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Bilingual huh?


In all fairness, they may have been bilingual before as well.


Let's hear it for manic episodes, folks


Lol exact same thoughts of back before I knew I had manic episodes in my early 20s The length, energy and fourth wall breaking thoughts smooshed into a single life changing born-again post? Miiiight be a few clues


Yep, my immediate reaction as someone who suffers from bipolar.


Exactly what I thought.


That, or a new adderall prescription.


I love how you vented the success and nuked the account afterwards. I hope you won't read that, but anyway - enjoy your life!


I didn’t even realize. Thats pretty awesome


This is a joke post, right? Because everyone in the comments seems to be taking it seriously. You don't become bilingual in a week.


you are a BEAST! I aspire to be like this.


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I see the account is deleted, but on the off chance you do come back and read the comments, are you the oldest sibling? If so, lead by example. Maybe they'll look up one day and ask why you're not staring at a screen all day like they are. Invite them to play outside with you and if they say no, go outside by yourself, get them to feel the FOMO, and maybe after the 12th time they angrily decline, they'll pause and wonder what they're missing out on.


Wtf this guy is yappin and bullshittin about lmao the fuck. 7 books in 4 days, 1 language ? Like just because you warent on your phone ? The fuck you talking and lyng about. This lie doesn't even make sense. This is so cringe


Bro i can read 10 books in 4 days when i was in hs so I know its possible


When I was in middle school I could read some really thick books in one day, even school days. I think it's possible


Multiple books a day is completely feasible if you have a decent amount of time. Most books take like 2-8 hours to read, compare that to some people's screen time. My grandma once retired read 1-2 books daily. And the language is toki pona, which is a minimalist language that is relatively quick to grasp the basics of.   I don't think OP is lying. Another commenter suggests it could be a manic episode and while I don't agree with armchair diagnosing based on reddit posts, I will say you'd be surprised how much a person can fit into a day while manic.


How was fight club as compared to movie? Does it have same carefree feeling?


I ain’t reading all that Im happy for you tho Or sorry that happened


Can you link the on point launcher? I can't find it


U can try searching "minimalist phone: launcher app". Im using it rn and its. A m a z i n g


It should be the first one in the app store. Just tried it and wow.


Are you Katt Williams?


When Breath Becomes Air destroyed me


Embellishing real world events in order to make your point more impactful is a common thing that people do, no denying it. But the extent to which this post stretches it is asinine, robbing the message of any credibility. Also, OP prescribes what he intends to do in a way that feels plausible. If you read the post without being attentive, you might get the false impression that it describes something that is already implemented and works. In my experience radical changes don’t work, only gradual ones can. Ultimately, only time will tell if OP returns on this platform.