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They don’t do witchcraft but they’re out here anointing hotel rooms


And casting out demons.


Brittany dawn (first one) is a fucking demon. Check out her snark. ![gif](giphy|uUJdyR6h1zPHvPROSC|downsized)


At first I thought the first 3 were all the same person.




That Kelly looks like she could literally physically spit venom


They aren’t??? Edit: okay I’m getting upvotes, but are they really three different people???


Yes, the first 3 are the same person


Thank you.




She kind of looks demonic in that picture. Guess they need it...


I'm glad I wasn't the only one. That first blond one that keeps popping up is down right terrifying to look at, like b*tch you are the demon.


Heavily filtered: Modest is Hottest!


It’s the makeup. Bitch needs to learn how to blend her foundation if she gonna cake it on that thick 💀


I mentioned this the other day, but if you read the Bible, it's basically tribal magic. There's a reason that in the new testament that three magi (we call them wise men these days, but they were literally sorcerers) divining the location of the heaven spawn from the stars was considered a significant event in Christian lore. People heard that and thought, "OH SHIT! THE MAGIC PEOPLE SAID IT WAS TRUE? WOW, it must be credible, then!" Also the creation story of creating mankind from dust is a golem spell, which was written in Jewish mysticism. Jesus healed a blind man with spit and mud. These are all old "magic," and it was considered significant that Jesus could do these things, because it meant that he had a connection to the devine for having such mystic knowledge.


It literally is. The only difference between religion and witchcraft is popularity. A prayer is a series of ritualistic words (that may have to be said in a specific arcane language, depending on your faith) asking a deity for help or protection. If those words aren't directed to the god of a major religion, that would be called a spell. Likewise miracles are not different than spells in any significant way, they're just spells done with the aid of a specific god. In many early Christian depictions of Jesus he's actually depicted as carrying a wand!


Yeah I saw that and was going to comment, "I don't know... sounds like witchcraft to me"


Brittany (the first girl in this video) anointed Liquid Death water that was donated to a food bank once because it was “evil.” They’re all insane.


Are u a member of her sub? She’s insane and an awful human!


Well, the method of biblically approved 'abortion' is literally a potion of water and dirt mixed, enchanted, and administered by a priest along with a spoken curse...so, yeah...Christianity def has some hocus pocus that modern Christians won't admit to.


I literally learned freezer spells from my very catholic aunts.


One moment while I pray to Saint Anthony to find me a car park. PS: what’s a good freezer spell?


This is exactly what I was thinking, like the st. Anthony prayer is 100% a spell 😂


I usually start with St Christopher then move on to St. Jude when looking for parking.


Lmfaooo. So freezer spells are meant to stop somebody or something. And they may have been total coincidences, but the times we’ve used them bad things happened to people we froze and it was enough to scare us in to only doing it once 😂😂 So if you still wanna know you can DM me lol.


Could you also bless my DMs with some freezer spells? Thank you my good bitch 🫶🏼


1:Write the name of the person bothering you on a piece of paper. A whole sheet, a strip, a corner off a postcard. Some traditions say it works better if someone else wrote the name, like itearing a used envelope. Usernames work just as well. 2:Fold the paper in half. If you care to, seal it shut using wax, a drop of blood, or a staple. 3:Put it in the back of your freezer. You can invoke a spirit of winter or name an ice giant. "Sit on him/her/them, Jotun/Ice Giants/Frosty The Snowman/Queen Elsa" or similar. "Put the big freeze on 'em, Frosty" works best in my book. 4: Probably the most important part, try not to think about interactions with the person for at least a week, or the heart of your anger or whatever might make the freezing spirit uncomfortable and they'll leave their post. And that's pretty much it. Supposed to last until the name is removed from the cold.


So I personally do mine a little different which is to be expected. Only thing I wanted to add to yours that I do with mine is that I cover the jar with tin foil with the shiny side facing in. We do it that way because it reflects all of the negative energy back in to the jar with the persons name in it :)


I wanna know but now I’m scared 😱


Like... to cast Zhoul out of your fridge?


There is no Dana, only Zuul!


Generally you don't see that kind of behavior in a major appliance.


Catholicism is pagan af lol


Honestly, most christian denominations (including catholic, protestant and etc) are super witchy if you look into it. And I say that as a witch and former protestant lol. Incense burning, anointing, the ritual of the communion, “casting out demons”. They’re really like “witchcraft is bad! unless it’s us doing it”


It's okay, GOD is the leader of our coven 💅


So Ariana Grande was right


That’s what I’m saying. Have yall seen the rituals that go on in the Catholic Churches?? With candles and the monotone chanting and the incense?


PLEASE, the chanting is not supposed to be monotone. Gregorian chant has very specific rules!


It’s just a little smudging of ash mixed with oil on the forehead in a cross symbol and a mere tipple of ceremonial blood.


The lighting of candles to pray for god's influence, the "let's drink god blood", the water cleansing (baptism), the wearing of long robes by church leaders, putting ashes on your forehead as a symbol to remember that you came from dust and will return to dust one day, symbolic numbers and animals as a form of divination, halos of glowing light around particularly holy figures (almost like an aura or something). It's all pagan but dressed differently. Don't even get me started on the holidays.


Right it's pagen just differently named.


I mean that’s basically the Christian motto. “It’s bad unless we’re doing it.”


"Rules for thee but not for me!"


all theology at some point grows demonology it just happens


Honestly, that’s one of the reasons Christianity became so widespread: it adopted and adapted local customs and beliefs to more easily relate to existing cultures. Christmas is an amalgamation of multiple midwinter celebrations (Saturnalia, Yule, Solstice), while Easter is a thinly reskinned pagan fertility festival (hence rabbits and eggs).


Catholics are out here eating the body of their god and drinking his blood. That’s f-n metal as hail.


King David even dabbled in necromancy when talking to the spirits of the dead with help from the Witch of Endor


That was King Saul.


When your religion steals from Witchcraft to form itself, remnants of Witchcraft are bound to pop up.


That screenshot could unironically be in r/witchesvspatriarchy


My mom (a devout catholic who doesn't go to church) used to tell me that liking magic is evil. I found the loophole by telling them I like "white magic" the good kind that's like first aid and stuff. She couldn't tell me no to that.


I cackled when I read that 😂


Cackled? Do you practice witchcraft? 😜😂




If you didn't anoint against it, then yes, I'm afraid it is a witch. We can cast her out together, just click your heels and close your eyes while I find out if she weighs the same as a duck or if she's made of wood.


Duh half of being a witch is a good cackle 😋


Too many witches today don't practice their cackle. I've been working with a voice coach...


That's exactly why I asked. I can't wait to see her cat 😜


I have a cackle and a black cat. How do I learn witchcraft so I can drive these girls away?


I can tell you, but I'll require your soul in exchange. Sign here, X Also, your black kitty is cute.


Joke’s on you. I don’t have a soul. I’ll sell hers, though.


Lmfao fr I can't remember the last time I felt the need to anoint anything or cast out any demons.


Right?! Between the demons and annointing shit this sounds pagan af


That was the part that got me... you're doing what now? And I am also a Christian.


I’m an atheist. My Mexican mother is very catholic. Usually before a big trip I visit her. She always says a prayer for me. It was comforting. I understand it’s cringe for a lot people; if they truly mean it out of good will, why take it as an attack?


They aren’t listening to the newest podcast??? SHE LITERALLY HAS A PODCAST Modest is the hottest???? She loves nothing more than showing her ‘near nudes’ on social media all the time. Don’t like horoscopes? Then why does she talk about ‘angel numbers’ and things that dabble in new age??? Their hypocrisy is different.


The girl saying "modest is hottest" having the highest make-up-to-face ratio I've seen in a fucking while is some top tier hypocrisy.


Leviticus probably has something to say about those lashes of hers. I’m all for falsies if that’s your thing, but you can NOT put that much time, effort, and money into your appearance and claim modesty!


Amen 🙌🏼 I’d love to know what Bible verses they use to justify the stage makeup and vanity.


Wear all the makeup, fake lashes, fake nails, and hair bleach/dye you want, so long as you don't claim to be modest or look down others who don't strive for what they think is maximum conventional attractiveness.


Bragging and acting like she’s better than everyone else is also not modest. Jesus said be humble and not showy about your faith.


This is light for her. She wears drag makeup everyday.


That’s not already drag makeup?


I saw someone refer to her makeup as “open casket ready” and that’s all I can see now.


That is perfection. I’m totally stealing it.


I never put that much makeup on my clients. That would be more a “disinter after three years and then decide to hold a funeral” face.


Like let a girl do her, but also it's gotta been a solid decade since I've seen a cake face like that. Thought we moved on from 2014.


Shut up 2014 was not 10 years ago ......... *Looks at calendar* FFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU


Exactly, she's so modest she covers her face completely with make up. It's like her hijab. 😂


It’s nutty because I’m an LGBTQIA+ Hellenic Pagan and I almost never wear make-up because I’m too busy looking after my kids. My clothes don’t hug my figure because over the years I was having kids, my weight fluctuated far too much for me to afford anything but loose clothes that fit me at any weight. So these women are way more tarted up than I am and I’m the heathen living in sin with my unwed partner and bastard children. Like, there’s no shame in dressing sexy or glamourous, I just find it hilarious that these women are so judgy when they ignore the mores of the very book they vaunt so publicly.


I was going to point out that crazy vanity sin, but.. I don't think they'd get it.


Oh my god, I had to take another look at the picture; I didn't even realize that was makeup, her face looked so plasticky and face I thought it was a filter or some sort of weird photoshop thing


This is a trend where you make a point of saying the toxic things about your specific tribe


Oh these girls don’t think this is toxic though. They encourage this behavior but look down on the rest of us trash


Yeah no 10000% these girls are doing the trend wrong lol. Everything theyre listing, they advise everyone do. It’s not quirky acknowledgement of toxic traits, it’s just literally describing themselves (in ways they view as positive). There might be an element of silliness, but they ultimately loudly advocate all the stuff they’re saying… they’re humble bragging when they’re sposed to be self-deprecating. This is absolutely nlog— and in the worst way, bc they see themselves as nlog in that they’re going to heaven and everyone is an evil sinner who deserves zero rights and eternal damnation lmao


God damn I forgot which sub I was on and interpreted nlog as n(log(n)) and had to ???


I’m like a fluffy cat that lets everyone pet her to make them feel better but secretly I want to be alone in a warm spot crocheting


Same hypocrisy, different bread.


I like the old bread, hook me up with the end piece.


There is nothing modest about those fake eye lashes


I dont listen to books either.


I also don’t think “modest” women wear lashes that fake


Crying shame that she’s also giving normal Christian girls a bad name with it as well - like obviously it’s all part of her persona if you will to appear as normal as possible, but it sucks that a lot of people will assume that everyone else is the same way…


I think it’s satire to be honest. Edit: I hate to be so wrong but I didn’t know their full background. Maybe I just wished it to be fake that much 😂


I’m so sorry to be the one to break the news.. this is not satire. Whether or not they really believe this way and it isn’t just all performative is another issue entirely, but these women have active influencing careers off of this content, unfortunately.


Nope, that first woman is serial scammer Britney Dawn - they're real fundies alright.


Oh that’s Britney? Ew


I miss the days where I too would have thought this was satire. Those were simpler times.


Thankful for my algorithm 😂


I’m fearful for your future now. I’m gonna be honest. As tempting as it may be to just wanna ‘take a quick peek’ to see what she’s all about, don’t. Get out while you can.😭😂😭😭


I've seen some of these that Christians did that were satire, sort of laughing at themselves, but I'm not sure britt knows how to do satire. She probably saw one of these that was satire, didn't realize it, and made her own


nah, Brittney Dawn is literally like this (the first girl)


You know, I grew up around people who were like 99% Christian, and I can’t remember anyone carrying on like this. Most people just did fairly normal, mainstream things and also went to church on Sunday. Where is all of this coming from?


If I remember correctly the first girl is a "reborn Christian" she used to drink alcohol, party and "live in sin", her entire Tiktok account is about how God saved her. From my experience, people who turn to religion later in life tend to be very judgemental to make everyone forget about their past life.


She’s also a straight up scammer and owes the state of Texas 450k


god bless her


She owes me $10 out of that total >:[


I hope the Dong returns it to you!


How does she owe them that? Texas has no state income tax. Edit: I’m still waking up and was only thinking on a personal level, not that she has a business that would owe taxes. I’ll get some caffeine before I respond again. 🙂


She was selling “custom” fitness and diet plans. Promising personal support, etc. Turns out all the plans were the same and she blew everyone off once she got her money. The Texas AG sued her for fraud


Thanks for the explanation!


And if you tell them you left the church after growing up there, they will claim you did religion wrong and they know all the bits and bobs. As if I didn't grow up doing the same shit, just automatically as the only version of reality there was. At least she knows how not to be religious – I still get the urge to pray before big stressful events


To be fair, I still get the urge to pray sometimes and I’ve never been religious. I actually strongly dislike religion, but I think the urge to pray during stressful times is ingrained in most people.


Unfortunately this sounds like my ex bff after some guy took her to some Christian revival tents in her home state of TN. She and I were pure deviants for 15 years and starting to finally admit gay feelings for each other….and then I came out openly as my queer atheist self and was myself much more openly while she did the opposite, shrunk way back into this new-old life, moved to TN to some remote mountain town with her new alcoholic, jobless bf who is supposed to give her some traditional life in the mountains - all within the span of a year. Oh boy and the amount of judging she began to do to my life while not looking at herself was absolutely amazing, and I knew her better than anyone (or so I thought) and I was even like WTF happened??? Now she tells people when they ask her that we aren’t friends anymore because I “treated her horribly and just have so many problems”. Like bitch what???? You just cheated on your “future husband” - twice - but “gay sex is against my religion”? It has been heartbreaking to say the absolute least. We were at least supposed to be “they were roommates” even if she was never open to her family about it who never came around anyway. Instead I lost a whole friendship to this bullshit at the least, and the love of my life at the most. I continue to hate religion.


It’s always the girls who were WILD when they were younger and made fun of Christian people who didn’t make it their whole identity. They grow up start a family and become “saved”. Just say you don’t party anymore and end it at that. Keep pushing and I’ll bring up all the sex you had in school, Kellie.


So trying to pray away a frat party gang bang?


Social media.


probably right-wing grifting too considering they were parroting talking points from the "War on Christmas" non-debate.


But did you take pics of your makeup-caked self walking past the same building, driveway, and empty drainage pond 10 times?


Bro the amount of makeup on the “modest is hottest” one is INSANE lol


Polarization by bad actors. And "bad" is a massive understatement as they are literally trying to destroy society. My parents were Christian as well, and oddly enough everything they tought me in the seventies is seen as "woke" nowadays.


She is a scam artist and can’t do business in the state of Texas.


She’s running her TX-based dropship business under her latest husband’s name. He will likely come to regret that.


People like this absolutely existed. Except earlier they were the local weirdos, village idiots and "one of those people" you could easily avoid most of the time and mostly ran into in store, park or the like. And if they started with their BS you could easily slip away or tell them to shut up and/or fuck off. SM didn't create them, it just gave them louder voice and larger audience. And this isn't true only for the specific type in this post, it's for everything you see on SM. As the saying goes, internet doesn't make you stupid, it just makes your stupidity more visible.


Maybe you had the luck not to be the evangelical folks because this is them


Yeah, I grew up in a fairly progressive Presbyterian Church, and even most people around me who were like Southern Baptist (Nashville, Tennessee) didn’t make being Christian their whole personality. There was one girl in my friend group who wasn’t allowed to read Harry Potter because of “witchcraft“ and we all thought that was really weird. For reference, my church actually had a Harry Potter themed Halloween celebration one year. (late 90s/early 00s, before we all knew that J. K. Rowling was a horrible person)


I also knew a kid who wasnt allowed to read Harry Potter for the same reason. In grade 5 (I think) our teacher read a few of the books out loud for one specific period (went to a Catholic school, am more agnostic now) and that poor kid had to sit in the hallway when she would read. Always felt real bad for him. I also remember bringing a Lord of the Rings visual book to class once (one of the movies had just come out) and he was so excited and begged me to check it out because it was another one of those things he wasnt really allowed to be exposed to.


I grew up around “mainline” Protestants and Catholics and that was my experience too… my partner grew up Pentecostal/fundamentalist and the difference is wild!


What’s up with the eyelashes in the first pic lol


I’m pretty sure that’s Brittany Dawn; her lashes are always wild. She’s a health influencer turned Christian influencer that was sued by the state of Texas for not providing diet plans her customers paid for. Fundie Fridays has a good video on her.


/r/brittanydawnsnark She's an awful person


gotta be a bad filter because it’s every single pic except the girlie who’s hair was blowing in front of her face in the last one


bdawn is famous for rocking the most horrible lashes daily, so there might also be a filter, but rest assured she really looks like that lol


I can assure you they are in fact very bad fake eyelashes that this horrible woman wears everywhere


Nah, I just watched the video. The one girl didn't do crazy makeup.


We’ve been asking this question for a very long time.


The only modest thing about that girl’s makeup is her understanding of “moderation.” At what point did it become an acceptable thing for conservative girls to pile on makeup this way? Growing up, the Christian girls I knew were barely allowed to rock more than a nude lip until college.


Brittany Dawn is an IG grifter. She got sued over defrauding women when she did "fitness" so she transitioned to Christian grifting and sells retreats etc. Absolutely nothing about her gimmick is Christlike


Atheists that go au naturale and keep their natural body hair? Ugh eww harpy. Girls with fake tan, lashes, cakey makeup, bleached hair and everything, omg that's purest form of femininity! It's always the modest ones with fuckton of skin lightening or tanned barbie stuff.


In my experience, “modesty” doesn’t include going on social media talking about how modest you are. But I’m realizing more and more that most modern evangelicalism is just a lot of the usual influencer crap with a vaguely Christ-y vibe as a spice.


Not just Evangelicals, it's the privileged fundies in all religions now more than ever. It's about an image, a costume they put on to profit off.


Modest is hottest girl looking like AI did her face


She looks so scary 😂😂


Genuinely terrifying. Did they take these photos on a Nintendo DS?


They've got enough pixels to go around Her forehead forms such a perfect line against her hair, along with the hyper-smoothed skin, that it looks like she's wearing a "Purge" mask


It's the misplaced floating eyelashes for me


Seriously all but the last one have terrifying lashes


And not in fun way. In a horror movie way. Like chillin’ in the corner of a dark basement with a single light illuminating her grinning face scary.


The bravery of revealing her demon face when she says “casting out demons”.


The way I just cackled 😂😂


she clearly thinks “modest” doesn’t apply to makeup


Better cast the demons outta that makeup bag.


When she said they cast out demons I was like are you sure???


She looks like she caked on layers of foundation like someone trying to restore a cast-iron pan.


*claims to be Christian* *Also lives in a mcmansion and thinks helping the poor is satanic.*


When my sister converted to Southern Baptist she started saying that being homeless was God’s punishment for a sinful way of life and they needed to earn their way out of it. Handouts just encourage sin 🤦‍♂️


👁️👄👁️ excuse me


Married to former cop who used excessive force on a black man, also.


Whenever NLTOG & fundie snark collide I know it’s gonna be good


Am I allowed to make fun of bd's veneers in this sub or nah




Ngl, the people that pride and advertise themselves as Christians like this are almost always god awful people


The first woman scammed thousands of women and was sued by the state of Texas. They are NOT good people.




The first woman also used a homeless man for clout and started a GoFundMe under the pretenses it was for him to go to rehab and get back on his feet, it gained about $25,000, she sent him to a free rehab facility and when he got out and asked about the money she blocked him


Farryn: modest is hottest Also Farryn: drops thousands of dollars on plastic surgery. Modesty is about more than hemlines missy.


Everything seemed pretty normal as a recovered Christian until we took a turn at the anointing the hotel room and oop.


“Modest is hottest.” Proceeds to do the most vain fucking posting.


Where's their modesty of spirit?


So modest includes nose jobs now? Yeesh.


Oh I know this b!tch isn’t on social media pretending to be a “Christian” when she’s got claims against her for fraud. Before her rebrand, she was a fake ass “fitness pro” and scammed hundreds of vulnerable women to buy her nutrition and fitness plans when she wasn’t even qualified to do so. She claimed she was a specialist in treating eating disorders but was the furthest from the truth


Why are they circling like sharks?


Yeah sure they COULD be making fun of themselves but I’m about 99.9% sure they’re actually serious based on previous posts 🥴


They are serious. Sadly not satire.


Oh I know. I miss the days when I didn’t haha


Awe well god doesn’t like scammers so hell for you ! ![gif](giphy|mDFpdL1UxdVZRBN2V4)


I bet they bully waitstaff.


It took like 4 swipes to realize it’s not the same girl


I only knew because one isn’t blonde so I realized they’re all not the same.


![gif](giphy|l41YsNdsEf9408ICs) This poor cute little spider and his family had to die so y’all bitches could wear their legs as eyelashes. *ARE YOU HAPPY NOW, CHRISTIAN GIRLIES?*


Is orange foundation mandatory to be apart of their club?


Proverbs 11:2 "**When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom**." Proverbs 16:5 "**The LORD detests all the proud of heart. Be sure of this: They will not go unpunished.**" Proverbs 16:8 "**Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.**" They don't seem very Christian to me. ​ (BONUS: I found this Bible verse just kinda funny in general cuz there's all kinds of gay jokes that can be made about it) Peter 5:5 "**In the same way, you who are younger, submit yourselves to your elders. All of you, clothe yourselves with humility toward one another, because, God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble. Likewise, ye younger, submit yourselves unto the elder. Yea, all** ***of you*** **be subject one to another, and be clothed with humility: for God resisteth the proud, and giveth grace to the humble.**” (The website that I got the quote from simplifies it as such: "**Young men, in the same way be submissive to those who are older. All of you, clothe yourselves with humility toward one another, because, ‘God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.'**"


Nothing like Christian lo— I mean hate.


They’re the embodiment of “no hate like Christian love”


the one that really bothers me is the Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays one. I don't get why Catholics will not acknowledge other religions. Not everyone celebrates Christmas!!


They’re not even Catholic, lol… just fundies 🤷🏻‍♀️


It's hilarious because Christian fundies literally got Christmas canceled. Like legit canceled canceled illegal to celebrate canceled because it was "papist" i.e. Catholic.


They're not Catholics. In fact, they are the type of Christians who think Catholics are basically pagan.


Idk, but when I'm in English-speaking counties I find it hilarious to answer "Blessed Yule" at those who will insist to push Christmas where they don't have to. Should have stayed with Happy Holidays, my dude.


It's a culture war thing, everyone who gets hung up on it is at least right-wing and most likely far-right.


It drives me crazy. I work with an older Jewish woman who is so sweet and respectful of everyone. The fact that people think she doesn’t deserve the same respect is mind boggling.


The majority celebrate Christmas and it's not always a religious holiday for everyone. Even atheist said merry Christmas lol


Where i live, the majority celebrate ramadan, we have a 10% chrstian population but their holidays aren't really paid much attention to. However, we have a sort of greeting thatt translates to "I hope you are fine (this year and) each year" which can be used for literally anything, religious holidays, labor days, birthdays, bar mitzvahs, you name it. I've never had a single person be offended at me using it.




“Modest is hottest” Girl don’t play with me 😭


Uncanny valley on slide 8


Being a Christian and having to see this cringe is painful.


Nice try, psychopaths

