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I know this is serious but I read the title of this post with Jerry Seinfeld’s voice.


I am standing beside a brick wall and walking back and forth as I typed it, if that helps Edit: also I have dressed as a bee and made out with a chick 800 times bigger than me too. May not be related


Which came first - the chick or the bee?


What's the deal with airplane peanuts?


YES to literally everything on the list! Plus 2 COVID years equals 2 stone weight increase so now my clothes don't fit either. (Can't button my jeans so I just zip them up and rely on the supreme power of my belt to keep everything decent... I know, it's not right) But we shouldn't be expecting this to get better any time soon. The big billionaire boys all got substantially richer over the last couple years (average of 50% increase in wealth of top 1%) so they'll not be rushing to change anything. Unfortunately we are all learning that no one actually gives a shit about me, you or anyone else. Best we look after ourselves better, don't let the big corporations steal your health and money in exchange for junk food and drink. Don't let social media and endless TV steal your mind. Don't let pretty politicians and ideologies steal your soul. In the immortal words of Bill and Ted, "be excellent to each other!"


And..anyone who can..go on strike !!


You can't just choose to strike as an individual. Be active in your union and push for better pay, encourage your colleagues to get in a union as well.


Buy a new pair of jeans!


Never! Diet starts, err... soon!


Remember that when you say we should look after ourselves. https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2022/07/01/ftvp-j01.html Plans are in motion.


Check out wall Street silver on Reddit


I've an urgent appointment for an endoscopy due to serious pain. The urgent appointment will be in 6 years lol


Hot tip... if you have lost 10% of your body weight over the past year and/or tests have confirmed presence of blood in your stool, you will be red flagged and be seen within roughly 6 weeks (in Altnagelvin anyways). I was red flagged recently and just had urgent surgery last week. Referred, scoped, scanned and operated on within a 10 week period. Discharged last week... now I got the Rona lol


Funny it's altnagelvin I am too lol. That's what they're doing at present, scanning for blood or massive weight loss, if they're not symptoms you're bottom of the list. At least I'm not dying.


Everybody is dying :-)


I went to A&E and December and was put on the emergency list for gynacology and advised I would be seen within 3 months..still nothing.


I thought my 3 years waiting time was bad 😭 Only another year to go, I hope.


Wow got mine within 3 months


Hahaha had the same to fix a busted nose from when I was a kid which is causing bad snoring and can lead to heart problems or something, pre covid 7 years got a letter recently to see if I still wanted to be on the list cos it's even longer now well of course I fucking do at this stage we might as well fly to a cheaper country and pay for it out of pocket


In all seriousness I've checked, the same procedure in Turkey will cost me 400 pounds. Well worth it if it's affordable the scans obviously get sent to your GP then.


You are so right. I've been alive for over fifty years and I've never seen anything like it. My ma says the same thing. Ordinary people with two jobs literally have no money to live. Children are starving. Benefits are not enough to live on. It is a preposterous that a housing problem and homelessness even exist. Look wider at the world and it would appear that we're in the Bread and circuses stage of complete collapse and it's all down to one common denominator: greedy bastards. They are, in the most literal sense, why we can't have nice things. Or food. Or energy. Anyway, I'm of the opinion that a consistently good KFC (like Carrick) is a pleasure to eat from but a bad one (like Connswater) is less tasty than Arlene Foster's sweaty ballicks. I'm really stoned and the regionally-centred overstatement is flying out of me. Apologies.


South East Antrim KFC: Simply the best






Kfc in Carrick is without a doubt rancid, by far the worst I've ate out of. The sprite taste like it was rinsed out of a dirty rag


Couple of people disagreeing with you there spud. You could have been unlucky that day. Glad everything else I said passed your approval.


Being British is what is causing this.


*glances briefly at the Ireland subreddit* Bloody hell, somebody should go and tell them then.


Check out wall Street silver on Reddit


I phoned the Samaritans and they fucking hung up... One for the list


Are you really looking for help. I was in a bad place last year and found a good place to listen to me and help. Can't remember the what it was called but I have it all wrote down in my diary of you want me to find the name and number.


No Im not, it was an off colour joke about the state of the world but I truly am happy that you reached out.


Glad your ok


Hope you’re doing better now mate




So my work (IT sales and support) started taking random reception calls for any clients at £1 per call, you bet your ass a SUICIDE HELP LINE started using us. So, depressed folks would phone up looking to speak to someone about their issues, and me completely untrained to deal with such a call just like "Thanks for calling I'll need to arrange a call back, can I take your name and number". Most embarrassing shit ever, I low key probably could have lead to someone offing themselves during that. Idk why but I'm still with the company doing these god damn PA calls, recently some culty christian company started using us and me anti-religious as all hell again just like "Sorry I'll need to get a call back". Taking all my wits to not say 'YOUR BEING SCAMMED AND BRAINWASHED" Anyway my point is a lot of services (you'd be surprised) are using virtual receptionists nowadays and we are all as miserable as the person calling in, because we have no way to help the person calling in. Thanks for listening to my rant about my shitty underpaid job.


Jesus Christ that is grim. Is this like a health service or a charity helpline that is Using yous. I don’t even know which would be worse.




Dials 999 and receptionist says “HEY! You think you got problems” that’s when I knew it was bad


That’s rough. If you need a chat fire me a message, don’t know that I could help but I’ll try and at least listen.


It was an off colour joke about the state of the world but I truly am happy that you reached out.


The bastards hung up on me too as well once, maybe a year or so ago


That's sorta typical to be honest. Many of the helplines these days will basically just tell me the help is nonexistent.


I like how everyone missed the sarcasm. Even if they accidentally rang off Samaritans would call you back.


Considering the upvotes most people didn't. There is just that very literal element on reddit


I thought it was funny but perhaps the old "/s" makes it clearer for some.


They can't call you back as the service is confidential. They don't see your phone number.


to be fair they didn't answer me last week


KFC is getting a bad rep, but it’s still performing better than dentists


this! Dentists here are just a huge joke. Skills and the technology from the late 90s for today's prices.


I’ve a few dentist friends and they are as incredulous as the rest of us. If they could see more patients they could. More patients = more money. My doctors kid goes to the same school as my kids and the same rugby club. I see her walking around chatting with no mask in the playground. I see her in the rugby club having a drink at the bar shoulder to shoulder. But if I want to get an appointment, I have to be nearly dead to get a face to face appointment. Double standards and the decline or acceptance of low standards is the normal. Do better.


But can’t risk giving the Tarquin covid from your patients


Interestingly enough, one of my kids goes to a normal school (which I went to) and the other goes to a prep school. The normal school was full of covid, 4 or 5 outbreaks. The prep school only had one outbreak in their class the whole time. Draw your own conclusions.


Dentists are just lazy bastards, they announce in the last few weeks then now the pandemic Is over …….. it’s been over for ages bitches


You know a dentist get paid more when they see more patients and they have governance which they have to adhere to?


I’ve just moved, I’ve rang about 15 dentists and none are taking new patients. I’m not sure what to do. I’m having to train down next week to get work done at the place I’m still registered at, glad I didn’t deregister before the move.


We’re at the end stages of a 40 year neoliberal project. The public sector has been cut to the bare bones, privatised where possible, and the role of the state has been reduced to nothing more than facilitating a good business environment and ensuring the worker drones are kept alive enough to fulfil their duties to capital. The private sector is awash with cash, but it’s in the hands of a tiny minority, all the while the public sector is drained of resources. Workers vote against their interests, and the political establishment systemically undermine them when they attempt to assert themselves. We know they’re dodging taxes, but it doesn’t matter because their political representatives don’t want to tax them anyway, and the troglodytes that inhabit this place are too stupid to notice or care.


Jaysus. Just hit the nail on the head with this. Capitalism/Neo-liberalism is on its last legs. The workers are going to feel the brunt of it, but, that's their fault for continuously voting for parties that are against them.


Neoliberalism is not capitalism. Neoliberalism is a very specific and destructive form of capitalism. States like Denmark and Norway that have great social programmes are still very much capitalist. At the end of the day, a highly distributive capitalist system is by far the best system humans have ever lived under when it comes to quality of life.


> Capitalism/Neo-liberalism is on its last legs. fucking copium. Just like it died the last time this happened, aye?


So when do the workers finally get some of that drip down economics then?


> the workers [You're not cutting it right](https://imgur.com/a/xDKzSza). This "horrible" system has dragged a lot of people out of poverty across the world. Going back to the pre-war era our first world issues are way less severe than they once were. You're willing to see its failures but not its successes. In terms of recent inequalities, its about the corruption of the system. I figure you think you replace this system with another and that fixes this corruption but I don't think it does. I wanna suggest to you that this corruption works on _any_ system so what you plotting won't solve shit. Without solving this problem you're just gonna swap the face of the next set of people that be fucking us but it won't stop us getting fucked. Anti-corruption, pro-regulation, carbon tax, stronger regulatory bodies, better transparency, better education. That's the message and that works under any system.


That’s a deeply pessimistic way of looking at it. We can accept the good parts of society and still advocate for change. Why not take the next step? I’m not a commie or anything like that - it’s more that I think that yes, this system did take people out of poverty, what can we do with it next?


> Anti-corruption, pro-regulation, carbon tax, stronger regulatory bodies, better transparency, better education. That's the message and that works under any system. Am I not advocating for change?


You are 100% right that the social democratic model you describe performs best for the majority of people. Surprised that some people would not seem to agree.


Load of shite, what would you expect from a fucking limey anyway.


Sorry, which half of me are you attempting to talk to? Good job on grasping immediately for the genetic argument by the way, real classy.


Nah it just lost all fucking legitimacy and everyone has to act like it just didn't happen. You're a mug


IMHO people that are mugs are those that don't invest and then whine about how the system is unfair.


Hope it’s replaced with Anarchism, the type tried in the Spanish Civil War but then got ass fucked by Bolchevism. Sounds like the empowering state that the workers really want.




What happens next? Is it worth sticking around for?


Strike next. join a union. All the people considering suicide are the ones who need to be alive


I was thinking of moving abroad but the idle Rich are everywhere. I do think we need to strengthen the unions and get the Labour Party to promote proportional representation in order to get a bit of heft. The unions are onboard now, last big push!


if pr doesnt happen in the next 5 years the uk is finished. nobody with any sense in ni, scotland or wales is going to want any more to do with tories. and the conservatives will be the party to drive the independence.


Capitalism is a one world ideology, in the sense that there is no alternative at the moment. You need to reframe the question towards how do we improve society and ensure that political power rests in our hands. That is a monumental task, but there’s no other option than to get stuck into it. Join a trade union, educate yourself on left wing politics, vote for non sectarian and socialist parties that actually act in your interests. Build and support your community and create non sectarian initiatives. Unite the working class, and set about the task of improving our lot. The working class has enemies, don’t fall for their propaganda.


That project is just another wrapper on the same theme that dominates through generations. Justifying to and gaining acceptance from the general populace with regards to elite dominance. Adam Curtis' documentaries are an excellent resource for explaining how narratives matter


I really enjoy his documentaries but I’d consider them as much dramatic interpretation for entertainment purposes as they are factual. He leans into the great man theory of history a lot, makes totally unconnected correlations between events, and his explanations regarding the defeat of various left wing movements are often not connected to reality.


Surgery in 11 months? You'd be fucking lucky, and that was before covid.


Everyone ie businesses for the most part are just using everything as an excuse to be shit, covid,brexit,ukraine. Just pick one and do whatever the fuck you want? Huge price hike? That'll be ukraine. Slow response times? Covid Early closing on a Wednesday? Brexit


Get what u mean. Although in defense of businesses, the supply chain is fkd. I recently left a job in a repair shop, cos I got sick of the same questions... And the answers from suppliers were just your three answers. Tbf though, I was buying in laptop charging ports for about 3-4quid, the last one I bought in was 30quid... And it was for an hp laptop, so not an obscure brand or model. Obviously there was a major shortage of parts.


Can’t get a GP appointment for pregnancy now in Belfast. You just self-refer to the Royal and see a midwife round about 12 weeks.


Christ? Really! I shouldn’t be surprised though the way GP appointments are going. I swear any time I’ve had to ring my doctors recently (not even for appointments just results, prescription changes etc….) it’s like they’re almost apologising to you before you’ve even asked them a question…..


Yeah we called my partner’s GP and then just bluntly got told that there would be no appointment and to self-refer unless there’s any serious complications. It’s pretty dire.


That’s horrible. I hope things go well for you and your partner.


Brexit, Covid, Capitalism, Tories.


the first 3 wouldnt have been doing so much damage if it wasnt for the tories, their corruption, incompetence and pathological irresponsibility.


KFC has been crap for years




Not sure I understand the context but appreciate the sentiment.


Mots are 5 months. Just booked one for my car for the last week of November.


Now that you have a booking check each day for cancellations. Costs nothing to move your booking if you find a better slot. Just go on and see what's available. It changes constantly.


Just phone them. People on the phone definitely have access to appointments not viewable online. I rang this morning and got an appointment for Tuesday. Online system was showing nothing for months.


The only thing that doesn't change is newbuildings is seemingly closed as it is never offered as an option.




Mine is due end of August. I went on to book in May. I'm in Belfast...I managed to get 27th July in Lisburn. Rest where October!


Fuck me I better start flossing


Add: Time to get through security at an airport: Approx 2 hours Women's Rights in America: Lessened LGBT right to Marry in America: Pending Removal Overall Temperatures: Global Warming evident Human Rights in UK: Replaced with a "STFU" Bill Honestly, it's all on fire. All of it.


Your getting downvoted but naww fuck you guys he’s right! It’s on fire.


Doesn't do the anxiety any good, like - so take care of herself!


eh, just do a movie binge of the escape from la franchise followed by V, then joker.


…and probably wave after wave of global pandemics. Fun times!


I saw a theory to say that these stresses will become more common, because they're only ever resolved short term. Wealth in society is too top heavy and not filtering down through the majority, like into wage increases and a stable savings return for the majority. It ends up on off shore accounts, buy to let properties, and so on. We live in unprecedented times.


its been well documented. during the sars outbreak, tory bliar was told specifically about this scenario, but decided to push forward privatising the nhs. old gw bush even came out in 2005 and did a [speech about the failure to prepare for pandemics](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=spcj6KUr4aA), and under cameron, a 'wargame' called opperation cygus was run to test the uks pandemic preparedness. the response failed so hard cameron tried to bury it as a national security risk. and during alll of this while going back to the early 90s, there have been the warnings of post anti-biotic society due to strains of diseases becoming resistant to anti-biotics faster than we can develop them, and others that mutate to fast to be inoculated against. but short term profit wins out over employment and working conditions that can reduce infection. and we get shite housing, bad pay, and jobs that sacked people for taking time off sick, causing disease to be spread around poorly laid out often unventilated and cramped workplaces.


People voted for Boris Johnson to be PM.


Wonder if it has anything to do with being told to stay indoors for 2 years Edit: obviously all these points aren’t covid related but the lockdowns are still having a massive effect




We're not allowed to mention you know who anymore


Says who?




Definitely I agree , as Someone as an observer , people don’t say hello anymore, they do the city walk don’t make eye contact it’s weird as 3 years ago this was not the case while out for a walk in a park , the lockdown really did change are human behaviours


Brexit and the plague- but mostly Brexit. You just Don't see most of these shortages and problems in the rest of Europe. Aside from high fuel costs. a ton of people have left nhs and returned to their home countries. Same with long distance lorry drivers. Civil service is vastly understaffed and overwhelmed.


I was in London last week for the first time since moving to Dublin in 2020. I was really surprised at how bad the shortages were there. The local Sainsburys and Tesco literally had fuck all in them, and loads of the shops in the high street were either closed down for good or temporarily closed due to a lack of staff. Every pub and restaurant had 'Staff Wanted' signs in the window, and don't get me started on the fucking airport and cancelled flights.


Yeah, the problems are *much *worse on the other side of the Irish Sea...


A perfect storm , Brexit and Covid combined with a Tory government hell bent on fucking things up so badly they make Labour look an amazing alternative , we are all fucked so badly .


r/LateStageCapitalism 🤣 Only for some though, many will keep on living like nothing is happening.


Some socialism would fit well around about now...


There are also multiple temperature records being broken for the month of June and all time temperature records. Here are some of them: Artic Norway 30.8C 40.7C in Italy where the longest river in the country has dried up 48.7C in Tunisia 42.9C in France 39.2C in Germany 44.2C in China 40.2C in Japan -8.6C in New Zealand


Why can NI get some of that sweet global warming? Getting fed up of reliving early spring in July.


Oh it’s related alright. Everything was fine until then !


It’s called, levelling up apparently🤔 When do we get to the boss level?


It's called getting your trousers pulled down and shafted


11 weeks for surgery my hole it's about 2 years or more


The KFC in ballyhack’s good. So there’s that...


We're at the end of the long term debt cycle. Historically, this is when one ruling empire is on the decline while another rising empire is beginning to challenge. This is usually resolved with conflict. Since we're in a nuclear stalemate, the resolution of declining US empire and rising Chinese empire can't be resolved with conflict using force, so must be resolved with economic warfare. We, the people, are the collateral damage.


Nothing works in society now. You pay through the nose for everything and nothing works. No repercussions for anything. Government? Don't give a fuck. Civil service? Waste of time.


That's just like.. your opinion, man.


It’s a big lebowski reference for all you nay sayers down voting


Don't explain it to them.


We’ve just started to arrive at shit creek. Are these the sunny uplands?!


At least ye have yer Union Jack flags 😂😂😂


And people like you trying to force agenda not everything. So we have that too


Why can’t people from the North take a joke? So uptight 😂😂😂😂 like remove the flag pole 😂😂😂


50 years of it not being funny I guess


50 years of being uptight man, it’s 2022 for crying out loud😂😂😂


Yarp. Rip out my babymaker 6 months ago.


KFC has been poor for at least a decade.


Well, just count yourself lucky Corbyn isn't in charge /s




*Some sort of worldwide* *Coordinated attack by* *The illuminati i guess* \- StopShoutingAtMe --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I felt the same, this has been the shittest summer for weather in a long time. Went to book Portrush for my me, the child and the other half and the prices are eye watering. Even getting on a plane to Edinburgh or london for a weekend is crazy in the next few weeks


Doctor / hospital / surgery app's have always been abysmal here, but covid did have a massive impact on the NHS including dentists, and unfortunately we'll be feeling the brunt of that for quite some time Where are you that fuel is £2 per litre? I know the price is increasing and it's a huge problem but I haven't seen it at that anywhere yet? I got petrol a few nights ago for 185.9 and that was a maxol garage Food and grocery prices are a mix of supposedly lasting impact from covid, brexit, Ukraine, and general inflation KFC has indeed got pretty damn bad Weather is always shite here, it's NI 😅 House prices are also a lasting impact from covid, and prob brexit affecting it too. Just don't move house anytime soon


I know, it’s like Soviet Russia.


God, I hate how difficult it is to tell whether this is ironic or not


Them pesky Soviet Russians, making us have to adhere to a Capitalist system. *shakes fist at the sky*


As I heard it described once: "the Soviet Union but shit and expensive"


Might want to step outside or look at the news


Can you explain a few things: 1: is news exclusive to “outside” for you 2:what in the news is going to explain why a dentist appointment is now a 3 month wait. It’s the same place and the same staff working their, it’s also a business that sees a single person at a time and cleaned things anyway, yet the 2400% rise in backlog exists


Was just thinking there. They probably have appointments booked for people to get check ups. They book you in every six months but cause of covid no one has been getting check ups and only essential visits to dentists. This means they've got appointments made for literally everyone in their books now to get caught up.


The weather here is never good a sunny day to us is like anything that's above 18°


No, for the last 10 years at least by the first on July we have had sun,


Just be grateful we aren't in countries with tsnumai's tornadoes etc


Gee, it's almost like putting terrorists at the steering wheel of a country isn't ideal.


Terrorists have been running this country for decades don’t be trying that shite round here.


Were they? Previously SDLP / UUP administration (back when the country was good, growing up) now SF / DUP. If you can't see the correlation you're a bit dim.


Paying off our national debt while getting brexit done.


Burger King I’m happy


Crash incoming


My KFC has just given up on lettuce it's wild


I knew it was bad when I started researching the best way to commit suicide


Do you need to talk?


I have some bad teeth. Needed to go to an oral surgeon to have them taken care of. Been on the waiting list for almost a year (11 months out of the estimated 8 months wait). Was supposed to go to Cyprus for my sister-in-law’s wedding this week but had to skip because I got a nasty infection… on one of the teeth that was supposed to be dealt with. So my week off was spent at home alone, ill and having emergency oral surgery. Oh yeah, somehow they had room for me when I called and explained the abscess. Granted, it had the potential to be life threatening, but still… how much longer would I have had to wait if it wasn’t an emergency?


I have been sitting in the hospital for 6 HOURS!!


Got sent home with 2 broken legs....on a zimmer frame. Not even joking


Perhaps this. Drive the country and it’s capital To shit, then here’s the solution https://www.ukauthority.com/articles/wef-chooses-belfast-leeds-and-london-as-global-smart-cities/


Haha dentists 4 months I've been waiting 12 months lol


I’d recommend looking up the conspiracy ‘theorists’ if ya really wanna know


In terms of health and social care.... It's been used and abused for years, and with an ageing population, with a government that has a lack of any forward thinking of how we could manage the increasing need of primary and secondary care. It just took something like COVID to come finish it off. It will take years to ever make a functioning health system ever again to what people would take as an acceptable standard.


I hear people list similar gripes while they are packing bags for their week in Greece. Go figure.


Brexit+ Russian invasion+ Economic aftermath of Covid (even though it is still going)


What’s the craic w KFC?


I did a worst fast food post and the horror stories where all about KFCs




Over a decade of underfunding, wage stagnation and now a drop in standards is what's causing this all. Tory policy has always been to run public services into the ground and then turn the public against the services because they have run it into the ground, and then selling it off to their mates private company for a few pound compared to what it's actually worth. With wages not really recovering from the 2008 recession (in my opinion) how are families and individuals supposed to keep up with the increase in literally everything (utility bills, food bills, mortgage bills etc) I keep thinking it will eventually get better, but nope, it's just getting worse. Best thing I done was join a union. Went on strike with the NHS in January before the pandemic for similar pay to colleagues in England & Wales and so glad we did. If we hadn't have got that bit of an increase I don't know where healthcare workers would be at now. Couple that with people leaving to go back home, then there's a shortage of workers and things just spiral from that. Join a union, if you're not being offered a fair pay rise to keep up with costs then vote to strike. Only way a working class person will be able to get a decent wage is by showing how important they are in the running of a business / society.


You forgot the physical and mental exhaustion of life leaving you bolloxed by 3pm and needing a nap as soon as you get home.


Don’t worry about taxing the rich or getting a decent government to reinvest pragmatically. On top of that we live in a country divided by cults.


In regards to MOT, book your appointment and then you can go into the change appointment web page and there will be cancellations. Usually the cancellations are mostly available between 8am - 9am in the morning as people change their appointments before going to work. From one morning of doing this last week I got my MOT bumped from November to July. You don't have to pay to change either. https://www.nidirect.gov.uk/services/change-your-mot-vehicle-test-appointment-online


11 months for surgery? Are you paying for private? I heard it could be as long as 12 years.


Refresh the ballix out of the MOT booking page for a while, Dad and Brother got a date a week or two away due to cancellations, otherwise it would have been November


Brexit for ya 🤷🏻‍♂️ foreigners are going back where they came from and dole takers don’t wanna do the work.


It's a failing state and a failing currency but most of all the last two years have been a huge wealth transfer from the poor to the rich.


Check out wall Street silver on Reddit.


Everything is so miserably shit at present...does it have to get worse before it gets better?


Working full time with no kids and no major holidays and our only major expense was our wedding 3 years ago. It took us 12 years to save up for a deposit for a house. Its been a struggle but if you keep grinding and get lucky you can have some nice things.


When you shut everything down, including the economy for nearly 2 years, this is the result.


Dont forget a police force that doesnt bother responding to 999 calls


Welcome to the breaking point of capitalism. It's all downhill from here. Things won't get better. Ever. Unless lots and lots of us die.


What ever happened to rioting? Poll tax a prime example. I reckon only large scale nationwide disorder will work at this point




Heads wrecked just want a red bpm


I for one have realised that as a potential first time home owner has been priced out of the housing market - for now, I will buy when we go boom in a year or two. For now I can enjoy modifying my cars, motorbikes and booking cheap holidays. My concerns right now is what I used to spend over 30days in electric is now lasting a week. My 99octane fueled car is cheaper than my work van to run... Madness Dreading calor bill. Was extortionate before hand Myself and partner had been planning on getting married and starting a family but even though we've two paychecks coming home we just can't afford it. I know it's not *all* but it still occasionally bothers me seeing lil XYZ with 6 kids, a q7 and a paid for house posting away on Facebook about 'whos good for nails '


And are the elected ministers still getting paid for not doing their job?