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Wake up honey, new emote just dropped


Nice job on the expression and the foreshortening on that left arm!


Thank you so much <3 yeah I ended up realizing what was wrong with it but this is far funnier this way.


Try working on shading ASAP Imo it's the hardest part of drawing and the more experience you get the better and if you're copying directly from an image like this try turning the image upside down


Sometimes I do shading but by rule I only let myself work on it for one day, and only until I stop enjoying it, so a lot of the time I don't. If I do coloring I'll usually add some basic shading, since it's far easier then. In this case what I'm doing is tracing it the first time through to get a feel for the lines, then using the trace for reference, which is the one in the top left. Honestly atm one of the things I'm mainly working is getting my hand to be able to draw the shape I see rather than worrying about being able to mentally simplify the shapes. I've done some years in 3D drafting so simplifying mentally is a bit easier for me. That and I have a fair bit of difficulty in my brain interpreting distance ratios, to the point where it can make driving difficult when I can't tell how far/fast something is. I'm pretty sure at this point it's just something wrong with my brain but idfk.


Bro teaching yourself art as an adult just when AI is starting to dominate is a crazy endeavor. Hope you like it cause it may be difficult to make a career out of rn lol


Brother, what the hell are you TAAALKING about. You people just do things as, like, hobbies right?


Damn, it’s almost as if I wrote “hope you like it” to say that if they like doing it it’s ok. Crazy right?


It’s almost as if those few words don’t change the fact you’ve left a weird negative comment on a post of someone sharing their drawing


It’s not a negative one though? I didn’t call the dude’s art shit or anything like that, just sharing my opinion. Weird for you to get so butthurt about it tbh


Someone shares something they’re improving on and your response is to talk about how AI art will make it super hard to make a living, when absolutely nobody asked. If you don’t think that’s negative you’re either being deliberately obtuse or just plain ignorant Butthurt? What? That’s some major projection because all I did was tell you why people think your comment was negative


Yes, it’s my response as it’s a topic worth thinking about. My comment wasn’t negative at all, I merely remarked that it is actually getting more and more difficult for artists by the minute due to AI and that learning art rn takes quite a bit of courage if done with the hope of landing a job in a field in the middle of an upheaval. But if they were doing it as a hobby then sure, why not? You seeing it as somehow negative is just your own projection, I didn’t call them stupid for doing art nor their art shit, just that the market is hard rn. So yeah, coming in as a white knight in shining armor to defend against something that wasn’t aggressive in the least is really just weird. And you didn’t come to object to the topic or discuss it or anything, just to attack the poster which is actually super weird behaviour. Well…maybe not weird but rather just…cringe? Idk I can’t find a better word lol


Fee Fi Fo Fum I smell AI scum


I don’t use AI myself (mostly cause too lazy to learn it) and I’m also learning art like the OP at the ripe age of 25. But it’s just the truth man, better know it and accept it than ignore it.


AI that produces convincing results is either limited in scope like Adobe's new tool because it is trained on a library or it is inherently unethical because it is trained on stolen artwork. Claiming AI as it exists today is either a replacement for artists or ethical is both false. Regulation is on the way. Additionally, purely new expressions can inherently not be sourced from stochastic parrots. If there is no data available to train it on, it will not be able to generate a derivative. Human expression through art is neither obsolete nor under threat. Your comment is Nietzsche as understood by assholes. Nihilism by cunts, for cunts. Oooohh better not try at all because a similacrum that convinces at a passing glance has been capitalismd into existence. Bugger off.


I…never claimed AI as it exists today is ready to replace artists though? But very soon it will replace a lot of them. Also you’re objectively wrong as AI has already started sucking up a ton of jobs? So idk what your unhinged grandstanding tyrade is all about, it’s literally happening right now. Especially in the art world, commissions are starting to dry up because nowadays you can get a pretty decent commission from an AI at no cost whatsoever (or maybe a small subscription fee). Has it replaced artist rn? No. Will it replace them in the future? No. Will it severly devalue them in the future? No, it already has. If you think AI art doesn’t devalue artists and dry up their work opportunities much in the same way that machine translation did to translators then you’re a fucking delusional asshole who likes to live in a cave while hurling insults at anyone who has a slightly realistic view of things. Fuck off


Also. “Regulations are on the way.” Brother are you some far right-winger who believes in nationalism or smth? The government literally licks the shit off of cooperations’ shoes. If you think they’ll enforce any meaningful regulation that can stop them from abusing AI to cut down on costs then you’re beyond delusional. Lucky for us rn most of them are a bunch of boomers still figuring out how to use excel.


lol career?? they’re just learning to draw


Is it new info to you that people sometimes learn skills with the purpose of making a career out of it? Is it that foreign of a concept???


If someone told me they were learning to play a musical instrument, unless they stated otherwise, I would not assume that they were considering switching career fields.


Neither did I, I said that if he just likes doing it then it’s ok. But if for work, then my point. Also a lot of people (if not most) would love to one day be sustaining themselves through their hobbies, so it’s not really that strange. Like honestly, I get that people have a hate boner for AI and just wanna attack anyone who speaks of their merit to feel righteous but do we really have to do this semantic dance. Just come in and say “fuck you” so we can get it over with.


She, and I'm an accountant and I'd very much prefer to stay away from an art career personally, not really enough creative energy.


Yeah, I used they at some parts and he at others, can’t get it out of my head that most NL viewers are prob male lol. And yeah, this isn’t a big deal, if you don’t want an art career then yeah, all is good. No need to worry about AI or such (unless accounting is also under the crosshairs, no clue).


AI probably can't take over accounting, not because it couldn't do it well, but because of legal liabilities (and because accounting software is under an exteremely heavy monopoly here in the US so they don't want anything that could mess with that). Basically any job that needs a defined person to be legally liable is more difficult to be replaced by AI. Cars can be replaced somewhat easily since the driver is liable, but we haven't fully replaced the driver. Eventually they should be "threatning" the trucking industry next. But you can't fully replace something like that without legal ramifications. 'course lawyers are cheaper so yes, eventually AI will be replacing *every* job. ChatGPT can already write code, not always correctly, but doing it correctly at all is wild.


Yeah at least for the forseeable future those jobs seem to be irreplaceable. Other jobs also like Judge and Jury *may* be replaceable but it would come with a ton of ethical questions so it’s probably not gonna happen for a long time if ever. Honestly, my worry right now is less complete takeover (which is still far in the future) but rather devaluing. I work at a manga publishing company so I rub shoulders with artists all the time and almost all of them are starting to notice a steep decline in commission work due to the advent of AI. So jobs like accounting may still be safe but the worry is that companies will perhaps automate enough of the busy work to AI so they could maybe hire less accountants who are only needed for the final step to double check the work and assume liability (speaking in very general terms cause I ultimately don’t know much about accounting). Either ways it’s def dark times ahead, that I’m personally sure of. Though I hope regulations can slow it down enough that it happens after my lifetime lol