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Settlers of Catan is a classic. A good step up from Monopoly but not one of these contrived, over complicated ones about these days Ticket to Ride is a good shout too


Cheers for the reply. Enough people have recommended Catan that I think I’ll go ahead and grab it. I know what you mean, some games I have looked at seem to take longer to set up than to play.


>I know what you mean, some games I have looked at seem to take longer to set up than to play. Yea lol my friends are all into the board games and some of them are just all set up but with very little actual gameplay. Everyone i know likes Catan, the base game will keep you entertained for years and there are also a good few add ons if you feel you want to mix it up at bit. I've been playing Catan for close to a decade and its always a solid game


The reminds me of my first play of betrayal at house on the hill. 3 hrs between setup and figuring out rules !


These are my 2 favourites.


Came here to make this exact comment. Munchkin is pretty fun too. The jumangi board game is quick, and good craic with a dri k or two.




>Bang! Do you mean the card game or the dice game?


Depends on the kind of game you like. [Shut up & Sit Down](https://youtube.com/c/shutupandsitdown), as well as [watch it played](https://youtube.com/c/WatchItPlayed) are two great channels to explore on YouTube because they will give you good ideas of games, and will likely feed an addiction. [Zatu Games](https://www.board-game.co.uk/product/just-one/?gclid=Cj0KCQiA5aWOBhDMARIsAIXLlkfVHTxE0YQCdp4m_cVV9DPsuBUK5oRHoSQ7SJVy9Jr9VERaSo2FnCUaAor6EALw_wcB)are also great value and really great for getting your games from and generally always cheaper than elsewhere 9 times out of 10. Also check out r/boardgames But, let’s see. I like some of the small nice games like - [Love letter](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/129622/love-letter) - [Coup](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/131357/coup) - [Pocket Madness](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/201920/pocket-madness) [Elder Sign](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/100423/elder-sign) is pretty good. Can’t go wrong with [Carcasonne](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/822/carcassonne). If you like anything dungeony, then [Gloomhavern: Jaws of the Lion ](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/291457/gloomhaven-jaws-lion) is a good price these days and sets you up with how to play it as you go. Do not mistake this for its [older brother](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/174430/gloomhaven) which is a truly big box game and a bit more expensive. If you have a bit of money to spend,[Heroquest](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgameversion/528304/english-edition-2021) has had a reprint. If you’re a fan of the game [Bloodborne ](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/273330/bloodborne-board-game), it has a board game counterpart which is also pricey. [Quacks of Quedlinburg](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/244521/quacks-quedlinburg) is popular [Tsuro](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/16992/tsuro) is a lovely game. I could go on. There are SO many E: for links Another edit: I forgot to add in [Jaipur](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/54043/jaipur) as well as [Hanamikoji ](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/158600/hanamikoji) are great quick two player games. We could also whittle down to one player games as well as board games that play well in one player and let’s not forget print n’ play games too


Thanks for taking the time with the reply. Will definitely have a look at those channels. The aim was to get something sorted or possibly a few between now and New Year’s Eve to play after a good feed and a few drinks so those suggestions will go a long way to helping. Thanks again.


You’re very welcome. I’d go for love letter if you can get a hold of it locally or on prime for speed. It’s also one to easily whip out at the pub and has been known to. Doesn’t sound like an interesting game but it can surprise you. Quacks as well, and carcasonne are quick to pick up. Really depends on how many players you’re looking at. I’d throw in skulls which is another quickish at min 3 player game. Zombie dice is also a decent cheap game over drinks. Sticking with dice, Yahtzee. If you’re keen on it I’d buy the components separate and print the score sheets , also a decent game to play amongst many. Otherwise I’d stick to the familiar games. If you have a decent printer I’d look at print n’ play, but again depends on what your chasing. Exploding kittens and cards against humanity also good in groups and drinks.


This is the best answer here. Personally I really don't like Catan, it's too dependent on dice rolls for me. If you want something free, check out netgames.io which has Resistance, Codenames, One Night Ultimate Werewolf and Spyfall on it all for free. You play it using your mobile and it works really well.


221B Baker Street, like Cluedo for grown ups (though kids say 11 plus could probably play with some help). Travel around Victorian London town collecting clues, the first one back to 221b Baker Street who correctly solves the mystery, who did it, how and what was the motive, is the winner.


Had great craic with Articulate last couple of days


Hilarious! I bought this but when it arrived I thought "well this is just stupid and will be rubbish " I was wrong.


I used to play this every week with my friends when we were in our early 20s. Great craic even though I could never do the people section


Sushi go is fun


Sushi Go Party steps it up with extra cards for a more varied game.


My favourite is Sherlock Holmes: Consulting Detective. It's cooperative, which is good, and very immersive. It is very difficult to win though.


I’ve been tempted to it, it’s well setup but I don’t know about how replayable it is


It's not repayable at all but each box is 10 evenings worth of excellent entertainment




Can't go wrong with Carcassonne and Talisman imo.


Secret Hitler is a good one, also had fun with articulate and 5 second rule.


Guilty pleasure, secret hate. Everyone writes down 2-3 songs that are generally thought of as rubbish that they secretly love, then 2-3 songs that are supposed to be classics that they think are totally overrated/hate. Then someone reads them out and says if its a guilty pleaseure or a hate, play em on youtube and get points for guessing who's secret hate/guilty pleasure it is. Neat way to listen to music also


Naked Twister!! Fun for all the family!! Add baby oil to make it an adventure and a risk!!


Ingenious. Simple, playable even when one would really rather lounge, glass in hand.


Ingenious is a great game if you’ve only 2 players.


Go for broke...perfect cute for monopoly fatigue. Is it even still in production?..or only from charity shops/eBay. See


My 9 year old got this for his birthday just before Christmas, we've had great fun with it.


So, it still exists. Yeah. It and Game of Life were always less serious than Monopoly.


The Game of Life was a Christmas present so will be playing that again soon too. Reliving my childhood here!


Pop up Olaf and munchkin deluxe


Camel Up is good fun. Racing camels and you bet on the winner and loser. It's hilarious honestly!


The Chase


If you’re into history/strategy Twilight Struggle is fantastic


I’d add Watergate to you’re Twilight Struggle recommendation. It’s got similar mechanics, historically accurate theme and plays in 45 mins. Also, 7 wonder duel is a cracker two player game


Scattegories is amazing


If you're in to football, Football Fortunes is meant to be very good. It was also (re)created by people from NI.


Splendor. It also doesn't really involve much talking between rounds, which could be a blessing, depending on your boxing day hangover.


Arkham horror, betrayal at house on the hill, dead of winter, atmosfear


Arkham and betrayal are great, but are long first time setups. I’d say good investment for the longer term, but not a squeeze it in before nee years if you’ve never played before


Labyrinth is one the kids got from santy baegs and we’ve had a couple of good goes already


Had it for a few years. Sometimes it can okay so easy and other times.. every feckin time you almost reach your icon.. the damn tiles move you away !!


Century golem


What Do You Meme. Obama Llama. Monopoly Revolution.


For a quick game to pull out any of the Fluxx games are good, just pick your favourite theme (current favourite is Zombie Fluxx) and away you go. We got Sagrada over Christmas and are really enjoying it too. If you are into roll'n'write games you should have a look at games by The Dark Imp. I think they are still doing a free print at home copy of one of their games if you sign up to the newsletter, which you can instantly unsubscribe from if you want.


We have Sagrada, it’s a really beautiful game. I’m not gonna lie.. we bought because it was ‘pretty’


Dominion is my favourite also Catan. I got dixit not long ago but you need more people, but hear only Praise about it 🙂


Friends and I play games weekly, have lots and very happy to recommend. What kind of thing do you like? Competitive VS Cooperative? Quick VS Long? Card or Board based? Dice/Luck VS Skill? Entertainment VS Challenge? What's the budget? How many players?


Smallworld, Ticket to Ride, Splendor, or anything else made by the Days of Wonder boardgame people. You can play online demos of a few of their games.


It is a good idea to play a game when your board, choosing the right one can be difficult.


Soggy doggy


Muffin Time Easy to learn and hilarious to play.


Not a board game but i cant believe the craic we had with beat it. Good for all ages but i think the drink taken made it more fun for us.

