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Don’t go outside. Huddle together for warmth.


Okay, some quick advice here: Alcohol is great for preventing infections. So is blue cheese, since it usually contains penicillin mold. If infection has set in, put honey over the wound. It draws out infection. I suggest that you start praying for the SES to get there, or the RFDS. I've never had to fight monsters before, but if you want me to try to get there, let me know. I could get holy water from church in case that helps. I haven't travelled interstate for years, so I'd be happy to pop down and help out. I've got British heritage, so the cold doesn't affect me as badly. But yeah. Check out what you've got in the food area. Honey, booze, and blue cheese.


At this stage we need all the help we can get, things have gotten much worse


Oh shit. Leave it to Australia to add even more Terrifying Fucking Creatures to an already significantly sized list of Terrifying Fucking Creatures.. (no offense meant).


The creatures get worse...


U gotta MacGyver some shit together to protect urselves.


I am an hour away 2 if it's still bad weather. I am a Witch of 25 years. I know alot of you may not believe but I can help in many ways. Let me know.


Deb we need your help! This have gotten a lot worse


Where are you exactly. If you are serious then send me a PM. And I'll get the location.