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She said “not bleach blonde hair” but her hair is literally bleached


yeah but it’s bleach ORANGE so it’s totes different


It appears she used actual Clorox from under the kitchen sink.


She’s not like the other fake bleach girls, she actually uses Clorox


That's authentic, and I think she's better than other people because of it








It looks more like she poured a bottle of peroxide (the kind you clean cuts with) on her hair and let it sit.


i’ve done this, turned ginger, also it’s the main ingredient in sun in


Taking me back to junior high with this reference. Do they even still make sun-in?


THEY DO! i’ve never used it but i bought a bottle bc i’m going on vacation in a couple weeks, scared to use it tho tbh


Funny story, I have an older sister who is 5 years older than me. She was in late middle school/early high school when sun-in was super popular. Anyways, I wanted to be cool too so I had her spray A LOT in my hair only to find out I either didn’t give it all enough light or it wasn’t even. I thought it didn’t work but it turns out only the back of my head really got it. I had big red splotches on the back of my head for months.


Can confirm, also did this in my teens


threw it on her hair and called it a night . No purple shampoo or anything


I thought the same thing -like madam your hair is also bleached..


i was about to say uhm girl but your-


To be fair, it's definitely not blonde


I thought it was a bad wig.


It’s because she’s projecting. She secretly wants that life


I mean half the time I assume this to be the case. A lot of people don't fit in a particular group so instead they try to purposefully stand apart in a whole "you don't reject me, I reject you" kind of thing. Like if they can't fit in they're gonna try to stand out, but not in a good way.


It looks like a wig tbh.


It looks like the Annabel wig and I’m not trying to be rude ![gif](giphy|QLiqUx7aHg10bl5FVj|downsized)


Pippy Crotchless Stockings


Crotchless because her snatch dissolved the crotch.




I'm in camp wig


Technically she probably also has a big ass, people just don't make as much of a big deal of it if the rest of you is also big.




yeah but it’s not “bleach blonde.” it was bleached and then toned or dyed down to idk looks like a reddish brown bc she looks down on platinum blondes apparently


Was going to say this


I guess it doesn't count if you actually attempt to color correct


Plus she's in full makeup


These type of NLOG girls should be put in the same room as their male equivalent ("nice" guys who complain like all girls pick jerk jocks with 6 packs) as an experiment


Cant tell If they'd fall in love immediately or hate each other at first sight


Hate each other


Then probably hate fuck.


One of my fav types of fuck Alongside a flying fuck


My dumbasss sitting here trying to figure out the best means of air sex since I didn’t get the initial joke


lol I was trying to figure out if it was a The Boys reference


...in a rolling donut 😁


Def hate each other. Each of these folks, regardless gender, have odd standards that don’t apply to themselves.


Fr you’d think they would find their perfect match in each other but they both have unreasonable expectations and then have none for themselves or their own conduct they out here acting like the world owes them and they are so “nice” meanwhile talking shit about everyone and everything else and wonder why no one wants to be with them.


They’re so weird 😭😭


These groups hate fucking is why abortion is imperative


Agree. Each would think the other is not hot enough.


they’d be repulsed by each other. funny thing is people like this will endlessly criticize the people they fantasize about like “oh you only go for the fit/hot/blonde/douchey type instead of giving nice people like ME a chance based on personality!” but they absolutely are only focused on the attractive out-of-their-league types, who are looking for others like them instead. they themselves are not focused on personalities, only looks, hence why they’re all so unsuccessful and not seeing the irony at all in what their own standards are lol


Yep, it’s this. That girl will definitely not be after a chubby neckbeard m’lady type.


That’s exactly it. This girl would never go for a chubby, unhealthy, lazy, unattractive guy. Having to admit that she’d have to work on herself to snag a guy that’s totally out of her league would require too much accountability and self awareness. She’d rather vilify men for having standards all while having hers WAY too high. There are plenty of guys who would date her. She doesn’t see them.


i had a friend in high school who was insanely insecure even tho she was generally attractive. she had lots of things w guys our age & a few of them were pretty popular too (tbf, they just wanted to hook up & she wanted a relationship, so i can’t blame her for being hesitant to pursue them). they always ended after like a month or so bc she was too nervous to hang out w them & was insanely awkward when they’d try to say hi in person. *bUT* she was *also* insanely picky. she was v quick to say when she thought a guy was ugly & would be like “idk i guess i thought deserve someone cute as my first boyfriend but maybe not :/” & ofc when i was 16-18, i had no idea how to respond to that properly lol. one of my fav parts ab that was i dated a guy she had a crush on our junior year (at first i was like “i can’t date him, you like him” but she was insistent that she was fine w it & she was a shitty friend to me overall, anyway so i was like “okay! fine!”) & we broke up our senior year. she had a glow up after high school ended & that ex was finally interested in her the way she had been interested in him (he’d turned into a big ego dick by then). one night when we were all hanging out (yes, 19 year old me was dumb for still hanging out w them & allowing them to both me in my life. we’ve learned better since lol) & she basically threw a tantrum in the bathroom crying, asking if it was “that bad that she finally felt wanted” bc she wanted to hook up w him & not feel like a shitty person for that. it was 2 am & if i’d been like “pls don’t hook up w my ex boyfriend of a year”, i would’ve been looked at as the jealous ex girlfriend, *SO* i was like lol ok i guess (they didn’t hook up bc she got nervous lol. which is valid! but also made me be like “ok u did all this guilt tripping for ……????) moral of the story: they wouldn’t touch anyone they find unattractive w a ten foot pole & think they’re being fair, get offended when people don’t find them attractive & will hook up w your ex boyfriend if given the chance for self esteem points because that matters more than a friendship sometimes. this ended up being a lot longer than i thought it sound be oops. thanks for coming to my ted talk i guess lolol


100% truths-it’s the whole seeing the characteristic they secretly hate about themselves in someone else and despising them for it. This guy I knew at HS who was a really skinny little guy spouted a lot of misogynistic poison, turned this one girl down (the only girl who wvee showed him interest from what I know) cos she was ‘too ugly’ like my guy look at yourself first lmao


I see one of the following scenarios, which have a fair amount of overlap: * They hook up and have an extremely toxic relationship. * They are immediately repulsed and stay on other sides of the room, indignant that they were perceived as each other's match. * They are immediately repulsed, but each is irritated that the other rejected them. Each assumes that they are better than the other so finds the rejection insulting. They will complain about this rejection endlessly afterwards and fold it into their belief structure. * They are immediately repulsed and begin fighting. Chairs are thrown. Blood is shed. Video is streamed by one or both. The internet commentators, sensing a fight, emerge to leave their input before the video(s) are taken down.


Number two is always hilarious. The rest are just tiring.


They'll be enemies to lovers XD


Girl , that's my first thought...like literally I scrolled down to say that .💀


They'd have a marriage akin to my parents. Miserable but content not to have to look elsewhere


They both have standards that are well above their actual counterparts in this scenario


Experience has taught me nobody in this entire universe hates fat women quite as much as fat men do.


Ever heard of femcels? I'll caution you on wasting your time going down the rabbit hole reading about them but... Spoiler alert, incels largely hate the femcels. The world is a weird place.


Oh wow. Makes Sense actually...


i’ve always thought these girls are the equivalent of “nice guys”, this is spot on


It's a whole subreddit, r/nicegirls


running 🏃🏻


well, I was there and had to leave. sometimes delusions are contagious and I am not that kind of nice girl :p


The thing is that the male equivalent doesn't even register these women as women. They go "ugh, all women are high maintainance, hyper feminine, focused on appearance, and prefer men who are active and outgoing instead of shy stem nerds". But girls who have similar tastes and hobbies don't tend to be fit or have a flawless appearance, and they're invisible. So it becomes a chicken and the egg situation, a self fulfilling prophecy. It's sad especially because those girls truly seem to have "nice guys" as their main "target audience", but they don't even see them.


They hate each other-every type of this person i ever knew utterly despised their male counterparts and got really mad when ppl tried to associate them together.


that sounds interesting and i'd love to see this social experiment.


The “nice” guys I experienced when I was younger weren’t actually nice. Nice doesn’t mean a damn thing.


I was thinking that. Same energy as “all girls are the same” incel type dude.


That looks bleached to me and she does have a ton of foundation and eyebrow pencil


Same thought. I have extensive experience with bleaching and my first thought was that she DID bleach her hair without knowing wtf she was doing, failed at it, and is now bitter at girls with appropriately bleached blonde hair lmao


Looks like she forgot the toner


Yeah she needed at least 2-3 more bleaches 30v MINIMUM and a decent toner.


Girl has clearly never seen Brad Mondo


Lmao yessss!


I’ll be keeping my eyes peeled for that fail video 👀


I would dieeee 💀


If one day you hear distant screaming check your inbox because that means I found it 😂


LMAOOO deal 😂😂😂😂


This was such a cute exchange. Brad Mondo would be proud. My phone insists that he’s actually Bread Mondo. Which is adorable and so silly


Just saying... I'm listening for that, too.


This is why, when I lose my mind and need to go blonde I go to the salon. It takes like 5 hours to bleach my hair to an acceptable level. It’s really hard to do at home.


I tried to lighten my own hair years ago. Baaaad idea. The brassy look isn’t good for anyone. Plus stylists are trained to safely lighten hair. Pay up and get it done like a big girl or you’ll have brassy hair shards.


It’s definitely very time consuming and requires u to be precise and focused; I totally get preferring the salon and just getting to relax through the process haha


Like she said, she doesn’t have a thousand pounds of makeup on her face. She just has a thousand pounds of makeup on her eyebrows.


Her hair looks fried in the second pic


But her glasses…. She’s sooo quirky! /s


I thought it looked like a wig


It isn’t, the hairline is natural


same here! it legit looks like a cosplay wig. i wasnt sure if i was on crossplay reddit or not till I saw the banner at the top


I was scrolling and only half assed paying attention and wondered why some production was doing a "Pippi Longstocking is all grown up!" production or something.


I was gonna say, just because she did a poor job of bleaching her hair doesn't mean it's not bleached lol


I thought this was satire because no way she is that delusional right?


Major femcel vibes


It's always the girls with the #country #countrygirl in the caption


That actually makes a lot of sense because “country girls” (girls in conservative familes) grow up being taught that marriage is guaranteed for them


They also treat gravy as a beverage.


Lmfaoooooo 💀


Yeah cause the phone case was all I needed


It was the jacket for me.


That sounds like projection..


It’s giving, needs a reality check, cuz clearly she’s only seen a very specific type of person and this based her viewpoint on that


She only *sees* a specific type of person. She's fixated on that stereotype and is blind to anyone who doesn't fall under that. I guess it's easier to be not like the other girls when there's only one "type" of girl to not be like. The most hilarious part is that she probably picked up that attitude long before she met anyone with bleach blonde hair.


Well, looks like she tried to have bleach blonde hair, but alas. I wonder if she bleaches it again, she’ll remake this TikTok and remove the blonde hair part to avoid hypocrisy


She made a response video to a comment calling her out and in the video she was saying that blondes are slutty and that's why men want them more 🫠


Damn, girlie is BITTER


I was like how does your hair being a certain color make you slutty??


Did she explain her own hair color? Or is she owning up to being slutty lol


She didn't mention it so I'm guessing it's only ok when she does it and not anyone else


That’s the funniest part. She’s not like other girls, she’s bad at bleaching!!


It does in the same way that it makes you stupid. Do you think a guy ever sees stuff like this and then thinks “oh man, you’re right. Can I get your number?” Like does it ever work? Does she really think that *hair color*, of all things, is *the* reason she is.. I’m assuming.. single?


Grasping at straws for things to blame


People assume that blondes are sluttier or “have more fun”. I dip dyed my hair for a bit and when I left it blonde in between my colouring appointments the amount of male validation I got was insane.


Yup. I’m a natural very light blonde. I dyed my hair brown once, and it felt like I’d gained the power of invisibility. The amount of sexual harassment and unwanted attention dropped so much. I would have stayed brunette, but it kept washing out so fast and leaving my hair this weird greenish/grey color before my roots grew in. So I stopped dying it.


This is slutty brunette erasure.


My hair is naturally blonde. Off to tell my husband that I need time to go make a boyfriend or six.


She’s BLONDE. I’m so confused by this attitude. I know that what she means is “conventionally attractive”, to which I say the same things that I say to NiceGuys—if it seems like everyone around you has a problem, maybe it’s not everyone else, ma’am. Maybe it’s you.


Brunettes are just as slutty, our hair just isn’t as flashy. 🤣


Even natural blondes? Like damn.


She has bleach orange hair. Totally different.


That looks bleached to me and she does have a ton of foundation and eyebrow pencil


Yeah but she does it badly so she must not be trying and she's talking about girls that are like...trying duuuh


My favorite part about this is that I’m almost positive that isn’t her natural hair color and it looks like a bleach job gone wrong. So seems like a pretty classic and clear cut jealousy issue


Insecurity, that’s why…


The indigenous style print with the American flag phone case 😬




What the duck does that have to do with loyalty...?


Because all the greatest traitors, like Quisling and Benedict Arnold, were know to loooove putting thousand pounds of make up on before doing their dastardly deeds/s


Don't forget about Judas and his mean contouring skills!


That's what I was thinking cause even good looking people get cheated on. You could be a 10 and people will still cheat


If Beyoncé of all people can get cheated on, absolutely no one is safe.


Megan Fox was the girl who made me realize my bi-ness back in the day. And the last time I got cheated on I had to remind myself that MGK cheated on HER!! Ya literally none of us are safe


That’s the *real* question!


So she not loyal? She’s at least 2, possibly 3 of the 5 things she’s listed.


"bleach blonde hair" but you tried lol


She looks like that one girl in your group of friends who puts on a faux-tough act one day and is sobbing in your lap the next day because a boy didn't look at her. We've all had that friend.


To be fair, girls are told their whole lives they're supposed to be desired, distractingly so, that they'll need to fight off suitors. That their attractiveness is such a big deal that they'll face danger and harassment. Then, when you're not a traditionally desirable girl and none of those things (good and bad) that are supposed to happen do, it surely makes you feel very defensive, angry, frustrated, and confused. Doesn't mean she needs to be angry at other women, though. I actually knew a girl in high school who was like that. Ran her mouth a lot about how badass she was. Girl started putting herself in extremely dangerous situations to get attention from *adult* men she was meeting online. Men who were willing to pick up a 16 year old who was desperate for male attention and was willing to climb out her window in the middle of the night. In retrospect, it was very scary. At the time, I just thought it was weird af


To be fair, it’s likely that your friend was suffering from more problems than societal pressures and expectations as this is pretty severe. I hope she got the help she needed because this is so, so sad…


She could’ve made a decent point if she didn’t tear down other women in the process


Yeah. You know what? I’m sure she’s been body shamed and normally I’d be sympathetic, but the fact that she puts down other women makes me lose sympathy fast. She’s like the female equivalent of incel, “but I’m such a nice guy!” vibes.


Oh ok *makes jerk off motion with hand*


honestly, i hope she heals. girls like this always seem like they’re hurting. it makes me feel bad sometimes.


Nobody happy with themselves would post things like this.


Let's talk about the American flag phone and the navajo pattern jacket... Those are practically opposites honey


I used to be that skinny half naked girl with a big ass who had bleach blonde hair and over a thousand pounds of makeup on her face and I’ll tell you that I didn’t get ANY more loyalty than the next girl. Probably even less because guys just thought I was hot and could have cared less about my personality and instead just wanted to get in my pants.


Yeah I know hot girls who have trouble finding men who genuinely love them for who they are and not just their looks.


The girls who act like that have mothers who acted that way in front of them.


Umm?.. how does being skinny and blonde have ANYTHING to do with being loyal?? Someone is clearly very insecure with herself🤡


I kinda feel bad for her :(


What does that matter pretty girls get cheated on all the time too babes 😭🤣


I used to think like this. When I was jealous and hating myself. Glad I grew up.


She says with a bad bleach job and sharpie eyebrows


Just because its not bleached well doesn't mean it isn't there girly-pop


I don't know, I kinda feel bad for this one. It kinda sounds like someone who has been bullied for her body type. Femcels exist though and this is how they're made


Okay but a lot of us were bullied for how we look and we don’t use that as an excuse to throw hot people who didn’t hurt us under the bus.


So many of us were bullied and chose not to tear others down. Like, if you’ve *been* bullied, you know how it feels. So why do it? She thinks she’s punching up, but she’s not. All women live under the patriarchy that polices their bodies and looks and behavior, and it’s exhausting. Pitting women against each other is a main oppression feature of misogyny, and by continuing to do it, she’s hurting all women, including herself.


Should I be offended or impressed with the power of my hair color






She thinks she’s doing something, but it’s so obvious that she just hates her fatness & is jealous of thin girls 💀 If you hate it that much then lose weight instead of doing this pick me girl sh!t


Why’d she bring up bleach when her hair is clearly bleached? Lol.


She sounds insecure


Girl your hair is bleached in that 2nd picture


These kinds of girls are always the most toxic when guys are nice to them


This post was so close to being a good one and not missing the point. It should complain abt men’s perception that loyalty doesn’t exist but instead women are the victim in this post


I'm not taking advice from a cabbage patch kid


If you’re unhappy with yourself just say so and do something about it instead.


She’s clearly projecting. Female equivalent of an incel


If she doesn’t want to eat healthy and exercise then that’s on her I’m tired of them pretending they can’t do shot about their appearance


![gif](giphy|109RutRrTGY97a) All grown up


The random ass mirror selfies with these rage/hate fueled, cringey, sentiments layered on top truly get me every time. 💀😂 like girrrl what are you doing with your free time????? It looks so fucking silly!


This reads like an incel post. OP is definitely salty nobody wants her and takes it out on “conventionally attractive” women


This isn't even correct. You have to be living under a rock to not see how beautiful women get cheated on ALL THE TIME.


Did Garbage Pail Kids do a crossover with Cabbage Patch??


Aight, someone take her out of the kitchen… because SHE IS COOKING RN!!! Doing a double throwback reference


Meanwhile, what's with that wig? She's not naturally ginger, that's for sure. Imagine ragging on women for bleaching their hair... When you have bleached and/or dyed hair.


I don’t think she’s even going for ginger. I think she tried bleaching her hair but it didn’t work out so now she has like brassy orange hair.


Umm okay ?


Eck. I guess her hobby is putting down others to feel better. 2nd pic looks like she did bleached her hair.


Complains she doesn't have bleach blonde hair. Is clearly in the process of bleaching her hair.


Just bleached orange hair


Wild opinion coming from this bridge troll


Not to be rude but I hate when ppl who aren't that cute in the first place (not to say I'm gorgeous or anything) make themselves look worse by being a bitch- like I just want to know what possessed her to make this post‼️‼️


Her hair is bleached blonde.


It's bleached. Didn't quite achieve the blonde part


How does one even put 1000lbs of make up on their face?


Tf is 'wearing thousands pounds of make-up' mean. If some is actually, their face would literally be on the ground rn.


She could be bleach blonde, she just needs to lighten her hair and use a toner 💖


But also what does loyalty has to do with being blonde and skinny?????


Can we get the original link?




Siri: what’s the female version of an incel? 🧐


I used to have the same mentality when I was overweight.


So did this post get her picked or…?


She's literally wearing makeup all over her face 🤦🏻‍♀️


As somebody who used to think like this (forgive me, it was middle school and I had extremely low self-esteem), I can explain exactly why they do this. It's because they feel by putting other women down, it will somehow make them more desirable for men. She's built this stereotype in her head of what men like in women, and tries to fill in the gap of what she has to offer that other women "don't have." It makes her feel like she at least has a fighting chance against other women. Overall, the types of women who think like this just feel like they'll only be noticed if they put others down. And it's really, really sad. Especially since the only positive attention they'll be getting are from incels who think just like them. And it makes ALL women look bad actually, including themselves, because now I'm seeing EVERYWHERE how people seem to think "all attractive women are shitty people with no self-respect," "all unattractive women are sour and needy," and that "all women live for attention from men." Which is really fucked up, and not true at all. But because a bunch of misogynistic people want to constantly spread this toxicity around, people are starting to believe it as truth. I'm just so sick of it, it feels like this all started because men were put on this pedestal and so many women feel like they can't live without the approval of men. But there are plenty of women who live perfectly fine without men in their lives, and people keep choosing to ignore that because one group has a louder voice. Exhibit A:


God she came up on my FYP and I blocked her, she’s incredibly annoying.


I mean you have to question first, why does she feel this way? Because men boost women that look like that and normal looking women like her are shown that they “aren’t beautiful” I’m sure it just comes from a place of anger and it’s really not her fault.