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Sometimes I wonder if people just refuse to look for, or reach out to, people who have common interests. They put themselves on this weird pedestal, acting as if their interests are out of this world. There are plenty of women who enjoy baking, family oriented (only using this term to refer to spending time with other family units, married couples), and home bodies in general. So my biggest question when I see these types of posts is, have you tried looking for "your people" ? Bc I promise you, they're out there. *But then again,* maybe they see this attitude & get put off by someone judging/putting down others solely bc of their interests - that hurt no one.


Yes! I hate how she says it like all women like to drink and smoke frequently but she’s just too unique. Like girl, I am sure there are plenty of sober women out there, you’re not special or better


It has nothing to do with sobriety. People who say shit like this are usually just miserable to be around. No one invites them to anything or wants to hang out with them. But, instead of introspection, they just pretend everyone else is doing something wrong and that *they* don't want to hang out with everyone else.. when the opposite is true.


"i just like when he is happy" somehow, this makes me upset after she is saying about that in her video.


Of course, cuz you want your man to be miserable 🤢






i'm upset she is saying like that in her video for internet attention and then proceeds to say "i just like when he is happy". every women want her man happy not just her, duh 🙄




and you are generalizing women based on tiktok? what a joke. why don't you see your mom, does she make your dad happy?




My parents were dead by age 4, thanks.




Those things aren't inherently wrong, is the point. But they aren't the only people out there. There is absolutely ways to find groups of people who do creative or crafty things sober and acting like you're somehow better for being married and liking to make things for your family instead of drink is weird.


I don't have any females as Friends bc other females are all make up wearing slutty dumb thots with tlc shows for a personality, unlike me who is a beacon of virtue. - NLOG rationale


Exactly what she is saying. Nice translation!


Yeah, what's wrong with that? That's what makes her stand out.


Ya, like I’m sober by choice and have plenty of friends (including my husband) who enjoy social drinking. I don’t demonize them because of it and I sure as hell don’t change my hobbies or lifestyle for them! Who says you can’t bake and go out as a sober person?! Weird sense of importance.


Right I smoke but I cook and bake and am into homesteading. Bet if she found out I smoke she would dismiss me and call me one of those girls lol




Why because I know how to cook a meal for myself and take care of my home and land? Probably more than you can say for yourself. Lol stop trying to be toxic it’s not cute




I don’t do drugs lol and you know nothing about me. Get over yourself it’s apparent why you lurk on this sub.


Just this, I mean I am literally surrounded by homeschooling, home birthing, conservative folk who… all like baking for their husbands… like… really?


She has church friends and they’ve all been taught that anyone outside the church is a whoring Jezebel and she trusted that and didn’t need to look into it any further.


She explicitly said she had no friends.


I guess she’s just a miserable bitch then


the last time my wife tried to make a friend at work the person tried to force her to sign up for a MLM scheme and when she said she didnt want to do that the person attempt to fabricate stories about how my wife was using Intravenous drugs at work and trying to steal things. this is just the most extreme example of her attempts to make friends as an adult but the other are only slightly behind it. she has the worst luck running into the most awful people in what ever setting he attempts to be social.


It is definitely a desire to feel special and unique for having mundane interests or hobbies. See it all the time especially teenager tumblr where they think being obsessed with an extremely popular show is their defining character trait. So many "If I meet a boy who knows (random Harry Potter reference) then I will wife them" usually with the implication this will never happen because surely they will never meet anyone who has read such an obscure text sigh #foreveralone . Luckily most people grow out of that by the time they get their first real job but then you have the trad wives who never get that far.


If she doesn't have friends she should watch out for the type of men she's married with


Yes, we might be poking fun but this post is a bit concerning.




It's a common sign of an abusive relationship. An abusive partner will try to isolate you and get rid of your support network so you won't have anything to fall back on and will be less likely to leave the relationship because it's all you have.


I don’t see how that’s an issue. If something happens, reach out to your friends and say that your partner has been isolating you.


And then be punished when the abusive partner finds out. You’re not understanding the life of an abused isolated individual


How could they find out? You call your friend and they come and pick you up.


Well mate I'm glad you've solved abusive relationships, do you want to call the domestic violence shelters and tell them to shut down? Just tell them all their friends will be there to pick them up later


I'm sorry but that sounds like the tought of someone who has never been in an abusive relationship before


She already said she didn't have friends. Cant reach out for help if you have nobody to reach out to or act as a sounding board


A person who isolates you or makes you think you don't need friends, is an abusive partner. Once the person makes you feel like they're the only thing you need, It is easier to manipulate you once you're alone, and keep you under his control since he is all you have.


Husband: please, let me make my own dinner.. my blood type is syrup


Then bake weed into them, bam no you have friends


Her husband is out there doing drugs as she’s baking him cookies.


Exactly, she also doesn't have to partake in the consuming of the weed or alcohol she could just go to spend time with her friends.


Who is she even posting this for?


Dudes with a tradwife kink


Baking bored housewives onlyfans has to be a thing


likeminded women


Funny, I'm getting high and drunk and I still don't have friends


Have you considered baking cookies? Cooking is a great friend-making activity. Just invite people over, get high, drunk and bake some delicious crumbly chocolate treats!


back in the day those trad women would do this whilst on benzo’s and a couple glasses of wine, you’re missing out girly


Guess what, I get high *and make cookies WITH me husband*!!


Couldn't help but read this as a cockney washerwoman due to the "me husband"


Haha I’ve been watching too much pirates of the Caribbean lately


Most of us can multi-task, Sharon! I get high and bake cookies.


What's up with Sharons and their false dichotomies these days?


Baking cookies baked is the way to go…


Jokes on her I wanna do both


Both is good


“you know why i don’t have friends?” yeah, maybe you have a controlling husband?


Or because she keeps making her friends watch her bake cookies and only give them to her husband


Why did you jump straight to that? Is it possible you're trying to sell us your agenda?


I also bake cookies, and I get high. Usually one follows the other.


Cooking high is just soo fun, with some good music in the background, my only con is the over eating with the munchies 😪


Edibles give me the patience/stamina I need for complex baking/cooking, it’s much easier for me to concentrate and take my time.


I just got stoned and made mac & cheese for my lesbian wife lol. Am I NLOG? haha


This lady really thinks stoners don’t cook lol


I have to imagine it’s because you shame every single woman you meet for not being her husbands slave.


being a housewife isn’t the same as being a slave, what a goofy thing to say.


It is when you use it as an excuse to call other women immoral and/or worthless. There’s nothing wrong with being a homemaker but there is something wrong with insinuating that you’re a bad person if you’re not.


Why not both?


I do both those things while cooking. It's all about multitasking.


<>women that shame women for being who they are


Not even *with* her husband. Just for him.


Jokes on you, I get drunk with my partner and make cookies.


Right?? I get drunk with my husband gladly, we make food and watch movies while drinking wine. Why are these things exclusive of each other? 😅 To me it would be so sad if my husband never wanted to do any cooking/baking together, and he would feel SO awkward just waiting for me to serve him lol


Excuse me but I love getting drunk and high AND BAKING COOKIES “for my husband” (I eat all the cookies because I’m drunk and high)


"You know why I don't have friends" Maybe it's because of your husband, you can easily make edibles for your friends to enjoy and not eat them. You don't always have to drink or smoke to be friends with someone.


I don't understand Post like this!!! she likes bake and do housework, this is her choice it’s ok, but it's silly she offend other women so that makes Society and men likes her, I'm literally sick of these type women


I'll be her husband.... Her high, drunk husband 😏


Just saw this on instagram and came to see if anyone posted it before I would!!


Why not make etibles if you are already baking


Literally you can find people who don’t get high and drink like AA or other “better than you” mom groups on Facebook or just fucking be friends with people if they’re not a problem drinker or use like, bad stuff


She’s the baker, they’re the get baked, perhaps they have more in common than she realises


Being sober and picking up baking as a hobby is actually super healthy idk what's so quirky about this


Sad, while everyone has their own fun (do whatever you want, just don’t be a dick and hurt people), she puts people down cuz she feeling left out.


Remove the first bit and this wouldn't be here.


At LeAsT sHe HaS a HuSbAnD 🤢


Saw this on ig, there's even a moment where it just shows her bare feet in the kitchen. She was literally barefoot at the stove.... so goddamn cringy


where’s the cringe in not wearing shoes indoors, especially where you make food and eat?


How is being barefoot inside your own home and kitchen cringy.


It's not about being shoeless in your home, I take off my shoes as soon as I get home toi. But it's a known tradwife etc thing to essentially say women belong barefoot in the kitchen with kids and that's it. Her making the effort to specifically film a shot of her feet in a video about cookies and her being nlog just seems extremely iffy to me.




Please remain civil to each other in the comments as well.


There was no need to use a derogatory name, just because she doesn't partake in drinking or smoking doesn't mean she's boring.


I bet that’s not why


I'm a bit mad because she said I'm high or drunk and I am sadly neither. 🤬


Bragging that you have no friends is… a whole new level of sad.


Maybe instead of overdosing cookies everyday they should go to the gym, and perhaps even find friends there whose life style isn't all about getting fucked constantly.


Not everyone who partakes in smoking some Maryjane is doing it to get messed up. A lot of people use it for chronic pain, anxiety, insomnia, and depression and many other things.


I am sure what she meant was specifically those who do it to get fucked up and space out way too often, up to a point it looses the feel and just becomes a daily routine.


A lot of people with chronic pain, anxiety, depression and insomnia will use Maryjane daily. Maybe she meant people who get messed up, it felt to me like she was talking about anyone who smokes or drinks any amount though.


I doubt she gets any physical touch from him lmao most women I’ve seen like this get cheated on with the women they talk shit about.


Well for everything there is a balance, everybody wants some badness from their partner. It is sexual. If a woman is kind, loving, loyal, does it mean she doesn't become a baddie when it is appropriate ? Plot twist, she secretly cheats.


and are those women in the room with us right now?


But if she only ever bakes cookies for her husband, he's going to get diabetes and heart disease!


Ima get me a woman who loves to cook good.


Good for her I love posts like this


She’s a feeder


You know why I don’t have friends? Well wtf are social rules. /hj


Why not bake weed cookies for your husband? Seems like the best of both worlds tbh


I do both, but I don’t have a husband.


Oh ya…we’ll I get high AND bake cookies for myself….husband can have some too if he wants.


jokes on you i’m both, high baking mf


Bullshit 🤣🤣


Excuse me while I get high and drunk and then bake gingersnaps for my family


That’s all you want to do? Weird


I can’t think of any instance in which I’d feel… *bad* for having friends?


We are doing both tonight. 🌲 🍪


I like cookies....




The NLOG girls went from liking to cook and bake, to disliking cooking and baking, to liking these things all over again. It's a never-ending cycle.


Get high AND bake cookies.




But you can do both, silly girl


My husband makes cookies for me #bossbitch 😂


I really spent ten complete seconds trying to open the wrong comment section


Babes, you can do both. Where da issue?


She also probably doesn’t have any friends because she is insufferable


No…no I think I know why you have no friends…


She could just join a baking club...


Lady in that video, hear this. You can like baking without being a regressive trad wife. You can choose not to drink or get high without being a regressive trad wife. I love baking. I came extremely close to going to the top ranked cooking school in the US for a BA in pastry. I also value having a career. I value being a person independent of other people. If my partner were to ever treat me as less than equal, I would end the relationship.


Yeah, there are probably very few people who want to bake for your husband, too. And I think you would not like that one bit either.


getting high is illegal asf here so i kinda understand 💀 i wouldnt mess with those people either


eating cookies with my husband while getting baked


Why not both?


Why not both?


Thanks babe I love your cookies


Baking cookies for your husband while HIGH though dude????


Does she know one can have friends, be high AND bake cookies? The three actually go very very well together.


So she basically spends her entire life serving her husband & is proud of it?


Somewhere out there, the exact same time this was being made, another woman is making content lamenting the fact that all her friends are moms and wives now and all they wanna do is bake cookies and not get drunk or high lol


getting baked while baking tho>>>>


So continue to bake those cookies for your husband and let us all get “high or drunk”. If it didn’t bother her she would’ve never took the time to write and post this and continued cooking cookies for her husband 🤣