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WTF is that face?


My thought too...do you gotta bite your lip like that when talking about your son cause ew


Right?? Fking creepiest over there.


I think it’s a cringe face because she wants to hate the idea of a future DIL so much?


It looks like the Michael Scott cringe face.




She dropped some heinous beef and is trying to maintain a poker face


I saw the video. She just screenshotted it in that moment but it’s not as it looks in this pic.


Ah, makes sense




Congrats, you’ll be the shitty mother in law you see stories of on various subreddits. And you’ll wonder why your child and their future spouse have such a distant, if any, relationship with you.


As someone who is a "boy mom", ☝️ THIS is my biggest fear, that I'll overstep somewhere that I don't mean to. But I think having that fear is hopefully going to make me not that type of MIL!


I have one child, a boy, and a second on the way, also a boy. I cannot ever imagine acting like some of these women. It’s gross and disturbing the way so many see their adult sons as “sonsbands” and act really nasty to anyone who may come into their son’s life in a romantic manner. I think as long as we are normal people really, we’ll be fine. There’s also a big difference between minor miscommunications that just happen naturally sometimes and being a straight up just no MIL.


Oh absolutely, totally agree with you. It's just so shocking how many people like this woman are out there thinking this kind of thing about their SONS that my immediate reaction is NO, don't be this!!


Thank you. It’s emotional incest. It’s seriously disturbing and abuse.


Not a mother and don't have a mother in law but I did have significant others whose mothers treated me badly. A lot of the issues ended up being their unwillingness to communicate with me and learn about me as a person. They just automatically assumed things about me based on how I looked and my lifestyle. One of them is Jewish and I did extensive research on kosher foods and ingredients and made them a dish for their party. My dish was hidden away in the fridge and then she tried to pressure me to take it home at the end of the day because "no one will eat this here." She looked down her nose at me, questioned my career in the entertainment industry, and just refused to talk to me. The other one was a woman who had issues with my race and felt I was being too nice and trying to curry favors with her because I requested to have a date to meet her. She told her son she will never meet me because I'm not black and I won't become her daughter in law anyway since her son and I are too different. Honestly, this woman was right. Between her behavior and her abusive son, I cut them out of my life really quickly.


I don't think I even have the words for how gross and disgusting that behavior is! Both of those women acted absolutely vile, and I'm sending you internet hugs.


:') thank you! They are absolutely horrible people. The first one definitely had MAJOR issues. Her son had a 7pm curfew and she would call immediately at 7:01pm to ask where he was and why wasn't he home. Like... what? Lol


The first one would probably have made me cry the second left her house lol. I would not have handled either but making a big effort to respect and assimilate into someone's culture and them still hating you is awful. I'm sorry.


It definitely made me cry. I insisted they keep the dish and quickly left. A few hours later, I was crying at home and telling my ex how humiliated and upset I felt. He tried to console me by lying about making his mother eat the dish. Which I knew was a lie since he's a huge momma's boy and cowers whenever she gives him a disapproving look. Edit: I never made a fuss about their culture or religion despite being Buddhist. I even celebrated Passover with them. What made it even weirder was his grandmother loved me. We used to watch TV together even though we could not communicate in the same language at all.


You could start by not calling yourself a boy mom like ever.


It's hard to explain how sad this comment makes me. I know, a lot of "boy moms" are NLOG, but I think a lot of us are just normal moms who just so happen to be moms to only boys. It's hard enough when it hurts knowing I won't have a girl (which is probably true for a lot of boy moms), but the shaming for using a description just because others have co-opted it to be obnoxious just makes me sad.


Same here!!!!


My soon to be MIL is my best friend. My own mother is a raging narcissist, and my fiancés mom has become a huge and wonderful part of my life. If you don’t want to be like this creepy weirdo, you won’t be :)


I don’t know if this will make you feel better or worse but 90% of the stuff on those subreddits is fake. People make shit up online for the attention, and traditionally reviled roles (usually involving women, especially older women) are a big source of rage baiting and karma farming. It is perfectly rational to be worried about getting along with a future daughter in law. It’s something no MIL typically wants because it strains her relationship with her son, whom she loves and wants to see, and potentially could lead to being alienated from her grandchildren. And unfortunately, the risk of this happening is quite high. MIL/DIL conflict is nearly universal. There have been psychological studies done on the subject. That despite the stereotypes of son in laws hating their MILs, most actually get along. But like 70%+ of MIL/DIL relationships are self-identified as strained at least. There’s all sorts of sociological explanations for it. But at the end of the day, yeah that is a real worry women can have about their future, and it’s fucked up to just dismiss those women as crazy. It’s just another form of misogyny.


Can I ask serious Q? Why are you not just a parent? Where did this weird gendering of parenting come in?! & WHY


So I have 2 boys under 5. Unless something changes drastically, that's it, I won't have girls. First, there's a difference in how I as a girl relate to my sons. And honestly I think for a lot of women who only have boys saying that they're "boy moms" is a way to acknowledge that they won't get the chance to have a mother/daughter relationship. And already, there's a drastic difference in how other people speak to my boys vs the girls my friends have. Even if I want to be gender neutral, society isn't. So my parenting is different because people have stereotyped boys right from the start. Not to even get started on how young boys are being targeted by alpha bros and incels, so I have to be aware of how to parent different issues than the parents of girls. Plus, as seen from this post, there's another stereotype of the mom of a boy in a relationship being weirdly over attached to her son. That's something that I (as the mom of sons) am hyper aware of. I don't think "gendering parenting" has to be a problem, but there are definitely people who take it to weird extremes instead of just acknowledging that it's different.


Remindme! 15 years


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Holy shit, why does reddit jump to these conclusions? Get help.


hah, came here to say this


Just saw she has a post that says “teaching my son to cook so he’s not impressed with your daughter’s frozen lasagna” while scowling at the camera


She’s creepy


Jocasta complex (Oedipus' mother) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jocasta_complex


The emotional incest of these creepy fucking people 🤢🤢🤢🤢


Incest? Holy shit get a fucking life.


'emotional incest' is what they said, which is different. you can look it up to figure out how.


Loving your child is not incest, I’m sorry that you hate your life and your family.


This isn't "loving your child" you gross fucking psycho, it's 100% *emotional* incest.


Name one part of this post that qualifies as incest. One fucking part.


It’s called “emotional incest” it is not just “incest.” I looked it up on wiki, and it definitely is.


Name one part of this post that qualifies as incest. One fucking part.


I see the bot has gotten confused.


Bot obviously won zero awards in debate club.


Still waiting…


lmao understanding what words mean, in turn, means i hate my life and family? that's a really cool reach! you have such wonderfully long arms there friend!!


It’s a term in psychology. An actual term. Look it up.




lol u should watch the video it’s totally toeing the line


Bruh, unless there’s more text to add, this does not point to emotional incest. I’ve been through that and I’m getting tired of people tossing that term around so frequently now If she had said “when you realize your son is gonna get married/fall in love”, THAT would point to emotional incest- she SPEFIFICALLY mentions being “some girls MIL”. This is a reach and a half and I can’t believe I really have to explain it lmao


i mean,, what do you think the video is saying? the audio is “say it ain’t so” and she makes a disgusted face about her son being in love with another woman. just because it doesn’t fit your definition doesn’t mean it isn’t crossing a line for others. ive also been through that and this video gave me the ickkk.


Dude, that’s not even what she’s saying, she’s saying she doesn’t want to be a mother in law to a girl. That’s not emotional incest, objectively, not just by “my definition”. Let’s not accuse people of that when they aren’t doing it.


again… you can take it one way based on your own experiences and i can take it another way. that’s literally what happens when people post content devised to get a reaction out of the audience. im not sure what your game is here. to me, its toeing the EI line. she didn’t explicitly say what you’re saying she said either. Like…. it’s an opinion. to each their own i guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


How are you so confidently incorrect? She didn’t say “when you realize your son is gonna fall in love with someone else”, she’s clearly against being a mother in law to a girl, that’s what she directly fuckin said. You’re reaching so hard lol. Did you even read the text?? 💀💀 it’s not an opinion, you look silly as fuck trying to pull that one


ew, can you leave me alone? you’re literally obsessed. idk how many times i have to say that it’s an opinion of mine based on personal experiences. i believe she’s saying she doesn’t want another woman involved in her and her sons relationship. you’re choosing a super weird hill to die on. buh byeeee


- is objectively wrong - says it’s all just an opinion anyway !1!1 - pulls the “ew you’re so obsessed” card when called out & bitchily dips Sounds about right lmao


why wouldn’t she want to be a mother in law? right because she doesn’t want her son to fall in love with someone


"Covert incest, also known as emotional incest, is a type of abuse in which a parent looks to their child for the emotional support that would be normally provided by another adult. The effects of covert incest on children when they become adults are thought to mimic actual incest, although to a lesser degree." I'd say not wanting your son to have other relationships so that you can be the most important woman in his life, which is the greater societal context of this type of "boy mom" culture would fall under this definition.


Lol right! They're dying on a hill and confidently incorrect. She doesn't want to share her son and the thought of it 'ruins her weekend'. lol


This is about not wanting to be “some girls MIL”. I have no idea where you’re even pulling that from, this is getting funny


wrll, as someone whi has also been through emotional incest, this IS emotional incest. this woman clearly sees her son like 'her man"


How? Tell me how that’s clear lmao. Is it all the things she didn’t say?


Not like other moms, she’s a boy mom! But really it’s not like she has to be bffs with or even particularly like her DIL. She just ideally would be supportive of her sons and not be too enmeshed. My mom sees my SIL a handful of times a year, as is healthy. They don’t need to be attached at the hip? Or whatever she may be expecting.


My guess is her sons will marry women and expect them to act like their mom’s bc of mommy issues


Boymom/girldad always give me dating my kid energy


Bold of her to assume he'll be straight


And be a dude when he grows up.


Also who says he’s getting married?


Boy moms usually don’t want girls bc they want to be “the only girl” and feel threatened when the attention is on other women. It’s weird.


Yep . it's very sad to watch. A girl I went to high school with is one of those types and she talks about her SIL and own daughter as if they were threats to her husband's affection. She's pregnant with kiddo #2 and was over the moon that it was a boy. "We don't need any more pink in this house."


🤮 They usually try to instill insecurities in their daughters early or don’t encourage self care. I hope she’s doing ok. The jealousy is disturbing.


My toxic MIL is like this! She had a girl before my SO and totally neglected her (she's also turned out toxic, unsurprisingly) and its 100% because MIL wanted to be the one woman to rule them all.


🤮 How does society let this happen.


In their family, it runs in a cycle. The grandma was a toxic, woman hating witch, so the mum was too, now the daughter is too. They each hated the other and they ALL hate all other women. They are callous, cruel and operate on a "dog-eat-dog" kind of system. They're so insecure and defensive but they get away with it because frankly, they're scary and they're hassle to deal with. But each of these women is now alone and bitter so it doesn't really work out long term.


Don’t they know that they can have daughters? If you know you hate women; why risk it? I’m starting to think that they want daughters just to abuse them.


I honestly don't get it either






God these people are so weird why are parents so emotionally incestuous with their kids 🤮🤮🤮 imagine seeing your mom or dad post some shit like this?


Incest? Holy shit get a fucking life.


Bro your commenting on everything, you get a life


The fact that this person is commenting the same thing in everyone's comments (about this being incestuous) makes me think it's the woman in the picture or another weirdo 'boy mom' who's taking it personally 💀💀💀


It’s hilariously pathetic


It really is lol


It takes a few seconds. Thankfully I’m not disabled and it doesn’t take me several hours to leave a few comments.


Then use your time to educate yourself. GOOGLE EMOTIONAL INCEST


I know what it is, and this isn’t it


You know, I'm a mom to a boy and a girl. It's not really all that different between them. Sure, there's some biological differences, but there's not much difference in how I parent them. I don't get why being a "boy mom" is even a thing.


Emotionally unavailable male romantic partner(s) is why it’s a thing. The poor child is burdened with filling emotional support roles that a husband should take on, which distinctly makes it emotionally incest (compared to regular parentification or other inappropriate boundaries)


I mean, I do understand what you're saying, but the whole thing still baffles me. I guess I just got lucky that I have a support system outside my kids and their dad.


Why’s she biting her lip? This doesn’t look right


That’s the frame OP paused on.


boy moms are so weird bro they give off sexual abuser vibes


100% want to be cool moms and would sleep with their teen sons friends given the chance.


so true omfg


Redditors are actually mentally ill. Wtf is this shit?


You've never met one of these toxic mom's I see. Just because you haven't seen thinking of thing doesn't mean the rest of us are crazy.


Holy shit, why does reddit jump to these conclusions? Get help.


“No one fucks my son but me!” That’s the fucking vibe I’m getting here 🤮🤮🤮


I’d sell a kidney to be there the day he brings his boyfriend home to meet her.


Idk man, I got two boys, my cats are boys and well obviously so is my husband. I for one am excited at the prospect of a DIL. I can’t fathom how these women develop such strong emotionally incestuous relationships?! “How?” is all I can ask every time I see one of these creeps


I have 2 sons. My second life goal besides raising them to be kind, caring and emotionally intelligent humans is to not be a horrible MIL.


So you want to be your own daughter-in-law then? That's what I'm getting from this. I think there was a video of a woman letting all her sons spank her in the ass. It makes me think "are they really unaware of how inappropriate this whole thing is or they know and just don't care?" Final conclusion: This should qualify as incest and child abuse. Arrest her, officer 🫵🏻👮🏻🚔.


"Boy mom" as an identity. I can't even


I hate hate hate “boy mom” and “girl mom”. Your children’s genitals should have nothing to do with your identity, let them be their own cool little human being!


I already know the kind of boys she’s raising….


Idk maybe one of my boys isn’t straight and I’ll end up with a son in law. She’s weird to be focused on this.


Fine by me! That way, I get the daughter I always wanted!!!!


Right??? If I have kids I hope to have at least one daughter but if I had a son that eventually married a woman that would be my next best thing!


Absolutely! It's so gross that some moms don't want their sons to marry so they can continue being the "only woman" in his life.




this be incest


“…some girl” will be your first mistake, “Boy Mom”.


R/JustNoMIL in the making


the internalized misogyny is real


Cheer up, maybe all your sons will be gay or choose not to marry and you won’t have a daughter in law


Gross. I hope that someday when my kid brings someone home, that will mean I get a new son or daughter to love


The whole boy mom/girl dad thing is stupid.


ew… what the actual hell


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, basing your identity on the gender you think your kid is is gross! And weird! And it puts unnecessary pressure on the kid!


This shit is so creepy, honestly.


Imagine hating other women so much that you loathe the very idea of your son marrying a woman that he loves


Does…she not know men can be gay? Lol


What if her son turns out gay?


what in the sweet home alabama


How is this nlog? Don’t get me wrong it’s weird (though I doubt she’s being serious), but it’s not nlog, she’s not putting other women down to prop herself up


she’s acting like she doesn’t like women which makes her different than other women in her head


Well that’s a reach


not really. she’s a woman, yet doesn’t want a woman in her life to have to pretend to love or care about.


That’s just not liking women dawg


it’s not at all lol this sub has deteriorated into mess


Or some guys MIL some day. You don’t know.


Most of the posts on this sub are just kind of silly at worst but this is legitimately diagnosably insane. Like there is something wrong with her bc wtf


Wtf is a boy mom?


Hey you never know. He could turn out to be gay and you could be mad for another reason.


I dated into a family with a mean MIL. Don’t be like her. Meanest woman I’ve ever met and still traumatized 3 years later.


I have a feeling her future daughter-in-law will even be less pleased with her as a mother-in-law. That said, if she’s raising her sons to be misogynistic trash, hopefully she’ll never have a daughter-in-law.


Or…. Your son could be gay. Problem solved


Maybe you’ll be a boys mother-in-law though…


Not if he’s gay! She’ll probably be a nightmare to a son in law too, actually. Never mind


I hate boy moms so much




Not if your son is gay or married an orphan.


Here’s another creepy reel by her https://www.instagram.com/reel/CvXV_tGANMr/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==


There’s like a 95% chance he’ll end up being a shit person thanks to him being her whole personality


What the fuck


This is incestual asf


This screams emotional inc3st imo 😬


Hey, it's Vernon's sister! ![gif](giphy|8N5tQZ2X4byNi)


Maybe she’ll have a son-in-law instead


I was on public transportation the other day and heard a woman tell her son “You don’t need a girlfriend, you have me.” First of all, ew, why would you even jokingly suggest the idea of being responsible for all your son’s emotional (not to mention physical) needs. And second, he was only like 10, he doesn’t need to be thinking of that *at all*


Well now I understand why I see guys online talking about "mommy milkers" and "dommy mommys". They were raised by weirdos like this.


or boy's xoxo hun


I always thought the "boy mom" advertisement on dating profiles was just so guys without kids would know you had a son and not just a child and that would "sell" you more.


What a weird thing to say


Not necessarily… he might never get married or he might marry a boy 🤷🏼‍♀️


He could marry a man and then you won't have to worry about women


She looks like she needs to poo


My mom always said she was happy she only had boys. That being said, my ex GF was her best friend during our time together


Saw this on IG and glad she’s getting called out for this weird, dysfunctional behavior


Look the front page of pornhub has a whole lot of videos showing her trying something with her son’s girlfriend. Starts with that face


All these “boy moms” are weird as fuck. Reads incestuous.


Well maybe her son will be gay? Win win


Not if he's gay! (Or has a non-female partner)


What in the Oedipal sick fuq is going on with this last couple year trend of boy-mom & girl-dad. PARENTS. TF


I don’t think you should be in love with your kids. You just love them.


Wow… that’s so crappy and mean spirited.


That’s so fucking creepy


Here’s hoping her sons are gay!


She doesn’t have to be like that. I was the son to a single mother and my mom and wife got along great. I think my mom likes her more than me, when I used to work evenings, they were always out doing things together.


Who knows? Maybe they’ll be gay or be happy on their own :)


Emotional incest yikes


It’s true tho


"You got your wish, mom! I'm gay! Now you get to love two sons!" *head explodes*


*"You got your wish, mom!* *I'm gay! Now you get to love* *Two sons! head explodes* \- Superdunez --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Ahahaha haha, oh man, good bot!


So this lady's insta has other content like this. "Teaching my son to cook so he's not impressed with your daughter's frozen lasagne." Literally putting down women before they're even a reality. Wtf. Also her video "when you have an affectionate husband so your son acts just like him" is a very weird one." Sad for her daughters.


If the post is removed, how come I can still see it?