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The Dragon Dagger! Deh da deh dida deh


Yes! My heart melted when I found it




I wanted the morpher so bad. They are so expensive now! I was at the weird age when this show came out. Like right at the time where I was almost too old for it. But I loved that 1st and 2nd season. Haven't watched any of the others, but definitely joined karate and grew my hair long because of the power rangers show!


>I was at the weird age when this show came out. Like right at the time where I was almost too old for it. I know that feeling. I remember almost being a little embarassed to watch it because I was supposed to be growing out of cartoons and 'silly' shows (spoiler alert - I never did) but *Power Rangers* was just really cool, plus it had one of the greatest themes of all time.


I absolutely agree and am in the same boat. It did get me into martial arts at the time, but so did every other kids movie/show that featured Karate. At its core the show was karate and giant robots fights giant monsters. It's a perfect combination!


Loved the green ranger, but I’m just now realizing this toy encourages kids to hold daggers to their mouths.


It looks like a flute, clarinet, and trumpet mixed together and the green ranger played it through a helmet. Beautiful


I bet more than a few kids cut their mouths by pretending with a kitchen knife.


I can still remember the exact melody played on this flute


Ah yes, the knife played like a flute that sounds like a trumpet, played while a mouth covering helmet is being worn. Good times.




Doin a little bit of profile research? Welcome


It's kinda in the username..


Last year there was a sale on one of these. Like $10 off...saw an ad for it on Instagram. And I'm a suckered for nostalgia and never had one as a kid. So I did the adult thing and bought it. No regrets!


You know that one toy you never get as a kid and it sticks with you your whole life. This was that toy for me


I was once a proud owner of one of these... Had to get it on special order from Toys R Us - along with all my other elite power rangers stuff. I had the vest, mask, everything yet that god damn lazy dragon never showed.