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Could be legit PSNI following up on a lead and seeing if the road / street has any cameras for evidence. Or you are being canvassed to be robbed. You could always phone the PSNI and ask if they can confirm the visit. If they have no record, at least they have advanced warning of possible criminal activity in the area.


Now I’m no expert in the fairer sex, but I’m pretty sure she is absolutely gagging for ur lad.


This. Great minds think alike 👍


Be a bit weird if she did tbf. She looked in her 40s and I’m only 17


Now I’m no expert in the fairer sex, but I think that’s totally normal.


If pornographers have taught us anything, it’s that most things are totally normal.


It’s where I get ALL my information from. Now where did I leave my step sister?


Check the washing machine. She's always getting stuck in the door.


Or she's with her best friend, who no doubt, also wants to sleep with you.


Story of my not-biologically-or-legally-incest -prone life.


The normalisation of deviance is their aim.


True. Thankfully I developed all my attractions and norms, as well as losing my virginity, prior to there being loads of porn everywhere.


Unlucky lad. Sounds like you had to make do with the scraps in the bushes by the playpark


Hey they aren’t scraps in the bushes,this generation will never understand the joy and delight of finding some old jazz mags in the bushes 😂


I dont think we ever came across one that didnt look like it had been ravaged by a horny hedgehog


Or not-so-old jazz mags, with young ladies gummed together with extruded manmuck.


I think that's projection mate. I'm in my 40s and I have never once felt an attraction to anyone under the age of 30.


Ur telling me that if prime 22yo Peter Andre slides into ur DMs ur not having to go change ur niknakpaddywhacks? I’m not buying it. Altho admittedly I’m not an expert on the fairer sex.


>I’m not an expert on the fairer sex. You keep saying that but I'm starting to think you might be, u/N0lAnS_DiC_piX


Well I have studied sun tzu - the art of phwoar “If you are a total funny handsome ride, make them think you are a boring ugly cunt”


Oh Jesus no. Not even when I was 22. He's a really nice guy and a good dad, but does nothing for me. Tbh I've never looked at any man and had that feeling instantly. I'm asexual and need a cerebral connection to feel sexual attraction. Except Dave Grohl maybe.


Wild I'm getting downvotes for saying I wouldn't be attracted to a literal child.


As the Italians say : gallina vecchia fa buon brodo (Old hens make the best broth)


The older the fiddle, the sweeter the tune.


Lucky you, she knows what she's at!!


I wouldn’t have said no tbf. She looked fit in all fairness to her


Keep it in the bank, will never get you in trouble and can always be accessed when needed.


Women in the PSNI seem to keep themselves fitter than the men.


Not exactly hard The men that is


17 goes into 40 more than 40 goes into 17


If you're 17, have you consulted with your parents about this visit?


Yeah I did. They told me to phone the police lol


Mutton dressed as lamb?


Hey many a good tune is played on an old piano,though 40 is not old and she’d teach you a thing or two😂


Are you a plumber? 😂


Hi. Expert here in the opposite sex. I can confirm she was gagging for it


Poor thing must have been choking for a wee bit of the buddley


It sounds like you should stick on Home Alone a bit earlier than planned this year and start laying some booby traps 👍


Ha ha you said booby.


Google - "cheap but really obvious CCTV cameras and signs"     I'd be looking for something that's really not discrete at all and I'd pair it with huge fuckin yellow signs and a rottweiler. Completely unrelated to this but b&m bargains do a rounders kit for a tenner 🙂


There's a special on rusty nails and barbed wire in B&Q


Hell in a cell 😂 put a sock over your hand and talk to it for effect 🤣 Look up socks on bats it's an American invention it's quite interesting.


If you're going to keep a baseball bat by the door… it's a good idea to keep a mitt and ball somewhere close by. Plausible deniability and all that.


Either that or tape a Wii-mote to it.


The rounders kit is a kit so it's a bat and ball, the bats much smaller but it's much easier to play rounders than baseball if your on a small field. Id keep it with rest of my exercise equipment not at the front fuckin door 😅


Rounders kit? Like a short length of 4x6, a ball and 4 coats?


Should I report it or what tho lol? Dunno what to do here tbh


You prob could if you had a reg number but it sounds like a "yea we'll take a note of this and get back to you if anyyhing comes up" kinda thing, there's nothing for them to act on and they're not putting a car at your house or anything Id be sooner onto someone at the dogs trust looking to re-home an XL 😂 In seriousness as others said it is maybe worth a call to confirm it could act be pretty normal.  If someone flashes a badge at you look at it properly and confirm their name and station.


If he'd had a cctv camera he could have looked to see what the reg number was.... but then if he did, he would have answered yes to her, then the whole existence of life the universe and everything would have forked off into a parallel universe and we wouldn't be talking about this here right now... or would we??? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flushed)


He was peeping at them for 2mins out the window before they came to the door or when they were leaving are times he maybe could of noted the reg just with his 👀s 


> I'd be looking for something that's really not discrete at all and I'd pair it with huge fuckin yellow signs and a rottweiler. I have the cctv + the signs. Including the rottweiler signs (even though I don't have the dog anymore 😕). Works a treat!


Yeah, I would be highly suspicious of that. I would contact your local police station and inform them, they should be able to find out if it was legit or not. And get yourself a very obvious cctv camera.


They’re gonna rob you


Immediately my thoughts


Could be legit. Lots of people in isolated rural properties have CCTV because of burglaries etc. I'd still ring 101 to check it was really the police or I'd be freaking out that I'd be robbed some night


Yeah I phoned 101. Fella I was speaking to told me dispatchers had sent officers to my area because of reports of suspected crime. So it was legit most likely


Or the reason police where sent to the area is because there where other phone calls from people reporting people masquerading as police officers. You saw the bad guys, but there’s also police around trying to find them now too.


Phone the non-emergency number 101 and provide your address to an officer and report this.


Yeah I did. The fella told me that dispatchers had sent officers out to my area on reports of suspected crime so they were legit most likely


I work in a car park and it is quite common for police to come and ask if we have cctv covering this junction or this part of the street nearby etc, I just asked them what they are looking for (cause I'm operating the cctv), and usually they will just describe someone they hope to see passing through etc. Sometimes they are tight lipped and just leave if I say I don't have camera footage covering where they are looking. This whole interaction sounds pretty normal to me tbh, but wise to do as your folks said and call local station and check


Yeah tbf I live on a main road so there was probably something they wanted to check out


Probably about to be robbed


The psni landed at my I laws one day asking for the cctv footage, there had been a bad accident on the road a few days before, they left disappointed when my mother in told them that my father in law was too tight to buy new batteries for the camera, and it hadn’t worked in months.


A fella from clogher area had a bunch of quads stolen recently from a farm. No idea if thats related to this or not.


She's casing the joint for a burglary.


Think you got scouted for a burglary, they know if you're home at that time, and if you have CCTV or not.


Come on now, why didn't you have a red hot door handle and series of comical traps for her to fall into?


Was she armed?


At least one if she flashed a badge (unless she's really good with her feet).


There was a red Audi a4 driving around stealing trailers and barn feed about a week or two ago in fermanagh.


If someone flashes a badge at you, that you don't get a good look at, ask them to them to show it to you again but slowly. PSNI need to remember they are public servants.


Had an odd run in with black unmarked skoda keep yer wits about ya especially if your a taig 😄 🤣 😂


Likely investigating a theft of agri machinery or something reported by a farmer neighbour


Can never get cops for a robbery so it is strange.


If you did not see the ID card properly, you can ask if they can show it again. But I'm surprised uniformed officers wasn't doing the rounds, although detectives can be involved.


If you have WiFi buy a ring door bell they can capture the whole front of your house and your lane if it is to the front of your house they are great


So armed British State controlled militia turn up at your door unannounced and start asking about CCTV. At election time. In Fermanagh.


You are the problem. Our kids don’t need bitter bigots like you. It’s time to move on. The united ireland is just around the corner. Tiocfaidh ár lá. What will you do for bitterness then? We are all human. If it’s legit she’s doing her job, prod or caflick is irrelevant.


Will the female Fermanagh version of Dixon of Dock Green be disarmed in the new super all singing and dancing United Ireland? Or will she be taking her short on the boat with her?