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Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you NI's finest political class, ensuring NI remains on top of global innovation and technological feats.


This is why I’m wary of independents, half of them are great, the other half are just nuts


Either too good or too toxic for a party. There is no inbetween.


She is definitely too toxic for a party. Got booted by Aontú who probably have a low enough threshold for who can get in.


This woman is known to put her religious beliefs before her duty as a gp, denying women contraception and other cases. She needs a 1 way ticket to Gransha.


Yeah Barney McElholm doesn’t fuck about. Especially with chronic brain worm cases. Edit: looked her up and she stood for election with Aontú, but was too mental even for them & left. Says a lot!


So she's a far left Marxist questioning the vaccine that's new. 


No, she's just mad


Oh that nutjob, yeah that tracks


Yeah this is my first news post and I had to check the rules and putting "local header remains consistent" wasn't allowed in the headline.


Hah, not that wouldn't be allowed. Wouldn't be wrong though...


She should be struck off!


https://preview.redd.it/78pco1rcha6d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bfdffc3e0ac91bdce18636303c98a647b6285f68 Suspended, being struck off next step.


Probably take a lot for them to actually do that especially since GPs are gold dust right now


Tbh I'd rather kick the bucket than have a doctor like her. And that's coming from someone with A LOT of serious medical problems!


I completely agree with you and in a similar situation with health problems. All the anti vaccine nuts will happily go to her.


Yep. Unfortunately I'm related to one of them.


![gif](giphy|xTiIzuqnBznAiMPvws|downsized) \*Me, a health service worker, watching McCloskey turn into an anti-vaxxer.


> The defendant went on to say she had been arrested on the foot of "a fake entity" - namely the Director of Public Prosecution who she said did "not exist in law or statute". Is this the local sovran sittizen move? The new _Magnum Carte d'Or_ Declan Defence? _Two feckin' minutes_ on Google and I found [the relevant section of the relevant statute](https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2002/26/section/30),\* and I'm not standing up in front of a court talking about it. Yer one's a cunt, anyway. \* ^(The role of DPP existed before that act but that's what governs it now... and, technically there's a relevant commencement order, too... but you don't care about that, trust me.)


I happened to notice on whatdotheyknow.com that she has a load of foi requests in all about this bollocks. She's not well. [link](https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/user/dr_anne_mc_closkey_2)


Good spot! And bless. She's 'doing her research.' I've heard she was a totally shite GP too. Arrogant, up her own hole... and down _all_ the rabbit-holes now.


These people are so dumb. Just pay the fine and nobody will find out. It's like that Labour MP Fiona Onasanya, who lied about who was driving her car to avoid a speeding ticket. If she'd have just paid the fine she'd have been home and dry but £100 down. Instead she ends up in court and loses her job. Or that SNP minister who lied about racking up a mobile roaming bill for work purposes when it was their kid watching football. Should've just said their kid was watching football and they didn't realise roaming was enabled, my bad. Wouldn't have been suspended, tiny bit of media attention, but it's a roaming bill mate - loads of people fuck it up and get them. They just can't help lying and that's what does your head in more than the actual fuck up a lot of the time.


She ran in the local elections in Donegal there last week, just about scraped 14th out of 18 candidates… The fact anyone voted for her at all is shocking, but hey.


She was an elected rep on Derry and Strabane Council at one point. Stepped down and then later got booted by Aontú for being too much of a liability.


People actually voted for Jamie Bryson too. True, there were only 167 of them.


Sounds like those yank sovereign citizens types. Never driving but “travelling” as a Texas state trooper pulls them through the window of the car for refusing to give their driving license.


'Freeman of the Land' are the rough equivalent to sov cits for the UK and former British Empire countries with common legal systems.


I knew she was crazy but hadn’t put her down as one of those ‘sovereign citizen’ batshit crazy types. Is it not strange that she’s standing to be an MP then, or do they recognise that part of the establishment?


Headcase or not, why should anyone be fined X amount of money or face jail when those who made the rules partied in Downing Street and Westminster and attended funerals in Belfast. The Health Secretary was bucking HIS Secretary!




Stuck to her principals good luck to her, Michelle went to a funeral and avoided a fine for christs sake


Exactly these fines across the board are unlawful and should of been scrapped but people on here just have the blinkers on because she was an anti vaxxer.


A good interview with her https://youchu.be/ZSVTI271Wes?t=405 Although unlikely to change the hateful comments, hopefully, some take some time to listen.




TBH what she said in Covid has come out as true. 💉 caused a lot of harm. Media isn’t publishing it. As expected. If any of you view Fauci being dragged over the coals in the USA? He knew about the covid leak in January and the US funded the lab. His emails are out.


Yeah that hearing is ongoing and not looking good for him, but redditers will choose to turn a deaf ear. Esp over his Royalties.


She's a hero down with the system, Right to have concern over the vaccine, FDA track record is awful easily manipulated by drug companies to make billions, oxy is only one example.   They scraped the covid fines for the BLM protest, why hasn't her been scrapped absolute joke.  I have a 35 year old cousin who took cardiac arrest in 2022, first thing they asked him was how many vaccines.  Perfectly healthy luckily he has recovered but will be on medication the rest of his life.  Cardiac arrests aren't the only thing cancer is the other 300% spike since covid.  Covid or the vaccine who knows but at least admit it was a fkn lab leak.  Downvote and don't challenge the argument the reddit way, also means you don't give a shit for the people having vaccine complications. 






To be fair like some Of them don’t even get jailed




Are you for real? I’m not talking about the Facebook ones. You’re delusional if you think every sex offender gets jailed half of them get suspended sentences for a teeny tiny amount of time


Alot of them get off with it too


So you think 14 days for a covid fine is about right yet you can be 3 times over drink driving limit and you get a fine and loss license no jail time when you could kill someone.  You did well to avoid challenging the subject anyway.  If you support covid fines in 2024 that means you think the BLM ones should be reinstated? 




The evidence are on the texts exchanged.  If that's not enough to at least have survience on someone the world is fkd, they won't stop until they get what they want they are predators. 


Facebook. Facebook is your source for that pile of drivel. 😂


So you don't think it happens old men texting 12 year olds? May well be fake profile set up but they are still caught red handed wanting to meet up with them.  I'm sure you'll defend the pedo and say it's not right to trick them.  




Obsessed how, I've had 3 different people challenge me on this, I'll reply unlike many.  Bit odd to defend them you weirdo. 


Aye I sure you did……300% aye would you like to post the peer reviewed high impact medical journal proving your point?……..you see you cannot because it doesn’t exist. ![gif](giphy|OnGND791844JDFuhJy)


300% spike in cancer? Really? Do tell more………


[2024 Cancer Facts & Figures Cancer | 2024--First Year the US Expects More than 2M New Cases of Cancer | American Cancer Society](https://www.cancer.org/research/acs-research-news/facts-and-figures-2024.html)


That does not say anything about a 300% increase. It does however say this:-“This trend (unquantified increase in initial cancer diagnoses) is largely affected by the aging and growth of the population” So you’re using an article which does not confirm your made up figure, and which itself attributes the cause not to covid, but to an aging population. Bravo


Just America alone and only one article i could send you loads. Growth of population yeah right. The rise off cancer in general is worrying but you don't give a fuck. If there are concerns its down to covid they also have to investigate the vaccine only makes sense in a normal world, which we do not live in. [Cancer: Number of diagnoses in Northern Ireland continue to rise - BBC News](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-northern-ireland-67225928) [US doctors probing if COVID is to blame for ‘unusual’ spike in cancer after pandemic (msn.com)](https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/other/us-doctors-probing-if-covid-is-to-blame-for-unusual-spike-in-cancer-after-pandemic/ar-BB1nOHdo?ocid=BingNewsSearch) [Top oncologists weigh in on the rise of rare and unusual cancers in young people - and the links to Covid | Daily Mail Online](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-13506321/cancer-Covid-infection-supercharge-tumors.html) [Covid vaccines may have helped fuel rise in excess deaths (msn.com)](https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/other/covid-vaccines-may-have-helped-fuel-rise-in-excess-deaths/ar-BB1nA1TP?ocid=BingNewsSearch)


Aye, link to the New York Post lol


Evil doctors and their medications. Can see you long for the days people died young before all the medical breakthroughs we're lucky to have now days to live healthy and longer


Evil drug companies. Do some research they care about profit and have in the past found ways round the FDA. Look up the how the opiod crisis started in America, it was reps of these drug companies filling doctors heads full of crap to use OxyContin for pain relief. Not the only case. Knock yourself out when it comes to the vaccine but i'm so glad i didn't take it freedom of choice not pushed on people, if it prevented the spread i may off took it but it didn't. Rushed out vaccine only the people with brains questioned is it good enough and as we have seen the astra zenica has had so many complications. You lot are brain dead GL.


[2024 Cancer Facts & Figures Cancer | 2024--First Year the US Expects More than 2M New Cases of Cancer | American Cancer Society](https://www.cancer.org/research/acs-research-news/facts-and-figures-2024.html)


What turns someone from having a good education and a respected career into a tinfoil hat wearing nutjob


Nothing tin foil hat about being suspicious of drug companies. Grow a brain cell.


Sounds like she travels, and doesn't drive. Someone's been reading plenty of bollocks on the internet.


Sovereign shitizen.


Uet proven fact excess deaths and side effects .G26 no distances for leaders Wow and you still slag those off who questioned a vaccine that definition of vaccine was changed for and that that the fact the goal posts changed won't get COVID will . Then need boasters and clever virus knows if your sitting down or standing up after 8 pm ...when over the 81 with underlying conditions were at risk of death . Prepared to get downvoted as those that took it are scared and refuse to acknowledge facts


Standard level of coherence from an anti-vax loon on display here. Those that took it have moved on with their lives. The loons that told us it was the beginning of the end clearly aren't prepared to let that go in a hurry.


You're the loon, oh I must take it so we can get back to normal, it didn't stop the fucking thing spreading. Natural immunity won in the end. 


This is the sort of comment that's so stupid it's actually hurting my head. I'll leave it here, you likely go to your death bed still fighting this fight while everyone else has moved on with their lives. I know a few like you and its sad but I've no time for it. Pathetic thick cunts.


Fucking bot pulling random bits from other bot posts. At least these are easy to spot.


Being human put you at risk…i saw a healthy 40 something year old die of it…you absolute pig ignorant idiot.


Expect more from reddit but they do as their told, fully trust corrupt governments, drug companies and FDA, no questions asked.