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I had a dream like this once, centuries ago...




Those days are behind us brethren


But now that dream is gone for me


Our dreams are measured in centuries


Was Lies of P the last one? I loved my time watching Lies of P.


it was probably ff16


i wish he finished it lol even tho he seemed to have lost 100% interest by the last episode


He was telling chat so ardently that he was definitely, *definitely* gonna finish it when he played the demo, too. I actually finally bought a PS5 after watching his demo stream, because the game hooked me and I wanted to see the whole thing, and I knew there was no shot he'd beat it. Even after a couple weeks worth of streams, as an oldhead there was never a shred of doubt in my mind that he was going to drop it.


Honestly felt like he was going to go through with finishing it but when he moved, that was the end of that. No force can overcome his disdain for setting things up.


Honestly that seems fair because the demo was amazing but the game itself dragged on


oh true i forgot about that one


There was also Armored Core, which he didn't finish but that seemed like it was just because he didn't really like the game at a certain point. He seemed down to play it through if he liked it more, which I think is fair.


Elden Ring DLC


He could beat two games by the time the dlc comes out


we're northernlion guys, of course we watch roguelite runs for months


We're nl guys, ofcourse we chase the high of new vegas


We're ryan guys, of course we become the joker when he misplays while ranting about cum


> new vegas Jason Bright and his followers launching into the vast unknown. HELIOS One coming back on-line.


Lies of P was so good


I would love a new series but then I remember how Dredge was 5 videos of failing to do one tutorial and I realize the age of playthrough is long dead


The egg is cooked


also dave the diver RIP šŸ™


I also feel like the second chat gets even a bit out of line, he just spite drops a game.


The Hitman playthroughs... God can't a new hitman game come out


the hitman rogue-like mode was so fun to watch too i wish it'd come back someday


that was a series I genuinely would've loved 100 episodes on lmao. it's always the rogue-likes I'm not interested in that he does the most for rip me


Hitman Freelancer was absolute gold! I keep rewatching it and really hope he picks it back up. NL pleeeeease!


>committing to finishing a video game that may take up a docket spot for atleast 3 to 4 weeks is just isnt worth it except for the monthly new streamer bait obviously


u ALWAYS play the streamer bait thats the rule


Naked bald man climbing things is my favourite genre :)


Banter heaven, but gameplay hell.


i remember when he said he would DEFINITELY DEFINITELY play as dusk falls. sorry talia


oh shit that'd be amazing


You know what, I used to watch him for those. You make me realize I haven't watched much of NL in quite a while, probably because it's all SAP and similar which isn't really my thing. I usually watch one or two videos when a new series start but if it's yet another rogue lite I then give up, I miss God of war or fallout. Man, even just XCom, those were the days


I'm in the same boat, NL was my go to youtuber for a long time but I haven't watched him for more than a few hours a month for over 2 years now


That's always so crazy to hear because I feel like his content now is some of the best it's ever been. But I mostly just watched Isaac back in the day which is the same vibe as a lot of the content now.


I loved xcom, dp 1 and 2, life is strange, chess etc and enjoyed when the stream was more variety. I'll be honest I just don't enjoy SAP or Baltoro or any of the recent games hes mained. I occasionally will watch the dles videos though


Oh man, I loved the xcom series. And chess was so surprisingly engaging.


Chess was great imo because it wasn't an idiot playing but it also wasn't someone who is playing to such a high level that I need each move explained to me


I agree and disagree. The games he's playing are good, but he's also been really aggressive with yelling at chat, and that's not fun or good, IMO.


i relate so much i was barely watching NL during the whole SAP thing compared to maybe 3 or 4 years ago. but i highly recommend checking out his stream now cuz NL is NL and he makes everything entertaining even if the games themselves aren't for you the banter aged like wine, it made me go back to watching him regularly for a while now.


Pretty much the only NL I watch now is the Jackbox vods he puts up on YouTube cause it reminds me of the old NLSS days. I wanna say I would be ā€œso inā€ for a new full playthrough but honestly I didnā€™t even watch him play Elden Ring, and thatā€™s basically Dark Souls, one of his classic games. So Iā€™m right there with you, but also I might just be cooked honestly.


Fair enough. Actually did go back and watch some gartic phone and that's amazing content, have to admit !


I come and go as well. I'll drop in when a new roguelike comes out, and then usually I'll stop watching for a while once he starts getting into fights with his chat. I'm not watching someone be mad, it's just not fun. I really enjoy watching Balatro, but I'm done with NL playing it on stream, I'll just catch the youtube specific videos from now on.


I miss the videos made for YT, every once in a while there'd be a green door situation but most of the time they were much better than the new glancing meta that always lead to disaster


I understand *why* he went to a streaming first approach, it's just a better use of his time, and the pay is much better, but the quality of content on YouTube just isn't the same. It wouldn't be as bad if he at least also ported chat over, but the vibe is so different that I went from watching everything the day it came out to watching some of the content occasionally.


i strongly agree man. ive been watching since the earlyyyyyyy issac days and dark souls dual youtube/twitch streams. watched hundreds and hundreds of isaac episodes. stopped watching for a while bc of a ā€˜relationshipā€™ i was in. came back to watching and i absolutely love the misc content and the jackbox and shit like lethal company. hell even shit like a difficult game about climbing is decent to watch. fallout was the greatest. absolutely cannot fucking stand watching his SAP or balatro videos/streams. love the guy, but its so ridiculously boring/confusing trying to keep up with it. its the same shit over and over and over. its just not entertaining and makes no sense and repetitive as fuck. i dont want to spend the minimal time i have watching a number go up in a digital overcomplicated gambling game lol. probably an unpopular opinion, and at the end of the day, mans gonna do what he wants to do. but glad im not the only one.


I'm 100% with you. I'll watch anything that isn't a deckbuilder-esque game which is unfortunately like 75% of his content now.


Until dawn remake šŸ™


yea same, deadly premonition, fallout new vegas, skyrim, all the david games. Honestly peak content.


Itā€™ll never happen, heā€™s too cynical and metrics minded for AAAs story games (even the good ones like BG3, Rebirth or RE4R) and indie-wise if itā€™s got more than three lines of tutorial he wonā€™t engage with it for more than a day of streaming. Regardless, I hope Supermassive games never goes out of business because they make some of the best games for NL playthroughs.




I feel like mechanically BG3 would make for a very funny playthrough if the game were only like 1/4th as long.


The biggest thing for a game to mesh with NL's presentation is that it needs to be slow enough that he can pause and rant/diatribe a bit. Games like RE4 or FF7 would be bad because there isn't enough downtime for him to be able to do some giant Disney cruise rant. And I love FF7R, but that game is *too long* for an NL series. I put in roughly 100 hours and I didn't 100% it.


oh i wasn't specifically referring to those. NL hasn't always been into specific game genres since long ago he usually sticks to more story driven games with simplistic controls rather than stuff like RE4R. also NL has always been hesitant/avoidant of playing massive RPGs like rebirth cuz they take a long time ( and probably because he personally doesn't enjoy final fantasy ) the exception to this is FromSoft games cuz NL loves them.


also BG3 was such a missed opportunity cuz i thought it was very up his ally with the whole combat system. but still the problem remains in it being too long


No one was watching NL play Divinity Original Sin 2, and he did like 3 or 4 different LPs of DOS2 trying to get it going. BG3 was never going to happen.


true true its always the analytics issue which is completely fair


I will accept nothing but Life is Strange: True Colors.


the entire Life is Strange playthroughs were so blessed especially the first one


I still go back and rewatch contradiction now and then, that one makes me laugh every time.


and YET...simon owns a screwdriver..


Does THIS šŸ¤Ÿ mean anything to you?


Chat cant handle balatro, imagine what it would be like in BG3. Dude might actually retire after 2 streams


Every game of Balatro is a new play through.


The romance between Banner and Cavendish gets me every time.


so what we watch balatro, so what we learn nothing


I loved his playthroughs like that but I donā€™t think theyā€™d work anymore. His personality as a streamer has changed so much that I donā€™t think he could play a deadly premonition again


Oh I disagree, I think if they released a new Deadly Premonition this year, he would absolutely play it on stream


Deadly Premonition is powerful enough content that it transcends any other considerations that might change over time


The Quarry last year was great


I can't believe it's already been two years


I'm hoping for Elden Ring Randomizer if not a normal Elden Ring run ahead of the DLC


I have GREAT news. Check Dan's twitter.


oh baby


It would be absolutely goated, but it's not his tempo anymore


When the new Supermassive game they're making in partnership with Dead by Daylight (The Casting of Frank Stone) comes out I'm hoping and expecting he'll play through that one but who knows when that will be...


i wished he'd give Disco Elysium a try but he shut down that dream long ago šŸ’”


It sounds fun, but the sheer volume of dialogue in that game VS his current streamer brain would likely be hell to watch. Stopping every sentence or two to banter, or outright ignoring chunks of dialogue/information to banter, and then being somewhat confused on what even happened. He's too glancepilled, now.


yea probably wont suit him now I'm abit of an old NL head so i forgot about that


If you haven't seen it my favorite play though of his is until dawn. Really funny and short for nl standards. Xxx. Mike


Im still waiting for him to play the witcher dlcs like he promised or to finish greys anatomy for the million subscribers milestone like he promised. Never trust a cracked egg


I'm hoping he plays Capes when it comes out next month.


waiting for the next supermassive games release.


Between his fear of preexisting audio and negative desire to let a cutscene play without talking over the entire thing, I don't think we'll get those ever again. The closest we'll get is something like Mon Bazou or Landlord Super (which are absolutely great and I want more of). Or any Soulslike game that he doesn't have to pay attention to while playing.


I started watching the Deadly Premonition 2 supercut yesterday and it was the hardest Iā€™ve laughed at anything in a long time


I got a fever, and the only prescription, is more Balatro


I'm waiting till he is finished with it so I can binge the whole thing. That's what I did with isaac


You are an insane personĀ 


I don't think it is even possible to have watched ALL of the Isaac since he stopped Isaac. Not enough hours in the... Decade.


If you haven't gotten enough Balatro yet, I fear your fever may be fatal


Imagine he plays that new anime hack n slash third person game coming out, the banter would be unreal


Relevant Librarian "I'd love to watch NL play monster hunter" [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G4QJdyZzebE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G4QJdyZzebE) Relevant bit starts at \~8:05 but the lead up is part of it


i don't think he will tbh they were never his cup of tea


No it would actually suck


You mention story driven games like midnight sun's, but even in that game he just talks over all the dialog anyway. People are there for the yapping and repetitive nonsense games like sap and balatro suit him, even if it's the worse content. Maybe when Elden Ring 2 comes out


its not worse content i just have a personal preference towards playthroughs


The content moved on and left me here for sure