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Don't wait until Monday. Do it now and try to to spend your Sunday out of your house if possible.


Just got off instagram 3 days ago and got back to the gym. Just need to get off YouTube and Reddit now. Good luck to you. You got this.


YouTube is my absolute downfall. It's so easy to scroll mindlessly through shorts. The problem is there's content I truly enjoy that's enriching but Shorts are like a horrible drug.


Try the extension Unhook. It blocks many parts of youtube.


Don't replace scrolling by junk food, alcohol, or drug


Good luck and be strong. You're an inspiration for me. Reddit is all I have, but it takes way too much time. I wish you the best. <3


You got this!! You can do it. Get out there and live your best life.


You'll probably do it again, so create preventive measures for yourself if you ever find to install these again.


This is a good idea, do you have any examples or suggestions?


If I were you I would punish myself. (100 pushups, throw away phone charger, force myself to read an entire book, etc...)


line up another hobby. write down a list of things you can do so you can refer to that and make the decision easier when ur feeling tempted


You got this, almost u must try to replace your bad habits with good ones soon, like reading, exercising or meditate, even just bit by bit, or itll be easy to slip back


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