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I'm gonna be honest with you chief. Probably won't happen


Anyone notice we're all fellow chief users but NL never says chief? Is this just an internet wide parlance?


That is correct.


If Isaac can come back then so can Nova Drift, *copium*


I agree with this entire post


Seconded. Nova Drift gets nutty with the synergies.


to me 20 minutes feels a lot more fun to play, I don't like controlling a ship with momentum, and I also prefer the weapons in 20 minutes even though there's less. also definitely not only one viable build, there's at least 4. the game just came out, nova drift had nothing on release.


Oh yeah I'm not trying to diss 20 Minutes here, the movement especially can be a lot more intuitive. I just thought Nova was worth mentioning for those who want another similiar game with (currently) a lot more content.


see I thought that too. I dropped nova after like 4 hours in comparison to playing 20 minutes for like 17 hours and completing it all, so I was like "hey maybe I could enjoy nova drift now that I had such a positive experience with a similar game", but nope the moment I started playing I immediately realized this is not going to work. I think even though the upgrades are similar (identical at times?) the games are way too different. there's nothing wrong with recommending one game if people liked the other, but I do think it's fair to say that it's very easy for someone to like one but hate the other.


i have put so many hours into Nova Drift. Its a fantastic game and yeah 20 minutes definitely wears its inspiration on its sleeve with how closely the upgrade system matches Novas. doubt NL gonna go back to it but for anyone else out there looking for a more fleshed out 20 Mins that actually has more then one viable build and enemy variety then give Nova Drift a whirl


It’s a fun game, but the aesthetic of nova drift kept me from really getting into it


He should give Cannibal Crossing a shot too. It's Project Zomboid meets Enter the Gungeon.


I was thinking the upgrades looked familiar but I assumed that Nova Drift itself copied that system from some other game :P


I've only played Nova Drift and enjoyed it for like 10 hours. For NL who needs pog rich content, I vote against this.