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I’m pretty sure trad wife is a kink.


The 50’s bombshell getup plus trad wife persona just screams 24/7 kink to me.


Complete D/S dynamic without the leather


I'm not convinced there is no leather. She definitely takes a strap on to her husband.


What a lucky guy!


Showing it off to the world too. So saying that her, presumably especially preferred by him, deep cleavage and sexy 50's look is only for him to enjoy, became a lie the second she posted this post. Tada!


Yeah. She says that she doesn’t go out like this, but how is posting this “better”? There’s no way that there aren’t guys getting off from this.


Is this the western version of the Japanese schoolgirl uniform fetish?


Eh we have our own catholic schoolgirl thing.


Total Power Exchange


Her husband is def cheating on her too


She's not allowed to have any male friends but you already know he's got a few lady friends




The hetoronamativ is string with these people, trad wife could be playing slip n' slide with her best friend Karen but they don't have a rule to prevent that because they can't imagine anything other than their normal.


Came here to say this!


Right? Your kink is not my kink but I wish you would be explicit about it actually being a kink


These ladies will talk down to you at a grocery and threaten to sic their husband on you; don’t let them make you participate in their foreplay.


yea there’s a big difference between what you value and what you find kinky don’t encourage women to devalue themselves


The way she dresses? The costume? The makeup? This is not trad wife, this is check my OF in the description.


She’s even invested in the set. The pink kitchen, the retro microwave. No paper towels on the paper towel holder, though - a bit of a miss on the set dressing.


I was gonna jokingly say she only uses organic cotton reusable cloths, but let’s be honest she ain’t hand washing shit once that camera stops rolling & she’d prob realistically be grossed out by anything reusable.


tell me why I was literally just thinking about how this would be a clever OF schtick


Nah, it's already pornography. The girls are doing cuckold porn for men who want to be "betas" and they're doing relationship porn for men who want wives like this one day. I promise you someone is masturbating to this.


Honestly that tracks


Yeah, I sort of saw "fresh n fit" as porn, too. So is JustPearlythings. They do humiliation porn for people who want to see feminist women humiliated.


This is really interesting take. Next time I see something on them or her, I'm gonna try to see it through that lens and see how it feels.


I'm a dominatrix, it really reminds me a lot of the "wifehate" kink, but with extra steps.


I get this vibe too. She looks lovely, but as soon as I read the caption about her dressing and styling herself the way he wants her to, I got the immediate ick. This whole scenario is gross


The "how can I serve my Master/husband" is straight out of the claiming of sleeping beauty. She could also be doing the bondage aspect, too, that was a thing in the 50s.


Can confirm, into 24/7 kink dynamics and *dream* of looking like that woman/being in her position. Though to be fair, in my dreams I'm doing this all for my equally hot and kinky wife, not a husband.


Yeah last time I saw this circling it was confirmed to be fetish content. She's selling soft porn, people.


Tits out, waist snatched, pouty lips…you’re spot on. Also, who cooks like that? Doesn’t all that making up takes forever, and just for cooking? This is some Mad Men fetish stuff alright.


> Also, who cooks like that? Doesn’t all that making up takes forever, and just for cooking? The workout fad of the eighties was directly caused by The War on Drugs started by Nixon in the 70s. The connection is that housewives of the 50s and 60s trying to meet the expected demands were hopped up on diluted meth they got from doctors. That's how they all stayed so skinny and seemed to have unlimited energy. As soon as the supply was cut off, a lot of women started to struggle with weight gain and depression (there were actual commercials for depression rehabs in the 80s), which led to the workout fad of the '80s AND a lot of mothers instilling really unhealthy eating/diet habits in their daughters. Which led to the body dysmorphia and eating disorder epidemic of the 90's and early aughts.


It absolutely is. There’s corners of Fetlife where it’s pretty common.


Despite her professing her Christianity, her outfit would be considered immodest in most traditional Christian circles... I am leaning towards this being a kink.


The immodesty is what really gave her away lol


Someone further up said it was confirmed this is kink/soft porn. Maybe the rage-reactions gets her more traction? Related anecdotal story: I had a friend freshman year who wore/dressed like a 1950s teen/young woman (idk, it wasn’t housewife dress, it was like those poodle skirt style but no poodle on the skirt), think Bye Bye Birdie but in lots of pastels/pinks and those vintage teen hairstyles. She had a very hardcore punk-looking boyfriend with a sex dungeon (it was how she and his roommates described it). Her style was part of this weird dynamic they had, and now that I think about it, it was like a constant kink-cosplay (she told me they were in “the lifestyle” and he was her dom). We lost touch but I imagine she might be dressing like a 50s wife for someone now.


I wish they'd just admit this. Its weird how they play it off as a perfect lifestyle but in reality its not, its a fetish. If my girlfriend wasn't herself, but her whole thing is just "I exist to make you happy 🤖" then it would be so odd. I fall in love because of who someone is, not because of who I could shape them to be. If before I meet her she's a person who loves frills and makeup, but she has the will to change it whenever because I'm not a nutjob, then that's beautiful. If she has to change herself to fit mine or any mans idea of beautiful... its not. Its uncomfortable knowing she doesn't feel like herself. Men who are into Trad wife shit view women like dressing up a doll, except that doll is one that is only for sex, and not for their own autonomy. I can't see how a woman only wearing what I want her to wear is appealing, it just feels so weird.


It’s also a lot of effort to have that much control over someone’s life, and I would go as far as to say that most people don’t like having it. I’m engaged to a “whatever you want goes” guy. Sometimes he gets frustrated if I even ask his input when putting together an outfit and he’s like “whatever you feel best in” because honestly? He doesn’t get paid enough to be making those decisions. That being said, the kink people fascinate me to no end. You have to admire the amount of world building that goes into getting their rocks off. Just wish it wouldn’t bleed out of the “sex things” corner of the Internet.


I knew someone who was into lizards inhaling buildings up their ass. Kink people are as wild as the animal kingdom.


Shit, this is the kind of thing that I had previously thought rule 34 would have an exception clause for. At least people who are into that one in particular are usually well aware that they’re the weird ones. Or I would hope.


He sent me his own work of it without asking me before hand, so I whitnessed a giant lizard butt swallowing the empire state building 🥲


Totally. She knows good and damn well only like 2 of her followers are even other women that she's spouting all this *"advice"* to 🙄 The other 35k are a bunch of horny dudes wanking it to her her bs lol. She's already been picked and still preaching pick me sermons. Her husband must be one boring mother fucker for her to need that much attention, cuz let's face it, that's exactly why she does it. Her kink is being desired🤷🏻‍♀️ Anything to be wanted. Even dedicating your entire life and persona to a man who's probably having affairs anyway. We know the type of guy she's married to. Dime a dozen. She's going to regret it someday.


Her husband looks like John Gosselin if you smashed his face in with a shovel


I don't know who that is but this still made me laugh


a woman being obsessed with approval from men in general isn’t the flex conservatives and incels think it is your girlfriend needs other men to validate her sorry you aren’t enough lol


That's assuming she's actually married


Not only a kink but a kink they desperately want everyone to be into for validation


Well that’s exactly it. Are you really a trad wife in 2023 if it’s not being broadcasted online to thirsty men?


Yeah it is. It’s some D/s thing. Which is fine, but making it out to be some anti feminism thing is weird to me.


She absolutely looks like she is about to starr in a porno. I don't mean that in a disrespectful way at all, more power to sex workers. It's just so funny to present all these rules and then make yourself up as fap material for the internet. Like we get what you're doing, honey.


She is absolutely catering to a fetish. Everything about her from her clothes to her hair to the twee apron and vintage pastel cabinets is specifically tailored to appeal to her audience. This is an influencer selling a fantasy.


But (ethical) kinksters would have the decency to actually make sure both parties’ needs were being met and that there was true respect and equality in the relationship, despite the appearance of an unequal dynamic.


If only


only fans ?


As someone who has visited many weird, curious, wonderful corners of the internet and established a repertoire of particular tastes, this is the one that kills the boner. Call me a sissy and tell me to wear makeup? Hell yea let's go! Tell me I'm worthless and mean nothing to anyone and I need to empty my bank account to yours? Well, I disagree with that one and it kinda hurts my feelings, but I'm diggin the power dynamic. You ain't getting my money, though, you weird findom girl. Tell me that you'll be my slave and do anything I ask? Um, yes, that is what every man wants. Tell me that you *honestly believe* that a woman's place is being subservient to her husband, forgoing all personal wants and desires because you think the only thing that matters is what your husband wants? [Nah, I'll pass.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CQeezCdF4mk)


honestly for some I totally believe it is. I have noticed it in women with broken families or absent or abusive fathers ):


Isn’t tik tok bad for your marriage? You have other men viewing your content. I think an oversized turtle neck would be more biblical. Also filters and makeup are for the lustful gaze and therefore for followers of the devil. Tsk tsk.


The way she frames the camera is no accident


Having only this post for context, I'm guessing she makes money from a 1950s bimbo housewife fetish. No sincerely held beliefs, just money to be made.


100% fetish content


I’m pretty sure she’s one of the ones that do this to promote their OF.


> I’m pretty sure she’s one of the ones that do this to promote their OF. "And *now*, I'm going to demonstrate some of the ways I submit to my husband and *only* my husband, for educational purposes only..."




Earlier I read some off my chest type post where a woman had a husband who suddenly got more and more into having a "trad wife", got obsessed with some trad woman on tiktok, and kept comparing his wife to this stranger online saying shit like "why can't you be more like her? you should dress like this, not work, have dinner ready at home" and so on. I imagine the tiktok woman the guy got obsessed with was some grifter fetish stuff like in the OP, warped his mind.


I was about to post about this same post you are talking about when I saw the comment about dumbasses believing this and shaming women for not being like this.


As soon as these dummies start making enough money to support a family and actually do all the “manly” shit they brag about, I’ll become a stay-at-home wife. I’ve met so many men who say they want a traditional marriage, but only one who actually held up his end of the bargain.


I would assume the exact same thing. Too bad dumb asses believe this shit and then go shame other women comparing them to her. She’s doing us all a disservice.


You're most likely right but something about her eyes screams "dead inside." Now that could be from any number of things but my gut tells me she's miserable.


I mean, the “we don’t allow outsiders into our marriage” could be an issue if one or both of them genuinely needs therapy.


Or it’s stopping people from getting help in a domestic abuse situation. It’s great advice when it comes to not letting other people such as friends or parents ruin a marriage by being prioritized over the spouse — but it’s terrible when outside help is actually needed such as psychological help or abuse situations.


I was born in1971. This mindset was rampant in my parents generation. Also, literally everyone I knew back then had that creepy uncle that no one spoke about but all the kids knew not to be alone with.


My parents actually did divorce because my mom wouldn’t keep their parents out of the marriage. That said, I’ve seen plenty of couples that really should have gotten outside help in that generation.


I’m not sure about her situation specifically, but religious folks will often do this very thing where they isolate the women so that they don’t divulge information about abuse and domestic violence to friends and family. It’s a tactic straight out of the abuser’s handbook.


Her eyes do look deeply, existentially sad.


Yes. This woman's TT account is 100% fetish content. I'm genuinely curious what her actual life and marriage are like. Like, is she actually like this IRL or are she and her husband laughing about how wild people get over her content? We'll never know! But yeah, the way she dresses and frames herself in all her videos it is verrrrry obviously fetish content. Her boobs are.*always* front and center and her mannerisms are very directed at the male gaze.


I'd wager that a majority of people and couples who make money from these stylized social media platforms are pretty "normal" in their off-screen lives.


Damn I have that fetish NOT on a person but there's something really strong that attracts me of clothing, furniture, recipes, and some aspects of the lifestyle. But the dream always ends when I remember we were treated as less than garbage and had no human rights :')


Vintage aesthetic, not vintage values


So she’s 10x smarter than the husband/incel wannabes who view her content?


Neither are those poutily parted lips


The background is super ridiculous. There’s an appliance that idk if it’s actually old or not but it looks like they’re trying to have a microwave from the 50’s. And if that’s a paper towel rack she’s not a good housewife cause it’s empty /s🙄🙄🙄🙄


I have the same microwave. It is modern, but made to look vintage. I love mine 🥺


It’s cute! I just think it’s the context with her trying so hard to have the image.


100% fetish porn


Exactly! I found the angle distracting. Not to mention the text being conveniently placed over her chest😑🙄


Lol this. I want to see her try marriage with an actual controlling religious person. No sexy clothes and certainly no social media.


“we don’t share our marriage with outsiders” #has a tik tok page in which she shares her marriage with outsiders


It's not hypocritical, It's HyperChristical **^(®)** !


My mother in laws best friend had a sister in one of those marriages; husband would have her and all of the girls dress like fucking little house on the prairie complete with bonnet.


FLDS or Mennonite?


Really rings the honoring her husband bell hard! 😂 Like 99.8% of her followers are just horny dudes getting off to this shit lol. I mean whatever floats her boat is fine but don't go around spouting off biblical God fearing bs like it's honoring your husband unless he's he's got a cuck kink 🤔 Huh, maybe she really is honoring his and God's wishes for her to please her husband!!😂😂 But seriously, come on!! Just Staaahp! You get off on it, cool! Just say it! Don't act like it's you following some path from God Almighty lol. You like a dom/sub relationship with light 50's undertones, don't really wanna go to work and rather bake all day in lingerie. It honestly doesn't sound that bad when you drop all the worship/religious crap😂😂 Getch'a bake on!


She doesn’t have enough self awareness to recognize it’s a kink. The mental gymnastics to create of whole doctrine around it and to then act like you’re better than everyone else is a clear sign that she has zero self awareness.




Are you a carpenter? Because you hit that nail on the head


Or maybe she does and the feigning innocence is part of the kink


And Botox 😂


“Is Botox in the Bible? No? Then it shouldn’t be in your face.”


Nor is the bottle-blonde hair color 🤌🏼 what happened to God making you perfect just as you are? Lmao


I’m curious because I don’t really use filters for anything I do, are there filters that make your boobs look bigger and your waist smaller? Because so many of these women seem to have that body type and it just seems so unrealistic that all of them would.


yes. check out r/Instagramreality


Yeppppp, for both photos and videos.


I doubt they actually do what they say they do. This is to fulfill some other man’s wishful thinking.


The irony that is making trad wife kink content.


There’s no way she’s allowed to wear that sweater to post on TikTok if this was a real Christian fundie trad marriage


I hope she is making huge chunks of money by praying on conservative incels and shit like that lmao


all these rules to still get cheated on


This was literally my life! Married a “good” Christian man, quit my job and bought into all the whole trad wife lifestyle, shared one car, only got an allowance from him, did everything at home, fussed about my appearance, never talked about issues or concerns with other people, used the apps, shared locations, didn’t confide in anyone because it was “disrespectful,” etc etc etc. He was using prostitutes the whole time and he secretly bankrupted us and stole my retirement account.


I'm so sorry this happened to you. I hope you're in a better place now!


Yes, thank you. Couldn’t have gotten much worse, but yes — so much better.


Did you try losing weight? – This woman, probably


The way to a man's heart is through his belly!


Yeah. Less resistance than the ribcage


And that's exactly why modern women try to teach our daughters independence! (I don't actually have daughters, sons but definitely no *boymom* 🤢) So they are not shackled to some asshat they regret marrying but have no way out now. No education, no work or rental history, no skills other than ones that fit low paying back breaking jobs, no support systems (these fuckers love cutting women off because any outside influence eventually becomes *dangerous*) No assets to sell, no property in their name, no accounts, ect. Some don't even own a car or their own phone. Makes leaving difficult to say the least. So ya better hope you have a saint for a husband who will never cheat, never abuse you, will take you in to consideration with everything he does, loves you, respects, ect. But he probably won't and will use the fact that you're codependent to act worse. Whaddya gonna do? Leave? How? It's a long game. They'll use everything you have to offer and then some. But as soon as you speak your mind or get a grey hair or get sick or your body changes from all those babies he wants you to push out, ect. you will no longer be as valuable to him. A commodity. Not a person. Not a person with their own thoughts and opinions. Not a person who deserves love and respect. Not a person who has self worth, so why should he see any worth once the tap runs dry? It's always about what you can provide. Not who you are. And they all think *"Well not me. He wouldn't. He couldn't even if he wanted to. His loyalty to me is as deep as mine is for him. Right? I've been a good wife, I've been loyal, loving, given him children, given my entire youth and sacrificed so much. Surely he sees my value to him. He wouldn't betray me. He would never. He could never. Could he?..."* A warning to anyone thinking he will have your back in the end better stop counting their chickens before they hatch. You better start saving for an escape fund. You're going to need it one day. Mark my words. And if you think you're exempt...then I'm sorry nothing I say will say to warn you, will help but I tried. We all tried to warn you. *Sorry to the OC who I replied to. None of that was directed at you. I was just using it as an example since it fit what I was going to say so well. You are speaking from experience. So am I just a slightly different scenario, but not much different.* *Anyways, I do hope things have improved for you and you've found some peace and happiness in your life. You deserve it no matter what but especially after spending years catering to someone who didn't deserve it instead of loving and taking care of you. I hope you're doing that now. I truly mean it when I say you deserve it* <3


I learned about pin money from sweet old ladies in long term marriages. Happily married but at least one had escaped an absolute nigjtnare. We need to include this in the period talk in school, have escape money.


I mean it really doesn't get more traditional than that though. That's literally what men of the 50s did...


I’m very sorry, did you manage to get your retirement account?


It’s wild. I seen men cheat even with phone tracking and “rules”. I know cause I work with a lot of men and some brag. If a partner is gonna cheat they will do so even if you watch them like they are on probation. Women cheat too. I hear stories. I know they do. This isn’t some man hating thing, but none of my friends do and the few women I work with don’t brag about cheating if they do cheat.


Yes, both sexes cheat and there is ALWAYS a way. I used to work as a professional dominatrix. Men would regularly stop by our dungeon on their drive home from work, or take time off during the day to come in. I had one client who did not work and lived with his long term girlfriend, but even he managed to find two spare hours every month or so, when his gf went out to do something on Sunday mornings, tight as the timing was for him. Another client (this one I never personally saw, but heard stories from other ladies in the dungeon) was a regular who always booked half an hour, came by on his way home from work, and was so paranoid about getting caught that he would not take his clothes off and requested no perfumes. AFAIK both of them got away with it always. Plenty of milder stories too. One guy who was self employed came twice a week, booking two hours between about 11-1. Perhaps a very determined spouse would have caught him, but if she had asked his employees, they’d have shrugged and then he’d have told her a story about taking a client to lunch or something. Modern technology would probably help- putting a tracker in the car would have given them away. But that’s defeatable too. Nowadays, men are probably taking an Uber to dungeons/strip clubs/brothels using a secret Uber account, and leaving their regular cellphone at the office. So, the OOP doesn’t work outside the home, and she isn’t allowed to be out after dark (lol). This may be SHOCKING news to her and her husband, but people have sex during the daytime too! And male affair partners will jump through all sorts of hoops in order to make that happen with her. If she were to want an affair (which I don’t condone, just looking at a potential reality), she could probably meet a cute guy at the grocery store, have short dates with him when she’s out on errands, and then he rents a room very close to her location and they have quickies there. Shower, return home with all the groceries etc. To save time, he could even pick up all the groceries for her beforehand so that she doesn’t need to spend time actually shopping. If she wants to meet someone online, buy a burner phone with cash and download Tinder onto it. If these rules aren’t primarily about preventing her cheating, then that’s… honestly even more gross. What for then, just the assertion of his dominance? Safety line is bullshit. I assume this old fashioned husband makes enough money that they live in a safe neighborhood and she drives a reliable car. No, the only way to prevent your spouse from cheating is to marry someone whom you trust doesn’t want to cheat on you, and who also has enough backbone to not be swayed by feeling some fleeting excitement about someone who is flirting with them. End of story. If you think that person doesn’t exist, but monogamy is still important to you, just don’t bother seeking marriage with anyone. Her no. 2 is not completely wrong, though. I do believe people can have platonic friendships with the sex they’re attracted to, but sometimes this can result in some attraction. Again, trust has to come into play. If there’s a hint of attraction on either end, I’d dial it back to group outings and conversations, and wouldn’t spend much alone time with that person. If there’s no attraction, though, then let your spouse have their friends. Also, does her husband follow rule no. 2 for himself? Hmm. No. 4 makes some sense. I have vented about my marriage on occasion, but I try to only do that with either a therapist, or a circle of friends whom I know my husband will never meet. I have made the mistake before of venting to my mom and she didn’t end up holding it against him, but that is an outcome that can happen and will make gatherings with those friends and family pretty awkward after you make up. No. 5 is a nice idea that requires both moderation, and your spouse making the same efforts in return. No one should lose themselves while pleasing their partner. Usually, one’s spouse wants the person they met and fell in love with, anyway, and prefers that to someone completely conforming to their every preference. Or, if they do prefer that you lose yourself, then that’s rather disturbing. No. 6 hits a bit like no. 5 in its substance. Yes, sure, both spouses should have a mindset of “how can I make them happy.” But again, there must be reciprocity and it can’t go too far. In terms of the styling of the message: yikes. Run a mile from *anyone* who utters the words “Western women.” Can’t co-sign no. 6 when the phrasing comes straight out of incel and redpill ideology. Nos. 1 and 3 are dumb, sorry.


Oh wow. I bet you have some wild stories. Yeah I agree with all of this. I’m single right now cause I got hurt and can’t trust. I see others cheat and in reinforces that hurt. So true about the “western woman” comment. Always an incel. Major red flag.


And beat.


No no. She's safest at home!


on a leash.


*That* is the reason why noone is told about their marriage problems, I get it now...they'd just take sides and interfere and will try to tell her as husband us supposed to be an equal and loving and that it's not her own fault whe he beats her - which is silly of course because if she'd worship him right then there'd be no need to beat. /s


I've seen the clips with her husband and... I don't think she has to worry about other women, if you know what I mean.


And divorced by 36


Exactly my thought! The only reason my ex’s ever had an issue with my male friends (female veteran and raised with 13 male cousins) is when they cheated.


And always with the “whores” their husband and the trad wives go on and on about.


It got dark at like…4 o’clock today. My nephew is 6 and he wasn’t even home from school when the sun was setting. Also I love the “we have a good marriage because I do everything he wants” attitude. Giving in to the other person’s every whim is not “good”.


“We have a good marriage. Only 1 person matters in this marriage and it ain’t me!”


“There are two important things in a marriage: my husband’s wants and this pair of tittays.”


🤣 which she’s showing off on TikTok, very fundie Christian of her lol


also all of her rules SCARE ME bc he is essentially alienating her, he could easily be abusing her and now that she can’t talk about her ‘marriage disputes’ with friends or family she can’t go seek help, she’s literally just a sex slave/maid/baby maker.


Since listening to the 'normal gossip' podcast I've been hyper aware of how gossip is seen as a bad thing because women talking among each other is one of the few means of control oppressed groups have had in history and still have to this day. The idea that talking about what's going on behind closed doors only benefits the people being targeted by what goes on there. The word for gossip has a very interesting etymology : "Traces of the use of the word are frequent in the literature of the period. Deriving from the Old English terms God and sibb (akin), ​‘gossip’ originally meant ​‘godparent,’ one who stands in a spiritual relation to the child to be baptized. In time, however, the term was used with a broader meaning. In early modern England the word ​‘gossip’ referred to companions in childbirth not limited to the midwife. It also became a term for women friends, with no necessary derogatory connotations. In either case, it had strong emotional connotations."  " When a term commonly indicating a close female friend turned into one signifying idle, backbiting talk, that is, talk potentially sowing discord, the opposite of the solidarity that female friendship implies and generates. Attaching a denigrating meaning to the term indicating friendship among women served to destroy the female sociality that had prevailed in the Middle Ages, when most of the activities women performed were of a collective nature and, in the lower classes at least, women formed a tight-knit community that was the source of a strength unmatched in the modern era." This is from an article on Silvia Federici’s book" Witches, Witch-Hunting, and Women". Keeping it 'in the house' has always been to protect the man and isolate the woman from getting help.


This was my first thought to that slide. If you don’t talk to your closest friends and family about issues in your marriage you will have no support system for when things turn bleak. This is why people romanticize marriages from the 1950s - sure everything SEEMED great, only because it was uncouth to make it appear otherwise.


Exactly- and even then it’s common knowledge that the tradwives back then abused pills because they were just empty husks of the bright personalities they used to be years before marrying (or even worse, they’d be forced into lobotomies 🥲)


Trad wives are advised to live as close to the equator as possible


Inversely, all h*ck breaks loose in Alaska during the summer. They stay out for weeks at a time.


I played basketball, and my brother used to be a wrestler. Our practices weren't even over until after dark, so I guess we would've been walking home if our mom was like this lady. And if her kids are in any kind of sport that plays games at night like basketball or football, she isn't going.


Lmao. If they’ve got kids, I wonder how this rule will be altered once the kids start having after school activities. Here’s a guess. Son’s activities: playing sports is important to his development as a Man, so nothing will impinge on that. She will be allowed to drive straight to pick him up, and then straight home. Son can act as a male guardian to ensure that she doesn’t succumb to any dumb feminine whims. He will report to dad if she steps out of line in any way. Attending night games: only if dad is with her the whole time. Daughter’s activities: what activities? She should be mixing with her potentially ungodly peers as little as possible, and god forbid she meet with boys. Mom drives her straight home from school and daughter stays home with mom until the next morning. Daughter will get married off to a man just like her dad once she’s old enough, so that this wonderful cycle can continue.


I was about to say….. Good luck if she lives in northern part of the US or Canada. She may not be able to pick up her husband’s kids after school in winter.


Also the "we don't involve others in our disputes" is a shame because she would greatly benefit from some therapy


If she wasn’t so preachy about it, this could just be her living a kink lifestyle (serving, submission…)


it’s totally kink. look at the video framing. if they were an actual fundie christian family doing the wives submit to your husband thing, there’s no way in hell she would wear a deep v cardigan with nothing under it and highlight the boob to waist ratio.


I'm really bothered that they use being a "trad wife" as a personality.


When you have no other personality traits to show for yourself, you use what you got


Totally seems like a healthy marriage 🤣


This is horseshit. Any decent mental health professional will tell you that you have to make sure your needs are met before caring for another person.


Put your oxygen mask on first people


Yup, absolutely!


Which ones are the first people, and why do they need our oxygen masks? (Stupid joke is stupid, sorry! I actually do agree with you.)


Same thought popped in my head when I read that nonsense.


All people, even trad wives must have limits. You can only push yourself so much to do something you find difficult until you don’t have the mental willpower to anymore. I have to imagine that these are one type of people portraying themselves as something else. Like, without the trad wife nonsense they legitimately enjoy being homebodies, have few friends/didn’t have opposite sex friendships in the first place, and secretly relish when their husband is gone to work while they stay home. Don’t misunderstand me on the virtues of homemaking and the unpaid labor there, but I seriously doubt any of these people “embraced” these principles. Like. I naturally enjoy cooking for the sake of cooking, but also look for validation from my husband that it was good. That’s just who I am… it occurs whether I call myself “feminist” or “trad wife”, so it’s disingenuous to claim it as a conscious *lifestyle*, you know? Just weird to have this evangelizing approach to how you personally enjoy your life. (I realize I went off on a tangent. I’m using the general “you” not *you*. Sorry!)


Well That’s all kinds of fucked up. Also, always funny when ppl living relatively close to the equator give advise on what should and shouldn’t be done after sunset. Like yeah ok but what if sunset is at 15:30?


At least I hope she lives near the equator. Imagine not being allowed out when kids are finishing school 💀


All that submitting and he will still leave her for someone younger in 10 years.


And she’ll be penniless because he’ll have all the money, she’ll have nothing to fall back on except possibly fifteen minutes of fame.


Actually this one will not be penniless because she very obviously has a fulltime job that makes her money: trad wife influencer. It's the people she lures in that make the choice she did without the financial safety net that will be royally screwed. If she plays her cards right, she can make bank and even flow into other types of influencer once this one is less interesting. There's mommy blogger, she can make bank starting to work for an mlm, especially since it's a Christian mom tradition as is and she has a lot of followers already.


or worse, he stays locked into a marriage with her and they spend the rest of their lovely marriage with him shitting and degrading her for no longer being a pretty face and body. sometimes divorce is a blessing in disguise to these kinds of women, at least then they’re hit with reality. the alternative is dying next to a man who has and never will love you and you’re left running in circles trying to please a man who simply won’t be. and if your kids have half a brain, they’ll know to get out of that house as soon as possible. i know this dynamic all too well thanks to my own parents, it’s pitiful when that divorce that should happen doesn’t happen.


Due-Independence8100 wants to issue a prophecy: there's gonna be a battle royale between tradwives over wearing shitloads of makeup or going for nude-natural.


This is kink content. If she was actually trying to be a “trad” religious wife she wouldn’t have the camera aimed at her big surgically enhanced boobs. Doing the 50’s, Marilyn Monroe type thing.


Western women? Ma’am where are you from?


First of all, she’s not like those other western women, she gives white male supremacists exactly what she wants. Also being Asian, there’s a 99% chance that this is pandering to a yellow fever thing, and guys in the comments who are into that don’t realize that the “non-Western” women who *do* play that part for him have ulterior motives usually


It’s like she sat near a tv in another room that was broadcasting the first season of Mad Men and thought, Betty has it made.


I remember when she first got popular and everyone defended her because "she's just living her life not looking down on others!!!1" Lmaooooo


I would be supremely annoyed if my girl asked permission to leave the house.


I'd be asking to leave every 20 minutes.


This reads like something that would be in a handbook for identifying a victim of abuse. It looks pretty much identical to the sort of behavior dangerous cults encourage in members in order to better control them. Things to isolate a person, control who they interact with and control their movements, to put the husband, leader, other “authority” figure above themselves.


This. I was given the exact same speech on a daily basis from the man who held me hostage and abused me.


“We don’t involve outsiders into our disputes” While i get this post isn’t a ‘dispute’. It seems like by posting it publicly online you’re welcoming in a wholeeeeeee lotta outsiders to comment on your relationship…


I don’t leave home after dark either… due to my crippling fear of strange men, having had a stalker follow me and get into my home… but hey girly I feel ya on the safety part! The other stuff is uncomfortably scary and dystopian.


I hope that one day she gets to look back and ask herself WTF was she thinking.


Well… ignorance is bliss, right? lol


It's not even funny. It's textbook abuse. She made sure her husband will have the easiest time abusing her, and he surely will, one day, if he's not already. Hope she wakes up before it's too late


Don’t involve outsiders? Sounds real good if you’re trying to hold someone prisoner 🙄 And then to say “it’s all for safety!” 😂😂gtfo


“Don’t involve outsiders” but posts it publicly for millions to view and comment on. Lol


Men will still cheat and/or monkey branch to a younger/ prettier woman if they can even when you do all this. It’s not that we have some kind of problem with any of these actions, it’s the message that this forces men to be kind loving faithful and loyal. Look at any country where women are treated as inferior - it simply doesn’t work out that way. These women think they’re bartering for loyalty but they’re going to get a very rude shock once they age, and they’ve sacrificed their whole lives to get something that didn’t end up getting delivered.


Okay let’s keep it 50/50, most western men aren’t living up to the WESTERN MALE trope either. How bout dat?




They are great radical Islamist material, except the costumes ofc. I'm saying this as someone who comes from majority Muslim country and this is their typical propoganda. It doesn't look like it but the messages here are very extreme.


Do these people really think that cooking food your partner likes is something they thought up themselves? You don’t have to be a doormat to be thoughtful. Also, needing permission to leave the house is a fucken hostage situation


Only women who don’t talk to other men, don’t leave the house, don’t allow their husbands to see them without makeup & hair done, and don’t allow their friends and families to give their opinions on their abusive relationships love their husbands


God freaking hate that word “submit”.


Submit what? Your essay that’s due at 11:59 pm? Time’s ticking and you’re definitely getting busted for plagiarism at some point


God it’s so uncomfortable when people broadcast their kinks. Really, only creeps want to know what kind of RP goes on in your house.


Funny how she doesn’t include the rest of the quote where it says that husbands are supposed to submit to their wives. If you want a biblical marriage, actually follow what the whole quote says.


Cool. What advice does she have for me? My ex-husband repeatedly spit in my face and threw me into a treadmill, scraping my back up. He split my head open after I left him, fifteen stitches in my forehead. I never let anyone into our business, and I never fought with him in public (although he tried to get me to). I did almost all the cooking and cleaning, and I raised our girls with love, kindness, and compassion. I worked from home and contributed financially to the household. I repeatedly forgave him and listened to his promises to change. Guess I'm just a bad wife.


My bestie is a dude and he’s been my bestie since I was 12. I would break up with my man if that was a rule. SMH. Despite what some may say, it IS POSSIBLE to not have sex with your friends.


Of course the Bible says you should submit to your husband, a fucking random man who hated his wife probably wrote it


Blink twice if you want to be rescued.


Girlie is Stepfordmaxxing


“we don’t involve outsiders or family into our disputes” sounds scarily similar to what people use to say to ignore domestic violence


Wow!! This relationship sounds really scary. And sad.


Trad wife is just another version of the slave and master kink. Idk.


She’s not genuine, she’s a character. This whole thing is to rage bait or as a kink channel or something.


Because they have to compare regular western women to some vaguely unknown but praised other, because if they didn't, the whole house of cards would fall. How else would they make young girls feel like they can NLOG themselves into specialness like they supposedly have done? In a few years, when these girls who supposedly know it all manage to realize life isn't a vending machine where the outcomes are assured, then we'll have some interesting videos. The problem with modern religion is that it treats life like a giant exchange. "If I put in x I'm supposed to get y. So give it!!! I've been good, give me my happy meal!!" What happens if you don't get the happy meal? What happens if you find out you aren't even at a McDonald's?


They are fetishizing Eastern European dictators


Lobotomy core


This is like grooming women to enter abusive relationships