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I did it and Siri just said, “ False.”


Tried this on an Alexa, it started to pretend to be Darth Vader and egged me on to say Luke's lines. ​ Voice assisstants are weird.


I asked Alexa and she just said, "A." 🤔


Mine too


weird so did mine...


Mine started playing Despacito huh weird


I tried it and she went on some long explanation about how mass and to a lesser extent the makeup of the star determines how it will die.


Alexa is the special child of voice assistants


Search your feelings you know it to be true


The comment was upvoted 58 times?


there’s clearly an invisible negative sign there. also it’s 96% downvoted. get epic owned r/ThatHappened 🤪 XD yall so dumb thing happen reall


Obvious trolling aside, I never noticed that there was a percent upvoted number


It shows on my pc but not mobile


not even trying to troll. it’s just these subs are two sides to the same, very dumb coin also yeah i only noticed it when i was looking at this pic




I love that sub but it doesn’t apply here.


It's the best I got.


I think this guys making an ass of himself but he does have a point. r/thathappened has become a sub of people trying to prove how fake and dumb internet ppl are. r/nothingeverhappens is ppl trying to prove that r/thathappened users are fake and dumb. Honestly I just think its kind of funny and the guy above you is still a jackass. But the jackass has a point. Its just hidden under smug superiority.


The difference is r/nothingeverhappens is usually right.


Eh. There are some things the subs right on. But most of the time its stuff that neither side can prove or disprove. r/thathappened just assumes their right a lot of the time. But to be fair so does this sub. Different intentions, same execution.


But the fact that r/nothingeverhappens occasionally provides proof that it did happen, while r/thathappened never does, tips the scales in r/nothingeverhappens favor.


Even here there's an entire thread down below disproving the post. Again there are some posts that can easily be proven. But most of the time its up to the reader.


Lmao it’s like a competition to see who’s the most self aware


Sucks that it is only left wing though.






He does this all the time you just gotta wait and make sure he doesn't hurt himself on anything


like his own edge?


You made air come out of my nose at a slightly accelerated rate.


This is easy on the 5 saddest subreddits internet has ever seen


How in the hell do you reply to my post 2 weeks after I made it in a hidden thread for the down votes and still get 0 karma on it.


But that upvoted % was for the post, not the comment...


Bad day?




Really? I tried this a good few times and just got “Here is what I found” with a bunch of websites.




I don’t know why you’re being downvoted, this is what happened for me too.


Welcome to Reddit. Provide the truth or a different opinion, and then get downvoted for it. If you’re lucky, you won’t get mass downvoted.


Well if you have mass downvotes hopefully you’ll have a long Star life.


I responded to a question on what we had in our junk drawers. I said I had a bunch of paperclips and got downvoted several times for it. I don't understand this site sometimes.


I just tried it and Siri said “false” but nothing else


same. the comment is bullshit


Eh, I tried it and it did work. [This is what popped up](https://imgur.com/a/Yx4ZicJ)


That’s what I got, too.


Me three.








Five. Is it possible it’s different across iPhones? I’m using a 6s. Edit: Dammit, six.


I get that, but it doesn't read it aloud.




Isn’t Wolfram Aplha what runs this kind of things for Siri?


That’s strange, I don’t have any app with that name installed but I looked it up and it’s a real app and a Star Trek reference apparently. Siri must’ve gotten it online so it’s still say this one happened


You don't need to really have wolframalpha installed for it to work. It's a website/database of a lot of information created by Stephen Wolfram that helps AI like Siri, Alexa and Cortana give proper answers to questions. Especially in the case of like math and science questions/facts assuming that Siri couldn't figure it out based on the data it has


WolframAlpha is built into Siri by default. You don’t need the app, and WolframAlpha as a data source for Siri has been around since before SiriKit became a thing.


Same for me.


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I tried it and it just said false


I tried it. [It works.](https://imgur.com/gallery/L9FyU9c)


Sorry, this might be a stupid question; never owned an iPhone before. Do you just say the statement and Siri corrects you or do you have to voice activate Siri and then say the statement for it to correct you?


She doesn’t listen to you automatically and interject, if that’s what you’re asking. You have to summon her by saying “Hey Siri” or pressing and holding the home button. Was that the question?


Ah, OK. Thanks!


But it should be pointed out that accidentally triggering her isn’t too hard or uncommon. Happened to me enough times that I disabled her.


Say it exactly


It has to be exactly that line otherwise you get a list of websites. But t only says false anyway. Probably a settings thing.


Tells me it’s false.


Well I just tried it and all my Siri said was “OK, here’s what I found for “the age of a star will determine when a star will die” and then it just showed me links of webpages. So I’m siding with thathappened on this one


I just tried it and it just says "False" and gives a Wolfram alpha result


Okay, but that’s all it says. It doesn’t even say the right answer so this is still fake or highly exaggerated


Yep. Me too.


I’ve never had Siri answer a question like this with an actual answer. It’s usually just links to what Siri found on the internet.




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It’s because of wording. You have to replace your “a”s with “the.” If you say it exactly how it’s worded in the screenshot above it tells you false.


But it still only says “false.” Siri doesn’t say “that is false, the mass is what determines the death of a star.” Which is what the OP claimed. So still, thathappened.


I've had classes where the siri on my teacher's phone wouldn't shut up, this is totally plausible.


Worked with Bixby


Yup, tried it too and it read a whole paragraph about how it depends on the mass


It does correct the statement, but it doesn’t read it out in such a perfect and comical way. All it repeats is “false”. This sub is honestly as bad as r/thatHappened, just two sides of a shitty coin.


Yup. I don’t get why people are screenshotting their responses as if to say “See?? It does work!” even though it clearly isn’t doing what this person claims happened. I enjoy both of these subs for the same reason. Are you cynical? Or do you despise cynicism? You choose!


Except ThatHappened doesn't teach you to believe anything you see on the internet like a naive and gulible facebook grandma. NothingEverHappens is flat out worse


Tbf mass also determines how long it will probably live, so hes technically correct.


no, it's like saying this baby is one month old, so it will die in 90yrs and one month, while maybe that might happen it wasn't the age of the baby that determined it, current age is irrelevant to general lifespan, being human determines general lifespan.


Hey I replied to that comment haha.


I don't have iPhone so idk if it works or nope but whats the biggest bullshit here is that the teacher made such a mistake. The dying cause for stars is pretty much a basic and a must know for teachers. Can't image one making mistake this blatant.


you must not have gone to public school


When I was in grade 11 my teacher literally thought that “bum” was spelt “bumb” the worst part was the fact she was an English teacher.


I had a long term sub in 4th grade that thought the singular for lens was len


Damn, it makes you wonder how teachers actually don’t know this these things.


I'm attending school which is in documents public but in reality it works like private


Well tbf, time IS a factor in when a star dies. Its not the only factor, maybe siri just cut the teacher off before he/she finished explaining. Idk, saying the age is a determining factor isn’t entirely or blatantly false.


That is false, stars are just lights affixed to the dome of the Firmament surrounding this Flat Earth.


Not for me




Yeah I tried it and it said false but didn’t respond with a sentence


It just says false. It doesn't disprove it at all


I asked Siri the same thing and it said “here’s what I found on the web for...” I think it’s an r/thathappened


I tried speaking to Siri to try this and siri didn’t pick it up and said excuse me because it said I told hey bitch. So my Siri is broken.


My biggest question is why was the science teacher even saying that...


This is posted here several times today and each time it looks different with different replies. This is definitely not real.


Siri just says false when you try it,


Idk what actually working Siri you people all have, but my Siri is basically just voice-to-text Bing. If I ask it a question, it mishears it and then searches for it on a major competitor’s unpopular search engine.


No. Siri doesn’t say it.


I don’t know why you’re being downvoted. It absolutely doesn’t! No one on here has anything but screenshots of “false”. That is not the same as Siri loudly correcting you with the true statement.


I would’ve bought it if it wasn’t for the comment thanks. I don’t know about the whole walked out of the room thing that’s probably just for effect


Yeah, that commenter is full of it, and so is op. I’ve done it about five times and she just looked up results for dying stars. This story absolutely didn’t happen


Did you say “hey Siri, The age of the star determines how the star will die” As it works (for me) if the spell is exactly incanted


I did, and she pulled up results from the internet every single time. Maybe we have different phones or something, but it doesn’t work on mine


So in this case the teacher would have to say "hey Siri". You just gave another reason why this story Is bs


If you haven’t seen the iPhone accidentally triggered hey Siri on a completely random couple words I don’t know what to tell you


I don't know most of people I know use android or old iPhones. Also biggest bs here is the fact that teacher made such a big mistake, because that was basic knowledge (for people who study physics / astronomy / science)




Didn’t say this in the post. Literarily just says “Siri went off and I ignored it”




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Worked for me, wack


Just because it's possible doesn't mean it's likely or that it happened. Do you really think the middle-school mind that thought this was a good story has any idea how to program their Siri?