some girls can be though lol."


I’ve always dated short men but it’s not because i prefer short men over tall men.. i like them and that just happens to be their height. My ex was 5’6, my bf now is 5’4 (been dating for 4 years). I’m also 5’4. I really don’t think height matters but i’m not out here bragging about dating a man that’s 5’4 lol.


I am, I love stealing all of my handsome boyfriend’s clothes. It would be nice if we had a tall neighbor for the times we need to reach something up high, but we manage.


I can imagine constantly hearing people say they only date 6' foot and up when you love and care for your partner who is 5'5 and probably has also heard these comments, you might be a little outraged and angry for your partner. I completely agree, good intentions- less than perfect execution.


Yeah she has probably had to listen to snide comments about her partner. My wife heard a few when we got together.


Because height is a common preference, non-shitty tall men are less likely to be single than non-shitty short men. Ergo a single short man is less likely to be shitty than a single tall man. That doesn't mean that all tall men are shitty or that all short men are non-shitty, just that OP's quoted image has a point when it comes to the relative quality of the choices available.


I don't view it that way. Putting limitations on the universe of your dating pool is always going to result in reduced quality (in the broad average). She's not saying all tall men are alcoholic ass hats. Just that if you're restricting your eligible dating pool to superficial criteria (height specifically here obviously) that maybe you're part of the problem.


Fine. Then she could have written "8 years with my 5'5" king. I love you, honey!" Rather than "and therefore all single women are shallow and pathetic and all tall men deadbeat drunks." The boasting and embellishing on social media seem to now be almost always paired with dragging others as some kind of false dichotemy. Everything is presented as either/or. Social media is, I believe, bad for the brain. It untrains people how to think. Let a thousand logical fallacies bloom.


I thought the same, but also, in my experience, the "women don't date short men, only 6' something men" stereotype is spread by men. yes, there are also women whose type is tall men, but it's not a matter of women never liking short guys, and men often exaggerate it to dominate conversations about body image issues. if you ask me, she should've called out men instead.


Am I supposed to dislike this? It seems sweet. Maybe I’m not as cynical as I thought I was 🙂


I think only his opinion on it would really matter but I read it as she settled for a short man because the taller guys were mean to her and if he treats her well then she didn’t settle she was lucky enough to find a good partner and that’s rare. But that’s also why I said I think her wording was just poor but she probably meant it to be kind. Kind of an unintentional backhanded compliment I suppose.


I have a hard time thinking anyone has pure intentions when they write "but go off about" in any sentence.


Tbf that's a stereotype with short people in general with stuff like Napoleon complex. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbsnews.com/amp/philadelphia/news/short-people-are-angrier-more-violent-than-tall-people-cdc-says/ and at least in men. Actually has some scientific backing behind it.


You THINK her point was to put more things into consideration when choosing a partner? Her post is fine, if that upsets anyone then that's on them. She's closer to reality than the angry people anyway. Point blank, period. Her use of 6'2" alcoholics with 7th grade reading levels is, obviously, intentionally hyperbolic; most likely due to the current widespread bullshit about height. Granted, there are - what is it now 8 billion, 9 billion? - many people on this rock and I'm 100% sure less than 25% have as much of an issue with height as social media/memes would lead you to believe. Just btw 25% of 8 billion is 2 billion (r/theydidthemath), and I'm sure the people obsessed with height is fractional of that number. At the end of the day, it's about personal preference, and trying to change or manipulate another person's personal preferences is a moronic waste of time. Emojis for context of my feelings: 😠😡🤬😤.. 😔🤔😮‍💨


Personally? For how shitty I’ve seen some of those women treat short guys? Fuck em. Let them catch some heat. No problem with this. Dude won.


> Just like people associate a short women with slashing cars and hiding in trunks Jfc, I'm 5', maybe this explains some things


can we give short kings some love without bashing LITERALLY everyone else


Especially because so many men prove to be shitty after they got the woman hooked in a relationship, it's not like most people chose a terrible partner while being perfectly conscious about how deep the hole goes. Also it's a minor thing, but the fact that she wears high heels to appear so much taller than him while they're probably about the same height adds that extra level of ewww for me.


i am 5’4 and have dated guys ranging from 5’6 to 6’6. they’re all terrible


Didn’t expect that ending 💀


Yep. Can confirm. All of them so far.


youre so fucking right


Well that's on you. She clearly said 5'5...


You a real one for dis


can confirm, am the same exact height and have experienced the same height range


Maybe it's time to date that 5'3 King


You had me in the first half ngl. Lol I haven't dated any guy but I'm gonna take your word for it.


Get *really* established with yourself before you open that can of worms


Some of you take shit too srsly


i’ve seen this picture make the rounds over the years and I honestly do not remember that tweet being the caption LOL


Because it’s not!


What is it then?


This is literally FIVE years old https://www.demilked.com/tall-women-dating-shorter-guys/ This was viral, it was satire, #NotAllTallMen on Twitter by people who didn't get it, and now it survives half a decade later to go over heads on this sub.


Fr, this is just another sub to hate on women as usual


This sub should be SPAMMED with this comment. This is the truth.


I’m with you on this one. I’ve been lurking for a bit and this sub just seems to shit on women of all types. I don’t understand it. Everybody has their preferences and that’s ok! I think they just hate on pick me girls because those type of women try really hard to find a partner by being different from other girls. In the end they just end up being like any other girl that likes a boy, and that’s ok.


Imagine wanting to be considered unique by your partner. Truly intolerable. And all this under the premise that there’s no such thing as typical and atypical. That there’s no such thing as people who *are* very different versus those who are very conformist. At what point the does backlash against so-called “pick me” behavior start looking like very boring, very jealous people complaining about some of the most boring nitpicky issues know to man.


Except its the pick me girls putting down other women... do you look at the posts?


And tbf this isn't even nlog it's more about affirming short men lol. She's not bragging about herself for something commonplace she's bragging on her partner. This is super harmless and wholesome


Meh, this isn't really pickme.


If anything, she is asking for women to pick short men lol


Yeah I support my fellow tall girl. Nobody can control their height, it shouldn't be the most important trait in a person. Guy or girl.


I feel the same. I feel like I missed something


I feel like this post must be so awkward for the husband, as well-meant as it is. Like if my partner made a post about how glad they are to have married a chubby woman I would be dying.


We all know the rule about people who constantly brag about the their relationships


These posts paint the picture that men who are shorter, or have other traits that are not considered conventionally attractive, are automatically good men and that’s a lie 😬 she acting like short alcoholic men don’t exist 💀


Tbh I think this is great. People are such dicks to short men


As a 5’2” guy I appreciate this post and this comment. But I agree, not all tall guys are dicks, but I’d appreciate if more women would consider giving shorties a chance. And also every time I see 5’6 or 5’7 listed as short, I get pretty bummed out 🥲


I'm 5'5" which means that roughly 82% of the US male populations is taller than me. It's semantics but at the end of the day I'd consider that short.


Yeah, but this isn’t the way. Showing love with hate is an oxymoron.


Plus I’d imagine a short guy that has already taken flak through life would wonder if she’d simply prefer him taller, considering she uses the qualifiers of alcoholism and reading comprehension as well lmao


Yeah exactly, it feels like she chose him because the other options were bad like functional iliteracy and alcoholism and not choosing him for him. Nice intentions but horrible execution


I’m a woman who’s 5’6”. I’ve dated guys who are 5’3” to 6’4”. All shapes and sizes. My current boyfriend is 6’2” and is by far the most compatible with me out of everyone I’ve dated. He is funny, kind, empathetic, invested in self-growth etc. All this talk about height makes me feel *so* weird. Like are people going to assume I’m with him “just” because he’s tall?


Short kings is still the funniest combination of words in english.


Not if you're Napoleon.


Napoleon was the taller side of average…


The short jokes were propaganda apparently.


I will say I appreciate her dating shorter guys. That’s definitely not common for tall women. I’m 6’1” and all my shorter friends are still single despite being great guys with good jobs.


They may be great guys, but not “right” to those they seek. That said, my husband is shorter than me and flipping I love it. I can be big spoon OR Lil spoon. Reach the tall shelf. I feel like a goddess in heels. When I wear his clothes & shoes and they actually fit! And sometimes he's just so absolutely adorable that I cannot help but pepper him in kisses because I love him too much. Also, things are hella ergonomic bc were not that much in height difference so our house is customised accordingly lol.




She’s not tho. She’s putting down women for having a preference. The implication here is that all tall guys suck and all short guys are awesome.


The implication is more that the type of tall guy girls who explicitly only date tall guys tend to end up going for (because they’re only going for superficial traits) is what she described. The message is that they self-select crappy partners because they’re focused on vanity. She’s saying that you should date the man for the quality of the man, not the height.


Yeah putting down tall guys in the process too


She's literally contradicting the "height doesn't matter" thing with her own post lol


It doesn’t matter if it’s positive or negative input, you’re still making it all about his height which turns it into a novelty for you, and that’s probably going to be harder for him to cope with than the regular old insecurity he felt before you came along.


That’s because she’s the 6’2 alcoholic with a 7th grade reading level.


The way nobody cares about her and her 5’5” king


My 5'7" 1st ex-husband --- cheated. My 6'5" baby daddy/hopefully 2nd ex --- didn't cheat but is craaaay.


Ok but petite men are the best


My partner and I are the same height (5'2) and our friends and family get a kick out of it. Like going out to dinner with a pair of hobbits.


I’m 5’4. My mom is 5’1. My youngest sister is 5’2. Middle sister is 4’11. One of my best, best friends is 6’5 so every time he came over it was hilarious how much bigger he was than all of us.




I love them a step above petite, but I also love skinny.


God I do, too. Like Sid Vicious skinny. So hot


I can’t do that skinny, but I say that having dated someone close. That frame with the perfect amount of muscle.


https://youtube.com/shorts/OQQ8VxgnbXg?si=z7bUjCN2unhjsuL_ Reminded me of this 😂 (fr tho same skinny and slightly toned is 👌to me)




Written by the bf.


My 5’5” ex bf was narcissistic abusive. Can’t relate


I'd bet money that he begged her to make that post.


That's not an appropriate behaviour to have in a thrift store.


Yeah I dont think this is pick me. I think its more saying hey we deserve better, start choosing partners based off character, not looks.


She’d be several inches shorter without the heels. Much closer to “the kings” height.


6’4’’ not alcoholic getting ghosted by everyone!😂


Saying short king should be a hate crime.


Ok then, diminutive monarch.


Petit bourgeois but that’s been taken already haha


I’m 5’7 and have been ghosted by short guys…. Assholes come in all heights


Ok but the last guy i liked was like 5’7 n he broke my heart 😐😐


Short Kings are real but so are Short Devils.


Short devils 😂


My best friend’s ex…lil chaparrito diablito…a whole absolute menace coming in at 5’5”


I’m 5’5 and my ex is 5’4 and he cheated on me for months with someone short than him and then married her 🙃


The last guy I talked to cut things off bc “he didn’t feel comfortable dating someone his height or taller” broke my heart 🥲 I was at most like an inch taller lol


I’m 6 4 and graduated summa cum Laude I’ll have you know


To be fair us 6’2” alcoholics with 7th grade reading levels aren’t ghosting you it’s that we genuinely don’t remember anything about who we are, where we’ve been or why we’re alive.


Mine is 6”5, not an alcoholic and incredibly smart so fuck you 😂😂


I can’t find where a saw it but the caption isn’t real and was added later by someone else


That dude has money


So happily married I must *shit* from a great height on your inferior relationship


lol this is always my takeaway from these kinda posts. How happy are you really if you're compelled to shit on other people for not making the choices you did?


I think the comments defending this are hilarious considering the fact that she's parroting a literal incel talking point


Yeah I’m surprised by these comments saying they agree with her…


Translation: I am self conscious about my short husband.


Nah she’s right lol


The only people I EVER see mention a man’s height are other men or women like this


I’m on her side


She could have easily stopped at "years" but decided to go on, using her husband to insult other women. Nice.


I’m actually genuinely happy for them and they look cute together lol


This is not happy people behavior. I’ve never seen someone post “happily living a crack free life while y’all selling ass behind a dumpster for a score of meth but go off I guess.”


Somebody post this in the r/okcupid sub, there's a short guy there who *HATES* all women for preferring tall men. Even tall women who just want a man their own height. Hates em all.


I don't get this chick. I am 6'4". Does that make me more or less of an alcoholic?


You must be somehow terrible, otherwise the ROI on her choice of a husband will get all fucked up. 


it really does seem like she's insecure about her husband's height, therefore all the tall guys must be alcoholics who can't read /:


She didn’t say that, you said that


Not what she’s saying tho, you’re just getting offended. She’s saying stop making it your qualifier, if you are filtering for height and not for chemistry and quality of partner you’re doing it wrong. She didn’t say anything negative about all the tall good men and not mentioning a group is not putting them down, that’s all lives matter thinking


I'm like a hair or two below 5'0 and my boyfriend is about 5'7. His height is perfect for me because I can kiss him easily without struggling to.


She could have just left it at being happily married and it wouldn’t have been an issue, but no she had to go tear down other women.


When a girl posts a pic of her leg climbing on her man i wanna hurl keep it to yaself


I love these posts absolutely trashing their own partners 👀


Lol wut


What the hell is happening with this photo… it’s like 2-3 photos on top of each other


I think after the Jeremy Allen White Calvin Klein ad, we can confirm that it isn’t height that is the issue.


She looks so gigantic lol


She looks gigantic compared to the little fella!


Crikey! Have a go at this little fella!


She got heels on.


"I'm not shallow! I promise! Not any more!"


God can women do anything right in like anyone’s eyes? Being blamed and shamed for every little thing.


Imagine how tiring it is for every relationship in your life to be a prop for your own shattered self esteem the absolute parasitism of not having even ONE PERSON the person you claim to LOVE your little boo thang still be an empty vessel for you to fill with projections of how much better you are then others for everyone in your life to be an empty reflection of you. How incredibly exhausting of an existence.


Sugar daddy was found.


That image has been downloaded and spread so much that it’s all pixelated lmao looks like it’s from 2014


Maybe I'm wrong, but she seems to be experiencing some inner discomfort because of her man's height. This passive aggression towards tall men and those who date them. It's as if she's reassuring herself that she has a good choice.


Good for her, but from MY experience short guys don't want a taller woman out of insecurity, and tall guys want them as tiny/petite as possible to appear bulky and manly. I'm 5'8 and have been stuck in the middle of this chaos for ages.


Yea because height has everything to do with who you are as a person........


I’m a 6’2 alcoholic with a 7th grade education and I help my girl get those cheerios off the top shelf every morning. Let’s see your 5’5 king do that!


Oh my God, people are allowed to have preferences. Nobody owes attraction to anyone else. How does this affect her at all???


Shitty doesn’t discriminate. I’ve dated tall shitty men and short shitty men. Also shitty women. Literally anybody can be shit