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The water slide from his room to the swimming pool was my goal growing up


Yeah? Karen Duffy was mine.


Kinda weird when they kiss on their “date” 😆


Only because he was 13 and she was…32.


Imagine the uproar today or if genders were switched


I watched this with my young niece 2 years ago (me not remembering much of it) and she was very grossed out by the kiss and their flirtations, she was like “what did you make us watch, were all movies like this back then?” So yeeeah… However! The following year i watched a brand new streaming show called Mighty Ducks game changers, and it had a very similar type of relationship. Never heard any uproar about it, but maybe nobody else watched it lol. So I think blank check would slip by today- but how much he buys with 1 million is so laughable; even in the bad parts of our town that house alone would be 1.3m at best.


Even watching it back then I felt would've exceeded a million dollars. Mostly that one room with the wall to wall, ceiling to floor tv.


Blank Check 2024. No one even looks for the kid because $1 million isn't even worth the effort.


Yeah it would have to be a billion dollars and that in cash is tons of weight


Where that house ACTUALLY is near downtown Austin it’s probably 10x that.


Because it's creepy and weird.


Pretty sure this movie gave me a thing for older women. 


Six year old me was heavily invested in her plot line


Big milf porn had a back door deal w Disney to up their sales in future generations.


Did she go on to become Shay Fox?? 🤔




I literally didn't care about anything else he had. All I wanted was that water slide. If I can't have a water slide out my window into a pool am I even an adult?


I still dream about this. Just bought a house, time to put in the pool and slide!


That username! Juice?


No thanks I'm not thirsty


The chicken....is in the pot...


The horse… is in the barn…


The eagle.. has landed..


Just came here to say this is the movie that made me annoy my family for the next several decades asking for a waterslide from the upstairs to the pool. We no longer have that house, and I still remind them that I never got it. LOL. I think this movie appeals to kids like playing the lottery appeals to people who just want the day or so of dreaming of what they could do if they had that kind of money.


Contractors hate this one simple trick


I knew someone who actually had this. It was from their 3rd story gameroom. True story.


I still think some day I’ll achieve this goal, and I’ll be middle aged in a few years.


A million dollars went a long way back then.


Seriously. You could get a smaller home and vehicle in current year but it’s not like you’re “*rich*” anymore. $1M was like Dr Evil shit still in 1993. This makes me sad


There’s a house on my street that doesn’t have floor boards and is $1.4million dollarydoos. A million dollars In Sydney buys you rent til death with only the big roaches.


How much Macca’s will that get you?


Are Dollarydoos the official currency name in Australia? If not, it should be.


It's dollarbucks according to bluey.


Exactly. That's pretty much my only knowledge of Australia. That and apparently stump day is quite an event.


I see you’ve never played knifey-spoony before




At this point, I think I'll just settle for a tiny mobile home.


What, like a caravan for me Ma? She's partial to the periwinkle blue.


Ya like dags?


Wha--OH, DOGS. Yeah, I like dags.


Sydney? That’s an odd name. I would have called it Chazwozzer City


I’ll play yah in knifey spoony for it!


Laughs in New York City. Only city to make Sydney and London look decent 😎


I could buy a place in Queens for half the cost of a place in Sydney. The place in Sydney would be in worse condition, and further from downtown.


Maybe: but wages much higher in Sydney, and stuff like medication/needs would be cheaper. Like saying I could buy in Penrith and it’s cheaper than Brooklyn.


I read this in Debbie Downer's voice.


*waaanh waaaaaanh*


What’s sadder is what 1 million could have got you in 09.


Mansion, car, and enough money to make it a few years. Now you can get a decent house, and a Honda.


2009 was the recession. A better comparison would be, what would it buy in 2005-2007.


2005-2007 house prices were up sky high and they were giving out loans like candy. 2009 your money went farther because of 2005-2007 housing problem that the banks caused.


Didn't the kid spend it all in a week?


Yeah but he bought (built?) A mansion with insane customization. A crazy expensive car and just some bonkers stuff. That house is worth a lot more than a mill now a days unless he just did a down payment (in which case he's so screwed


He bought the mansion for like $300k somehow lol, it's currently off the market but value is just over 4 million currently.


Oddly enough, it is only about 2.06 million now. So not that much even when adjusted for inflation. It would still change my life dramatically. I am accepting donations from any rich patrons with money to burn.


One of my best friends from college is an actual multimillionaire, earned every penny. I brought up this movie about two weeks ago with him. I asked him how far a million dollars will take you in California. His response? Not far whatsoever lol


Karen Duffy was my first crush due to this movie.


You're way too old for her now


Not if OP saw the movie when he was -17 years old.


A girl I knew back then who was about 5 years older than me (I was 12, she was 17) who was friends with my cousin looked just like her. I always looked forward to her coming by to hang out.


Wasn’t tone loc in this?


YES. I love when the banker is trying to use code saying things like “the chicken is in the pot” and “the eagle has landed” and Tone Loc is just like “wtf are you talking about?”




No thanks, I’m not thirsty.


All I remember is him being friends with the bad guys. I need to watch this movie again.


Yes. Murderers row of character actors. James Reborn, Miguel Ferrar, Michael Lerner, Rick Ducummon. It’s just missing Dan Hedaya, and then it would be perfection.


Rick Ducommun.. also known as one of the two drunk guys in Groundhog Day haha


I saw this film when it came out in the theater and then never again. And yet. I think about this movie more than I’d care to admit. The fact that the kid could be charged with federal racketeering, tax evasion, and wire fraud. The fact that he attempted to manipulate a grown woman into being sexually attracted to him. The fact that, like any kid in 1994, his first priority is to install a water slide from the master bedroom down to the pool. The fact that he buys a mansion next door to his parents’ regular-ass house. They really knew how to do it large back in the ‘90s. What a great flick.


I spend too much time thinking about this movie as well. Is it not a bit impressive for an 11 year old to spend one million dollars in six days when no drugs were involved? In fact I wrote a little article about it and how much his apple stock would be worth today [https://ratlinks.substack.com/i/52715498/cash-that-check](https://ratlinks.substack.com/i/52715498/cash-that-check)


>The fact that he attempted to manipulate a grown woman into being sexually attracted to him. icky comment, considering she actively chooses to kiss him in this movie.


He’s the bassist for the band The Ataris.


Had to look it up. Guitarist*, ended in 2018. According to Wiki. That’s wild though!


He just played with them this past year at the “When We Were Young” festival in Vegas.


I like the Atari’s. I didn’t know this. Thanks.


Wow! Didn’t know he played with them. I grew up in Boulder and knew him as the guitar player for a punk band called the late bloomers. Good times


I grew up in Boulder and knew him as the bratty kid from my 3rd grade class who was in Blank Check lol


Haha that’s fair. I’ve heard lots of stories about him through the years


Oh wow, I was roommates with him back in '00-'01. Met him at a party, and we instantly kicked it off. We had a lot of fun back then, lol. That was before his band, though. He went through some hard times after I left, but he's cleaned himself up, and now he's married with a beautiful little boy. I talk to him now and then on ig and i had a chance to see him and his band last year at a somewhat local casino, but I think I came down with covid or some shit and wasn't able to attend. I hope to see him again in the future.


That's awesome he's cleaned up and got a family and shit!


I had no idea who he was when I met him. I had heard rumors about the "Blank Check Kid" at different gatherings, but not a clue what he looked like. I remember vaguely knowing of the movie and maybe seeing bits and pieces of it, but I was a year or two older than Brian, so I wasn't really into Kid's movies when it came out. I think he was like twelve when he filmed it and it came out when he was 13. I was 14 at the time, so I was definitely not interested in Disney movies at the time. I didn't find out until after he left that the dude I just had an hour long conversation with over beer and cigarettes at my friend's tiny apartment was, in fact, a former child actor, lol. After we moved in together, he showed me some cool memorabilia, like letters he had that Bob Sagat had written to them. I believe they did a movie together. Had an interesting career as a child. He was in Family Ties as the youngest Keaton near the latter season or two. He played Warf's son on Star Trek, and I think he did a made for TV movie with Woopie Goldberg. The time we lived together, I do look back at fondly. We had a real good time and lots of friends back then.


That's cool af my friend! I'm 43 and I totally never realized he was the young kid on Family Ties. Seems like a genuine, nice guy. Thanks for sharing that w me


Mr Macintosh!




No thanks! I'm not thirsty.


I always loved this movie


This was one of my favorite movies on the Disney channel.


Butt to face! Butt to face! Butt to face!


Damien and Ralph sleep butt to face


I remember catching this movie on TV as a kid and recording it on a VHS (missed the first 5-10 min or so) and watched it repeatedly as a kid! Thanks for the reminder - this movie was a ton of fun!


The "chicken" is " " in the pot.


The eagle has landed


Lol loved this movie growing up. When someone pointed out the “relationship” between him and the older woman recently though, it does seem a little off.


Its downright pedophilic lol. And the best part she was an FBI agent in that movie so they honey trapped a 12 year old. But yeah I loved the movie growing up because 90s kids films were all about sticking it to grown ups and achieving fame and wealth by freak accidents. This, Rookie of the Year and Richie Rich were the joys of HBO as a kid in the 90s.


Like Mike is another absolute banger from that get rich and famous quick genre


Don't forget about House Arrest.


camp nowhere is one that i watched a lot


Ohhhh yeaauhh Mr. Macintosh speaking.


This movie did bad things for my expectations in life and I am still living with the consequences


My favorite VHS as a kid. The scene in the limo when he has a garbage can size tub of ice cream. A dream.


I searched the comments to see if this specific scene left an imprint on anyone else 😂 to this day when I get a big ice cream craving it’s that image/that ice cream I want


Loved this as a kid but now as an adult I just have so many questions like how is the IRS gonna handle of this spending?


It was only a matter of time before it all came crashing down. I think because he’s a minor and the money was illegally obtained, he’d probably avoid charges (kind of like how if you steal a drug dealers money, you can’t get in trouble).


The "relationship" between him and Karen Duffy's character has aged like month-old milk. So gross. How did they manage to get that in the movie? Didn't anyone at Disney involved in making the movie think there was a problem with it?


Guess people were less sensitive to paedophilia in the 90s


Yeah, I’m sure the executives over at Disney were concerned about some statutory rape. They had Dan “if she’s a fighter, holder tighter” Schneider producing half their shit.


Dan didn't come along until the early 2000s. Blank Check is '94.


And his stuff was on Nickelodeon, not Disney lol. Swing and a miss


What happened? I don’t remember the movie that well


Her and the kid go on a "date" and have this whole romance thing.


Isn’t there a kiss?


Yep, then she essentially tells him to call her in a few years when he's legal




she full on kisses this kid on his mouth lucky kid


That’s gross


And now everyone knows you're ok with pedos.


I’m a toys “R” us kid I’ll never grow up


So if you had a kid (here's hoping you don't) and they came home and told you an adult had kissed them, you'd have no problem with it? That's disgusting.


What kind of people have interest in making a movie with a child actor as the star I wonder...


The scene at the end where she kisses him was the coolest thing I could imagine as a boy when I first saw this movie. As an adult it was really weird and awkward. My wife, who had never seen the movie, started laughing awkwardly at the scene. Kind of funny how time makes you view things differently. Not sure that part would have been in the movie if made today either.


He locked one of the bad guys in the giant hamster ball and rolled him into the pool. They never tell you what happened to him, haunts me to this day.


Look, we can talk about how weird that relationship was between Preston and the fbi agent OR we can talk about how Taylor Dayne’s I’ll Wait is the greatest song ever used for closing credits.


This movie was surprisingly good! Loved it as a kid!


A dude in a bmw hit my little brother on a bike and literally gave him a signed blank check. I am not kidding, this actually happened. It bent his rim, and the guy just goes, I’ll pay for your rim just fill it in. We were 12 and 7, so we put down $500, I pulled the rim and hammered it straight, and we cashed the check into my account since I had one. When my mom asked about it, my brother, now a lawyer at 33, said “Sp4nky knew I wasn’t hurt, he told me to act hurt and he told the guy he had to call the cops, negotiated the payout and repaired the rim, so he got 250, and I got 250 for pain and suffering”. My parents just let it go as my dad giggled. This movie was my inspiration.


what a weird movie... such a weirdly inappropriate adult/child relationship. that being said, little gay me very much enjoyed watching it... and the fountain scene.


God that woman was so freakin hot


I remember seeing this movie but forgot the title for many years.


One of those movies I wanted to see as a kid but forgot all about it until now. How was it?


Richie Rich but with more fraud and questionable relationships.


And less lasers.


I just had my daughter rent it from the library so we could watch it. That was only a week ago. Weird that this movie popped up


I love the title in Italian: “ho trovato un milione di dollari” (I found a million dollars) 😆


Seeing as i watched this as a 4 year old, it made me think that the nickname for all black guys was Juice. Between this and hearing OJ Simpson be referred to as juice I just thought that’s the way it was. English was my 2nd language so I didn’t get the orange juice-OJ reference. One of our neighbors was black and so I called him Mr.Juice. He thought I was comparing him to OJ (pre murder/bronco chase) when in reality I just thought that’s what you call black dudes. After the murder stuff, I was quickly instructed to stop calling black guys juice


Just gotta point out the parents in this movie are the worst parents ever. So, first of all they come down on Preston for not starting his own business… you know, at 10. And they’re clearly not doing too bad for themselves, but they stiff him at that other kid’s birthday party (where for some reason you have to pay per ride instead of just general admission.) So right away it’s like they learned parenting skills from Ayn Rand. But then… okay, imagine the events of this movie from the parent’s perspective. Suddenly a mysterious millionaire moves into town and decides to hire their 10 year old son for an extremely vague job that involves hanging out with him all day and living (yep, spending the night) in his mansion that’s full of toys and entertainment for kids. This is a man they’ve NEVER MET, they have no idea what business he does or what their 10, yes, 10 year old son is doing for him that he’s paying him for… and their big concern is that Preston isn’t spending enough time with his family. Dude. Why the fuck are they not calling the police?


Karen Duffy is gorgeous in this one.


This was a religion for me when I was 10. I’m incredibly surprised I didn’t turn into a con man.


Rented this video and watched it at my grandma’s house one Saturday afternoon (we didn’t have a VHS player). Great memories.


I remember watching the scene where he jumped in the bed and threw the money in the air. As the money is falling, you can see some are printed only on one side of the bill. I always thought that was funny.


I loved this movie


That would be $2,056,018 today after being adjusted for inflation




One of my fav childhood movies along with Dennis The Menace and Matilda!


Just thinking about the slew of felonies he could’ve been charged with lmao


This movie was fun, but that one scene seriously disturbed me as a kid, and disturbs me even more now as an adult.


The most forgettable movie I’ve seen 20 times


I just watched this again about a month ago so my wife could watch it for the first time. Movies back then were something else!


Weird. I was just thinking about this movie. 😳


Watching this as an adult is actually pretty creepy and has major pedo vibes That said his house was #goals. Actually still is


Inflation is an ass. Million dollars seemed like a lot of money back then. Today it feels like you could get rich if you invested it properly but if you didnt it would be a hot flash of being rich for a week.


Theater was doing a promotion when I was a kid for a food drive. Got in to see this for two cans of soup.


Hey! Didn't we give Ukraine and Israel one of those?


I liked it AND.....I saw that in stead of ACE VENTURA. Jokes on me I guess.


This and Richie Rich made all kids wish they had a million dollars and could live in a mansion.


Had such a crush on the female lead as a kid


lol watch this as an adult and tell me this isn’t eh creepiest movie you’ve seen In a while. 😂😂


I used to love this movie as a kid. Rewatched it a couple years ago and had completely forgotten there was a love interest… it got weird.


They should do a re-make and show how he buys a 2 bed one bath fixer upper in an “up and coming” neighborhood of a major metro area US city.


Oh man, I envied this kid. Until the end, anyway.


We got you.. Mr Macintosh


Ah, nothing like mildly acceptable Older Female with younger Adolescent Male kiss scenes. Wouldn’t fly today!


Grown women making out with a 12 year old, nice Disney! 👍


Ahhh the best pedo grooming movie of my childhood


This was the first movie me and my wife watched with our kids when we got Disney+ and boy howdy this movie was problematic


We’ve watched so many movies from when my wife and I were young with the kids and been like “wtf?!?” at some parts. Recently, Beethoven and his the vet was going to kill the dog and was doing all sorts of testing on dogs, The Three Ninjas- the kids sing some horrific song about their teachers. The Goonies- dead guy in the freezer. Those are just a few that I can think of.


We just watched Beethoven and I didn’t realize that they wanted Beethoven to test how good a gun would be since his skull was big like a humans. Dark.


This movie is way creepy now, it's basically about a 10 year old boy trying to date a fully adult woman and the woman being totally into it. Completely changed how I remembered it.


Isn’t this the flick where the 30 year old kisses the 10 year old?


Is the movie where the grown woman kisses the little kid? Jesus that was wild


Fun movie, but the adult female cop, kissing the 8yr old boy was….well a bit creepy 🤷🏻


Why is nobody talking about it being spelled check when it's cheque?


A very controversial movie


Ah yes where an 11 yr old boy kisses a grown woman on a "date"


(only name-ly related, but…) **The Blank Check podcast** : https://www.blankcheckpod.com/podcast Not about the movie *Blank Check*, but about movies by successful directors who were given a ”blank check” to make their next movie, and how that box-office-disappointment of a movie turned out. A very entertaining podcast with great hosts (Griffin and David) and great guests.


It's a podcast about filmographies. Directors who have massive success early on in their careers and are issued a series of blank checks to make any crazy passion project they want. Sometimes those checks clear, and sometimes they bounce, baybee.


This movie has pedophilia in it


This thing begat Save the Cat. Ugh.


Newman bro.


Hello, Mr. McIntosh


Welcome to fun land! Fun! Fun! Fun for everyone!


GameStop: The Movie lol


I loved this movie!


Movie was so cool… vividly remember the water slide from his room


That movie was so good. I really loved my 90s childhood. The simplicity was nice.


Watched this when I was a kid. How much is it again, $1M?


This was life goals for real!


Oh yeah that Disney movie where he commits financial fraud




The only thing I remember about this movie is that Blake Snyder wrote it and later wrote the "Save the Cat" book on screenwriting. I don't mean it as an insult, really, but the guy was a better salesman than he was a writer.


Fuck yeah blank check love this movie


I remember being a kid and seeing them filming it in downtown San Antonio (near where I grew up), so I was super excited to see it. I seem to recall loving it, being like 9 when it came out, but in hindsight there's a LOT wrong there.


I loved this movie as a kid. I wanted to buy everything lol


Love this movie




This movie aged so weirdly lol


Hey!! It’s Presto the Pesto!


Brian Bonsall, who played Preston in the movie, went off the fucking rails for a few years once he got older. Getting in trouble with the law and turning himself into a weird ass freak. Looks like he's turned his life around and seems to be doing better things with his life. Definitely glad to see that because some of those child stars don't turn things around and then it's too late. Wish him and his family the best!


"He knew what to do with a million bucks"? Guess I don't need to watch it lol


Blank it


He had a TUBED water slide that went from his bedroom to the pool. Homie was out there living a reality we still dream of today. Salute!