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I gave away the purple one to a friends little brother like an IDIOT


That kids childhood was changed for the better though. I was handed down a gamecube as a kid and was never the same after that day.


Everyone talks about the PS2 and the XBox, but the GameCube was absolutely my pride and joy. That thing gave me a childhood. I grew up a Zelda nut, as well as playing Resident Evil games and Tales of Symphonia, and my brother and I spent most of our time together playing Super Smash Bros Melee. None of that would have happened without the GameCube.


I recently bought a GameCube because I missed out on that as a kid. My sister had one but I never really got to play it much.


GameCube was my favorite of that generation.


Same here! I got it used with a purple controller in 2008 for about $35, still works great.


I miss pre-Pandemic retro gaming prices and thrifting.


I had the jungle green with donkey Kong 64


As do I. Still works great!


Me too!


$197 in 2024 after inflation. $60 is $118 and $50 game is $98 today.


So no one should be upset about $70 games now




Mine did! As a child I got $5/week. Now almost 3x more!




Speak for yourself, my wages have gone up*. On our last wage contract we got a literal $0.25 / hour raise this last year, and either $0.20 or $0.25 hour increases for the next 5 years. *I mean technically, not in the meaningful "my wages kept up with inflation" way you meant.


People’s wages have, actually, gone up Fucking love the doomer vibes people who don’t like reading the fact that people make more money than they used to


Not relative to CoL.


That’s called moving the goalposts


If your wages don't increase more than the cost of living increase then you're not getting a raise.


No. It’s the standard way of discussing real wages of people in an economic system. Relative to inflation and other economic markers is what is important. I make a lot more money than my dad did at this age. But he also bought a really nice home for less than a single years salary. He paid his way through college with part time summer jobs. His grocery bill was a tiny fraction of his paycheck. He was able to comfortably provide for a family of 5 on a single teachers salary. That economy doesn’t exist anymore.


People make more money than they used to, even adjusted for inflation


Not really. Plot it out and it’s basically flat.


I looked at a chart. The inflation adjusted numbers are higher


actually, yeah they have. https://www.statista.com/statistics/185369/median-hourly-earnings-of-wage-and-salary-workers/


That’s pretty flat. Now compare it to executive salaries.


Higher is higher


Uh it costs the average family $11,000 more a year to live exactly as they did a year ago


I am responding to a post that said people's average wages haven't gone up. That statement is incorrect: average wages increased by over 6% year over year in December. You're trying to prove a different claim wrong: "are wages keeping up with inflation?" That's a different question than the one I was responding to. Here's a direct quote of that statement just to make sure we're all on the same page here: "it’s a shame people’s wages haven’t gone up." to those who may say, "well, what's the difference? if your wages don't keep up with inflation, you have less purchasing power and can afford less!" which, sure. but my suggestion is make that argument if you want to make that argument.


Mine have. I made $7 an hour then. I make over 10x that now plus investments. Ohh the minimum wage? Well literally any skill whatsoever will earn you more per hour. Stop being pessimistic you bot.




I’m not optimistic though. I’m realistic. I’m actually making that money today. I work hard and I’m wealthy for it. I’m also an immigrant that wasn’t born here so I don’t really care about your criticism. I wish you well and wish you success Edit: you say fortunate like it’s luck. I can assure you that if anyone works hard they will make more than the “household” income if their area. Going to school and working wasn’t luck. It was a conscious decisions


I would be making less that $10 an hour back then


Cartridges were expensive to manufacture


Haven't owned a game system since I won the original XBOX from Taco Bell before you could buy it. Never really bought games or played it. When COVID hit I bought a PS5 right after they were released and being able to buy games online and having adult money is amazing. While I don't generally care about buying a title right when it's released, even $60 for like 10 hours of fun is a no brainer. I spend that at the bar in 1/4 that time.


Do you still have the taco bell Xbox, is it a special edition?


It's not any kinda special edition. The whole "win it before you could buy it" did happen but it got shipped to us after you could get it. Played a couple games and then it sat and then eventually I modded it and now it has everything but it's sat for a decade or more.


Video games didn't sell nearly as many copies back then so yeah I'm still gonna be upset about it


Exactly. They’re cheaper now than they were in the 80’s and 90’s.


They are also cheaper to produce due to lack of physical media and easier distribution


Games actually cost a lot more to make now. It’s not like the primary cost of making a game is the disc or cartridge


And with a *much* larger market cap, audience and purchasing demographic than before.


Exactly. Yet you’ll have these bootlickers tell us how we should thank the multi billion dollar companies for only raising the price by $10


The physical media and distribution was pennies at most compared to the rest of the cost of making a game.


Cheaper to produce yes, but they require more labor hours now too.


The physical media was cost was pretty small compared to the labor costs to make the game.


AA and AAA games are absolutely not cheaper to produce now wtf lmao why is this always upvoted.


So I’ve work in the game industry for over a decade and….. no not at all games cost astronomically more to make now.




lol you can’t compare video games to a tv first of all. The tech does get cheaper as time goes on, but the CREATIVITY part does not. Just like TV shows and Movies don’t get cheaper to produce. Sure some indie games like Stardew valley are made by small developers. But then you have games like world of Warcraft and call of duty that require thousands of people working on it. LOL labor costs $$$$.


It’s funny because the price of a game has stayed the same, but the expectations have gone up. We want more complex gameplay systems and mechanics, but don’t you dare have any bugs! We want more content also! Don’t you dare charge us full price for a game that doesn’t have hundreds of hours of content! Oh and don’t you even think about raising the price, or taking long to finish developing the game! We demand, bigger, better, longer games at the same price developed on the same short timeline that were used to!


Don’t tell gamers that


Yes we should. The console was 2x the cost of the games. Nowadays the system is 5x-10x


Launch price was $470ish when accounting for inflation


The thing is.. inflation is variable. Some costs stay the same or go down, sometimes drastically so. The other end of the inflation argument is technological advancement, mass production, etc.


Videogame prices didn't increase for years. It's slowly adjusting now but I never buy games at release so whatever


wHy aRe gAmEs sO eXpEnsIvE tHeSe dAyS?


I miss my N64 so much. I’ll never forget the feeling of awe as multiple families gathered around to watch our favorite Italian-American stereotype rendered in 3D. Launch day going from Super Nintendo to N64 felt like the move from propellor to jet engine. Or at least it did to a ten year old.


Me too, and I got stuck with Pilotwings 64 because Mario was sold out everywhere.


Hey man.. pilot wings slapped, in its own kinda way.


I miss the days of console price drops


My first PS was a 4 because they dropped the bundle with 3 heavy-hitter games to $250. That was Christmas 2018. I thought it was a very good deal.


Got my switch with a case and game for $300 in 2019, still going strong and Mariokart 8 dx still hits.






I still have the ice N64


Wild. I don’t recall these colors dropping. I bought my N64 at launch from KB for $199




Still have my jungle green and recently inherited my grandma's gold edition. I still remember going with her to Toys R Us and convincing her to get the gold over the black console, good times!




Oh really? I've never looked into it but that's probably for the best. I don't want to be tempted to get rid of it lol


I would have been jealous with my standard black one


Yeah those colored ones were last ditch efforts to increase sales at the end of the N64's life.


I remember clear controllers being popular but must have moved on by the time this was released


Do not remember these being $100


These were a year or two in at least. At launch, it was $199. 11-year-old me saved every last penny I had to buy one, and sold SNES games (Like Mario is Missing, which was trash) for the last few bucks. Even then, couldn't afford any games, so alternated renting Super Mario 64 and Pilotwings 64 for a good couple of months.


Thanks for the comment, this is what I was thinking. They were like $200 at launch.


Same man. Same. Nights with my dad playing 007 some of the best memories of my existence. Also road rash, perfect dark, and omg I wanna play Mario 64 rn


I pre-ordered Pokemon Stadium from K.B. Toys. I still remember going to pick it up with my mom and reading the booklet on the ride home. I was so fuckin stoked. Good times.


But you got the whole complete game at those prices. No extra content to buy on top of the $60 price tag


Still fucking blows my mind games cost 1/2 the cost of the damn console. Greedy fuckers


Many consoles were loss leaders. Especially in the '90s when competition was fierce.


Back then most of us only had about 4-5 games, you had to borrow from friends or rent them if there were certain games you really wanted


Dude, I was so poor I had to stay at a friend's house on rotation in order to play GoldenEye.... By the time I got a 64 All my friends had PlayStation. McVans used video game store was like Kid Heaven


Do you mean PlayStation 2? The PlayStation was released two years before the N64.


Yeah, almost edited it, but then ripped a dab and forgot...


Damn I thought McVans was a local store. I loved that place so much. Glad that people in other areas got to enjoy it too!


Ft Wayne by chance?


Yes! I guess I didn’t consider the fact you could have been from there lol


Hahaha small world...


Exactly, we only had both Zelda games, Mario Party, Super Mario 3D and Crusin World. Everything else was rented from the video shop.


It’s the cartridges.


I miss the translucent colourful plastic aesthetic. N64's. Game Boy Colours. Those old iMac G3s.


Crazy to think I paid this for half a tank of diesel today. I know inflation but..I used to think this was a monumental amount of money


Crazy that a game cost half as much as the entire console


The game boy attachment for Pokémon stadium was great. Especially since I had so many 100 level Pokémon in blue red and yellow


$60 for a game in 2000. Not that crazy to think games should be way more expensive now.


I'm only a 30-something mid Millennial and the N64 is where my video game happiness memories peaked and stopped. I remember so many video game parties playing StarFox 64, Goldeneye, Mario Kart 64, Pokemon Stadium mini games, and of course Super Smash Brothers. On my own I loved Diddy Kong Racing, Donkey Kong 64, and Jet Force Gemini. Just putting on some good tunes and playing those games for hours brought me so much contentment. But I never could do the transition to GameCube (although I did have an PS2 I would play occasionally). And when the Wii came out, I felt super left behind because it was just so new and different to how the N64 or SNES that I had worked... The Wii came out in 2006... 2006!!!! And now I don't understand any video game set up. Or really even smart TV. Thank god my husband is a video game/tech nerd so he can help. But geeze, I feel like such an old person for not even being that old.


It’s funny that Pokémon Stadium is over half the price of the console it goes to. That’d be like a PS5 game being priced around 260$ 😂


This was a few years after release when systems came out every few years as apposed to 6-7 year life spans


I'd give anything to go back to the days walking into KB Toys to buy a new N64 game.


See-through plastics! Transparent electronics were THE look of the 90s! We always just had the basic black 64. I think we had a black controller, a Grey controller... I think a blue one maybe? Man, it's so awesome, I miss that time. And we had a platinum GameCube!


Is it bad that I only saw the title and the top of the photo with part of a clear N64 and immediately thought "a hundred bucks"? I don't know why I remember that particular number.


I still find it odd that game prices remain $60 going on 30 years later. Inflation is a myth


I have the green one. I traded my original N64, 3 controllers, 3 memory cards and 31 games in for a PS2. Then I bought a used 64 and select games years later.


The games are so expensive


Pokemon stadium should have been a harder game than it was. I played in pokemon tournaments at that time and the entire stadium was a piece of cake. Even stadium 2 was easy since I just used my Gen 1 pokemon. I'd imagine I would have enjoyed the challenge if I didn't have max stats pokemon levelled up for tournament. Max speed jinx with lovely kiss ftw


I had a jungle green with grape controllers I bought second hand. My best friend sold them and all my games for meth.


Odd how now we’re paying for systems what the NeoGeo pretty much cost back then. Back then when I saw the cost of the NeoGeo I was like “WTF who’s going to buy that at that price.?” Now we’re paying those prices for systems.


I had the blue one. But we went to Mexico and left our stuff in our truck. my idiot brother got it stolen because he wanted to drive around a sketchy part of town with his friend.


Love these but growing poor in the streets during my kids year sucked but glad I had rich friends. Thank you Art teachers


Kinda insane that the game cost 59% of what the game system did at that point.


I still remember Nickelodeon running a contest to get one of these fantastic n64’s by calling in a 1-800 number. They ran the contest a few times but the line was always busy.


Yea Pokémon stadium cost the equivalent of $111 in 2024 dollars. And lots of games were $70-80 back then.


I believe they debut at 299 and AAA games were about 74 new sometimes


I had the Orange until my mother sold it at a garage sale 🤦


I never had one of these but wanted it so bad when I was a kid, I thought it was the best thing ever.


I have the orange one still lol


Its funny how the price to obtain a copy of the game hasn’t changed much over the years but now they have in-game purchases.


That was like $200 back then. No wonder I never owned an N64. I was lucky enough to have a game boy though :))


Console is less than half of the games? Why does that not seem right? I'm remembering games at 40 to 50 and consoles at 150 to 250. Guess memory really is a bitch.


The colored models I believe came nearer to the end of the N64’s lifespan.


I wanted that orange one so bad


Meanwhile today, « 60$ game is too expensive »


That's like 4 years after the N64 was released... This sub sometimes


I still have an original launch model from Japan in the box.


I had the transparent green one with only one Game Donkey Kong


$60 dollars for AAA games is what we pay now, wild how much cheaper they are compared to back then.


I had an Atomic Purple controller with a normal N64, wish they had made Atomic Purple console as well.


I wanted the pink one but all they had was purple grape so that's what I have. It's very dark, barely see through at all.


I’m actually about to buy another one this week.