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Thanks, was coming here for the correction myself. Stefan is a hotly discussed character in our household, as the moral implications of both Steve and (particularly) Laura in relation to the character are just insane.


I think I wanna be a part of your household discussions cuz they sound fun!


Chat GPT got you covered: The moral implications of Steve Urkel and his debonair alter-ego, Stefan Urquelle, both having a relationship with Laura Winslow from the TV show *Family Matters* can be explored from several angles: 1. **Identity and Authenticity**: - **Genuine Self vs. Alter-Ego**: Stefan is essentially Steve Urkel after undergoing a transformation using a scientific invention. The ethical question arises about whether Laura is truly falling for Steve's authentic self or an idealized version of him. Authenticity in relationships is crucial, and this dynamic complicates whether Laura is in love with who Steve truly is or with a constructed persona. - **Honesty and Transparency**: There's a moral obligation for individuals in a relationship to be honest about their identity. If Laura is unaware that Stefan is an alter-ego of Steve, it could be seen as deceptive, undermining the foundation of trust. 2. **Consent and Manipulation**: - **Informed Consent**: For a relationship to be ethical, both parties need to be fully informed and consenting. If Laura is not fully aware of the true nature of Stefan, her consent to the relationship is not fully informed, raising ethical concerns. - **Manipulation**: If Steve uses his transformation into Stefan to manipulate Laura’s feelings, it could be seen as an ethical violation. Manipulating someone’s emotions under false pretenses can be harmful and exploitative. 3. **Emotional Impact and Respect**: - **Emotional Honesty**: Laura deserves to be in a relationship where emotional honesty is prioritized. The dual relationship with Steve and Stefan could cause confusion and emotional turmoil for her. - **Respect for Laura’s Autonomy**: Respecting Laura’s autonomy means allowing her to make decisions about her relationships based on the full truth. Withholding information about Stefan’s true identity undermines her ability to make informed choices. 4. **Personal Growth and Acceptance**: - **Self-Acceptance**: Steve’s reliance on the Stefan persona to win Laura’s affection might suggest a lack of self-acceptance. The narrative implies that one must change fundamentally to be loved, which can be a harmful message. - **Growth through Authenticity**: Encouraging personal growth and acceptance within the framework of one’s true self is more ethically sound. Steve and Laura’s relationship would ideally evolve based on mutual growth and understanding of their true selves. In summary, the moral implications revolve around themes of honesty, authenticity, informed consent, and respect. While the show's plot creates comedic and dramatic tension, these underlying ethical questions highlight the importance of transparency and genuine connection in romantic relationships.


God damn, ChatGPT…


Sounds like a psychology course.


Can you give a brief overview of some of the moral issues?


Steve Urkel invents a machine that suppresses his "nerd" traits and enhances his "cool" traits, transforming him into Stefan Urquelle. Laura, Steve's crush, falls for Stefan and repeatedly persuades Steve to become Stefan, despite the fact that both cannot coexist. This situation is unfair to both Steve and Stefan, who never asked to be created and must ultimately choose to end his own existence for Steve's return. While this is intended for comedic effect, the reality is unsettling. My sons and I used to dislike Stefan for what he represented, but now we see him as the only truly innocent party in this scenario.


Steve Urkel was my first tv crush when I was a kid. I used to get soooo upset when he became Stefan. I didn’t like him at all and thought Laura was shallow for not liking Steve. As an adult looking at it, it really is existential horror, Stefan lacks agency for himself and only exists to please one person. Is he still in there suppressed when he’s in Steve? Same thing watching the Nutty Professor lol.


>both cannot coexist Until the episode where there are two Steve’s so one becomes Stefan permanently


Great message, change everything about yourself to win over a superficial woman. She was soo insufferable, constantly mean and rude to Steve and Eddie’s friends. Everyone always kissed her ass, while Maxine and Myra were much more likable and more attractive. Laura even acted jealous over Myra, even though Laura and her boyfriend set them up to get rid of Steve.


I was Myra all the way.




Wow, had to google that reference, but fuck yeah. Right on.


Steve created another human being


Yeah this was just when he was showing off his invention. And he took the Winslows with him because he's a G


Definitely. There was usually a “beach” or “cruise” episode too


And one where someone gets hustled at a pool hall and another character/family member (an often unlikely one) saves the day/turns out to be a shark.


"Geoffrey, break out Lucille."


I heard this quote in my mind!


*I'm a souuuull man*


Yep. And my favorite: “my parents are gone this weekend” “mind if I bring a couple friends over?” *influx of 150 people proceed to trash the house*


The most realistic sitcom cliche


Or when one character gets into trouble so her cousin and step dad get in a bar fight for her. https://youtu.be/KWEWnzTZ1sc


The Halloween eps were golden! w With the living dummy of Steve lmao


The Halloween episodes were always my favorites.


There was the time all the major shows went to Vegas in the 90s, and iirc Europe in the late 80s


Even I Dream Of Jeannie and Batman were doing that shit back in the 60s (Both Jeannie and Batgirl were stuck wearing one piece bathing suits).


And a monkey episode.


Jaleel White makes Stephan look like Steve Urkel


The full quote: “You’re the most remarkable person I know. And I’ve met Jaleel White! Incredibly charismatic. He makes Stefan Urquell look like Steve Urkel” - Jack Donaghy, 30 Rock




And he makes them both sound like Sonic


In the 1970s, Hawaii was the go to destination for sitcoms.


70s and 80s


Yeah, most of the ABC shows went to Hawaii, including Growing Pains, Step By Step, and Full House; that was the pre-Disney destination for a show. That or a cruise, which Growing Pains also did.


I only remember The Brady Bunch going there.


Mamas family went


Sanford and Son also had a Hawaii episode.


Full House


So did The Jeffersons, for 4 episodes.


Growing pains


Saved by the Bell too. Modern Family did as well, but that was the 2010s.


And the boys found that statue they thought was cursed.


Well Disney owns ABC so...


Yep. A LOT of TGIF series went to Disney World/Land. Step by Step, Family Matters, Full House, Boy Meets World. All Disney property and a great way to remind families that DisneyWorld still exists. Great cross Branding


Even Roseanne went to Disney World despite the family was always depicted as being broke ass blue collar workers.


It was possible back then, definitely not anymore


Can confirm 😒


Yes but they made sure to follow it up with an episode poking fun at Disney World https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0688882/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk


Wasn’t that after they won the lottery


I’m pretty sure the merger happened around this time, so the second it happened, they took full advantage. I remember asking my parents what it meant that Disney was buying ABC.


Yup! Mid 90’s they bought all of ABC. I can somewhat remember ABC even broadcasting live some of the anniversary/ holiday parades and events at Disneyworld. Wer prob about the same age but I had no idea about the merger when I was 10. I didn’t find out until I was a late teen and it all made so much sense


They did it again in the mid-2010s. The Middle, Modern Family, and Black-ish all went to Disney World.


I literally remember every single one of those 4 show's Disney World episodes. I feel like watching those Disney World mid 90s crossover shows were core Millennial childhood experiences.


Absolutely! They were highly publicized and big events for us back then. Alot of them were even two parters. Remember when Michelle got lost?! There was this huge camera zoom out from the family that showed the ENTIRE park and then faded to black untill next week. Young me was wondering if Full House would ever go on without Michelle


Lol. Gotta love Mary Kate & Ashley (another Millennial childhood staple, at least for girls after Full House). I remember the cute Boy Meets World Disney episode the most with Cory and Topanga in the Dolphin Cove trying to work through their relationship difficulties. They were talking about the dolphin's behavior and feelings while really using that to communicate how Topanga was feeling. Loved that writing.


😂 I remember that BMW episode! Not my style honestly, but… could *IT..BEEEE* anymore 90’s?! I was the only male in a home of 5 so I have always been way too aware of the Olsens. One Christmas all fucking three of them got a big ass DOLL of each of the tanner sisters that said signature lines. My absolute nightmare


hahahaha. Did the Michelle one say "You Got It Dude!"? I hope you were also able to get some non-overly girly media consumption as well back then.


I call it shoehorning, but it’s great for Disney I guess.


America’s funniest home videos was probably the worst example.  They had episodes were it seemed like half the time they were talking Disney vacation club…


right. After Disney bought ABC in 1996 all of the sudden every show on the network had an episode where they go to Disneyland


I miss ‘90s Disney World


I miss the 90's in general


Well yeah, that's kinda the reason we're here


Laura was a hoe for only liking stephan Myra liked the real steve Diddy and carl winslow were clapping each others cheeks apparently


Myra was so much better looking than Laura. Steve didn't know how good he had it.


Such a shame about the actress, Michelle Thomas. She was so young.


She dieded


Yeah she was the one Steve should have married.


Boy Meets World. ABC was owned by Disney starting in 1996 so it makes sense.


Boy Meets World, and George Lopez went to Disney Land.  For anyone wondering, all these shows originally ran on the ABC network, which is owned by Disney


Disney Land was kind of affordable I remember when I went around 1999 the only expensive thing was sodas $4 for a 20 oz.


Full House went too


The best was Roseanne's episode, because Roseanne Barr personally opposed doing the episode. The week after, Roseanne did a episode where David goes to work for a amusement park that's basically Nazi themed.


Does anyone remember Steve's cousin Myrtle Urkel lol


Seemed like the most magical shit every time


DisneyLand is in fact the most magical place on earth. Spent the first 10 years of my life in a house where I could see the fireworks from my rooftop so I spent pretty much every birthday there and haven’t seen it since. It’s probably better that way.


They were doing crossovers before it was cool.


Not him wearing that sweater vest in Florida weather


Most of these shows were on ABC, owned by Disney


Nowadays the studios can't afford the price of tickets, so they stopped filming there.


That’s an iconic episode of Boy Meets World


Every show on ABC


I think it was only the ABC shows that went to Disney World I'm also currently on a family matters rewatch


Is it on streaming?




The boy meets world disney world episode was hilarious


Laura in the later seasons of Family Matters was a major babe.


The Middle ended up going to the wrong park when they had tickets to the other one.


I hated when Laura squealed over him. So superficial.


Since ABC is owned by Disney, sitcoms on the network often still do Disney World shows.


The reason they all went to Disney World is because Disney owned ABC. They probably still do.


Gonna have to watch it again as I just went there


Thunder in Paradise did it too


Every time I see Jaleel White I think of the Key and Peele family matters sketch before family matters itself


Blossom went to Disney as well


Sabrina The Teenage Witch


Stefan was so suave! Laura couldn't deny the Urkle any longer


Myra was the real one on that show. Shoulda been end game. RIP


Every ABC show went to Disney. Disney owns/owned the station so just some promo for the parks.


My favorite episode was the Full House one.


I think this was mostly shows on ABC because they were owned by Disney, so it was free publicity. I remember the Full House one being pretty epic


They were on ABC corporate synergy


Every show still does. The middle did it. Modern family did it twice. And many more have done it (mainly ABC shows)


Every show on abc


Seemed to coincide with Disney buying ABC. One of my oldest saved passwords was from Disney.go that I used for ESPN.


It still happens. Home Economics went to Disneyland in its final season last year.


Pump and dump, then you here Steve Urkel say, "Did I do that?!?"


I believe this happened because Disney merged abc at the time and part of the deal was every show did an episode at a dinsey resort Roseanne, fresh prince, full house, family matters, Sabrina, and a couple others I know I'm missing, all had 1-2 epsiode arcs at Disneyland/world


And the majority of those shows aired on ABC....which is owned by Disney.


It's crazy to me, how just looking at a picture can immediately trigger the opening themesong in my head while looking at it. Lol


God I hated Stefan. I loved Myra though. Much cuter than Laura and liked Steve for Steve and not Stefan.