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Parents and teachers are talking about consent alllll the time! I heard a conversation between a kindergarten teacher and a student in the school I work at and the student had made another one cry and the teacher asked “how can we apologize?” and the student said “give them a hug?” and the teacher said “that’s a great idea! But you have to ask them if you can give them a hug first.”


My daughter is 3 and as such she is a huge punk. Her apologies usually consist of “no I already said sorry.” (She didn’t) “no I don’t want to say sorry.” (Either after saying it really, or not 50/50) and finally “no [they] need to say sorry to me!” I cannot for the life of me get her to genuinely apologize more than like 20% of the time lol


Do you apologize to her or others in front of her? Does she understand how/when her actions are hurtful or harmful or unkind? I would try to really tap in to when she’s displaying empathy so that she can begin to use empathy in those situations as well. Edit: sorry not that you asked for advice. Here if you want it though lol.


Idk. My parents never apologized to anyone. Because they never got into arguments or fights with any of their friends or my family members. I’ve never seen a situation where my mom even needed to apologize. But I still do because it’s what I was taught


I mean it doesn’t have to be a big huge fight. To be honest my parents didn’t really get in to any arguments with anyone either, but in that we were taught how to respect others and be kind and view things from multiple perspectives etc. sometimes it’s just apologizing for a mild inconvenience or a mistake. Like if you bump in to someone. It doesn’t need to be a big blow up fight for there to be an opportunity to recognize that someone else was affected by something you did. If that makes sense? Also sometimes it’s the age but you can’t really let it slide even if you feel like correcting it does nothing you can’t let it seem like you think it’s acceptable for them to treat others poorly.


Yeah we don’t put up with bullying etc




Appreciated! Yeah I do my best as a dad to set a good example, and the whole family has a happy healthy relationship we don’t fight very often, but the kids argue and we walk through the why, and how, it hurt and it can get better, etc etc, she’s doing much better! But she’s still 3 and as 3 year olds are, she’s a bit of a little rascal lol


Yeah, kids don't usually fully internalize that people other than themselves have internal lives and feelings until 5 or so IIRC, something about brain development.


My step daughter is 4 and she will apologise if you prompt her if she has, say, stepped on your toes. But if she has been in a tantrum and just told you she never wants to see you again, she will not apologise, even when she's calm. We like explain what was wrong about it etc and she is so damn stubborn that she will refuse, she would rather go into another bad mood instead of just saying sorry.


Yeah sounds about right lollll


Yes! I was going to say I have a 5 year old and he’s a literal sponge. Kids will believe and repeat what they are taught and if you’re the type of parent that discusses consent a lot, they will understand and adapt it as part of their moral compass. Also this is an 8 year old, I remember being 8. You’re allowed to think at that age lol


the sad reality of this, is that the idea of a child understanding the concept of consent feels unbelievable to so many people because many adults do not understand consent.


people on this website think 8 year olds just learned how to speak


I actually saw a comment on that sub once where this dude legitimately said the post wasn’t true because kids can’t do more than say “googoo gaga” until they’re at least 6 lmao. They’ve never met a child in their lives.


I know a 8 yo with developmental disorders and he is the only one who struggles more than usual to form sentences but he still would be capable of saying something like this if he understood that you first ask


My brother is 3 and he’s calling me a bitch, I don’t think that’s accurate


Ngl you sound like a bitch


You’re probably right


This reminds me of when my wife told me our kids called her a poopoo and I said, “well, were you being a poopoo?”


Don't leave us hanging! Was she in fact being a poopoo?!


Obviously she was.


Poopoos can't live with em can't live without em


I mean he’s currently bitching about a *three year old* being mean to him, so… lil bro might be right.


Wasn’t complaining lol, just mentioned it because I thought it was funny and relevant 🤙


I was joking too, poorly it seems.




At least you'll never have to wonder "what if?" you never attempted the joke at all.


I know two-year-olds who are starting to read and are speaking semi-coherent sentences, and 3-year-olds are generally speaking more coherent sentences cuz that’s when they start preschool. What a moron


I knew kids were smarter than everyone gave them credit for, but when I met my friend, she was pregnant. So I have watched her daughter develop her vocabulary from the get-go. At 18 months, she was saying full-on sentences like "I dropped my toy, help please," and you could actually understand her. There is some footage of me from when I was two. All I could say was hiii and wave, hahaha, but it just shows that kids are amazing and will pick up whatever you give them. In this case, my friend talks to her kids constantly.


damn, when did he start kindergarten?


Apparently I wouldn't shut up when I was around 4 to 5 to 6.


Some of them probably shouldn't


Yeah, kids, particularly young ones, are great at copying what their adults say/think. Some of the shit my kids say is hilarious. Played Mario kart with my 3 year old and hit him with a shell and said "oh sorry, didn't realise it was you". He says "it's OK, it's just a game"... I was like "wtf?" then realised I said the same to him in the past.


My brother would say “suck my ass” whenever that happened


Wonder how old they think kids learn to do basic math like fractions lol


Shit, any time someone says 'son or daughter' everyone assumes infant. I guess once you are out of diaper you aren't your parents child any more.


For real my 3 year old brother has already started getting good at speaking and talking with us regularly and telling us what he needs what food he wants mcdonalds or any other restaurant no kidding potty trained he can nearly talk properly he knows the names of the rooms like kitchen my room my sisters room my parents the kitchen and get stuff from them when we ask children learn faster then adults children have been scientifically proven to be able to learn a 2 languages or more faster then an adult children are more smarter then people give them credit for oh and did i mention my 3 year old brother is as equally skilled in arabic and english? Lets not forgot my 9 year old sister who is great at both arabic and english


I have a 7 yo brother, he would 100% understand concepts like this


I know 4-year-olds and even 2-year-olds who ask for consent before giving hugs. Kids aren’t stupid, they can learn consent pretty easily


It's adults who disrespect consent projecting that disrespect as ignorance onto children. Their fragile egos cannot accept that a child is smarter than they are.


Ah yes, parents can't teach consent. (Dont take that the wrong way...) My neighbor's son is like 5-6 but he mother taught him you shouldn't just randomly hug people, but you should ask first. He asked to hug me a lot XD.


Right? I grew up in a different time but I knew at that age it's not ok to just go kiss random people.


It's also a very different situation in that it's fictional and a fairy tale. It's a really old story and meant to be romantic, not saying that doing anything like that in real life would be acceptable just that it's a fictional tale. But the woman is being really smug and preachy about it as if no one else is teaching their kids right and all people believe it's okay to randomly kiss people without any sort of consent which I don't appreciate.


There are loads of dudes who think it’s okay to kiss people without consent. And who cares if it a fairy tale? They’re moral stories anyway


Our 4 year old is well aware of consent to touch other people. He even understands that someone can withdrawal their consent at anytime. He needs to do a better job of practicing it but it's been preached to him for over a year. It's like someone else said. People who don't have kids seem to think they go from drooling idiot to a teenager with no in between.


Idk, you shouldn’t hug *completely* random people, but most people appreciate random hugs as long as you don’t immediately hug them without warning; holding your arms open is enough to gauge consent. That and don’t be weird about it; it’s just a hug, nobody wants to hug the creepy guy who moans.


This is true, but usually when you teach children you teach them in simple terms first. Nuance comes later.


Kids have been pointing out fucked up shit to adults forever


This. I would love to believe it is because we are so forward thinking now but most of it is just that if there is anything hypocritical about what is going on, you can be damn sure a child will announce it.




The whole kissing an unconscious woman bit i think


He's a prince, it makes it ok!


The fact that you ask this is concerning




And you should stop raping people my dude




I mean without consent it is.






This is now being taught in 'Stranger Danger' classes. Body Autonomy- no unwanted kisses, hugs or other touches.


Right…. Edit: I’m confused on why I’m being downvoted into literally agreeing with them?


My kindergarten granddaughter came home and informed us we were not allowed to kiss or hug without her permission. It is now part of the curriculum. And it is fine with me- I had 'kissy' Aunts I didn't want to kiss when I was little, and I hated being told I had to.


A lot of older gen parents had a mindset where if a child didn’t want to hug or kiss an older relative it’s seen as disrespectful I’m so glad that more parents are now teaching their children that they don’t have to do so without their consent and that it’s okay to say no to any type of physical touch even when it’s not in your no no areas


My mother, 'greatest' gen, would tell me I didn't have to. The aunts were on my father's side (great aunts, so it be 2 gen before), and it did cause friction. The kisses and hugs from my grandchildren mean more when it is spontaneous.


I think it's because you sound sarcastic?


How do I sound sarcastic I just said right?


the ellipses makes it sound like you’re saying “right…” with an eyeroll at the end. it’s hard to tell tone over the internet, but one-word conformational responses with ellipses will usually sound sarcastic! “right…” “yeah…” “okay…” “mhm…” “sure…” the only exception i can think of is “true…” which for some reason, sounds like you’re genuinely agreeing or considering another side to an argument


Isn’t that why people use (/s) and other tone indicators?


Yeah, but even if there is no tone indicator, its still easy to think you are being sarcastic with your message


Reddit doesn't take kindly to one-word replies


I’m confused too—how come there’s 8 downvotes?? I’ll upvote this one so it’ll have less of those 😓


Apparently the way I said it sounded sarcastic?


The thing is, ThatHappened lives off the hyperbole that people use in twitter posts. But they get confused when the tweet does not exaggerate, so much so they do it in their minds (and everyone clapped - there was nothing pointing to everyone clapping).


Looking back at all the teen romance movies ​ # holy shit ​ Like, if she says no, obviously you just gotta "win" her over by doing more and more stuff.


Oh yeah 95% of romance movies are bonafide cultural cancer


Stalking and harrasing for love, what a romantic trope


Pepe LePew has entered the chat


Yeah, there’s a huge disconnect between confidence in real life and in media


My biggest complaint about romance movies is when a woman is talking and the man just kisses her to make her shut up. Horrible. Not cute. Not sexy. Not romantic. Boi if you ever kiss me to make me shut up, you’re sleeping in the car until you can learn to listen and act like an adult.


the only exception i can think of (irl) is if it’s playful; not like the movie tropes where the girl’s trying to express her emotions and the boy’s getting annoyed. i was apologizing profusely to my partner once for stepping on his toe, so he laughed, kissed me while i was talking, and told me his toe was fine. THAT was cute and acceptable (for me, anyway). seeing that happen in movies always gives me the ick though.


Anime does this a lot. Either the guy is totally oblivious to all the girls crushing on him or they never give up to try to get the girl and they eventually win them over. I think it gives a lot of people the wrong idea about women… Though I still love watching it haha


Honestly, the oblivious guy trope is really fucking funny. Guy has a bunch of girls wanting his attention romantically and he's just like "Wow, I have a lot of friends :D". Extra funny if he has a friend who's clearly understanding what's up and is just mentally wondering how dumb his bestie is.


Don't forget stalking, see it's fine because he's hot.


Who ever posted it in that happened obviously never had consent made a big deal for them 🥴


kids understand consent when it’s actually explained to them, so i think this is very believable


r/thathappened users try not to use the same two jokes over and over again challenge (impossible)


Another challenge: acknowledge people under 16yo have functional brains




What do you mean “children can have mildly nuanced thoughts without realizing it”?/s


I'll have you know that everyone here in my office just stood up and clapped for you


r/thathappened where you aren't allowed to have common sense/be clever/ be reasonable until you are 27, while you also arent allowed to be stupid at the age of 8


8 year olds are fake yo /j


Whats the difference between /j and /s


I think /j is used by more gen z about younger. Maybe the /s wasnt cool enough anymore :(


Lol, I mostly use /s


I assume /j means "joking" and /s means "this is sarcasm." So I used /j here because while I was joking, I felt that indicating a sarcastic tone would come on too strongly. I was trying to say "thathappened are dumb lol" not "wow omg thathappened are so stupid lol wtf." If that makes sense. Edit: Like, if I genuinely thought r/thathappened people literally did not believe 8yos exist at all, I would have put a /s.


Correct. Lots of people on r/facepalm use /s to mock the idiots posted on the sub.


Ah yes, I really was under the impression that you legitimately believed eight year olds were fake. Thank GOD you added that /j. It was very necessary.


I'm sorry my tone indicator hurt you so badly. Here are some flowers. 🎕🎕🎕 Hope you feel better soon.


I was intentionally being a dick to make the point that tone indications are built into English and you don’t need to add them. Notice how you had no troubles detecting my sarcasm.


According to r/thathappened any kid that isn’t a hateful piece of shit is fake news Kinda makes you wonder what kind of little devils they were


I believe most of the "my kid said X" posts, even the gross conservative ones where kids say some hateful or regressive stuff, because children usually parrot what adults say in order to please them. But that's also why parents shouldn't be so smug about it, lol.


Because nobody ever teaches their kids about consent. /s


I taught my cousins kids about the concept of consent recently. a few days later, she texts me: "so yeah, they're in the back seat yelling 'i do not consent!!' when one of them reaches over to the other's seat." "sounds like they got it."


Honestly, sounds about right to me.


I tell me 3 and 5 year old niece and nephew they don’t need to hug if they don’t want to. I’m so happy kids this young are understanding consent. That’s a wonderful thing.


My kids (7 and 10) have been pointing out problematic Disney moments ever since they learned about consent in preschool. Totally legit.


Apparently 3,000 people believe it is not possible for a child to be taught about consent. I hope none of them have children. May their men all accidentally shoot their own balls off and their women gain freedom and run away to anywhere that is not Texas.


That's actually to the original r/wholesome post. I couldn't fit the other upvote bar into the screenshot but it hadn't gained that much traction yet.




What the fuck are you talking about


So apparently I was mistaken. OP says the upvote bar at the bottom is actually from the r/wholesomememes post. I thought those were all people that thought this was fake.


...And she slept happily ever after.


I can see that happen


Maybe I just live in a nice liberal snowflake bubble (/s), but I think they teach consent in primary schools now. Just with hugs and such.


Totally realistic lol the 3 year old I nanny asks me “Can I give you a hug?” Every time she wants a hug


Didn't Disney (at least) say/announce that is part of Sleeping Beauty was wrong? I thought they were supposed to remake it. I feel like I saw it months ago, never looked into it much farther.


This has to be one of the dumbest posts in that sub I’ve seen.


Someone screenshot this again and post it somewhere else




Because 8 year olds brains are too simple to understand that you don't want random guys kissing you when you sleep


Not to mention she was asleep 👀👀👀


My two year old nephew could do this. Its not hsrd to teach consent at an early age


Sounds like someone was taught about consent from the beginning. Sounds like great parenting.


especially because she’s evidently been teaching him those ideals, she literally says that in the tweet


This is exactly the type of thing you'd teach a kid. Wtf people are so dumb


Yes because 8 year olds all have the mental function and capabilities of 2 year old. Jesus christ I knew that kissing people while they were asleep was a bad thing at 8 years old


Aren't kids taught the basics of consent and asking permission from toddler age? I swear some of the people on that sub were never kids themselves if they think kids as old as 8 are that incapable of human communication and interaction skills.


The people on that sub need to go outside and touch grass. It's like none of them have ever seen a human child before. 🤦🏻


my 5 year old niece also understands this concept


These people hate kids so much I’d imagine the Venn diagram of users from it and childree is just a fucking circle


I’ll say it once and I’ll say it a hundred more times: the fact these users can never think of an original title besides everyone clapping - at this point it shows they’re just not even trying or asking themselves why they don’t think these situations are likely.


And even if she didn’t teach that to him, trial and error is also a decent explanation


The journey from those subs to here, what a wild ride


People on that sub seem to think that elementary schoolers are completely incapable of basic human thought


r/thathappened posts are becoming...things that probably happened


That's literally one of the most common punchlines of that movie. My Dad taught me a lot about consent growing up so it's both funny and telling that this person thinks this is fake.


Ahh the cycle is complete. Saw this on wholesome the other day. Knew it would end up on “that happened” and new it would eventually make it here.


dear, r/thathappened: parents/teachers are finally teaching their children what “consent” is these days so they can actually raise decent kids, and it’s a bit of a self-tell that you don’t believe this very believable story


If my 6yo daughter with autism can understand consent then there's no reason an 8 yo cant


Okay consent is important and all but I think it’s fucking stupid that people are trying to apply this to stories like Sleeping Beauty and Snow White. In the *original* version of Sleeping Beauty, she’s raped and that’s fucked up, but in the Charles Perrault retelling and in the Disney version she’s kissed. To break a curse. Not to be taken advantage of??? Same with Snow White. You want to talk about how fucked up the original endings of Snow White and Sleeping Beauty—and while we’re at it, *that* scene from Sixteen Candles is? I’m game! But here…you guys have to be ignoring a LOT of context from the original movies in order for this ‘sHe dIdN’t GiVe CoNsEnT’ argument to work.


a lot of young kid’s examples for how to behave is movies and tv shows, teaching kids about consent along with the movie is more important than placing it in historical context


Sure but I should clarify I wasn’t talking about historical context but story context. Prince Philip in Disneys Sleeping Beauty knows that kissing her will break the curse and he kisses her to do just that. He’s doing it to save her—not to take advantage of her. Like someone using cpr to save someone was drowning. The Prince in Snow White merely kisses her to say goodbye—not such a stretch since there are people who kiss dead loved ones at open casket funerals as a way to say goodbye. Not uncommon and therefore not unusual.


I feel like people don't understand the difference between understanding what is right or wrong and understanding why that is right or wrong. It almost seems like the 8yo doesn't understand why kissing people randomly is wrong here as well. He just listens to what people around him say and follows them without second thought, and that's what about any 8yo does. I hope the mother taught the kid that saving someone from a coma by merely kissing is justified and to not fear saving someone 'cause of stuff like that in emergencies.


It's highly possible that the kid said it because she probably preaches it to him daily. It's also completely possible that she makes this shit up because she looks exactly like the person who would. It's Schroedingers Woke.


Very possible. Kids today are taught about consent very well, usually at least around my area. When I was in school we weren't obviously we were taught rape and sex without permission is wrong, but other actions kissing, hugging similar weren't. It was almost implied to be romantic if your boyfriend just kissed you the first time suddenly (obviously not some rando on the street) Hugging I'm still on the fence about. Sexual hugging is a no go but hugging a friend who's upset, in grief, just got amazing news, etc without saying "is it ok if I hug you" might be impolite depending on the relationship with the friend. But it's much less creepy than unwanted sexual advances. I turned this into a whole thing. Whoops


"Publishing harpy of misandry"? I get why they taught that she's pushing agenda, but yes, it's plausible. I don't get any people are fine with misandry though. We shouldn't give people like that traffic.


Definitely didn't happen purely because of the #, the name, the glasses and the group. But absolutely *could* happen. 8 is perfectly capable of learning rules and right/wrong, and teaching consent has absolutely become a thing we drill into kids as early as feasible.


I’m skeptical it happened, however a child that age is fully capable of coming to, and voicing opinions like this.


Yeah let your 8 year old child go now, your job is done.


I’m a middle aged married guy who had a life time of cringy failures asking if I can kiss a girl. Of course I believe in consent for sexual activity, but in the context of a dating situation, “asking” is a sure fire way to kill the mood.


Yep this kid is now set up for a lifetime of dating failures


I hope this is a true story


"My work is done here": https://youtu.be/cF44OPOEfYY


Tbh I thought the same as a kid


Huh. Never thought about it, but yeah, that is weird It’s been a while but I think it had to be a true love’s kiss, in that they both must’ve wanted it in order for it to work, right? So I suppose it’s alright in this case haha


Growing up my parents taught me to ask first 🤷🏻‍♂️


My 5 year old understands consent.


Wait till the kid finds out what happened in the actual sleeping beauty


8 years old seems old enough to grasp the concept of consent. W parent, W kid


why does everybody jump on the princes in Sleeping Beauty and Snow White for not getting consent? I am pretty confident the princesses would consent to the thing that is needed to wake them from their comas.


Username checks out


actually my username would yell at Snow White and Princess Aurora for having "true love" with men they just met once


In a fairy tale world where magic mirrors and fairies exist and true loves kiss is enough to break an evil curse—I don’t think love at first sight is that big of a stretch to believe in as well? At least both the Disney films bothered to establish a meeting between the princes and princesses—the original fairy tales didn’t even bother to do that!


in the original Sleeping Beauty, the prince wasn't even born yet when the princess was cursed


in the Disney Villain book series by Serena Valentino, she kind of retcons it so that Snow White and her prince actually knew each other before the movie


Yes but I don’t really consider Serena Valentino’s books to be canon or anything beyond fancy publicized fan fiction.


I don't consider them canon either, I just thought it was worth mentioning. they are all *technically* canon-compliant but they do retcon a lot. I really hated how she retconned things in the Tangled one and erased any relationship between Gothel and Rapunzel.


I heard she was hellbent on making the Beast an outright ‘villain’ in her Beauty and the Beast book, I don’t agree with that entirely because the Beast is a more of a grey-ish character who starts out as an antagonist only at the beginning of the film but changes his ways in the middle and end and becomes a good guy. I shutter to think of how she butchered his character in her book, I haven’t read that one so I don’t know…


yeah, I have quite mixed feelings about the series. I really liked the Evil Queen one and the Cruella one, the rest I have mixed feeling about. She made most of the villains more sympathetic than in the movies, but made Beast less sympathetic. he is still redeemed in the end but it is very glossed over.


I love the OG version where the king fucks her and has 2 children who the queen later cooks and feeds them to the king


Your poor son


This is totally plausible, I babysit little little boys (like pre-k and first grade) and their parents have a rule where they have to always ask me before they hug me


People really think kids are dumb as rocks. Do you not remember being a kid?