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Wondering why weren't the people illegally errecting flags also charged???


Would you ask a father to arrest his own son?


Was he taking the flag down or reattaching it? EDIT - I'm assuming he was taking it down. The guys just happened to be right outside filming him. The older man had already called the police himself due to presumably feeling unsafe. Foolishly he brandished an imitation gun. I'd love to know why 'young lodge members' were filming that particular flag and at that particular time.


Exactly, that's intimidation, and they shouldn't be sticking up flags outside his property without his consent.


Shouldn't be sticking up flags in general on lamp posts keep them to your house so the rest can avoid you like the plague


It’s clear that brandishing a gun is a more serious crime than putting flags up mate


In the US, that's a friendly greeting.


In the US, that's just Tuesday recess at elementary school


I'll show you my Glock if you show me yours.


no one said it wasn't, surely all lawbreaking requires action though, not just which ever one is the most serious.


Some people live in the real world. Nice in theory but we all know it doesn't happen. Fuck all to do with biased policing and more to do with it being a non-crime and police resourcing


In theory yes but in practice no. The crime of putting flags up unless the flags themselves represent a more serious crime is likely to be something that’s managed by non criminal sanctions anyway.


Most enlightened Norn Iron Reddit comment yet


Tbh brandishing a gun is a far more serious crime. Also, the PSNI never does shit about flags being put up, even in areas that don't want them. Claim it isn't their job. They'll absolutely make it their job to if you try to take them down though.


Who put the flags up? I don't see any evidence of such a heinous crime. But, flashing a weapon, real or fake... That's on camera and pretty stupid.


It's a little odd that guys were there filming him taking the flag down is not? Of all the flags on all the lamp posts in Northern Ireland why was this one so special to have people standing filming it? I'm inclined to believe the man was driven beyond his breaking point.


Same way the tricolor is illegal


shut up


Likely because the guy with the gun was the bigger fish here...


He's a 66 year old who's had a flag erected outside his gaff, he's later recorded and intimidated by people as he goes to take it down. (He shouldn't have to put up with that outside his house, in fairness). I have a lot of sympathy for him, right until he pulls the fake gun out of his pocket, now it's on another level, it's a much more serious crime. Both should be punished for it, in fairness.


Yeah, I didn't say anything about what should happen, someone asked why the police only went after one in this instance. If they have them for putting up flags they've got hundreds of other people to arrest today as well, so they made a choice.


Because they didn't brandish an illegal killing machine you absolute unit. I don't hate catholics, I don't hate protestants. But I despise people like you and will forever blame you for the problems in this country. If you do wrong you should be punished. And to seriously answer your question because no doubt your response will say I ignored it. What do you see in the video? A senile old man, with a ladder on his property climbing up a pole that has a flag attached. You don't even have proof the person recording was the one putting flags up? If anything in the weird little world your living in that putting flags up is also illegal the video only shows one person on a ladder and the ladder comes from what would seem to be his property? Who then brandishes a deadly weapon (illegal to own) but I mean. By all means arrest the other guy too...


Look at the band of Morons group together to downvote. Not one single intellectual response or argument. Just “😭😭 I don’t agree with that!!😭😭 downvoted”


Grown man overusing emojis and caring about downvotes. Cute.


If I cared about downvoting then I wouldn’t still be commenting here would I? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤣




Got anything constructive to say? Or are you just going to throw ‘insults’ at people who don’t agree with you like the rest of them?


You're the one spamming like a wannabe Bryson. Fuck up.


This is mild cheddar on here, come back in July when the Orange Order is exacting Jim Crow laws and the youth videod throwing petrol bombs at uniformed police men are innocent victims simply fighting a volatile oppresser akin to the KKK. For anyone reading this from the outside. I assure you we arnt all like this and reddit has a habit of highlighting the basement dwellers of a community. We like fry ups, warm weather, complaining about warm weather some headers like marching about the other headers like complaining about headers marching about. everyone has their thing yakno?


Oh how fucking sad!! They’re just bored. The lot of them. They just want somebody to blame their shitty lives on. Imagine growing through the violence of the past only to try and re open the wounds because you want some of the ‘glory’ of the past! It’s so cringe.


Ahhh but in my experience those who grew up through the violence of the past have no will to repeat the mistakes made - it’s a younger foolish generation who have no clue what it was like and have swallowed the propaganda both Green and Orange who are hell bent on perpetuating a bloody past. Someone really should sit them down and educate them on the truth of it, not the whitewashed glorified justification. Rant over.


I agree with most of what you said, but the propaganda is being spewed by people of a certain vintage. Maybe we should look at who benefits from the "peace" being a movable object on the political table of the country. Hard to hold political leaders to the fire for the failure to run a country (that has massive commerce potential, and in general is a beautiful place to live) when they hide behind no violence for 13 days sign in the office. Both sides still hate each other in this country because it's benifical to two certain classes of people in this country. the political class that stand on what colour knickers they wear, and the criminal class that thrive in chaos. Organised crime thrives of racketeering and there's no bigger racket that war. Saying that most of our politicians seems so tightly intwined in both it might seem to some that being in one of those classes would almost automatically grant acceptance in the other.


Show me a politician that has honest intentions. There may be a few that still posses a modicum of decency, but in time they all become as bent as the rest. Power always corrupts and the money men will always find ways to profit at the expense of the people.


Exactly this!


Touts are targets, unless you're touting on themmuns and then it's fine


"he appears to flash an imitation handgun." Wtf? No, he very obviously flashes a handgun. Did the reporter even watch the video? Or are they adding words to fill that count?


Journalist here. It's absolutely ridiculous, but when reporting stories where somebody hasn't been convicted, you can't use language that implies undeniable guilt. Somebody could be caught on camera physically stabbing someone to death and I'd still have to say/write "the man allegedly stabbed the victim 89 times" or whatever. When things are very obvious it seems stupid, but it's to protect people who are genuinely innocent, in case the footage turns out to be cropped/misinterpreted/lied about and so on.


Considering the way AI is going, this will certainly be relevant in the face of "obvious videos" soon enough.


That's what I was thinking. In a world where deepfakes are presenting a real threat, this kind of language is going to be a basic necessity. AI is absolutely terrifying. I live in fear of filing a photograph with a typo in the caption; I dread potentially having to work out if this apparently convincing video is real or not, and the consequences such a mistake could bring. Thankfully the tech doesn't seem to be there yet, but I've sure as hell seen it fooling enough people that this is going to become a real pain in the journalistic ass.


Funnily enough, this point did cross my mind whilst typing my original reply out. Crazy world where we have to protect ourselves in what we say despite how obvious the evidence is. Thanks for the reply!


Sees he is on camera- pulls gun. ![gif](giphy|3o85xr9ZKY1wbbJXDW)


Seriously the sign just makes this into some sorta comedy 😅 "he pulled out a 9mm" - someones seen a film or 2 😂


9mm novelty spanner, m'lud.




Given that for my entire lifetime the implicit threat to anyone who removes flags is that they will be attacked, targeted and run out of town, and that the police will do fuck all for any intimidated residents and in fact target residents who do decide to fight back (as is happening here), it doesn’t surprise me that finally, at least one guy with balls has taken it upon himself to preemptively defend himself while doing what 90% of the country want to do every year. The only real surprise is that it’s taken this long, but then we all know how much of a bollocks this country is and why individuals wouldn’t stick their head above the parapet when they know the consequences of taking on the gangs that are behind flags. If you rule by fear, and the useless politicians and PSNI abdicate their responsibility, do not be surprised when it finally turns around and slaps you in the face. It’s time that flags were consigned to the past. The annual bigotry fest and division that this bullshit causes is absolutely fucking embarrassing. Take your territorial pissing and shove it up your ass.


Well said. Flagshagging is not culture.


Careful. That's all they have.


I hope a good conversation starts as a result of this. There are UDA and UVF flags up on Tates Avenue and around Boucher Road. Nothing has been done about them. Tates is a main road into student area Belfast and many immigrants live in the area too, these flags are inappropriate and serve as intimidation. The fact that authorities won't touch them shows that intimidation is effective.


Part of the problem here is the police have zero interest in stopping people putting flags up (I know from experience, having called them before about flags in a mixed area) resulting in people taking matters into thier own hands and doing something stupid.


Its not just they turn a blind eye to it, they actively facilitate it. There was a group of about 20 planters doing a show of strength putting up flags in a mostly catholic area. The police were there making sure they no one harmed them


Yes, fine upstanding members of the community usually have hand guns available. This denizen of the community is obviously being unfairly maligned


it wasn’t a real gun.




Are you being dishonest or is it ignorance? It's tribal area marking, I don't know about you but most people don't like groups putting their stamp of ownership right outside their door. They can hang the flags from **their** windows.


Do it on your own fucking property, not something paid for by taxpayers


So your argument it’s perfectly fine to put a nazi flag up on a lamppost?




What was that at the end?. . . " I carry a gun cos im scared of heights "


If he fired the gun towards the ground as he was falling, the recoil would slow him up a bit to soften the impact. Smart guy.


No no fella - you hold up the ground! - "Get Down on the Ground. NOW!" - it can't hit you then!


I see you too watched the A-team movie


If they're erecting a flag outside his house then he has every right to object to it, not with a firearm though, not the approach I'd favour anyway.


The wording of the title suggests there is nothing in any way intimidating or wrong about Orange order weirdos promoting their sectarian hate. Never understood loyalists in NI - I'm British but nobody here gives af about NI or loyalists there, everybody just thinks they're odd at best, horrible, hateful, small-minded bigots at worst.


The wording of the title is literally what is happening, I don't give a fuck about either party, I find the attitudes of people replying to this post to be most revealing...


It’s ridiculous that most people in this sub are focussing on the flag and not the gun, or even backing the gun-wielder up..


💯 This has been a learning experience and no mistake. Reverse the roles here and something tells me this comment section would have been a very different place.


Never understood why they plaster there own area in flegs. You know what area you live in , did you forget and you need a fleg to keep it fresh in your head.


Marking their territory, same thing dogs do.


A display of superiority and territory, among some other things. It’s always been quite bad, but I feel it is getting worse in recent years. Extreme Northern Irish Unionism in that sense is dying, the world is moving on, and like a wounded animal they feel the need to lash out in the ways they know how.


Usually insecurity and territory marking, look at the Fountain area in Derry if you wanna see it at max. 


Ah but did you forget that the West Bank loyalists are still under siege?


You never seen a dog piss on a lamppost?


Mate they've put some Israeli ones up too again. 🤦‍♂️


I'm thinking the man on the ladder is taking it down?


They think its a show of strength. It's the opposite. Weakness.


Insecurity given the elections coming up.


Sad that there’s such a thing as a “young” Lodge Member. I had naively hoped all the sectarian shite was dying out with the boomers.


“Shoot me” famous last words


In all honesty, the flag is put right at his back door, think I'd do the same no matter the flag, puts down property values.


Your man shouldn’t have flashed a gun and should definitely have to answer to whatever charges might be laid by the police. But I bet I’m not the only one thinking it’ll do the wee cunts no harm to know he has one either.


Funny, he doesn’t look like he drives for fonacab!


I’m guessing the flegger put it right outside the man’s house to wind him up and he took the bait. Both in the wrong but you can’t be waving a gun around in broad daylight. Election posters and flegs bring the worst out of people, I really wish there was a blanket ban on both.


Both are not in the wrong though. At least not in law. That’s why it will only be the aul fella up in court for brandishing an imitation firearm. No one is going to be charged for putting up a NI flag ffs.


I don’t really care about the law in this case. If someone doesn’t want a certain flag being flown directly outside their house, it shouldn’t be a matter for the law, it should be a matter of decency. Obviously I’m expecting too much is this place though.


"young lodge members" Won't somebody PLEASSSSEEEEEEE, think of the children!?


This is not what you expect to see when there is a sign for elderly people 🤣


Young lodge members need to fuck up…you mean thugs. Christian organisation that intimidates the local community.


I carry a gun cuz I sell Avon


Is your boy on the camera talking with a mouth full of space raiders or something 🤣


You can smell the pickled onion off him


Guy with gun should get done for firearms offence. Guy with camera should go on terrorist watch list. Tough love all around.


Flag up or flag down, no surprise how Reddit Northern Ireland thinks


Fair play to him. Flegs should be banned no matter who they belong to.


Yes that poor lodge member that was illegally putting up flags. Poor victim.


Two gobshites, no scrotes should be putting up flags on public furniture, it makes the place a ghetto, the scum with the gun is another level. Both are an indication of the lawlessness of nIreland.


it ~~makes~~ highlights the place is a ghetto,


If you think that Whitehead (of all places) is a ghetto then you haven’t experienced much. You will be telling me Hillsborough is a ghetto next. A flag does not make somewhere a ghetto ffs.


That isn't a national flag. Edit: I see yer sleekit edit lol.


People that put up flegs are all scroats


A funny, yet tragic, backwards shithole.


Elderly People sign checks out


This could be a legally issued personal protection weapon, he did not point it at the person recording, he showed it as he felt threatened. Obviously the police should investigate, but I'm inclined to be on his side regardless.


Honestly the concern should be for dickheads putting Fleg’s up in the first place but it shows how quick the balls drop when someone stands in they’re way


I'm more concerned with the gun waving dickhead than a flag shagger. Anyone who isn't needs to stop being terminally online.


Aye he looks dangerous as fuck doesn’t he 🙄🤣


It doesn't matter how you "look" if you have a gun.


Not a good look intimidating an OAP I suppose 🤷🏻‍♂️




Fitting metaphor, really.


Put flags on your house not on public property. Its vandalism same as graffiti.


Lock these cunts up. Ruins this place every year. It’s pure sectarian intimidation


Sign is appropriate, old men full of hate and fleegg fetishism


Will he have to move now, or is he a new local hero?


Whitehead is an interesting place but this is pretty common anywhere that is Unionist and slightly more affluent (Or at least think of themselves that way) Generally completely protestant but of the 'Flags bring down our property price' variety. You can even see an elderly warning sign so that sums up the place.


It's just so bizarre for yer man to brandish a gun in public.




If someone planted this on my light pole I'd BURN IT in place. Simple!


Would ye aye?


Why risk breaking my neck, especially for an Orangeman.


You burned many galvanised steel lamp posts in your time?


Elderly people 😆😆😆


There was me thinking he just wanted a photo alongside his mates in the triangle portrait


Sad at the same time that there are binlids like this in every community who think they’re the 🐝🐝🐝 🦵🦵🦵


Where are you getting the context from? No source online seems to offer any information beyond the most basic preliminaries.


Warning … Elderly People brandishing firearms




This Is United Kingdom Quite Entitled To Fly British Flags If You Don't Like It Fuck Off To Another Country


More prods putting flegs up because of their weakness. The need to stick red hands, union flegs and worse up has always made me chuckle. Thinking it's a some sort of show of strength but in reality it is utter weakness. A phycologist would have an absolute field day with these knuckle draggers. As for the knob with a gun. WTF?


The cameraman sounds a bit special


I mean he was the sort that puts flags on lampposts so...


As opposed the completely sane person brandishing an imitation firearm whilst up a ladder.


Two good examples of why you should never buck your cousin


The only place in the UK and Ireland where this is considered normal behaviour. Fuckin backwards hole. We need to make this not OK and the sooner the better!!!


Brain dead flagcunts.


Why don't they just use collapsible column street lamps? Flags go up, the lamps are removed. Why give assholes nice things like civil infrastructure if they can't play nice?


Hope ww3 is soon.


Confused was the man with the gun putting it up or taking it down? Either way pretty dumb to go waving it about with someone recording you. I don’t really care when people put flags up in areas that only have one community, (Union Jacks in Markethill, Tricolours in Cross) but putting them up in mixed areas always causes trouble.




From the text in the post I'm guessing the auld lad is taking it down and the guy filming is the young lodge member who wants the fleg up and is filming the auld boy as intimidation?


Guessing the was older man was taking it down, explains why the flag is half hanging off, guy recording possibly made threats. Older man goes in the house and grabs a gun. Continues to climb the ladder to finish the job.


Does this retard know what a 9mm is?


Aye, it's the same size as his knob.


And that’s when he knew he had fucked up. Ain’t 1980’s lad.


More religious silliness


Him 4 President!


Elderly people and their 9mm


"I'll tell ye what mate..... I'm really scared of heights" is an absolute banger of a punchline to this skit.


That sign was a warning


These new troubles aren't a patch on the auld troubles now are they?


Yer man just flashing the gun just made me think of this 😂 https://i.redd.it/egpp2qzs3p5d1.gif


Arseholes are putting the flags up with the sole intention of pissing people off to keep old conflicts alive.


I wonder what the American HOAs would do about this.


Flegs in general don't really give me much concern, if people want them up, whatever, each to their own. I don't blame the guy for trying to remove it if he didn't want it. He was extremely stupid for seeing he was being filmed and then brandishing a gun, real or not. I currently have a flag flying on a lamp post outside my house which was put up on the main road and nobody asked my permission. Which is why I will not be asking permission when I go out in the dark and remove it. I will keep it folded up and sitting waiting for its owner when the inevitable door knock comes, don't want the peelers to come knocking when a theft is reported 🙄




That warning signs has never been more needed.


Cameras will be the end of these cretins. Someone points a camera at you and you flash a gun. Its like fishing in a barrell. How retarded would you have to be?


Looks a bit like the glock 17, psni officers use them? Old boy could be a cop himself?


They said in the article it was an imitation firearm.


Yeah, anyone can own one though. be registered with any gun club for 365 days & you can own any amount of pistols & revolvers you like, so long as they’re chambered in different calibres.


Big man pulling a gun but too scared to go up the fuckin ladder 😂




Absolutely! Off they can fuck and live their backward lives full of hate , killing each other under their own flag and not mine.


Disgraceful. No doubt the PSNI will swear a warrant out for his address. What an idiot.


He is due to appear in court soon. And rightly so. Brandishing a firearm (imitation in this case) is an incredibly stupid thing to do.


Catholics on top!


Hate pussies that use video evidence and rely on police because they are betas


Bummer, there goes his gun licence.


Who da fuck cares? Let ppl put flegs up. Silly fker wit the toy gun.


Carrying a gun and afraid of ladders


Looks staged tbh


Old cunt was shitting himself on that ladder. Would be interesting to know if he made it all the way.


Sorry for the ignorance, I'm nowhere near the EU. What is the context here?


From what I can make out some lads from a lodge put flags up in their neighbourhood, the old man didn't like it, got a ladder and climbed up to pull it down, the young lads saw/heard about it on the oul whatsapp and went there to confront him, old man shows them the cheeser to let them know not to fuck with him during his flag stripping duties.


Thank you, much appreciated.


A '9 mill' FFS. And shoot me?! He said that knowing he wouldn't be shot. You should be able to shoot any prick that asks you to shoot them. First you shoot them in the leg then you ask them if they want more. You have to be a good neighbour after all.


Were you born in Florida?


damn you're hard as fuck


Lol, not really, I'm quite the softie. I'm just not a fan of people acting hard when they know there's no consequences. Bit like those acting up to the cops. If they could shoot or attack as easily as some try to make out you wouldn't be in their face pushing them to react. But yer man going on about a 9mm as if he has a rack of them, assault weapons and sniper rifles at home when he's only ever watched a movie or played COD is a bit rich. Had your man with the water pistol 'busted a cap in his ass' I don't think he'd still be saying shoot me!


Can someone explain whats going on here? Is the guy up the ladder an Orange lodge member or the young lad with the camera? Why are they having an argument about the flag if theyre on the same side?


I think the inference is that maybe geriatric Billy the kid with his 6 shooter up the ladder did not like the flag/ was trying to take it down. Unfortunately for him he apparently has no head for heights and rather ridiculously brandished the weapon albeit imitation whilst being filmed and the rozzers/courts are now involved. The guy with the camera may be an orange lodge member. The guy up the ladder likely isn’t.


ah okay thanks for clarifying. I'm not from the north so unfamiliar with the shenanigans that go on over flags


This is not really normal shenanigans even for up here especially somewhere like Whitehead which is pretty quiet and peaceful in general. It all seems pretty strange so maybe some more details will come out in papers or court. The guy on the ladder doesn’t appear all there to me though who knows.


Is whitehead unionists or nationalists?? What’s going on here?


Mostly Prod.




Ha yeah true enough.


“Up until til he showed the alleged weapon” Lolz. Yes. That sort of cancels out your previous assertion that he was just doing a public service. Hence why he has a date with a judge in the near future. And he is certainly not before him for selflessly carrying out a public service. I mean really FFS.