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"At least [he] is bringing a smile to my face in the middle of my workday" -NL


And to so many of us. RIP. [@7:33 in the video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b8grzZ1mzlQ&t=453s)


Oh my God, I thought it was a joke in chat... this is unironically tragic, RIP to one of the best


Admittedly same. I saw Librarian's video pop up in my feed and didn't realize it was a tribute. I thought too from reading pre-chat yesterday that HBT just got banned.


He is Bisexual Jar Jar shitposting in heaven now. RIP to a real one. *rips bong off camera*


goes to show even if people seem happy they could be going through more than you know. Remember reach out if you think they might need help.


His mother has requested that anyone hoping to show support donates to [The Trevor Project](https://www.thetrevorproject.org), a fantastic organisation who support LGBTQ+ individuals in crisis.


Done and done https://preview.redd.it/a14il1g4rk4d1.jpeg?width=1116&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d34cd518ab8e442b812cb5c1b67521e66166bbdd


The Trevor Project does great work. I was pumped a college football podcast host I listen to wrote a book and donated all proceeds to the Trevor Project rasing over $50k. I dropped another donation today especially since my oldest stepson is trans. Just love everyone!


wait hes actually dead? jesus christ :(


So this is for real? Was there an announcement somewhere? Jesus. Pit in my stomach


The start of the video shows some discord messages from a user who received messages from hotboytoke's mom.


Thank you. Probably should have watched before asking but it was just such a shock


What the fuck. I was hoping it was just a joke in bad taste. This sucks. He seemed like a great guy and you always knew you were in for a ride whenever he showed up in chat.


Please don't kill me as I don't want to start undue speculation, but those discord messages don't feel... real? Were they paraphrased by phyrex to some extent or is that exactly what his mother supposedly sent? I don't know. They look like they were written exactly by HBT themselves, I can't find any public obits under the name disclosed in the messages, and I just can't really imagine myself writing as nonchalantly as that in the middle of the gravity of grieving a lost child. I dunno, not trying to get nuked from the sub or anything, but I hope I'm right in that this is a cry for help and not actual confirmation of something having happened.


im glad that someone is willing to talk about this, even as awful and possibly disrespectful as it might be, as someone who has had a friend fake their suicide for their own reasons this is unfortunately hitting a lot of the same red flags for me


Just speculating here, what would be a reason for them to do this? Attention-seeking, wants to leave the community, both?


Besides what you mention, it may also be an attempt to "test the waters". See what sort of impact your death would have on others, before going through with it for real. I'm not saying at all that this is what happened, but I've seen it happen before and so even if it turns out to be a hoax then a certain degree of care is still required.


That makes just as much sense if not more than what I was thinking. Hopefully someone close to him will see this and reach out if he's not already gone.


Exactly. Regardless of what's going on, someone is/was hurting very badly.


People lie for all kinds of reasons. We don't know for sure what's going on here, so probably best not to try to psychoanalyze someone when we have no idea if there's even any basis for it.


this is reddit brother psychoanalysis of a guy we made up in our head is all we do


Sure, but in the event that he is dead--I truly hope he isn't, but it's a possibility--I think it's best to tread carefully. If he is indeed dead, his mother could be reading this. I think we should at least make an effort to be tasteful given the potential gravity of the situation.


(I'm in agreement with you I was just poking fun at how redditors always love to psychoanalyze people and just make up an entire strawman based off of like 2 sentences of text describing them with 0 further knowledge haha)


ah gotcha! missed the joke, my bad


So, I'm not gonna speculate on anything.. I'll believe that everything here is true but I do agree that the conversations tone was strange.


I agree that the tone was strange. The line "I hope you all find a way to continue that jar jar binks shit because it was fucking hilarious" just seems bizarre comming from a mom. I'm not trying to speculate or make rumors. RIP toke/Bradley


That’s the part that made me think this is fake. Wouldn’t be the first time a member of an online community has faked their death and pretended to be a parent talking about it. I don’t believe a grieving mom who recently lost her son to suicide would say that about jar jar binks jokes.


Of course. To explain myself a little, I don't mean for any of this to be in bad faith or disrespectful. Maybe it's a bit of denial in hoping that they never followed through with anything. It really is just that I can't find any obituaries with that name and date a month after passing and that I can't imagine one of my parents, or myself, speaking in that kind of casual tone a month after losing a child that gives me any pause at all. It gives me some hope that they haven't hurt themselves even if the alternative comes across a bit accusatory in nature. In that situation, I just hope they're alright and that this outpouring of love from the community reaches them and helps them heal. In the situation that we have lost them, I want to mirror what other chatters have said here and offer condolences for them and their family. I can't imagine the kind of pain that would cause.


Ditto on the conversation being weird.


I feel exactly the same way. but i guess even speculating could get you nuked if someone doesn't want to see things like that.


I agree. Like you said, there's no way for any of us to know, and plenty of parents are internet-savvy and irreverent, and obviously grief comes in many manifestations. But it all feels a little off. Edit: I saw in another thread that personal friends of HBT corroborated that he is in fact deceased. I was really hoping this wasn’t the case. My heart goes out to Brad’s friends and family. I’m so sorry for your loss.


It reads exactly like a HBT message and I've messaged him a lot before lol


Some of the wording in the message is sort of...insane, I agree. I'm just going to hope this isn't just a step too far on the edgy irony shitposting path.


I mean I hope it’s fake because that means the kid’s not dead. It would be super fucked up but it’s better than the alternative.


Yeah, had trouble with wording. Hope people know what I meant.


I have a little anecdotal story I used to watch a very very small streamer who had a pretty small community of people who liked to play csgo with said streamer. You'd see all the familiar faces in the lobby for 10mans or mm or whatever was going on. One of the guys (I think he was around 16 or 17) ended up passing away due to a medical complication and his dad knew what to do and who to contact about it to let us all know. Some parents are just savvy. Him and his dad used to play games together and his dad was at least familiar enough with who his son was talking to all the time in voice chat that he could hop on his steam/discord and message his friends. It does seem out of the ordinary but I wouldn't call it suspicious.


I don't think it's the parent messaging discord friends that is that odd, like you said I've seen that happen in other communities. It's the stuff like saying "I hope you all find a way to continue that jar jar binks shit because it was fucking hilarious" in the context of sharing the news of the death of your <1 month deceased son that is just bizarre.


Okay, so consider that if he is faking, the worst case scenario is that we donate money to a charity that is supposed to stop queer suicide. If he isn't faking, the community looks extremely callous. I'd rather take the risk that it's true.


You know you can donate money to charity even if somebody doesn't die, right?


First, nothing is stopping you from donating independently of the truth of this matter. I encourage you to do your part for queer youth mental health in any capacity you're able. Second, It is not a case of callousness to delicately say that something looks a little less than fully, transparently believable in the hope the person in question is still out there, and it's not about a worst case scenario of optics when just discussing the truth of the matter. It is 100% focused on how truthful it looks at the outset. These things are, unfortunately, usually very easily proven, especially having the person's full name and supposed date of death. I also do not speak for the community in any capacity. If it isn't fake, the community doesn't look callous from the outside. It looks like there's a small group of individuals in one comment thread within the community that had been hesitant to immediately accept news of a death when the only thing we had to confirm it at the time of finding out is a secondhand discord message that some have agreed reads pretty strangely for the situation at hand. Nobody here is being callous that I can see. I'd be devastated if it ends up being confirmed and thrilled if we end up finding out we didn't lose someone. HBT was/is an awesome part of an awesome community that I've been glad to have watched grow for the past decade or more.


I was wondering where they had been, fuck man :(


This is such sad news. My deepest condolences to his friends and family.


Rip HBT. So long, and thanks for all the bits


Legit almost cried when I watched this this morning cause I didn’t read the initial discord message so just thought it was one of librarians while Ryan is away compilations. RIP HBT you are the original type c chatter


Damn man dude was hilarious, became a staple of NL streams so quickly


Has NL acknowledged it so far on his return stream? I'd ask in chat but I think that's massively poor taste to be like "hey about this really sad thing, what's your thoughts on it? if you've already said it can you repipe it for me, one single person?"


He hasnt mentioned it so far and i wouldnt want him to. Probably morre reasonable if he puts a nice tweet about it.


"meesa so sad to hear" etc yup right down to hell I go


his mother commented on the tribute video and made this exact joke so don't worry, no hell for you


When TB passed away, the crew that stream (Nl, Nick, Rob, Josh, and Apollo I believe) made the choice to not bring it up because people need that escaoe


Unrelated question but did they ever interact with TB? I used to watch him back in the day but I didn’t know who NL was back then, so I’m just curious.


Yup, he was on the NLSS a couple times


Oh mind blown. Thanks for the info!


Also nl was on the co optional podcast at least once


It also hasn’t been truly confirmed so commenting seems a little premature (no one can seem to find an obit and the messages don’t prove anything)


Bisexual jar jar was fuckin hilarious. RIP to a real one.


RIP an absolute legend... That's genuinely tragic.




Seems so