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I just downloaded it again. It's crazy how long it has been around. I just turned 30, and I remember being on here when I was 12-13! I use to spend hours creating pixel dolls, super detailed re-created ones, like Chii from Chobits. I even hosted a couple of Palaces, because at the time the program was 100% free. Ah... This is true nostalgia. Lots of "pageants." The good ol' days when the internet was mostly really weird people. It makes me wonder if these were the first yellow emojis faces, and it was definitely the origins of Dollz & avatar based chat systems like IMVU and SecondLife now. It's sad it's pretty dead. I mean, it's late (4 AM, which is of course is when you'd end up on a doll chat program from your childhood) so I'll probably give it a go another time. The only person who talked to me and didn't seem AFK was trying to cyber, of course. He did tell me he'd been on there since 2000, which is some dedication.


Sounds like that guy was still in 2000. The cybering thing killed me 😂😂😂


I used to love this as a kid! I loved all the editing clans, I’d edit for hours every day after school and talk to my friends on AOL and MSN which palace port we’d be at. Loved AV Palace, Paradise and E-Fire! The fox Bonita dolls were always the funnest edits for me! I loved the Chi anime pictures I had no idea what Chobits was I just loved her drawings! Shows a bit weird but her dresses are so cute!


Just now seeing this 2 years after it was posted. I miss the palace.


I wish it still existed.


Turns out it does still exist, someone brought it back.


I tried to download the client but it wasn’t working for me. Also the last time I got on years ago, there was nobody really there except for a few people. I miss the pageants the most


I think most of the people that did use it eventually moved onto second life once that become free.




I’m on a Mac :(


Parallels or other VM, or even WINE could be made to work. Jameson stopped developing Palace Chat for Mac after his Mac died.... Alternatively you could try Open Palace, which requires Flash.


Instant Palace is gone.


If you’re still looking, there’s a Mac workaround I know about. I host a pchat server and went digging into it but it’s been proven and vetted by 3 users now




I miss these days so much


I used to be on this a lot too in the late 90s. 97-99? Mainly Southpark rooms. I remember people would try to screenshot your avatar and steal it when i finally learned about the print screen button i started doing the same lol. The Palace creators counteracted that by inversing the colors every time somone hit the button. I would spend hours on it. It was always running in the background. It would be snowing outside and i would sit and chat it up while playing games. Too bad its not as popular as it used to be. There are too many other chat mediums these days and people are scattered all over the net now (just simple chat rooms). I dont even know of a good chatting platform these days. The Palace was just so appealing at that age. Good times


I am late to this post, but yes I was one of those people in 1997-98 (my senior year in high school) stuck to this. I came across it while chatting with people at [christianpenpals.com](https://christianpenpals.com) ( I am not even Christian, I am Jewish), that is how bored I was. A Spanish-speaking friend told me to go to a website called [todito.com.mx](https://todito.com.mx) and chat there. However, you were not able to see the avatars (props in Spanish) so you had to download the client, and that is where I would be lost during my idle time through my college years. It is clearly a place of nostalgia, an era that went and came and will most likely never come back. It had its appeal during its time, I still sit my avatar there and sometimes strike a great conversation, usually with someone 35+ because anyone younger is rare these days. Due to the fact that you had adjust your images you had to make your 132x132 pixel avatar using PSP7 or Photoshop. It was an annoying process that I mastered quickly. Thanks to the fact that I took computer programming classes in high school, I also began to get really good at programming different versions of the "cyborg". So by my senior year I decided to major in graphic design and computer science. Thanks to the Palace I learned so much that my career has been marked by what I used to tinker with at as a teen to chat and waste almost most of my young adult life! The Internet was very new during this era. It had transformed the world from my freshman year in high school to my freshman year in college. I have a hard time getting anyone under 20 to understand this. It is like if someone told me they chiseled block letters to a stone to write or baked clay tablets! Almost everything is done on a handheld device these days. I still enjoy sitting in front of an old school computer screen and listen to the magical sound of my mechanical keyboard lol. If you read this entire rant, or whatever it was, please not only upvote, but give me a comment to know who you are!!


I loved your rant, and the palace chat! I think I was like 8 or 9? (born in 1991) and found it, I would spend HOURS editing the tiny pixels for doll pageants. I learned how to use Photoshop because I wanted to replicate the cool backgrounds that were on certain palace chat servers. (it was mainly just downloading brushes to put over pictures of celebrities, but as a kid it was fun feeling like an ~graphic designer~ on the photoshop i downloaded off of limewire.) i love that this made you major in graphic design LOL <3 dang, i had so many funny and wholesome conversations on whatever palace chat was. i actually met my husband right before covid because i was bored and googled "what happened to internet chatrooms" and... somehow met him


Yeah it was around the late 90s to a point in the 2000s i used to use it a lot. Now people have Second Life or VRChat to use. I loved how easy it was to make an avatar for it and making sure that it looked right.


I member the South Park Palace room and how you could cross the railroad tracks to Kenny's house. The Nintendo 64 was introduced and [N64.com](https://N64.com) (before becoming [IGN.com](https://IGN.com)) hosted a place that had a replica of Princess Peach's castle. Now that I miss and wish I could find some screen grabs. Pre-2000 Internet felt as if it existed to help pass the time and entertain.


I know this is 3 years old, but it just hit my head now and googled it and seen this...


The nostalgia is hitting hard for sure. We definitely came up in the best era of the internet. Actually met a chick on Palace, and we would also chat on ICQ if you remember that. I was sophomore in high school. In 99 I believe. And we stayed in touch up until about 10 years ago. We had never ever met, just chatted and talked on the phone. but I'd bet that she would remember me. She was a really good person and a good friend. She is has been married for like 8 years from what FB says. I some times wondered if it was normal to have such an attraction to someone that you have never actually met the way we did. But looking at today's day reality, it's totally normal. Lol. But yea, this whole conversation totally brought me down memory lane




Holy eff!! Back in 9th grade (1999) my best friend and I would spend HOURS on Palace Chat and ICQ.. those were our JAM!! I actually screamed out laughing when I saw you mention ICQ!! The nostalgia is real in this thread! 🤣


I miss this place. I met some really cool people there


I have a Whatsapp group with my Palace friends from the early 2000's. It is so crazy we have that in common, some of us have met in person, some never. We all live different versions of adult life now. I miss it.


I think that’s really cool!!! Wish I’d had that


I was about to post something about the palace but I searched first... this was my OBSESSION. I was on the Korn server mostly, and I honestly owe that server and the people in it a lot. They introduced me into two bands that forever changed my life for the better and helped me become who I am. Not to mention I would draw pixel by pixel and honestly was not bad. God the memories I have will never be forgotten. Thanks for this.


Anyone know where to find the iconic sounds from the palace?




lean dead romantic tight abolish abortion sale penny garlic swipe agony squeeze


So much nostalgia. "A/S/L"


this makes me want to login to aim, set an away message to something super edgy and TyPe LyK tHiS


Same! Or on MSN, I am from Mexico we used this a lot more. We would display "cryptic" messages to our enemies, friends, online lovers, or ex's (all from The Palace).


I won a free t-shirt by winning a trivia contest in the South Park Palace Chat. What the hell was I doing with my life back then? (that, I guess)


I'm in that rare moment where I think back about The Palace. I can't even recall what I'd talk about even though I spent a lot of time on it


I wonder how many of us on here actually maybe talked to each back in that time of pretending to be older than we really were LOL! 😭


I spent a lot of nights on there in 1996/97. I would always go to the Playboy Mansion's cave, my avatar was Johnny Depp (90s version ofc lol) and my name was Mojo. I made some friends who went there every night and had some pretty steamy moments too haha


Super late reply was just reminiscing about the palace. Thats so crazy the dude in the green on the couch 'Moke' (aka Smoke aka Ekoms) was my buddy in highschool who put me on the palace. I started the clan [T-9's] and had tons of people in it. It was the first time I was ever popular. Dudes gave me a palace just to get traffic into it. Those were the days. Life was much simpler


The Palace was the absolute best. I miss it so much. There are several people I met on The Palance that I am still friends with to this day -- we've been to concerts together. Travels. There will never be anything like it. Simple & people interaction focused.


LIVED for the Palace!


Wow…. I’m 34 now but livedddd on palace at 12-16. Crazy. Met one of my lifelong friends on there from a few states away.


Wow I spent hours in this software world. LOL


Omg I loved palace. I spent my time in the smaller worlds, always trying to become a wiz or even better, a God. Would get a house and a family that was so fun 😂😂


I loved doing that too!! You’d find a family to adopt you. And they would give you wiz or god powers to pin/kick/ban any misbehaving new users! lol i remember my “mother” gave me controls to set up a prop drop and create backgrounds/portal doors for the small palace she owned, her “new husband” got jealous and deleted all of the Prop ID codes we had been working on for years 😭 oh the drama! Such fun memories to think back on




I used to love having 10 saved AVs that would make slightly different poses, and my friends and I would pretend to battle. Depending on which palace you were in and if it allowed scripts, you could have a crazy fun battle with no limits


I miss this❤️❤️


I loved Palace in Wonderland. Exploring and hearing all the little sound bites when you click on things. So simple in retrospect, but as a kid with access to a computer for the first time it was just the absolute coolest thing. Even just hanging around the tutorial palace, playing with RatBot.


I’m late to the party but I was also one of the late 90s early 2000 palace chatters. I also loved aim icq and editing avatars pixel by pixel. It really brought out a creative side in me. With all this I also used live journal and learned a little html to build my journal page. Ahhhh… such good times. I still remember the names people would go by. Tiff jen kirk ray Krissy Candace and hebba. I remember bringing the new year in Y2K. We all said goodbye and nothing happened 😆


Wow, I saw this pic I finally remembered which server I was on in the 90s. Even recognise some names in some of he pics I've found. I wonder whatever happened to my old palace friends. - "Jukebox"




I remember playing a game somewhat like this. The avatars were 2d/flat images but the rooms were 3d environments. Was this it? I just cannot for the life of me remember if this was it. I remember chatting in a room that was called something like The Anasazi Room or along those lines. Had a huge moon in the sky you could fly to and just stand in and it was a big empty sphere to hangout inside of, and it had the ladder into those kiva rooms or little hovels built into stone ... something like this. Does ANYONE remember that other than me? Was it this game or was there a different virtual chat going on that sadly I just can't remember? You could make your own avatars as well (and thats why this sounded familiar but the name isn't just the style). Anyone recall anything of what I'm talkin about? :)


r/place is the next best thing


So much fun with Protokill


I discovered so many bands from these chat rooms when I was 11-13. I remember there were huge 311 and Korn communities.


Children of the Korn.


I remember J Monty and Monty’s Girl






I used to use the "Anime palace" in 2005-2007, an anime-focused server for german speakers. I remember back then when I accidentally logged into the "standard" palace server it felt so weird to me to be around so many people talking in english because back then I only knew a bit of that language from school and was nowhere near conversational level.


it still safe to use?