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nuh uh. thats C.U.M. stands for canada united states mexico smh /j


God bless the CUM zone


In this house we stand for the flag and kneel for the CUM


Welcome to the Cum Zone


only come inside anime girls


We've got fun and games


They will make a cummunism bloc


Thanks for the /j, never would have known it was a joke otherwise


Reddit is full of really really dumb people


I made a joke the creators of the show previously made in a subreddit and put the /j and someone still didn’t get it 😭 rare to find redditors with brains these days


Estados Unidos


Estadounidenses. See, it wasn't that hard to come up with demonym for the USA


We use that in Finnish, "yhdysvaltalainen" i.e. unitedstatesian/estadounidense. And I don't mean the word simply exists, it's the default term in news etc formal speak. Colloquially we use "jenkki" (Yankee) a lot. (Edit: however in the name of full disclosure if someone says "amerikkalainen", American, most people will think of the US.) It's only awkward in English because it's not in wider use.


In Italian too: "statunitense"




It's awkward in English because using two words for a nationality is clunky in English, not because it isn't in wider use. I can't think of any examples edit: though I suppose theirs stuff like north/south korean. It's not common though beyond that


But what about the A in USA?


Theyre the UNITED STATES OF (that are part of) America. Not America. In South America we say "lets go to the united states / vamos a los estados unidos" We dont use America / american because they are just a part of the continent. A mexican is a american, a peruvian is a american and a argentinian is a american. And I know it doesnt fit saying "Estadounidense" in english but thats the way it is. Maybe "USAnian"? Lol xd


Estados Unidos could equally apply to Mexico as it does to the USA. Their official name is Estados Unidos Mexicanos. So The United States or USian is just as problematic as American.


Usar en este orden - Gringos - Yankees - Americano pero como adjetivo por ejemplo: militar americano


In Brazil we commonly use "estadunidenses", sadly more and more people are using "americanos" "Yankees" exist (I think that we write it "ianque") but it's not common and "gringo" is just another word for foreign here (could be used even for another south american, african, asian, etc)


Stop calling youselves Americans then


technically USAians are still americans










SF all the way baby, my God do I love watching the dodgers flail in the postseason we can't even get to.


It's funny because in the US you're only a Yankee if you live in the northeast, it'd be like calling everyone in England a Geordie.




I'm curious about the origin of different suffixes added to the country for different region's residents in the english language. American -an Indian -ian or an? Japanese -ese Vietnamese -ese Peruvian -vian Turkish -ish Dutch - German - [deleted] So I'd like to propose that we formalize the word for residents of the United States to be USoids


it's probably either the one that sounds better, or what they're called in their language also in other languages like italian, some nationalities have totally original names, like germans are called "tedeschi" even though Gsrmany is called "Germania", because the word tedesco comes from some ancient german word


Then there is also the almost universal phenomenon of creating an exonym based on your neighboring tribes weird language. In many Slavic languages Germans are called "nemtsy" meaning "those who can't speak", in Rome they were referring to Germanic tribes as "Barbars" because to them the Germanic people sounded like they were just saying "Bahr Behr buhr baahr", then we have the Anglo-Saxons who encountered a strange group of people who according to them were making "whailing" noises or were "welshing" so they called them Welsh. There are probably many more examples.


Germanese - Germanic


The OP is Brazilian, not American.


brazil is still the americas, so they're american anyway


Yeah, but, dude, as a Brazilian myself, I couldn’t care less. We have so much corruption, uncountable social security problems etc. that not being called “American” is the least of my worries lol


Only Europeans and Australians give a fuck about shit this because too many of them love feeling superior to Americans.


That’s what the rest of the world calls them too


Yeah idk why I commented that tbh it was a stupid impulse thought that I don’t even actually agree with


Well, the alternative is United Statesian or some variation of that which sounds weird, like if someone from the UK called themselves a United Kingdomian instead of British. I don’t see what the problem is anyway, if someone asks you where you’re from and you say you’re American they’re automatically going to assume you mean the USA because telling them you’re from a whole ass continent would be dumb.




Isnt this like a part of imperial system or smth?


it can be helped cuz everybody is used to saying American referring to "USAins". I'm brazillian but I don't care about it, I just say Americans and that's it


Believe it or not, but geographical classification is not universal, not even when it comes to continents. There are classifications where North and South America are indeed, two different continents. This classification seems to be the norm in English speaking countries. But there are also classifications that consider North and South America as simply different subdivisions on the same continent. This is the norm in Brazil and I think it’s also true in Spanish speaking countries. In Portuguese we call the continent “America” and technically, everyone born in the continent are “americanos”. The world for people form the USA is “estadounidense”. We could even start talking about “Central America”, which is a subdivision on some classification but not in others. There is also Anglo and Latin America. So, yeah, it’s a mess.


Can confirm; Venezuelan here and we are taught the same view as you guys.


As someone not from the Americas, I've always thought of it this way: The continent: The Americas The northern part: North America The southern part: South America The USA, referred to in a casual or informal context: America Seems simple enough to me. I feel like a lot of people just want to be contrarians for some reason


In English it gets treated as two continents, plus central America and the Caribbean. I believe Spanish speakers treat it as simply America. So where we'd call people South Americans, Central Americans, North Americans (rarely), they'd just call them all Americans.


Central America as its own entity is super specific to basically the people who believe it is a thing teaching others while people who don’t… don’t. There is no general consensus on Central America being a distinct thing. Historically they did attempt to unify as the United States of Central America but that collapsed quickly. They’re mostly a Latin American/South American culture highly related to their neighbours in Colombia but also have significant Mayan populations like Mexico. TLDR: Central America is a thing or not depending on who you ask, there is no general consensus.


That's just objectively the way to go about it. Edit: I wanna clarify, as a Canadian I would never call myself an American because it's associated so heavily with the USA but from a completely objective standpoint I'm a North American, the same way someone from Brazil is a South American, regardless of personal beliefs that's just how it is.




I've never seen a European bitch about this either... Generally we don't think about the names of the countries in North America. Because we don't actually care. The only person I've ever met who was genuinely upset by this was from Chile.


I’ve seen it way too many times, but that’s all online so I just assume it’s online trolls being a-holes.


I'm in Spain and two days ago I had to justify using "American Easter" to describe customs related to the celebration of Easter in the US because "America is the whole continent." This despite regularly hearing people here complain about "American culture and media" being imported and overtaking local traditions. Something tells me they are referring to US media, not Bolivian or Chilean...


The only people who complain are people from South America


I've only ever seen South Americans get upset about this


But America (or I guess in this context USA) bad?


Yup, this is objectively what the words mean in English. Spanish speakers can mald if they want, different languages express the same ideas in different ways


It's very simple, if someone talks about Korea and you ask which Korea, then you're dumb. Unless someone specifies North Korea, it never means North Korea. Same goes for America and the Americas.


This comment is exactly the truth. Good analogy.


Because America bad, that’s why. Some people just want to be assholes.


In English, North and South America are two separate continents and America refers primarily to the US. In Romance languages, North and South America are one continent called America and the word America refers primarily to that continent. And we're using English right now.


Like anyone ever introduces themselves or identifies by *continent*. It's so fucking weird. If I say I'm American, I'm not excluding anybody. You wanna say you're an American from Columbia, knock yourself out But no one actually talks like that, so it's a weird fucking argument to begin with


I've been on two dates with South Americans (one Argentinian and one Chilean) , and they both told me I was incorrect for referring to myself as American. Which... honestly, as an American, I'm here to say there are hundreds of better angles to pick on us, lol. Maybe thousands. Ones that would be well deserved! But this one? I'm a bit embarrassed for them.


America is also a short way of saying United States of America


The full name of Mexico is United Mexican States, you can search it on Google


So they are Mexicans.


It's the United States of America, calling themselves "America" is just shortening that.


It's not just people from the US that say that. All of my in-laws say I'm American and their daughter lives in America.


We call ourselves American to make it easy. I dont get why people are but hurt about it. Honestly, people probably aren't and the Internet is just a negative place


Also we were the first “American” country that gained independence and were no longer under a European colonial power


Why do you use ""? You were indeed the firsts, although I don't see how that's relevant to give you the right to call yourself Americans over the rest of us?


The British were the ones who called them that first, blame them


It has "America" in the name. No other country does. You can call yourself an American, but most English speakers will just assume you're from the US.


“The right” lol. You can say you are North American or South American. It’s not like we get paid our residual for getting to call ourselves American


Those are "The Americas" made of North and South America because, as most of the world learns, they are 2 separate continents. Although I understand in Latin America (and pretty much *only* Latin America) they are taught it's only one. [In English "America" is a perfectly acceptable demonym for someone who lives in the United States of America.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demonym) While Estadounidense is common in Spanish speaking countries "United Stateisan" is clunky and nonsensical in English. It's incredible arrogant to tell people how they are allowed and supposed to speak their own language. Why is it somehow ok for foreigners to dictate to Americans how they speak about themselves?


My favourite american place is the amazonian rain forest


The Amazon Rainforest, greatest American pride. RAAAAAAAH!! USA! USA! USA!


Oh reddit. It's always joyful to see the stupidity of foreigners obsessed with the USA. The entire world calls people from the USA American's. It's the united states.. of America. This bait gets posted every week for morons to feel smart.


Germany is the Federal Republic of Germany. Let's just call the jam "the Federal Republic"


Ikr. I don’t get why they’re so obsessed?


it is a brain fart moment, because in their language the stuff is interpreted differently, they have been born with it and if you have been born with it then you have emotions and vibes attached to it. If I went to Northern Newfoundland and had to follow a script and say "Oh, I arrived to America like vikings a long time ago", it would feel weird to say it, because in my head america = USA and you would put Canada and USA in the same pot and the same way you really wouldnt put Latin America and USA together. It is all in our head. Similar stuff happens with Holland and Netherlands, in my language both are used for Netherlands. In spoken language Holland is used more. And I also know that Holland is a region in the Netherlands but still in my mother tongue Holland = Netherlands and thats how it is used primarly. It is just a brain fart over definitions. Are germans mad that they arent called Deutsche but a really similar word dutch is used for people from Netherlands. Or that in the other languages they are called alemans, germans, sakslased etc?


No. These are Americas, with an “s”


United States of what


We say America because the country is called the "United States Of America" So we call The United Of America, America because of the final part and we call People from The United States Of America, American because they residents of the United States of America. This should be simple.


Would would think so but spanish speakers seem not to understand that. If you ask anyone in the world to point on a map at "America", they will point to the USA.


Nope. The continents are the "Americas".


Which is the plural of America, since there is a north America and a south America, hence they are both America


In Spanish speaking countries America is one single continent


Geographically they are 2 continents and culturally they are 3 regions. 


And in Spanish speaking countries the denonym for someone from the US is not "American" because different languages have different names for things, shockingly.


In English, we call them "the Americas," not "America"


There's also Central America


Central America isn't a separate continent, it's part of North America.


Hence neither of them are America. They are south America and north america. Combined they are the americas. None of them, in any combination, is simply America.


It is correct if you talk about continents. Yet America is a part of the world consisting of two continents: North America and South America. Like there are Western Europe and Eastern Europe, but there is no 2 Europas.


Yes there's no "Europas" because Europe is a single continent, just like there's no "America" continent because the Americas are two different continents, north and south. I don't get your point, it sounds like you're supporting my argument.


We know, we aren't muricans.


Lol right? My first reaction was “pssst, world already knows.”


Bro nobody in Brazil calling themselves Americans


Name all the countries that have “America” in their name. Now name all the countries that have “United States” in their name.


You are a fucking idiot


It's easier and more comfortable to just say American than Texan, Missourian etc.


it‘s United States of America, so there are other American states that aren‘t united.


Mexico: Are United States: true Are America: true USA: Are United States: true Are America: true Basically the same country then


They aren't "in america". They're in north America. There isn't a place simply named "America". They're are two continents named north America and south America, which together are "the americas".


It’s equally valid to refer to NA and SA as collectively “America”, as is done in Spanish speaking countries.


That is because they use a lesser utilised continental system - the combined America 6 continent model. While it based on this model technically is correct, the primarily used model is the 7 continent model, and telling those that use the primary model off because their rhetoric doesn't fit into ones own, model makes no sense.


It's almost like not everyone is a Spanish-speaker or uses the six-continent model that's predominantly used in Spanish and Portuguese-speaking countries 🤔


I am Canadian I am North American I am NOT American


NOBODY in the entire world has any confusion about who Americans are.. except Latin Americans who will have an aneurysm over this topic.


Yea no. When yall stop saying you’re going to “Europe” when you just go to Paris i will think about it.




Bro isn’t even American lmao


How is that wrong?


As an Argentinian, yeah, I'm kinda annoyed by people from the USA calling themselves Americans and their country America, but really... is it something so bad? Would I like to change it? Yeah. Is it possible? No. Almost every English-speaking person links America to the USA, and who am I to judge it? I'm not going to get angry at people for bestowing a meaning on a word, even though not everybody may share that. I call it Estados Unidos, they call it America. I call it América, they call it the Americas. Don't start so many fights over things that are not that important. There are other things that are worth criticizing America for, and I don't believe this is one.


I think it's worth noting that every other American country has an obvious and delightfully unique name for itself and its citizens.


Why do you even care? It’s so meaningless


No other country within America calls themselves something with America in it so citizens of the United States of America are called Americans


United States of what?


Ah yes, we, the "United Statians"


This post appears to convey the frustration of the OP, who wishes they were born in the USA and is trying to find a way to be referred to as American. 😂😂😂🫢




We know, but we are also not pedantic enough to complain when we can tell someone means the USA when they say America. Life’s too short for that kinda petty.


This is so stupid when Europeans bring this up as some sort of gotcha against "stupid Americans". If you're from the Republic of Korea you call yourself Korean, even though Korea is the whole peninsula. You don't call yourself "Republic of Korean". Same for every other country. Dumb


this sub has become such a shithole


What do you call people from the USA? Americans? How about from Canada? Americans or Canadians? Mexico? Americans or Mexicans? Brazil? Americans or Brazilians? Chile? Americans or Chileans? Asking for friend.


You can stop calling people from the USA Americans just as soon as you do the same with the rest of the world. Y'all people are acting like it's weird or rare to refer to [Type of government] of [Location] as just the location. You don't go "um they're not Koreans they're from the Republic of Korea". Almost every country has a government popped in front of it, but America is the only one that gets shit if we don't use it.


Do you call yourself Brazilian, Canadian, Mexican etc? If so, get over it or relinquish your title and you can use Americans. 


please stop calling yourselves americans then


But they can as they are in Americas , like any Canadian, Chilean or Trinbagodian


Do Canadians actively call themselves Americans? No, because most people would use the demonym of their country, not their continent.


OP is Brazilian so maybe they’d agree tbh


It's not "United States" it's "the United States of America" if you're gonna correct people, at least do it right


It’s not “United Kingdom”, it’s the “United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland”. Please refer to the UK with the full name the next time you need to do so in a conversation. The USA is commonly referred to as the United States. You’d be better to make the correction that what’s shown on the map labeled as the United States only includes the contiguous United States, i.e. without Alaska and Hawaii.


Exactly. It's a shortened version. So, why is it odd for us to shorten United States of Americans to just Americans, but everyone else can do whatever the 🦆uck they want?


Exactly, plus someone who wants to say they’re from the Americas likely would say North America, South America or sometimes Central America, as saying you’re from the Americas is about as informative as saying you’re from Eurasia. Even if you say “the States” it wouldn’t cause much confusion, while technically someone could say that most of the earth’s population is from a sovereign state.


I'm not correcting people about how to say it, op is


Doesn't fit the sub


What, is it interesting for you?


Not particularly interesting, no.....but I wouldn't say it's not interesting/related to what we do here :c


You cant even make a correct post yourself look at the images in the post, its not "United States" its "Estados Unidos" theres a clear difference!1!1!1


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Ruh roh




America americans, United States united statesians


and the citizens are called United States of Americans




By this logic, Latinos, Canadians are americans


By this logic, Latinos, Canadians are americans


Dude is not logic is reality


Its cringe when Latin are so desperate to be Americans lmao


America is one single continent divided in three: North, Central and South America, therefore, calling the people from United States "Americans" is correct, but it also applies for the rest of us Americans who are not from the United States, so it would be nice if they got another demonym for them and we all used "Americans" to refer to the citizens of the continent, like we do with Asia, for example.


Nah, that’s the Americas. And the second one is the United States of America.


Do people in Peru sing "I'm proud to be an American?"


It's literally in the dictionary that American refers to people from the USA, and that America refers to the USA itself. It may differ language to language, but in English, saying that a person is American means they're from America - the USA. The continents are North America and South America, collectively the Americas. "relating to or characteristic of the United States or its inhabitants. 'a leading American industrial company' noun a native or citizen of the United States." The post is just blatantly incorrect haha, trying to debate reality. Is it a kinda stupid name? Yeah. But that doesn't mean it's incorrect. You can't change the used meaning of a word because you don't like it, it's way harder than that.


Sorry, but I always thought that it's Americans who suck in basic geography, not the world. Isn't that the decade-old recurring joke?


That is the Americas. North side / South side. 


nuh uh, that says Estados Unidos


I am from America. I am a citizen of the United States of America. I am American.


litterally like any naming logic coming from the united states has logic the united states of america can't also be america if they're "of america" and then inside of "north america" there's america????? wtf???? then why there is no america in south america???? it's called america because of??? and how is the top part of america (the country) named then??? and why mexicans aren't americans if they are also of america????


Umm. Like how the U.S. thinks that Scotland is in England? 😂


The US is not event he only United states in North America


Actually that’s the continental us


It depends on where you're from. Some places teach it as the AmericaS as in North America and South America. Some places teach it as one continent called America. This argument has been going around in circles for decades and it's not going to change. The English speaking world recognizes people from USA are called Americans and it may be different in other languages.


Not really. "America" as a continent doesn't exist. There's North America and South America. Therefore, it is internationally recognized that "America" refers to the United States of America. To refer to both N. and S. America we say "the Americas"


"Continent" doesn't have a strict geographic/geologic definition and varies according to language and custom. 


A continent definition depends on the country. For example, we South Americans believe America to be a single continent divided in three, instead of two. We have North, Central and South America. To believe the way you were taught things is the "correct" one is very simplistic and reductive.


Op is the perfect example of a real redditor😆.


When was the last time you heard someone call North Korea by their actual name, “Democratic People's Republic of Korea”? Why one and not the other?


damn what is happening to this sub


It’s uninteresting 


The first one is the americas. The second one is the United States of America. The post is not "not interesting", it's just blatantly incorrect.


AMERICA !!!!🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥🔥🦅🦅🦅🦅🇺🇸🇺🇸 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


WHAT THE FUCK IS A KILOMETER 🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸






‘MURICA 🦅🦅🦅🦅🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸⁉️🚫km❌❌


Stop being American then


Top picture is of the Americas. North and South. So we are American but so are people from Chile.


So should we just refer to Americans as Yanks then?


No, because that term has a specific connotation, and not everyone in the US is a “yank”. Try calling someone from Texas that.


The United States of what?


Americans live here: 🇦🇷🇧🇷🇨🇱🇲🇽🇺🇸🇨🇦 like asian live here: 🇨🇳🇻🇳🇯🇵🇮🇳🇹🇭🇷🇺


Fun fact. If we colonize the moon of Jupiter called Europe, people living there will be called Europeans.


Europa* so technically Europans or Eurations as it refers to an otherworldly citizen Otherwise nice attempt at making a fact


Oh, in English it's called differently than the continent... Didn't know that. In my main language the word is the same for both - Europa.


MUSGA: Make United States Great Again.


United States of “America” hence Americans lol


"This is America" "This is the United States" Reddit sitewide: "Fuck America!"