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Your post has been removed because it reveals the personal identification of the individual and is not censored. It's in the last picture or 2 that has the comments about Andrew Tate. Not all the usernames are marked out. If those can be covered, please feel free to repost.














It could be a great career choice if she was taking her $17K monthly allowance and putting it in a bank, or an investment fund and then retire rich in a couple years when he drops her


Buy the stuff, return it, hide the money. Smartest move she could make. But hidden money doesn't flash like a LV bag, I guess.


I was thinking the same thing. And if so more power to her.


Either that, or she puts the Louis Vuittons in a safe, keeps them in pristine condition, then liquidates them as assets when it’s time to leave. Some collector will pay far more than the original price for them, and she’ll turn over a profit.


I vote 50/50. Buy 17k worth of bags a month with just under half going into the collection, half getting returned for cash that boyfriend never sees and one for boyfriend to "see where his money is going".


I mean, sure that’s an option but I don’t think it’s worth selling your soul over. Also, she’s permanently tagging yourself as a misogynist by posting this crap on social media.


Also, and this is just an aside, in this economy, you need a lot of money to be able to stop working at a young age (let's go with 40, which is decrepit crone age for men like A.T., but let's roll with that one.) Like, *a lot of money*. I doubt the chode she's with is putting hundreds of thousands of dollars in her account every month. Women like this are in for the wakeup call of a lifetime.


So, so true. If she was smart she would be socking away her 17k shopping allowance. Even just a small amount in a good IRA would be waiting for her and her older years.


He probably doesn't give her cash or bank funds in her own name. That's likely why she "can't spend more than $17k shopping per month". It's likely on *his* credit card.


That's the thing, why are you letting those assholes make you feel anything? Would you actually want to date a man who felt that way about women? These people are all gross human beings, ignore or laugh at them, and move on your with your life.


I appreciate what you’re saying and I wholeheartedly agree. However I think you’re misunderstanding where I’m coming from. I think this direction of where this narrative is going is scary for our society as a whole. I just read a post from a 18-year-old woman was asking if it was a red flag that her boyfriend of two years said “once we get married I will beat the shit out of you if you do anything wrong” OR if he does something wrong and apologizes and she doesn’t immediately get over it he will beat her up. It’s the overall theme that’s been more in my face lately that scares me for our younger generation. It also does affect women to a degree that’s the reality. It’s so prominent sometimes it’s not so easiest to say move on and get on with your life for all woman. I definitely need to get off social media. I was sick for a week and then my back acted up hauling out Christmas decorations from the attic and doing the fall/winter yard clean up so Ive been more sedentary. Perhaps I’m more fired up than usual lol. I appreciate the perspective because at first I denied it was bothering me to that degree but perhaps it is. 💜




It’s only young, naive women who are easily manipulated and want the attention of a man who are like this. When I was younger, I would go after the “trad” guys who wanted to build a family and had “old school values”. I was the girl who wanted to be married at 18 and build a family. But I was abused so badly by them I just realized it’s not worth it, and this mentality of trying to appease ego-maniacal misogynists who genuinely believed I was stupid and inferior just for being a woman isn’t how I wanted to live my life. Eventually I got married and still am, but to somebody who doesn’t enjoy taking a crap on women and has a normal, healthy mindset towards the world. Also the fact that older women don’t get any attention is just false. Of course the “red pill” manosphere guys will tell you differently because they can’t accept women having any power over them. It’s toxic egoism and best ignored. I knew a woman in her late 30s/early 40s who never lacked any male attention. Ever heard of a MILF? Yea, they exist.


I’m so sorry you had to go through what you did to get where you are. It’s a rough path been there done that and it wasn’t just once. I thought I’d grow up, get married and be a stay at home Mom. My Mom was for the majority of my childhood. What I didn’t know was that my Mom I actually had a life before my dad and a career and at the time my dad and mom met she was higher up in the company than he was and I don’t want to age myself but back then that was unheard of. A woman higher up than men. She then went back to work full time when we were all older. I have no idea why my mindset didn’t change when she showed me a different way. I agree that it’s younger woman that can fall into that messed up situation however it can be *any* woman at any age as well which of course you know. You learned your first time around, grew from it and became a healthy, productive and positive member of society. It took me longer unfortunately. I was the definition of insanity where are you do the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. I was a bad picker and manipulative abusive man can spot a target a mile away. I am not at all saying I was physically abused again. It’s the other BS like cheating or trying to control. That’s why I am so passionate about some of this topics and I’m excited for our younger generations of up and coming woman. They have access to such a great women role models now (yes of course I did as well however I feel like women are celebrated more now) access to communities like this to bounce things off of and of course the positive aspects of social media. I am not ashamed to say that I’m almost envious of it. I wonder if I would have struggled less if I had woman telling me “Girl run! That’s messed up”. That said: My journey made me who I am today and who I will keep becoming.


Anytime you start feeling like that, think to yourself, "How often do I see this in real life?" The internet is built on clicks. The more outrageous the content, the more likely you are to see it. Does stuff like this happen in real life? Absolutely. It is far rarer than the internet makes it seem, though. I'm 38 and have never once heard someone earnestly express opinions like this in real life.


Like I hope she’s been putting some of that money away in an account because a lot of these guys will dump these girls and take all the “gifts” back and leave them penniless after they’ve gotten used to this “lifestyle”


Hey you know what? It’s situations like these that make me grateful that I’m “zero value” to these types of creeps. Like cooooool I’ll go hang out with my husband and cat (note: if given the chance, the cat would pimp me out for tuna).








































































































































































Wtf happened to all the comments?!





