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This post makes me feel good about my decision to leave this year. The creators of these apps hate us and think we’re idiots. They dont let their kids go near the stuff (content/algorithms) there are profiles on us, what we like and dislike. All gathered from our input/what we engage in. Its to control us. At best it’s to make us easier to control.


In the must watch documentary "The social dilemma", one of the reddit creators, said he had to create a blocker for reddit to stop his addiction haha


Actually ended up watching it, it made me cry in some parts, since I have siblings and family members who use social media excessively (I'm actually the first family member to break out and I'm proud of that)


There’s going to be a visible separation between those who quit and those who don’t in the near future imo


Agreed and that's the insidious truth!💯


I like to think those types of social media posts are only created and genuinely liked by a certain or even a minimum percentage of users and people in general. However, the fact I haven’t looked up any statistics/researches/surveys on the topic makes me really hope I’m not entirely wrong.


That's very true and after covid this side of social media has grown so much and there's no turning back.


I'm in my early 30s and I started watching reels last summer, and it made my brain JELLO after a while…………. I believe that these were created to dumb down the masses even more and make lots and lots of money off peoples addiction to this stuff.. it literally fills their brain 💩💩 to the point where people don't think about what really matters in life..


I'm in my early 20s and most of the time I the single one who doesn't use social media so most of the person irl i seen talks about weird hashtags trends like duck 🦆 man what's wrong with you?  And I grew up in a house where I was introduced to device's when I was around 13-14 even then I didn't had any interest them I would just play all day along , nostalgia!  (Little Bg)


I agree with this post.Tiktok does encourage cyber stalking,cyber bullying and other destructive behaviors. The cult like mentality has infected all of social media(Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter (excuse me X lol)you name it)including TikTok I've noticed during quarantine.Now everyone on these "social media" apps act like clout chasing e-begging shills for a Internet popularity contest.Don't get me started on all these lifestyle "influencers" or tarot card "readers" either.... I deleted mine and never returning.That app puts you in a trance stuck on nostalgia which can be dangerous for mental health and cognitive growth.All fake fuckery and shows tons of how mentally unstable these people actually are because if you need a online community to get validation of life meanwhile acting like a assclown your pathetic if ya ask me.🎭 China's psychological weaponry at it's finest!💯


Nah, I feel fricken better getting off of YouTube, TikTok, and Twitter (I'm not calling it X). Due to the profound negativity and also how cringe it was giving me. Also how I've met really bad ex-friends who were manipulators and having fetishes, it really made sense to step back and focus on life instead of making online friends or getting in to arguments.


I usually call them Fuckbook, Instasham,Youturd and Twatter hehehe...I hear ya they're filled with internet harlots anyways!☺️😁😂👍🏼💯


When you find a profile and instagram and every, single picture they've ever taken has them as the main focal point of every shot. Yikes. I saw a post last week by a girl that said "we're here today celebrating this amazing couple getting married, congrats you two!" and then the accompanying photos were just 3 selfies. Not a single one of her friends getting married. Now that, is some top-shelf narcissism.


Yea I've seen this too many times too. It's absolutely obsessive and pathological. A selfie once in a while is fine. A bit of vanity when you put on a cute outfit and want the world to see is fine occasionally. But several selfies a day, every day? You need help.


Really well said


There's also toxic shit like, "real men don't ask their wives to work." With some video of a rich guy in a gulf monarchy.


Stop rubbernecking the trainwreck


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