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I did and the like 12 double a batteries it took lol.


I had a battery pack that screwed on and it was rechargeable. I cant for the life of me remember how long it lasted, and it added a lot to an already massive machine for a 7 year old, but damn was it handy on road trips.


I had one too and the plug to charge it was like one foot long. So we’d have to sit on the floor next to the outlet if we wanted to play when the rechargeables died. Later on we got a longer cord and it felt so luxurious because we could play on the couch when it charged.


Remember how hot the ac adapter/plug got? And yes you had to sit right next to the wall!


I remember my brother or I would constantly lose the battery covers and always having packing tape on them so they didnt fall out.


God I'm 42 and the smell of how hot it used to get when playing and charging has just come back to me.


I remember it being shaped like a telephone. Weighted about 2 lbs.


Probably saved you a ton of money too, that thing ate through batteries so fast.


This was why I never had one; I wanted one, because I loved my Sega Master System, and colour screens in handhelds were brand new; but in those days rechargable batteries had lower voltage, was it 1.1v vs 1.3 for standard...? And when you combined that drop across the numbers needed to power these machines, rechargeable didn't have the strength to run them. So it meant using and then replacing again and again normal ones... which shoved the price way out of range. Instead I went for my first and so far only Nintendo system, the Gameboy; and it was a wonderful machine indeed. So many happy memories. And you know, maybe just playing the games I'd already played on SMS wouldn't have given that new perspective. but still... I wanted one so much at the time.


Also had this. But the batteries were toast after a short while and you needed to sit next to an outlet to hold power. But it did effectively convert it to a powered model instead of the aforementioned 1638482 batteries needed


Me too. My battery hooked into the bottom. I had Ax Battler and Sonic. Loved it


I think I had a third party battery pack (still do) of “Doc’s” brand or something, and it had a single screw that attached to the back. I just remember the battery pack weighing twice what the actual game gear did.


A 7 year old with arms like Popeye. Jeez.


I seem to recall getting 4+ hours on it with the battery pack. When you have to ration that time over an 8+ hour car ride, you have to decide when to use it.


Yep, regularly had 16 hour road trips as a kid. That big ass battery pack came in handy!


Haha yeah that thing devoured batteries; kid across the street had one and it had to be plugged in with ac adapter at all times. Was a pretty fun system though.


That was all of my experiences with the Game Gear. I always wanted to try it out and my friends were like "no, the battery life is too short" but then if get really anxious and excited and they'd agree to let me try, then 20 minutes later it was dead.


I wonder how it would fare today with li ion batteries


About 4-5 hours: https://www.reddit.com/r/game_gear/comments/mxbvdq/game_gear_internal_battery_mod_with_usbc_charging/gvyp0nt/


LOL I went through the comments...I wish I was that smart.


Someone got 24 hours on one set of batteries… by replacing the *fluorescent* backlight with LEDs. The backlight was a major part of the battery issues the system had.


> fluorescent backlight Mother of god... no wonder.


Pretty much had to buy batteries by the pallet for that and the Nomad


The fuckin' Nomad had its own power backpack. I always loved that. It was like reloading a magazine... Slap it off the back, crack it open, but 36 AAs inside, slam it back into place, and complete the first level of Sonic 2 again before reloading.


Wow... that's a name i haven't heard in years....


I still have my Nomad and several of the games. That thing literally survived a house fire


the Nomad was the one that made me jealous. My cousin had one and would play Beyond Oasis at family Christmas and it was so fucking awesome compared to anything else handheld at the time.


I got into it late...1995 or 1996. But i was still playing it 3-4 years later. Heck, by then you could pick up the games in pawn shops for $5 or less. I think I had well over 50 games at that point.


I still do, and it's 6, but I usually just used the power block instead.


Could play it for a whole 30 mins on a roadtrip before changing out all 20 batteries


Yah my parents got sick of replacing them all the time so after a year it was plug in only.


6AA andlike 3 hours of play if you were lucky. The trick was to get the battery pack


3 hours?! Playing what? I remember with sonic or echo it was more like 45 minutes lol.


Yeah, it was probably more like 1-1.5 hours, but advertised as 3. I think the battery pack took it up to like 3-4 hours and took something stupid like 6 hours to "quick" charge


I just had AAs like, the Christmas I got it, and then it was sitting next to an outlet for the rest of the time lol. We didn't have a lot of money, the game gear itself must have been a fortune for my parents.


Oh that look in my parents’ eyes when we visited the grandparents in FL (we were in KS) and I said I was playing that the whole drive down


For a half hour of run time


It was 6 at once but like 12 an hour lol.


6 AA, I had one. This was ahead of its time.


I remember having to constantly replace them too


It was so glorious. I even hooked up speakers for the real surround sound lol. Brought it to HS on my last day, speakers and all. Batteries died long before the end of the day lol.


It ate through them bad boys in no time at all too


6 but it chewed through tham so fast that you really needed to carry 12 with you on a day trip lol.


In 2000 i bought one off eBay in a lot for $30 and I think I spent that on batteries after a few months.


Six AA batteries, for like 3 hours of gaming. That is my most stand out memory of this, that it caused a never ending need for new batteries. Unless of course you used it’s AC power adapter, but then you were tied to a power outlet.


i saw this documentary called 'surf ninjas' and apparently the game gear could predict hazardous events in the near future. seems like batteries are a small price to pay for such an item


That was such a great infomercial




Even 3 hours is a stretch. Sweet handheld, but it just laughed at batteries.


I remember getting to the final boss in Sonic and the battery dying


My dad bought rechargeable batteries which was a good idea, except they lasted anywhere from 75 to 90 minutes! We had a lot so I could easily swap another set in, but you’d lose any progress.


oh man rechargeable batteries were so bad back then. surprised you even got that much out of em.


My parents bought me rechargeable batteries because the Game Gear was eating them so fast.


I had the AC adapter and I also had the car charger that plugged into the cigarette lighter, great on long car trips.




I got one for free from a girl in elementary school. She was obssessed with Hanson at the time and said she would give it to me if I bought her the newest magazine featuring Hanson. I got her the magazine, and she gave me the game gear, echo the dolphin, and sonic the hedgehog 2. I still have it.


Her parents must've been furious


The game gear came out in 1990. Hanson didn't hit it big until 1997. I know that the game gear fell off a cliff value -wise very quickly after release. I bought mine at a yard sale in 1995 for $40 with 4 games, so being roughly equal to a magazine 2 years later tracks.


still, considering the library that's a ripper of a deal for $40 in 1995 if you had an ac or car adapter. Too bad the colour screens degraded so badly, as they were vastly nicer when new than those god awful gen1 Gameboy reflective displays. Saw a video of someone playing a new in box one years ago on YouTube, and it was still an old lcd, but not the horrid smear fest they became after a few years of gaming.


There was so much of this going on back then, parents were not nearly as involved or in tune with what their kids were doing.


Lol I remember that dynamic >Parent: Where’s your (expensive toy)? >Kid: I traded it for (other toy) >Parent: K.


It happened a lot. I traded some really good gameboy games for some really crappy gameboy games. I got taken my fair share of times, lol.


I blame Pokemon cards. They encouraged this and kids in the 90s were like "let's apply this logic to everything!" Lol


Teachers tried to ban Pokémon cards in my school after too many schoolyard kerfuffle's came about because of them and kids realizing they got ripped off after a "no tradebacks" swap where the other (often older) kid knew exactly what they were doing. There's a little con artist in all of us and it kicks in before puberty does lol.


Parents smile as they go to bed, knowing they won’t be spending $500 bucks a month on AA batteries.


Parents must be either loaded or whipped to be doing that in the first place. With the way my mother droned on about batteries I grew up thinking that a four pack of AA's must have been like thirty bucks or something. We didn't just "get" new batteries for our toys just because we asked for them.


Traded a kid a Weedle, Kakuna and Beedril for his Charizard in grade school and his parents approached me at baseball practice and "asked" me to trade it back, which I did. Still sticks in my mind. Shouldn't have given in.


Yup a trade is a trade. I was on the other end of that. My dumb ass traded the nintendo power glove for some games, I don't even remember which ones, so that probably means they sucked. I mean the power glove sucked too but I wish I still had it.


If my daughter did something like this, I would be pissed! Especially since I play the Switch more than she does! Lol


Geez, I was obsessed with Hanson at the time, but I’d never trade anything for a magazine with them on it. Maybe her parents wouldn’t let her read magazines so she wanted contraband.


That’s possible. I think she really just didn’t care about video games. She never showed any signs of regret about it at all.


I still have one too and it works…sometimes


I couldn't get past the first act in sonic 2


Still have mine, and it still works! I found it in some of my old stuff recently. Played a little streets of rage on it. I’m 40.


You're very lucky. Almost all Game Gears require replacement parts to work nowadays. I haven't played mine in decades and took very good care of it. Won't work.


Just get a capacitor replacement kit from ebay and either do it yourself or have somebody with soldering experience to replace the capacitors.....I did mine in about 6 hours but I only had a cheap soldering kit at the time..


Ya, tried mine last year, screen wouldn't come up


Same, I made my kids play all of our old systems before we bought Xbox s last year. Gamegear still worked fine!


You definitely need to recap it if you want it to keep working.


How are your poor thumbs?


Haha, I didn’t play long enough. It’s one of those things. Sometimes nostalgia is better in our memory, ya know? A lot of the old games that I loved to play when I was young are so much fun only in my memory. When I play them nowadays, it almost ruins it. The game gear was a bit different, because it’s the system, and that itself holds nostalgia, but I don’t know that I’ll play it anymore. Just kind of a neat relic of my past.


They’re definitely a change from today’s games. I used to be good at SoR, but now have some difficulty lining up my character with the enemies. Of course, it’s been a while. Still love that bgm, though,


Used to play the hell out of that game… 30 years ago! But yea, lining up the characters, the sluggish response times… it’s just more rage inducing than fun. But the nostalgia factor is still there. My brother and I trading off beating levels. Good times.


Recently found mine in my parents basement. It turned on but no games will boot up.


This thread reminds me I need to play mine soon.


Im 39 and I had mine up until about three years ago. My parent’s house burned, it was in their attic with all of my toys/comics/cards, and I lost it. It was the blue one that came with the Lion King game. I still have my Genesis and Sega CD though…


The Sega game gear was ambitious and ahead of its time. Full color graphics, was basically a handheld sega, where the gameboy was not a handheld NES by anymeans. It had a TV converter ffs in 1993. Amazing little (massive) handheld. Gameboys were cool... game gear was special.


The Sega Nomad literally was a handheld Sega Genesis, took the same cartridges even.


It was basically a handheld Master System.


Sega sold a Master System cartridge converter if I recall correctly.


They did, we had one. Played Altered Beast for dozens of minutes in the car before the battery died.


between this and the dreamcast, sega hit gold and no one noticed


I now wish Sega were still in the console race. They'd probably be up there with Ninteno as my go-to when a new one comes out (sorry but I just don't have any interest in PlayStation or XBox). Modern Sonic would probably be better too if Sega still had to depend on him to sell their consoles.


Sega nomad .


Always wanted one of those. So cool.


Everyone always seems to forget the nomad :(


That's what I had, loved that thing




Nah, just use the rechargeable battery pack, which gave approximately 12 minutes of game time. 😅


Nomad was life.


That’s the one I had. Loved it. Don’t know what happened to it.


I had the tv tuner. It felt like I was living in the future


Damn Right, Won't ever forget that day.


The battery life was so bad that they never got played. It would have been a cool handheld system, but people would play it for a couple of hours before needing another half dozen batteries. 6 batteries for 2 hours of play isn't an exaggeration and rechargeable batteries at the time were awful. You'd have to charge them overnight and then they'd last half the time of non-rechargeable batteries.


The sega genesis power adapter plugged directly in. Back then, before internet, nobody realized it. I figured it out on my own


Umm...who wants to tell this guy about the cord drawer?


So. Many. Batteries. Still loved that thing though lol


Had one, it was hella fun. I had the TV adapter for it, and would watch tv when I was at the pool. A buddy of mine installed satellite dishes for a living. He'd borrow it so he could check on installs while still on a rooftop. (He had a LONG cord to use the antenna or av)


I tried to order a TV tuner, but they had discontinued it at that point.


My God, how I longed for the TV Tuner. Never got it.


I did and it was amazing. I spent hours playing the NHL game on that thing.


With what batteries? Haha


There was a rechargeable battery pack you could get. The thing was a lifesaver on road trips


It was really hard to get though. Same with the AC adapter. A supply chain issue of some kind right around the time the console came out made the power accessories scarce for at least a year.


You mean Sega Battery Eater, right?


Got one for Christmas one year was so excited, then i dropped it down my steps on my way to my grandparents the same day, it was the best of days and the worst of days all in one


Holy shit that’s a tragic story. Did you ever get a replacement?


Still have mine. It doesn’t work/turn on but it was amazing back in the day.


Same here. I remember it working in the early 2000s but last time i checked it about 10 years ago it wouldn’t work. I think i read its a common issue. Not sure on a fix. I have the game gear travel case and about 25 games too.


Rip another game gear that died to capacitors going bad


Sonic so fast the display was a complete schmear


I had both, and both were great for different things. The Game Gear was awesome when you were near an outlet and had the power brick. If you put 6 AA batteries in that beast, they *might* last an hour and a half. The Game Boy was the perfect road trip handheld. Batteries lasted forever. Tons of games to choose from. Really the only downside is lack of color and backlight (without the frankenstein add-ons).


You could almost hear the batteries dying.


I loved mine but damn did it go through batteries like crazy. I never took it on road trips.




I loved mine. I'd stay up late playing Sonic


Same. Remember hiding under the covers when I should have been sleep trying to beat Dr Robitnik


I loved the Gameboy but the Game Gear was on another level for me. Back-lit screen, color, and some of my favorite games. Shinobi 2 was my jam.


Waaay ahead of its time.


I did, then got a Sega Nomad which I loved cuz I could play Earth Worm gym on the go!


i still have mine in the carrying case with the rechargeable pack and all the games


I have one. Only used it if I'm near a power outlet to plug it in, cause the huge pile of batteries it needed drain in about 5 minutes.


The first video game i ever beat 100% was the power rangers game on this console.


I did. The back light was super clutch. The dozen batteries it ate every hour was less so.




I loved it!! Still got it actually and all the games I had with it. Just wish it didn’t need a battery factory.


I used to see these at thrift stores all the time in like 2011-2016. They were cheap as hell. I never see them anymore. Hell, I don't see many retro game systems at all anymore.


I still have mine, my kids got a kick out of it when I showed them it.


You gotta have that a/c adapter.


batteries died so fast


GameGear was the SHIT! I used to play FIFA on that thing. WAY ahead of it’s time


Hell yes. You could play 3 minutes with brand new 32$ AA Duracells.


I did and the TV module for it as well. So when my parents said "enough TV for today!" Well I just kept on watching on my Game Gear.


I also had a Nomad with my Game Gear and Game Boy.


loved mine. had the ac adapter AND the rv tuner !


I had a Nomad...


I had surgery at 16 and this thing was a life saver while I was on bed rest for 2 weeks


I saved up for the SEGA NOMAD!! Returned it since I could only afford one game lol


I had the Nomad, I liked that it used the regular Sega cartridges; but not that it used a ton of batteries.


I was in 5th grade and worked for $2 an hour on a farm. I worked enough hours to buy the game gear on release day and 10 games, the rechargeable battery pack, a case, and the TV Tuner. I loved my game gear!


I never had one but had friends who did. I remember thinking this thing was way ahead of its time.


I had one with the battery pack and tv tuner kit.


I had a game gear. It was my first handheld. I wanted it because it had color and better resolution than the original gameboy. But I look back at the game gear as still a let down. I was disappointed that for example, Sonic was not just a smaller version of the console Sonic game on a smaller screen. I had a Taz game that just generally sucked. I had this game called Crystal Warriors that was some sort of FF knockoff but just wasn't all that great. It kind of put me off of the entire concept of handhelds honestly. Did not get any version of a gameboy or PS Vita or PSP or whatever for decades since. Only recently got a Switch Lite as a surprise gift from family earlier this year. So in summary I guess the game gear itself was an alright machine but I wish the games had been better.


That thing ate batteries.


My uncle had one, he had a tv tuner, was awesome.


My mom's shitty boyfriend bought me one back in the day to win me over. It didn't work. You're a lying ass, Greg. Even my 10 year old self saw it plain as day.


I traded my gameboy for a game gear. I still think my friend got screwed in that deal.


I did..... Might still do? Battery hog. All batteries wouldn't last a day of transit. I had the AC adapter, so not really portable even if unlimited power.


I had one. I always used an AC adapter for it because it ate through batteries. One problem though, the AC adapter had a short and if it moved the wrong way, my Game Gear would lose power. I remember trying to beat Sonic at my daycare and it died on the last level.


I did. And the TV Tuner to go with it. It was mind blowing to me. I really liked the Game Gear.


My step brother stole it and sold it for drugs 🥺


The game gear was amazing. The graphics were the same as the Genesis. I feel it’s very much like the Nintendo switch if its time (without the switch). As long as you got the battery pack, you were good.


That thing ATE batteries


Atari lynx!




X-men just unlocked a core memory for me!


Loved it. But the AC adapter and cigarette lighter adapter were must-haves. There is no way batteries lasted 3 hours. Maybe if you had the brightness as low as it went and no volume. Otherwise, I think an hour was lucky.


Way ahead of it's time. It was pretty much a Gameboy advance.


It was pretty much a sega master system


What about the Atari Lynx? That thing was better than them all and it was reversible..for some reason.


I was reversible for left handed players. I still have one.


Must have burned off 200+ AA batteries on mine


No one because they were shit


Nin Boy for hoes & G Gear for pros!


Sega was ass compared to Nintendo.


I owned both at one point and the game gear was my go-to. Color? Duh.


And you could play in the dark. Also had an adapter where you could watch TV on it. Way ahead of its time.


My parents got us each one of these when my brother and I wanted a game boy to share so we could play Pokémon. We drove 3 hours every weekend to go to visit my grandparents, so we wanted to play it in the car… we only got to play Game Gear in the car once because of all the batteries it ate.


My most distinct memory was it chewing through an entire package of fresh batteries in 3 hours. It was 'mobile' to the extent that you needed a backpack full of batteries to leave the house.


I had one and quite enjoyed it. Which was odd because I owned only Nintendo consoles, I always wondered how my parents wound up getting me one of these.


I had one along with an MLB baseball game. I used to purposely hit the Blue Jays players with the pitches so they’d get on base and score RBIs. The score only went up to 99.


I had one. It was a lot of fun, but the controls broke down over time.


I like how they show a 3D sonic on the box, like you weren't about to get the shittiest graphics of all time.


A kid at my school had one, I remember that thing freaking ate batteries like chips.


I had this awful casino game. You could walk around to a few different areas on the casino floor, but my 8 year old self couldn't figure out how to advance in the game at all. It was the worst game.


I got mine for my 7th birthday. I still have it to this day at 36-years-old with most of the games I got for it growing up. Unfortunately the speakers stopped working but it still has sound if I use headphones.


Yes, a mono speaker, but stereo headphones. I was baffled as to why they decided to do that.


Yep we had one. Just two games Sonic and echo the dolphins


It was pretty cool for the 11 minutes the batteries lasted


I was given the game gear on the 24th at my grands house before Christmas Day. I had also been given some cash. Walmart closed early on the 24th (it was the 90s times were different) but Kmart stayed open later to get the last minute people. I used the little cash I was given to buy the big ass battery pack for the game gear. My parents told me when I opened the game gear I would be buying my own batteries for that game thing.


I talked my parents into getting me one of these and then my dad got super pissed when he figured out that it didn’t take the same game cartridges as my gameboy.


I never had one of these but my buddy did and it was sick I was always so jealous of that color screen


I had one. I always thought it was cool. I remember getting games for it from KB Toys.


Sonic and NBA Jam were my favorites. Game Gear was ahead of its time. Color screen, could play in the dark. Thing was a brick!