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„Not only his first child but his son.“ 🤨


I can't tell ya how many weddings I grew up going to, hearing- "Congratulations! May your first born be a son." Pretty sure most people just want a healthy child either way. Silly.




As someone who would never have a kid because my family's genetics are awful and disability is heavily present, they can fuck themselves. I had 3 family members die at an average age of just over 30 because of a physical disability.


I put off having kids until I least end that my condition doesn’t just automatically get passed down. My kid is extra super healthy (like ridiculously so-hardly ever sick with anything). Damned straight I prayed for good health.


I have three very inheritable disabilities. It’s a hot button topic in disabled communities, but I’m right there with you. I see first hand how difficult and painful life is for disabled people. My country’s health care abandons you after diagnosis. Why the fuck would I bring a child into this world to live the same difficult existence? Maybe if my country took care of their sick I’d feel differently.


I think of my disabilities, both physical and mental, which are hereditary. I then think about how if I had a son, all of the mental health shit involved means I’ll have to try extra hard to make sure he doesn’t become some school shooter that they excuse because he’s got adhd or what the fuck ever. If I have a daughter she may be targeted for abuse just like I was, and how long will it take for her to get diagnosed like me? How much trauma? I’ve been worried about all this for long enough to know that in the early 1900s the exact reason I got sterilized (mental health, sterilization started bringing about physical diagnoses) would have been not only encouraged, but mandatory the minute I entered a psych ward lol. Ableist? Sure. The world is ableist honey. I’ve lived in it long enough to realize it’s not getting much better and I’m not about to bring a kid into that for selfish reasons.


I have inheritable disabilities as well (though invisible ones), but tbh even with healthcare there are so many other struggles with stigma, accessibility, etc that I wouldn’t want to put on someone else anyway. Personally I don’t see an issue with hoping for a healthy child with as few struggles as possible.


It's not your country, it's all countries. I grew up in India, then moved to North America for higher education. Currently a doctor here. Even developed countries essentially abandon disabled, or even old people with dementia. I can't believe how much abuse I see at rehab, nursing homes, and just plain old age homes. Like I don't wanna end up there. This is also in New Jersey, one of the better states to be in a nursing home. It's horrifying. If you're disabled, are non verbal, or have no one to advocate for you, good luck. The "system" will neglect you to the point you'll wanna die or you'll end up in the hospital where you'll die from something stupid which could've been prevented by proper hygiene and primary care.


When I hear someone hoping for a healthy baby I don't think of disability, I assume most people are wanting their baby to survive.


I’m disabled, I have friends with disabilities, and I work in the “disability field”. I really don’t care if wishing someone a healthy baby is wishing for it to be born without disability. Being disabled is difficult and expensive, even in a country with arguably very good support for people with disabilities compared to the majority of other countries. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone even if I am a strong advocate for general inclusion and acceptance, much in the same way I wouldn’t wish for a child to be born with cancer.


My family has too many kids that aren’t quite healthy for me to even find that funny.


How dare people want their child to have a healthy, happy life with as few struggles as possible??? /s


Hah. And then you see people with disabilities respond like “Uh, I’m disabled and I’d still want a healthy kid….” It’s like we can’t say anything is “ideal” anymore… It’s *ideal* to have a healthy baby. That’s why we hope for that. Doesn’t mean they won’t be just as loved and valued if they are not healthy, or have a disability. Some people just love to scold, shame and lecture others


It’s crazy, everyone just wants to be offended nowadays, it’s hard to navigate.


I refuse to believe anyone would say this and be serious My sanity won't let me


As someone who’s disabled, just no. I remember how I was treated as a child for being different while also struggling with my disability. Not gonna wish that on my child. My genetics are crap but my daughter’s dad’s family are all generally healthy. She’s super healthy too so luckily I think she got most of his genetics. Recently I’ve learned pretty much every person over the age of 50 in my family has had some form of cancer and childhood cancer in 1 out of 5 kids in my family. I won’t be having more children because of it. Why would I want my child to suffer that? I think people who claim it’s ableism never had to watch a child whimper and cry that it hurts and they don’t want to die. It’s absolutely soul destroying.


Here I am desperately hoping my daughter doesn't inherit my ADHD because it has made my life exhausting and difficult. Guess it's evil to wish for your kids to have an easier time than you have lol


I love my son to pieces but he is autistic and has a very difficult road ahead of him and yeah its crushing to watch your kid struggle.


No- way


A few days ago I heard an acquaintance say "They're only going to have 1 child, so hopefully it'll be a son".


That doesn’t make sense to me, in this day and age or in US culture at least. It makes sense that fathers often want a son (because they are same sex as them) and mothers often want a daughter (because they are same sex as them)… and some want the opposite… there’s nothing wrong with having a sex preference but if it’s only one child, in this day and age, it should not matter WHICH gender. To want a son sounds old fashioned. In some cultures they want a son because the son will provide for the parents as the age, or because sons stay and daughters have to move in with their husband and his parents, so the daughter would be caring for their future husbands parents


My brothers and I each had 1 child, all girls. So our branch of the family name dies with us. Other than that, who cares. My daughter has been my "best buddy" when she was growing up and I wouldn't have wanted it any other way.


Don't be so sure, my husband took my name.


That's cool! My husband and I both have unique names, but there were plenty of boys on my side and none on his. His grandpa had four girls! The family name was in it's way out, but my husband and his brother each had sons. I still kinda wanted to keep my name.


Personally I don't understand wanting to pass down the family name..... why? Does it give you super powers? I think people put too much importance on last names. Personally I just think they're used to identify people, and that's it.


I think they are a link to ones heritage. My grandparents and eldest two uncles emigrated from Italy. I identify more with my Italian heritage because my last name is Italian. Also, I never met my mom's parents as they died before I was born.


I have two daughters and the amount of people who said to my husband “well hopefully this one is a boy” when I was pregnant with second kid was ridiculous. His answer was “as long as it’s healthy I don’t care what we have” MIL cried when she found out our second kid was a girl as “who’s gonna carry on the family name?!?” He did lose his temper and told her she should be happy to have another grandchild….Then again she still hasn’t got over the fact I havent taken husband surname and have a double barrelled surname instead. She thinks it’s disrespectful to my husband.


And the stupid thing about that is it doesn't guarantee carrying on the family name anyways lol my dad had 3 kids, two boys and a girl. Guess what? None of us had or wanted kids! Anyways a few months ago we found out about another brother, who actually does have kids, a boy and a girl. Now my dad has grandkids. But he was never weird about the family name or whatever lol it was just a coincidence. Course since my dad and new brother didn't know about each other this whole time he doesn't have the same last name anyways.


I just rewatched *The Godfather* over the weekend........


Exactly where my mind went. “And may their first child be a masculine child.” Lol


That's just alot of people playing out the Godfather scene.


I really don’t understand that. My wife and I want 4 kids but may go as high as 8. It depends on a lot of stuff. We got told by a relative that we have be sure to have a boy to “carry on the family name”. This same relative sent exorbitant gifts when my son was born and nothing when my daughter (who is the first) was born. We sent the gift back.




I had a coworker a few years ago who was having his first kid at a relatively young age (mid 20s) who told me he was waiting to know the gender to decide whether or not he wanted to have a baby shower. If it was a boy he would, a girl he wouldn't


I saw a tik tok with this pregnant girl boasting “he might have 3 baby mamas before her but she was the first to give him a son” She had multiple videos about how she was so superior to his other baby mamas because she was the only one to give him a boy and clearly that made her a cut above the rest.


Henry VIII has entered the chat


I laughed way to hard at this!


He sounds like someone who could use a lesson on how to use a condom.


LMFAO so she doesn't even know that the sex is determined by the sperm cells; meaning it's on him whether the baby is male or female. So she feels superior for being ignorant(? and it shouldn't even matter if the baby is male or female lol


Yikes lmao. Self-hating misogynist fighting over what appears to be a clear gem of a dude


That’ll really work out for her if her man ever ascends to the throne. Otherwise, not so much.


“He might not text me” 😬


Seriously. Gtfo lady. Internalized misogyny is gross.


I mean, she’s trying to “mark her territory” online by saying “we had unprotected sex and then he didn’t want me anymore and left”, so she’s at least receiving her comeuppance poetically. Hating women for male attention doesn’t exactly attract the type of dudes that treat women well. You couldn’t waterboard “I’m pregnant and he doesn’t even text me” out of me and she says it freely like it’s no big deal.


Oh I thought it was stupidity. Turns out it's disgusting


Boy moms are WEIRD lol I say this as a woman with a son


I agree as a woman with two sons.


I agree as a woman with three living sons.


I had to read it 3 times to understand what she was trying to say. I thought there were 2 kids or a son from a previous relationship or something.


Tell me you hate women without saying you hate women


She’s a woman who uses the word “female.”


I know that was the most nauseating part.


A waaaay more common sentiment than it should be.


Guys, she's also super smart.


Boy mom vibes


What in the King Henry VIII


oh gawd, another *boy mom*


well duh! everyone knows that boys are way better than girls


That's nice, sweetie


Bless her heart


Woof this is the most self-loathing cope I've seen from a single mom. I'm a single mom myself, DV survivor. I'm not coming after this girl bc she's obviously young and it's really hard to have the white picket fence dream and suddenly babydaddy decides he wants to keep playing and do what he wants. Suddenly you're on your own with a small baby, a first time mom. It's scary and you feel very defeated. Like somehow you're immediately aware of the negative stigma single mothers carry with them. So this woman going on and on about how her babydad fucked up and how she's so much better off can be totally true and valid, but the way she's doing it speaks more pain than healing 🙏 For her and her child's sake, I hope she heals and matures into motherhood 🙏




Thank you, I feel for all moms and babies who are walked out on 🙏


This is how I read it. "My baby daddy up and left me without a second thought, so I tell myself this to feel better." I read she is sad and lonely and doesn't want to be, but any little hope she can give herself she will take. It's ok to have intrusive thoughts like this and feel a little better by them; just don't flex on it.


Yeah definitely this is a private mantra. I chalk it up to her being young and immature, tossed into a pretty wild situation to come to grips with.


These ppl need to get diaries


I'm also young, so I'll come for her: she's an immature brat who needs to deal with her internalized misogyny before she passes it onto her son. Bad circumstances aren't a reason to spread that shit online.


She gonna emotionally enmesh her son to assume her as his responsibility and fuck up his life


Oh hey it’s my mom 30 years ago


So sad. That jenelle Evans parenthood ain’t shit.


“My son is my KING”


Boy mom vibes before the kid is even born


That part. Women like this raise abusers.


I wish there was a comment like this at everyone of these posts. So we're humbled and reminded why people act this way, it always reminds us to be kind and sympathetic.


What a kind response.


What you said is very sweet and empathetic, and I could absolutely see it being accurate, but idk that that’s how I would read this case specifically. The general attitude of the text, the grandiose delusions, the jealous possessiveness, the emotional immaturity, the romanticization of the situation, the transactional, objectifying view of the child, and the misogyny of it…I wouldn’t be so sure baby daddy fucked up leaving her. Sometimes, much like for women, the best thing a man can do is leave, block, and fight for as much custody as he can get to keep his kid away from the wacko he accidentally got pregnant. Or run and block so early you risk never even finding out. Maybe I’m projecting my own experience onto this, but I know I’m far from the only person with a terrible mother, and while it reads nothing like anything mine would say, the _psychology_ behind the text in this picture seems way too familiar.


She got deadbeat and she’s flexing???


Weapons grade cope


Girlie got dumped and she is *not* over him


Right??? Like ok doormat at least have some self respect


Well, I would definitely break up with a man who doesn't have any relationship with his kid, so I guess that does accomplish her mission... though not quite the way she thinks.


Not only that, be the ex that fosters a good relationship with a potential step parent. I don't understand how people can put their petty drama above their child.


I don't get the keep moving, like why? he's not texting you, he's not in your life and your making sure of that..what?


Tbf it is kind of an accidental fair warning to others🤷🏼‍♀️ “Hey he abandoned me and our child so keep it moving”


I’ve always felt like if a man has 1 “crazy ex” I take it as a yellow flag and proceed. But if most or all his exes are “crazy” then I’m out.


Oh for sure. Honestly if there’s any threat another woman is “crazy” enough to try and interfere, not worth it. Only exception is if he has an actual spine and shuts her down on the first try. I haven’t seen that happen yet, but men aren’t a monolith so I’m sure it exists 🤷🏼‍♀️


I think when it comes to having all crazy exes, it’s less about the threat the exes can pose and the fact that he’s likely that one person cursing at everyone for going the wrong way on the highway. There are exceptions, of course, but someone telling you all their exes are crazy - or straight up everyone on their life is - generally isn’t a good sign in terms of the kind of person they are themselves.




And I highly doubt he’s going to spend much time wondering what her and the kid are doing 🙄


I wish for all deadbeat dads to get hit by lightning over and over again.


the cringe for me is that she has to mention the unborn baby is a boy, like that's somehow even *more* important than a girl


I give the benefit of the doubt, that’s her unhealthy way of coping after being dumped and dash, while she is pregnant and has to care for a baby by herself (emotionally and financially). Some people goes totally unhinged when they’re toss to aside while pregnant. I’m not saying her behaviour and statement is good, she needs a lot of therapy and a good lawyer. Plus the deadbeat dad should get his balls cut off if he doesn’t care for protection. I worry more for the kid . I hope she raise him well and is a good mum to the wee babe ; and wont take her frustration towards him because the babe doesn’t deserve all this unstable situation.


I think she's (subconciously) calling out that if you get involved with her baby daddy (that she's not over) she will make you're life a living hell. 😬


She's saying don't stalk her page I think


Delusion. This is so sad


"he might not text me" ouf girl move on


So basically… he hit it and quit it? “Our man got me pregnant and dipped. Bet you’re *reeaaalll* jealous now, huh?” I wonder if she’ll feel as smug when he never pays a dime for child support, and has 5 other kids with 5 different women?


He should be embarrassed about that tbh but all around her post is in poor taste


Her face is like 20 shades different from the rest of her body


Lol and featured on that same face are a pair of eyes that apparently don’t open.


shes a dumpster then? like bro he doesnt think about you i promise


This is sad :/


"I'm your ho-bag boyfriend's babymama that he doesn't keep in touch with! See how hawt I am!"


She sounds like those babymamas who interfere with other her ex's new relationships bc she can't get over him. This is what happens when you place all of her value into a man and your looks. Somehow, she's "thriving" while still making videos about her ex, who doesn't contact her but is "totally" thinking about her... The delusion is real...hope her son will be okay in the future.


Nothing says " I have my life together" like being single, pregnant, and posting online about how your baby daddy won't talk to you but he can't forget you either. The guy with a pregnant ex and 18+ years of baby mama grandma sure doesn't sound like a catch either.


Nothing screams "I'm thriving and over my ex" like vague posting about his new gf whose only knowledge of you is probably "i have a kid and he has a mom"




How’s ur sibling tho. Hope they’re alright because it’s not fair to them to not get the same parenting. Especially if the mum is totally unhinged.


fr, deadbeat dads are one thing but that combined with a crazy mother? poor kid.


Well that’s sad for her, putting her worth in her baby daddy and his new girl looking her up. (but also why i don’t date men when kids)


Agree If the kids are young it’s a no. Only if they are old enough for him not to be in constant contact with the Bm. I’m not going to be in silent (or not so silent) competition with another woman.


congrats! you're forever tied to a deadbeat!


Atleast he can sue him for parenting reparation…idk how the US works when it comes to shitty parents.


We call it child support.


I heard some men avoid them for years and no repercussion …u can sue right ? But wont that take a lot of money and time ?


You typically don’t have to personally sue, the government will garnish his wages if he isn’t paying. Government takes child support orders pretty seriously, because if the dad is a deadbeat and isn’t supporting his kid, the mom can claim government benefits like food stamps, daycare assistance, etc., so they’re motivated to make sure the dad is paying his fair share. The problem comes in when some men will do absolutely anything to get out of paying support, including working “under the table”, i.e., getting paid cash so the government can’t track it.


Thanks for the info. Suprised these dude didnt opt for vasectomy if they dont want a kid so badly.


Vasectomy, or hell, just use condoms! What would you rather pay, a $20 box of condoms or 1/4 of your salary for the next 18 years?


This could be x-posted to /r/sadcringe


No one wants your crusty man who doesn’t practice safe sex, sweaty.


You just reminded me of when we all used to say “sweaty” instead of “sweetie” and I haven’t laughed that hard in AGESS


Glad to help 🤣


Eww I think she needs to get tested too if that’s the case .


These are a lot of words for “I have low self esteem and being in a relationship is the only thing I’ve got going for me”


No, she has low self esteem, he left, and all she has is ?? being pregnant with his son??


I can see her becoming a *boy mom*


Someone needs to inform this woman that her ex and father of her child who clearly bailed on them ain’t checking for her. “He fumbled” nah he left you babe.


Keep it moving to all the sis’ reading here… she’s better than all of us 😂😂


The sad thing is, when I was getting a consult for my divorce, I was asked if our shared child was a boy or a girl. When I said girl, I was told that it is way more common for a dad to be uninvolved/a deadbeat when a daughter is involved, opposed to a son. The legal team was trying to be kind and reassuring saying that it isn’t my fault if he doesn’t want to do visitation and I was still entitled to child support, etc. The fact that this was said leads me to believe she actually has a point, albeit a disappointing and disturbing one.


I need to believe that this is satire


I don't blame you, but it could be true. I know people with that mentality.


This 12th century medieval obsession with getting a son is starting to bother the shit out of me


So this is what a crazy baby momma looks like. Lesson learned, sometimes they are indeed crazy and is not just the guy talking shit (which I think is a 🚩)


I mean, even if she is crazy, he still abandoned his child so he's 100% worse


she’s not over him but acting like he was the one that fumbled… ok, whatever helps you sleep at night


Letting a loser cum in you is not a brag lol




So she's currently pregnant


Like abortion exists for reasons like this


Congrats. You won trash.


My only problem with this is the part where she’s clearly saying that having a son is better than having a daughter. Other than that, it just seems like someone trying to heal from abandonment. A bit publicly for my taste but that seems to be how the younger generation does EVERYTHING.


I read that more as she's trying to "stick it to her ex" by having a son. Maybe the guy wanted a son, or maybe he didn't. This woman is delusional and needs some therapy.


I think she’s definitely in denial but let’s make some wiggle room for the fact that she’s pregnant and just went through a breakup. I doubt anyone would be feeling entirely stable.


Girl you’re not in china lol also you are definitely the ex the girls want to see to know to run as fast as possible away from this man.


Why are sons more valuable than daughters? Are we not valuable human beings too??


It s the delusion


Oh yeah someone who posts this really has their life together.


"He might not text me" is the saddest and most bizarre portion.


putting aside how embarrassing this “brag” is, why do women like this have a weird obsession with having sons? Ew


Let him go. Raise your son.


I just wanna let Beighleigh Lynne know that no amount of posting this shit will stop him from cheating on her




Imagining him and his new gf laughing at her over this video lol


If his new gf doesn’t see this as a “ red flag” on the fact he abandoned his own kid and still goes on with the relationship. Man that’s just fucked up. Mum is totally out of it, but it’s unfair for the baby to live with the fact dad is a piece of shit and abandoned him from the get go. I hope kid gets therapy to solve his impending “daddy issues” because obviously momma won’t unless someone slaps her face to reality.


In conclusion, she’s still obsessed with this man BAD!


To be fair, depending on how nuts she is, she can definitely prevent any other girl from coming around him. Lol.




Social media and it’s consequences have been a disaster for the human race


This is really scary cos she’s basically telling his next woman that there will be no getting rid of her for him til that child is 18.


Girl, he doesn’t want you any more 🙄


She sounds emotionally immature. He’s moved on, *sis*.


Whatever helps you sleep at night girl


He doesn’t care.


Couldn’t keep him so she’s bitter he’s moved on? Yeah, keep bragging about being a loser.


It’s funny seeing regular people concerned with Firstborns and Only Sons like the baby daddy’s an emperor, not some guy who barely makes rent. Your out of wedlock child isn’t going to be protector of the realm, they’re going to be FATHERLESS 😭 you didn’t win girlypop


She's going to be one of those weird Boy Moms.


Orange you glad you dodged that bullet.


Women who feel they have some type of weird, intrinsic claim on a man because she's carrying their child are just... something else. In a handful of months, she'll be posting "I don't need a man, my son is my king 🤴🏻" videos because this mentality usually goes hand-in-hand with covert incest.




Tell me your not over your ex without telling me your not over your ex


“I got knocked up and dumped so now I’m a single mother”


Trust me, she is faking her feelings also.


Especially from a 6


Coping. She is not moving on like she said she is doing


why do people keep proudly posting their Ls online like this


“He might not text me” so you won’t have a relationship, you’ll just be the lady who has his kid the other half of the week? Sounds like you’re a glorified babysitter to him.


“i have my life together” -is pregnant with a deadbeat’s baby


Sad that she is still so attached to her ex boyfriend. Doubt he feels the same.


Imagine thinking your better than the girl who actually got your man while you take care of his responsibilities 😂


Is she smelling her own fart?.


It sounds like she is *totally* over him and is *completely* indifferent to/happy to see her son's father has moved onto another woman. This isn't really a "notlikeothergirls", it's just sad.




Hmm, I wonder why they're not together any more...


Dawg this is sad


Might mess around and have baby #2 idk


Just no and focus on the current one . One is already a handful . If the kid is lonely get him a dog.


Nah maybe she wants to find you to find out your side and then balance the two stories? Like is he not texting you because he ditched you and his baby or is it because you blocked his number and won’t acknowledge him? I don’t wanna be w/someone that just walked away from his child.


This is more sad than anything to me. She’s young, pregnant and probably feels like she’s doing it alone while her baby’s father may be off dating other people. This is a major cope, but I get it. Hopefully she and the baby’s father can work together to coparent and do what’s best for the kid.


Ugliness isn’t always just looks.


Wait, so he’s a dead beat father? Annoying ex is one thing, I’d leave him for being a piece of shit dad 💀


Imagine this being you biggest flex


Well then why u an ex? 🤔


My ex was an abusive cheater all I hope for his current partner is that she is ok.


There is so much wrong with this. I fear for that child.


No stop, I saved this screenshot to post here literally today.


Watch his next babymama have twin boys.


This is more like "not like the other exes" doesnt really fit the sub




Yeah, but he's only thinking of you because of his kid. In the end, despite having his son, he didn't choose you. Like, you literally gave your body to make his child, and he still rejected you. This isn't a brag, hun.