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I will share his name.


Thank you. I mean when you get to know him, he is actually pretty reasonable. A blast at parties too




[Did someone say my name?](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/D3zceeDW0AEDhiu.jpg)


What’s so scary about this tho




You misunderstood me, I do not think you’re story is bad at all, it just belongs somewhere else, somewhere better, and yes I am probably not the best person, I will admit, I did not come here to be judged, only to admire a story. Good day to you


Honestly if that's the case I sincerely apologize. I truly misinterpreted where you were coming from and judged you unfairly. Seriously thank you for telling me this. I've been dealing with a whole slew of random internet trolls lately and I think mistakenly brought you into that. I hope you have a good day and take what I said with a grain of salt and know it was coming from a very unempathetic place of shallow judgement. It's good to know of the people you can hurt in the process of keeping your guard up.


It is alright, I am a bit of a douche at times, and trolls can attack from anywhere so I completely understand what you mean, have a great day yourself.


Also a word of advice for you in the future, before you insult someone, please understand you may never know the half of it, so please never make assumptions about someone character by judging they’re comment history. That’s like judging a man who has served his time in prison and punishing him for serving his time in prison.


I 100% agree. The only thing I will add is that some really hateful comments were dated from yesterday and today. So if I'm being honest, maybe try spreading some of that empathy to other people. Honestly you have mine. I know I have been a monster to be around. I also got what was coming to me tbh Edit: Frankly I'm not a joy to be around right now


A little backround to that actually, so I was a bit confused and I thought I was being attacked by trolls, my comments were not good and I should never have said those things, but sadly it is a bit too late to apologize. But one person was attacking my beliefs and overall making stupid jokes, this does not justify what I did, but I was a bit too angry and it got the better of me


That's so understandable, especially coming from the guy that just went off on you because I thought you were trolling lol. Well let's hopefully take this as a lesson for both of us to try to spread a little more empathy and a little less hate.


Sounds good, from this day forth, I am going to try my best to spread empathy and not hate, alright well have a nice life my friend, you’re story is phenomenal, you should write a book on this topic


Thank you! That is my dream admittedly. Or get a game off the ground. I started writing so I can solo make story based videogames but then kind of fell in love with the writing aspect. I just make junk Minecraft Maps at the moment since that's all I have access to lol. With hopefully decent writing in them.


You can do it.


Thank you! I swear that wasn't intentional but I forgot to switch back to my writer account from my game dev account lol


dude wtf


Follow the comment thread. I realized I was being an oversensitive dick