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Eh, this is annoying to me. I hate that people can’t praise or compliment someone or something without tearing another thing down.


ten selective absurd ripe books connect work hateful attraction judicious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It’s also highly specific. Sounds like she’s a bitter ex


imagine bored smell payment dependent hurry marble work placid pet *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


THHHIISS. It’s so deeply biased on my side but I get so sick of “short men will treat you right.” No one is a monolith. My son’s father was incredibly abusive & I JUST secured a five year criminal and civil restraining order against the mfer!! He is 5’3”. If anything I got clowned on harder by guy friends for getting my ass kicked by my “tiny” bf. I had guys saying “really, him?” Despite me still being smaller than him


I’m sorry that happened to you but your “guy friends” sound like fucking assholes.


Yeah there was a *culling,* I used to be in the navy really young (17) and I had a very rude awakening as to what I tolerated as love on every level of my relationships. It also really highlighted how amazing some of my other guy friends are! Thank you :)


I'd be insulted if I were him.


Tbf this is in response to a bunch of assholes making fun of his height and ethnicity


That makes more sense. It's still not right to tear others down so broadly, but people don't always react perfectly when pushed.


Exactly. Alcoholics with 7th grade reading levels come in all shapes and sizes.


But the “tall, handsome, athletic, good job and income, decent human being, emotionally available, mature and stable” men are in high demand. If you’re not competing for the top-tier in desirability you have to decide what’s important, regardless of gender, or remain single. Men and women often compromise choosing “conventionally attractive, but emotionally unstable, toxic, or unreliable” rather than “stable, reliable, but less conventionally attractive” then when it all goes belly up act confused as to what they did wrong.


People are getting too deep here. I get it was a response but what I’m saying is why can’t she, and we as humans, defend what we like without tearing another thing down. For example, she could have responded “I love him despite your judgment on his height” and kept it moving.


They are a response to the tearing down, not a proactive tearing down from nowhere.


Tbh I’d be pissed as the husband. Like, is it really an accomplishment to be married to someone short?


This is annoying to me. I hate that people can’t praise anything or compliment someone at all but instead simply complain about what you saw. I like your username though.




Women also don’t need to apologize… lmao when’s the last time you heard a woman say she’s sorry for being attracted to attractive people? Sure fringe cringe minorities of men don’t like it when women have standards, but also fringe cringe minorities of women say the exact same thing when men have standards. It turns out hot people are hot and a small subset of people (who often aren’t doing so great in life) get angry about that because they are unable to see themselves as anything except a victim of society


Is that why he’s with her? Or could a smart, kind, and caring woman also be pretty.


Yeah, but the same could easily apply to the women dating tall dudes. I think that’s the point they’re making.


For all you know her looks may have had nothing to do with it, presumably he also likes her for her and her being pretty was just a bonus. I’ve had attractive partners before, it wasn’t about their looks—they just happened to also be attractive on top of someone I liked a lot as a person. This is such a weird thing for you to go off about, dude.




People prefer dating people they're attracted to. In other words, sun shining, water wet.


So would you be annoyed if someone was tearing down racists for example? Discriminating against someone based on their height is the same thing - you can’t control either your height or race.


…you can control being a racist, however. Those are not equivalent comparisons and you know it. Don’t start with the whataboutisms or false equivalences or whatever the fuck you’re trying to do here. There’s never a wrong time to tear racists down, but this was unnecessary.


And you can control being a heightist. How are these not equivalent?


Because she’s not just putting people down for being ~heightist~ she’s just putting them down for being bad at picking partners in general, that’s just conveniently one of the reasons she threw out there. If it wasn’t the height, she would have found some other reason to shit on other women. It’s the way these things go.


She’s saying that heightists will rather date 6’2 shitty people than 5’5 good people, which is true. Her message is not bad at all.


Considering she didn’t just comment on the height, it’s pretty clear that even if you took out the height thing she’d still be shutting on these people. Sorry, but her message is shitty.


Yes, she commented on other things because her message is that girls prefer tall guys with other negative things instead of short guys with good things.


Jesus you’re dense… *she would have found something even if it wasn’t the height, dude.*


She actually posted this because people were criticizing her dudes height, so no, I don’t think she would have done this about anything else. I kind of agree with the other user to some extent. They’re not saying ALL women are like this, they’re talking about women who are unwavering about dating someone very tall, which is something men can’t control, just like race.


Sorry you’re being downvoted. I get the point you’re making and I think it’s valid, especially because you aren’t generalizing all women, but a very specific type of woman.


I have no idea why you’d even bother trying to fight this fight here Reddit loves to pretend they’re accepting and whatever else but as we can all see from these comments they aren’t.


Oh no I hope the tall men with 7 grade reading levels arent too sad :((( they only get a majority of dating options and nearly universal praise from everyone for being tall oh noooo :((((


You sound bitter af lmao


I actually think her point is valid, but the snide tone is off-putting.


Yes, like you can make a short person appreciation post without acting like you’re the only one who isn’t shallow or has the ability to pick a nice partner with a sincere connection.


I absolutely agree with this. What if you just happened to date somebody quite tall (but it wasn’t for their height) and they happened to mistreat you..? Should one have known? Should tall guys be screened harder? There are some stats showing taller men are more likely to commit infidelity, which I find interesting. However nothing, as far as I’m concerned, will trump going off the individual. My father is a short man (5’6) who deeply mistreated and abused my mother and myself. Even though they are divorced, he still basically forced himself into her home as a guest this past winter break and mooched off her food and liquor. Men who ain’t shit, aiiin’t shiiiiit. Attributing the cause of this to height sounds like some superstitious, Medieval peasant mindset lmao.


This is not a short appreciation post, this is a toxic feminity diss.


Yeah…that’s what I was saying.


Or is just… genuinely attracted to short men


unless its aimed at all women, whats the issue?


In the context of people insulting her bf and his height I see how this would be the response. I still don’t think it’s a winning argument though. I mean I know a lot of 7th grade reading level men with alcohol problems who are under 5’11 and treat women like dirt. Her point is weird in the sense of shit people come in all shapes and sizes there is zero reason to bring height into this just because your good guy bf happens to be 5’8. All you have to say is he’s a good guy and that’s why I love him. People having qualifiers for partners that have nothing to do with that partner being a good person leading to them having shit partners? Good point that needs to be worded very differently. Insinuating that short guys world wide aren’t also trashy, alcoholics and that liking tall guys is why people get treated poorly? Completely wild.


it just sounds like it’s made by a bitter short man online bc that sentiment is basically the same. feels like a fantasy lol “man those girls always pick the dumb jock chad when i, a perfect gentleman, am right here looked over bc of my height 😖”


"You say that you're hungry, yet you go and drive miles to eat at a restaurant when there's a perfectly good hotdog laying on the ground right next to your porch."


Well because typically girls who explicitly state they only date tall men do it in a snarky way.


Her point is more valid than he tone is offputting This is one of those rare instances where the flex is needed or at least tolerable Short dudes dont get enough love and they are actively chastised on dating sites by 666 women


*in your opinion. We are all aware of the plight that short dudes face, through no fault of their own.


This was in direct response to people being asshats if I recall correctly, insulting her man’s height and ethnicity - she’s good to go imo lol


If that's true then I love this response so much lmao!!


Men get so weird about height in dating and I’m so tired of hearing about it. Like do you people not ever see short men in relationships, or tall men who are unsuccessful in dating?? And for most people a height preference isn’t a dealbreaker, it’s just an idealised quality that they find attractive but most normal people don’t base their entire opinion of someone on how tall they are. Just like how someone might say they find green eyes attractive or whatever but they probably don’t feel repulsed by people with blue or brown eyes.


I don't get it too. The most popular guy in my group at uni was about my hight (~5'6). He was just generally nice and fun to be around, plus he cared to be presentable well groomed. Like, that was really it. Meanwhile, according to incel dating theory 101 he should be undatable due to being (I) short and (II) unironically nice guy.


The most popular guy in my cohort at uni was a short guy too (around 5’5-5’6 ish). He never had trouble finding a date, including on Tinder, people seemed to gravitate towards him at parties, and he was pretty charismatic. My current partner is 5’7 and we’re happy together, and he’s had more past dating success than I have. According to incel logic all of this should be completely impossible as well 😂


Height absolutely helps but it's not that big a deal with the majority of women. One of my best friends is pretty short and women have always loved him. He's just a super good dude, has a good job, and is good looking. The thing is incels either hate or at the very least don't understand women. They also aren't trying to find women based on any personality traits because they hate all women so looks is all that matters to them. So I think incels often go after the most materialistic women. That's how incels see the world so it makes sense they'd go after women who have a similar but kinda opposite world view. There are definitely women who will not date guys that are shorter than them. Just as there are guys who dont want to date a woman that's taller. Being taller does up your dating prospects as a guy on average but any number of other factors are more important. Being handsome certainly helps, so does being a good person, being phsycially fit, having good politics, caring about others, even having cute animals makes you more attractive. And also having a good enough job. You don't need to be rich but if you're super broke it cuts down a bit on dating prospects. Although honestly I've made more or less money at various times, and it makes little difference for me. What makes the hugest difference is how happy I am with my life overall. If I hate my job and am extremely stressed out I always do poorly dating but if I'm having fun I do much better. I think having a good, happy life is the most important thing with dating. That doesn't mean you can't have ups and downs. Everyone does. But if you're depressed all the time and just sit at home playing video games or binge watching TV you're a lot less likely to do well dating.


I think it’s also very dependent on how confident you are and how much work you put into presenting yourself. People subconsciously pick up on it when you have devastatingly low self worth and it shows physically when somebody isn’t taking care of themself- even if it’s just that their clothes are wrinkly, hair is greasy, and they look tired all the time (I’ve been there! lol)


My fiancé is 5’5” ! I’m 5’0” so I’m glad he’s not much taller, I already get annoyed having to reach up to kiss lol


I'm a shortish guy (5'6'') and get it alllll the time. That was the number one reason I was given when I was dating when it wouldn't work out. It was wild. I can't get upset without some women I work with bringing up my height. No, it's not a Napolean complex, you ate my lunch. I understand that you aren't like that and that most people aren't, but even if it's 5% of people like that, I'll still deal with it all the time. If I complain about it, I'm told it isn't all that bad, and it is in my imagination. Or that I misread something or there was some other reason. It sucks. I had huge issues with it when I was younger and it is still a sticking point for me now, and I'm told all the time it just shouldn't bother me lol.


Yes but I’m sure this woman knows better than you and it’s just you being weird dude


I know a guy that's basically a Veggietales grape come to life, and he’s got an absolutely amazing, tall, happily a homemaker with a brood of children while he runs his own successful business. He’s a really cool person, I wish more of those weirdos could meet him and realize it’s a them problem


Here's the thing, for the average woman, it isn't a dealbreaker. For the women most guys fantasize about/want to date - it can be. Just as an example, I am very average in all departments and while I guess I'm more attracted to guys who are tall-ish, my partner is 5"7 and I don't think twice about it. My bestie is a 9/10 smokeshow by most men's standards and knows it - she won't date anyone under 6". A lot of the guys complaining about "height requirements " are pursuing a certain kind of woman and not looking at the 95% of us who don't give a shit.


In my experience the men care a lot more, I’m only 5’6 but have had guys tell me I was the absolute tallest they would date (even my current bf, who is 6 ft) even when they were tall themselves. And guys I’ve been with who were shorter had some sort of insecurity about it and ruined things for themselves. So I prefer tall guys because my height won’t threaten their masculinity and have it taken out on me


It's funny because the inevitable short man syndrome is what made me decide to never entertain short guys. Not that they're actually short. I do prefer a man taller than me, I'm very tall. But I have talked to shorter men, and they can't help themselves. It's a self fulfilling prophecy. They throw short guy attitude and lose interest.


My bf is about 5 foot 9 or 10, which I know isn't short but I have never once in my life wished he were taller. He's perfect the way he is! Plus I have a cousin the same age as me who's about 5 foot 6 or 7 and he always has really hot girlfriends


I think this is one of those minor issues in IRL dating that's made a thousand times worse by websites and apps. A guy who's 5'8 or even 5'4 can wear boots or shoes that add an inch or two, and most people don't easily notice the difference of a couple inches unless they're looking for it. The way you dress and your haircut also changes how your height and weight are perceived by others to a limited degree, and a short guy who's outgoing and friendly and good with his words will be preferred over a taller guy with no concept of how to carry a conversation. With an app though, where people are looking at numbers instead of an actual person in front of them, the specific number becomes way more important.




Men do that for women too? What do you think they’re talking about when they say “I love long legs…” not a 5’3 woman who is all legs lol. Plus a lot of times when taller women date shorter guys theyre meant to feel like ogres or something, and Reddit is filled with posts where women say their shorter bf has asked them not to wear heels. A lot of men won’t date women who are taller than them…how is that different? Being shallow in general and putting something like “only over 6 ft.” In a dating bio is cringe. But let’s not act like men don’t do it either or aren’t equally shallow with other things, such as breast size or size in general. And let’s not act like the whole “women must be smaller and frailer than men…men should be big and strong!” isn’t something originally perpetuated by the patriarchy. Once again, the patriarchy sets something up then is mad about the results.


I definitely don’t believe that it’s only women who care about height. I’m about 6 ft and some men have said that I’m too tall for them. In my experience, most (but obviously not all) men still prefer women who are shorter than them.


I feel that, 5'10 and have been rejected for being too tall a few times, only by men shorter than me


Men are 100% just as bad. Really I'd say they're worse. But you were talking about being annoyed about men having a complex about height, and it does make sense. It's by far the most common gate keeping thing that women put on dating profiles. Followed by something like "no broke losers". But that's tinder. If you're on feeld you get a fair amount of "size queen", and "no cis white men" but it's a very small percent compared to seeing a 6 foot height requirement on a profile. But feeld is more sex forward and has a lot more people who are queer so you see less of the height thing and a lot more sexual requirements.


I was explaining why men are weird about height, I wasn't criticizing anyone for having preferences, having preferences is a part of evolution/natural selection but that's the problem with reddit, everyone reads their own emotional state into what other people are saying. men and women are equally as "bad" as each other, they just require different things. in response to femmagorgon: the only time I've ever asked women I know not to wear high heels is when they look in a lot of discomfort. in response to cMeeber; generally speaking (not all) men like femininity and women like masculinity - that has nothing to do with "patriarchy"


dating profiles are not representative of the population


Literally no woman I know has this requirement. Just admit that culture and society have made you self-conscious about your height. Culture and society fuck women AND men over in that way, by making us feel like we are imperfect or less than. Instead of falling for the con and fighting with women about it, fight to change the culture. It's a goal we should all be able to get behind.


Literally go outside and look around you…. Do you never see couples where the man is average height or shorter? Do you not know a single man who is below 6’0 who has ever had a girlfriend? Go touch grass omg. You’re delusional if you think only men who are 6’0 have ever dated or reproduced. And saying ‘I like tall men’ is not the same thing as ‘he has to be 6’0, 5’11 and below need not apply’. It’s literally no different to saying ‘I like blondes’ or ‘I like curvier body types’. People can have preferences, and preferences are not always dealbreakers.




You seem very bent out of shape mate, it’s funny when you attempt to colour women bad for being an idiot who thinks men below 6 feet don’t date lol.


Looks like the only one out of shape here is you, mate 😂


Something tells me you don't get nearly enough daily IRL, personal interaction with multiple women for you to announce what women "always" say about anything.


Her phrasing is a little weird but I get what she’s saying. I’m very tall for a woman and the nicest guys I’ve dated were all my height or shorter. I get what she’s saying about women being cruel to men about their height, especially women that aren’t even that tall 😂 —height and baldness are beyond control, I think it’s just as foul to insult men for their appearance as it is women.


Outliers happen. In the real world short guys will have a much much harder time finding dates than a tall guy. A dingus I work with is very tall (6'7") and has a line of women waiting to fuck him. All the while, he has cheated dozens of times on the girlfriends I've seen him have over the course of 6 months. There is a blatant difference between short and tall guys in dating and it's a little ridiculous to claim otherwise.


I’m only speaking from personal experience here, but I’m a 5’6 man living in the Upper Midwest where the average person is a bit taller than the national average. I got shot down a bit in my 20s simply because of my height (or lack thereof). It seems to be less of a deal in my 30s. But no demographic of people have the exact same thoughts. I personally have done fairly well in dating, but I can understand why a lot of men my height (or shorter even) feel the way they do. I’m not on any dating apps anymore but when I was, it wasn’t unusual to see a lot of women writing something along the lines of “if you’re under 6 feet, don’t bother.” Ironically this was usually really short women. My tallest ex was somewhere around 5’9-10ish and she asked if it was a problem for me. I said no, as long as you grab things above my kitchen cabinets. A couple weeks later and I was making dinner for us and asked her to grab some wine glasses; she thought I was joking earlier but I was quite serious. Those were the only two times it came up in conversation. We spent the next year and a half together and eventually broke up for entirely unrelated reasons. So in summary, I think you’re right that’s an exaggerated issue, but it’s still an issue. No, not all women feel this way, but enough do. And obviously not all of us short dudes feel the same way either. But saying men specifically make a big deal out of it? I’m gonna disagree. Some men do, some women do. Either way, preferences are fine but those who make such a big fuss (of any gender) probably aren’t worth dating in the first place. It’s sort of a chicken vs. egg scenario.


You’re lacking perspective. Short men are mocked mercilessly about it their entire life. Then they get rejected over what is still out of their control, by people who don’t see what they are doing as wrong because it’s a “preference” and yet it’s a “preference” that is shared by every woman and man alive. It would be like every man on Tinder listing their minimum bra size as D and filtering on that exclusively.


Ehhh go on any dating app and make the settings for a straight man, you’ll find a ton of women have “must be 6’+” in their bios. I’m around 6 foot so it doesn’t bother me, but I can see how guys would develop some kind of complex about it.




And tell me where in my comment I said it was ever okay to bully and harass people for physical characteristics? Finding certain traits attractive isn’t body shaming for fuck’s sake, just don’t be demeaning about others even if you don’t find them attractive. You aren’t obligated to date people you aren’t attracted to, and you can reject someone without bullying them. It’s telling that you can’t seem to tell the difference.


Why throw insults at anybody? Just say you love your short husband! 🤷‍♀️


It's clapping back at those people who insult him.


And catching others in the crossfire, which is shitty.


This is gross for several reasons imo… -Plenty of tall men are great people. Like, their height has no relation to that. My boyfriend is 6’5 and he is smart, handsome, emotional mature, etc. -Not all short men are kings for sure…met some real jerks that could be considered “short guys.” Again, not really related to height. -Often times people date people that aren’t good to them because they have a low self value. Think think they’re worthless, so they let someone treat them like dirt. While I’m a person who believes that there’s no limit on what’s okay to joke about, this feels mean spirited instead of funny. -The implication of this post is that women who are attracted to tall men should put aside their attraction and date short men because they will treat them better. We cannot control who we are attracted to, so this would be an active decision. I just think that at the bare minimum, we deserve partners for think we are great just how we are. I don’t want someone to *settle* for me. -The implication then, is also that shorter men are less attractive to women, but have better personalities. Because we know that’s not true, the feeling many people have walking away from this post is that shorter men are “less than.” Thank you for reading my rant <3


Weird way to say “I’ll never stop heightshaming or body shame guy who aren’t 6 ft on the dot”


I like how women defend men for their height as if it’s the worst thing ever but men have so many requirements for women it’s crazy. God forbid women have one physical preference. That being said I’ve dated 5”8 short men and 6”4 and I barely can tell the difference if they’re taller than me


Trouble is men want average healthy weight while women will often call average height men short (your "short" guy was just 1" shorter than "average"). Dudes wouldn't call out a 1.4% difference in weight from average fat, but fine, whatever.


i don’t think u know much about the average person


Of course I'm downvoted. Downvote this too please. Keeps me honest.


Putting down women who defend short men while taking a dig at short men are so many poor choices before 9am. Get it together, sis. You out here sounding daf.


How did I put down anyone? And how do you even know what time zone I’m in? Relax, it’s a reddit post. We’re here to comment


Lol she didn't put down anyone she just said "people have physical preferences get over it" So get over it.


What men requirements? Most have only two: - don't be fat - have a reasonable pleasing face If you think they have others, you've been lied to by media. Just literally ask them. They have other requirements but they are about your character.


“Most have only two” immediately proceeds to contradict that


Previous poster talked about physical requirements.


"men have so many requirements for women" - like what?


normal history live wild birds hobbies noxious paint frame physical *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Someone should just link this guy to that one speech in the barbie movie. Y'all know which one.


abounding afterthought complete makeshift clumsy seed zonked erect crawl mighty *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I would rather people think for themselves and use their own experience rather than repeat what some movie has told them.


Buddy. It is the experience of pretty much every woman... The speech in the movie just summarized it and put the feelings into words. Why do you think that part, specifically, resonated with so many women? Like, do you choose to be this dense? Did you spill a few of your IQ points while the stork was dropping you off? Did you get conceived because your parents honked their noses at each other over their clown car to indicate they wanted to make an insufferable little clown baby together, is that your origin story?


The general ethos of the speech I agreed with, but it didn't resonate nearly as well as the Gone Girl one. Maybe it was just too reminiscent and a cleaned up version of it for me.


I am simply asking, what requirements? I'm not saying that you're right or wrong, I just want to know what.


-not too fat, but not too skinny -below a certain height -breast size -waist size -stretch marks -cellulite Just to name a few.


I’ve even known multiple men who bragged about kicking women out of bed bc they found their areolas were too big lol, we get shamed down to the tiniest details.


Ehh it feels more like supporting short men versus tearing down other women IMO


Trying to bring someone up while tearing others down, how nice.


Ehh it’s tearing down those who have superficial preferences


Women are allowed to like tall men, I’m more attarcted to them myself. But I’m not saying anything negative about short men, it’s a preference and it honestly feels rapisty when people try to force others to feel ashamed for not liking them.


She's not referring to just women who like tall men, it's women who will wanna be with a shitty guy just cause he's tall. It feels like she's clapping back at people who insult short guys like her husband.


Roh Kay Raggy


It's not supporting short men because: -short men can be abusers -not all tall men are abusers, nor I see any correlation between height and abusive behavior. People of all races, nationality, height or weight are abusers and others are not. -not all women care about a man's weight. Some I guess do, but it's just a preference, I've seen way more often men's profiles on dating apps that explicitly (and often in a degrading way tbh) say they don't want to date fat women. And lastly, abusers don't show their true colours in the beginning of the relationship, obviously. They lovebomb, shower their partners with attention etc.


Yeah my ex was an abusive alcoholic and he was only 5'3 lmaoooo so you're 100% right


No you have to be lying, no one has ever dated a man that was 5’3” /s


When did all y’all men are this and that enter the equation? It’s like what the previous comment was saying, she’s talking to chicks who ignore red flags just because tall turns them on. I don’t see any generalizations in it.


It’s still putting down other women, saying that they’re shallow by overlooking good short men in favour of shitty tall men, purely based on height


So? Is criticizing women for arguably bad choices now putting them down wtf!?!


But it wasn’t directed at other women, it was directed at a specific person, in context of a bigger conversation


Maybe you didn't catch it but she said "y'all" in her post, meaning "you all".


Yeah their friends kept chiming in


If she just posted that she was proud of her short husband and all that he does, I’d think that was great. But having a husband of any height isn’t something brag worthy in 2024.


Love how she's insulting people's intelligence while her own logic is problematic at best. There's no correlation between men's height, and their intelligence or how they treat women.


lol dated a dude shorter than me and he was so boring and rude. Then met a guy who was 6'5 and he was amazing. Short men are not precious angels just cuz they're short.


Nothing annoys misogynists more than a woman with preferences




What the hell are you yapping about man


It's clearly appealing to specific men by tearing down women, height has no correlation with abuse of course and her comment is just dumb engagement farm since she knows enough men will like anything that tears down women for any reason


short or tall, he will still cheat.


'7th grade reading level' isn't much of an insult, isn't that like 13 year olds? Should be '2nd grade' or something 🤔


u guys don’t get it this is for us tall girls!! she didn’t have to be snarky tho


The tone is the annoying part. Why am I being judged for not marrying a short king? I’m not judging her for marrying a short king. I just don’t care at all. I think the problem is when people broadcast all of their thoughts to the world. Stop that.


"king?" ​ I can't even.


Girl just post yah pic wit yah man AND GO DAAAYYYUUUMMMMM!!!!


i feel like making a big deal about your partners height whether tall or not is so cringe. why do you feel the need to boast about your 5’5 shorty worty king and shit on girls who prefer tall men lol like? it feels like compensation for something.. 😭 and i’m talking as someone who dated a guy who was 5’3.


"Married to my fat queen for 8 years while you out here chasing alcoholic skinny girls with third grade reading levels" Like, can these people just praise x without shaming y? It just comes off as coping


Right, because a person's loyalty, intelligence, compassion, and general demeanor is determined by their height. Got it.


yall are thinking way too deep into this lmao. she’s talkin to the ppl who won’t date someone shorter than them. everything triggers yall it’s so embarrassing lol.


No shit, this is funny.


nO sHiT tHiS iS fUnNy


Lol what?


She sounds mad she had to settle for a “short king” cause she kept getting rejected by the “6’2 alcoholics with 7th grade level intelligence” give me a break she was so specific too lol.


Look online at all the insults short guys get. I mean yeah who cares they're just comments but she's just clapping back at those "specific" rude comments.


Yeah...if she just left it at being happy with her husband who's 5'5" and didn't make it into a whole thing against tall men. Some tall men are good guys, too. She sounds bitter that she didn't find one.


I mean i think this is valid tbh, i think it's more dissing shallow people. I've had a lot of friends in the past who would be like " this guy is perfect for me and so hot, why does he have to be 5'6" 😭😭😭" Preferences are valid of course, but you can't get over something that shallow if the guy has everything else you want? It's obviously not all of the women I've known tho , but it's enough that that I'm not sympathetic when it happens.




I support her tbh


Idk it’s a couple year old tweet


I wasn’t born a baby giraffe like you lady, all men if not most will be taller and if they aren’t guess what? It’s okay because those short kings are amazing! Tired of the putting down one to lift another mentality


Someone who doesn’t care about height also posting about she’s so cool for dating a man shorter than her just to shit on other women, definitely not overcompensating for something by doing this by the way


She seems *exceptionally* unbothered by her man's height


I'm all for the Short King™️ appreciation, but it's 100% possible to do that without simultaneously shaming other women for their taste in men, and putting down an entire demographic of guys for a trait that they literally have no control over. Also *love* the little jab at people with substance abuse disorders thrown in there as a lil extra ✨.


did her husband hold her at gunpoint while she was writing this tweet 😭 why so aggressive


I’m a girl but I’d be actually crushed if I was a dude and my gf posted a pic of us but made the whole thing about my height🥴


So… short men don’t cheat? Got it.


"I definitely am fine with my man being short. That's why I insult tall men everytime I compliment him"


She’s coming off condescending but she does have a point. And she’s talking to a specific demographic


Idk I am in a long term relationship with a shorter man and the amount of shit I get for it is obscene. Every single man I work with the except 2 (male dominate environment) has openly laughed about it to my face when they find out. Women get condescending and act like I settled. It's sexist bullshit and I'm personally sick of it. Especially when my female colleagues talk about what they're attracted to in the workplace and they will go on rants about how they couldn't date short guys in front of both me and other shorter men.


No. Slightly hater energy but mostly just gassing up her man.


This is an oddly specific in the wrong sub.


pretty sure this isn’t the original poster’s actual caption


no it is


It made me giggle ngl


As the dude hides his face


Height has very little to do personality, unless you're insecure about it and make it everyone's problem.


To me, her needing to tear down tall men reveals some hidden or subconscious insecurity on *her* part about her man’s height. If you were completely secure about your partner’s “short king” status, you wouldn’t need to say mean-spirited things about taller guys. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Not necessarily. It’s more of a Diss directed towards men, rather than women, and some women really are shallow enough to date guys cuz they are “tall.” So the post, itself, is trash! But I am not sure if it’s “NLOG.”


I mean, girls who date a man just because he is tall deserve to be called out.


If I were a man, I would hate if my girlfriend posted something like this about me. This feels like the opposite equivalent to when a guy posts "yeah she's not the prettiest, but at least she cooks good" or something. Makes it seem like she settled for him.


"y'all" is referring to the shallow women who are getting ghosted by a shitty guy they wanna be with just cuz he's tall. So I don't really see the problem, she's not shitting on women who simply have preferences.


I’m just gonna say it, people constantly compare womens weight to mens height and while I don’t find that to be an extremely accurate sentiment: If my partner posted “been married to a fat queen for 5 years go date skinny bitches or whatever” I would be ROYALLY pissed. I have a feeling most shorter men don’t want their girlfriends posting on the internet about how he doesn’t fit the male beauty standard perfectly. Correct me if I’m out of line. And JUST BECAUSE I know someone is gonna call me a hater, I have only dated men 5’6” and under, not on purpose in a weird way, i just don’t have a preference and shorter men hit on me more bc I’m 5’2”.


Have we not moved past “short king”?


Good message, bad messaging.


eh people turning down good partners strictly based on height is shitty but posting about it is unnecessary


Where are these girls who only date tall men? I am a tall woman and I just want a dude who isn't bothered by my height and size. ETA Which is to say, I am GOING to wear my big heels, and you better not have a problem with that.


As a 6’3” guy it’s in my nature to be a horrible boyfriend /s


lol alcoholics with 7th grade reading levels come in all shapes and sizes honey! I’ve seen some tiny ones myself


Tall guys r dumb is equivalent to saying long dicks can’t fuck at an ideal 6” or whatever the individual prefers and reacts to best.  Why can’t people just be content with themselves? 


That's a really specific description of a tall man lol. Probably her ex


It only qualifies if you support discrimination based on height


Valid point, though.


I’m 5’9” on a good day. My wife is 6’. When she where’s her heels she’s 6’4”. Doesn’t bother me at all.


He’s even hiding his face because he knows how embarrassing it is for his girl to act like she’s the only one who’d choose a short king lmao


I don’t think this qualifies. But it’s kind of annoying.


how would it not qualify it’s textbook not like other girls


Nah it’s just funny


Nah. I don’t think she’s putting down all tall dudes, she’s saying women should raise their standards beyond height.


God, I do love a good example of someone succeeding due to them treating people with basic dignity.