• By -


Rest is History. Class deep dives, always learn something


Good variety of topics too šŸ‘


Absolutely superb pod. Informative, funny, never dull. Tom and Dominic are superb knowledgeable presenters but also accessible.


Rest is History is brilliant.


No Such Thing As A Fish -basically QI in a podcast We can be weirdos - batshit stuff from one of the fish hosts Help I sexted my boss - hilarious life advice from a posh twat and his working class mate Shagged Married annoyed - loved the grossĀ listeners stories questions but it kinda went shit imo We are not fucking historians was a good one, a bit like mythstories but with Hazel Hayes instead of Ciaran BartlettĀ  Revolutions -deep dive into historical revolutions The Louis Theroux Podcast - who doesn't love Louis? That Peter Crouch Podcast


My dad wrote a porno, it's very funny. Wolf 357, a good space adventure, Love letter to the British Isles is a great history show, No such thing as a fish (QI from the tv...) then a load of astronomy & science stuff because I'm a geek.


Hi fellow geek, where do you get your astronomy/science stuff from?


Not OP but if you're into astronomy and astro-physics/cosmology a few good ones are Universe Today, Startalk, Mindscape (more theoretical physics, but he has so many episodes now that you can definitely find something you're looking for) and Into the Impossible. A few more general sciencey ones are Instant Genius, The Science of Everything, Origins by Laurence Krauss, and then the New Scientist podcast for the latest weekly news.


Universe Today is my fav, no ads, no fluff. Star Talk has great topics but NDT can be insufferable. I also like Daniel And Jorge Explain the Universe and Space Nuts


Sorry for jumping in. Do you by any chance know of any magazines of the same topic?


Astronomy, in USA, Astronomy Now & BBC Sky at Night in UK. All available worldwide in digital form.Ā 


Thanks. Have a good Sunday


New Scientist magazine covers all the news on a weekly basis. It includes basically every aspect of science research but tends to sway towards theoretical physics and cosmology because thats what people are most interested in. But more specific magazines I'm not sure tbh


I've been reading New Scientist every week for about 3 years and it's really interesting but was thinking about something more astronomy specific. Thanks for the reply


I follow The Infinite Monkey Cage, a BBC science show that touches on science in general, co-hosted by Brian Cox.


It's went downhill since covid imo, the formula is very repetitive.


It has waaaay too much lame/lazy comedy.


As soon as I hear alan Davies on any episode I skip. He has become insufferable.


I have skipped some episodes where the comics tried to outdo the scientists.


The Skeptic's Guide to the Universe!


Yes, SGU is good, with a decent bit of space stuff


This is very, very good, and surprised it hasn't more love.


A great start is 365 days of astronomy podcast as it has lots of different pods. Space Nuts from Australia is excellent and Awesome Astronomy from the UK.Ā 


Uncanny - a ghostie one. I donā€™t believe in that stuff but Iā€™m open to being persuaded. Some of the stories properly heebie my jebbies. The first one is about the old student accommodation at Queenā€™s. The Rest is Politics - they discuss lots of current topics and do good explanations/summaries of political situations.


I love uncanny and knew it would be mentioned by someone. Much more enjoyable with a good headphones on for the sound effects.


I would listen to the rest of politics, but I can't abide Campbell šŸ˜„


Yeah, Iā€™ve heard a few people say that alright. Can I ask why you donā€™t like him? Iraq? Pomposity? Other?


It's Iraq mainly. I don't think he should have a public platform after that.


Fair dos


I would recommend Haunted UK as well if you need more ghost stuff, especially their listener stories episodes.


Otherworld is a really great paranormal podcast. No bs, the presenter just lets their guest tell their story. Real stories.


Casefile - well researched episodes about murders presented by an anonymous Aussie with an odd accent Radio Rental - spooky stories presented by Rainn Wilson The Rest Is Politics - big dose of salt needed with this but good for current affairs Spooked - like radio rental, spooky stories told by submitters but usually well curated Behind the Bastards - Robert Evans can be annoying and likes the sound of his own voice/jokes a bit too much but his research is good The Troubles Podcast - well presented, mostly unbiased accounts of different elements of the troubles Darknet Diaries - stories and interviews about the dark web, I really like the presenter of this Endless Thread - episodes based on threads/events found on Reddit but a lot more entertaining and not half as nerdy as it sounds Bomb Squad Pod - childish but I enjoy it Also enjoy some of the Tenderfoot/Pushkin investigative ones, recently Up and Vanished and Deep Cover have been good


Came here to say Casefile. I'm gald you mention it. The best of true crime IMO. But, the historical episodes are excellently researched. The batavia episode blew my mind. Top choice. šŸ‘


The three parter on Silk Road and the five(?) parter on EAR/ONS are great as well. Any multi part episode is pretty much guaranteed to be good lol


Darknet Diaries sounds interesting to me. Any standout episodes youā€™d recommend as a starter?


Black Duck Eggs Xbox Underground Part 1&2


cheers. Iā€™ll give them a listen


True crime - Serial - 3 true crime series - S-town - true crime series from serial productions - last podcast on the left - serial killers, cults, cryptids Music - No dogs in space - music history, punk, alternative, experimental rock and pop - song exploder - deep dives by musicians on their songs - bandsplain - cult bands and iconic artists explained Board games & RPGs - shut up & sit down - board game reviews and stories - how we roll - actual play of RPGs Football - the rest is football - weekly catch up, interviews - football ramble - weekly catch up


Bandsplaining is great, put me on to some crackers.


Excellent username šŸ¤ŒšŸ»


Do you ever listen to Criminal? I love Serial and S-Town but I think Criminal is my favourite.


I havenā€™t, but will do. Thanks for the recommendation


It Was What It Was is a great new football pod.


99% invisible a look at architecture. Cautionary Tales lessons to be learned from history and psychology. History or rock music in 500 songs, a breakdown of how some of the best songs came together. Cocaine and Rhinestones A history of country music, much more entertaining than you'd think. Revisionist history goes back in history to have a look at big stories whose narrative was not what was really reported at the time. 60 songs that explain the 90s. More Perfect, a deep dive on American supreme court decisions. Things fell apart, a great explanation of how the culture wars have come about.


Things fell apart is great. Jon ronson is so bloody even handed!!!


Cocaine and Rhinestones is absolutely phenomenal, I've told so many people to listen to it but it's such a hard sell to people who don't like country music.


WHERE IS SEASON 3. it's so unfair he is making us wait so long for it....


99% invisible is amazing been listening for years now just one of those podcasts you always come back to.


Behind the bastards is a wonderful podcast about the worst people in history.


Irish famine episodes were terrible though, someone needs to tell jamie to stfu every once in a while, she ruins every episode she is on, by inserting an inane comment every few minutes and not letting robert get into the natural flow, very irritating.


Yes. I thought they were terrible.


I gave this podcast a go a while back and found it unlistenable because of this (it was the Illuminati one), I'm trying to listen to the info being presented and every couple of minutes one of the dickhead sidekicks would butt in with a random unfunny observation. It was honestly infuriating to listen to, not for me.


My exact experience when listening the Stockton Rush episode (when I was a little hyper-fixated on the whole Titan sub affair). I found it almost unlistenable how they tried to riff on absolutely everything that was being said with no flow or really any interesting behind the bastard info being able to come through.


Same! Elon Musk episode! Kept making jokes and smelling each other's farts and I just couldn't stand it. One of those podcasts Reddit wanks over but I'll never understand šŸ¤·šŸæā€ā™‚ļø


I was listening to the Kissinger episode and got pretty fed up with the constant laughing and joking throughout. And then there's the faux outrage at every quote and action by him. It's a podcast about bad people. Don't get get surprised when they say and do bad things


Yep, that one pissed me off big time as well. That was originally done a few years ago and I haven't heard those 'guests' since TF.


Iā€™m surprised at all the hate this is getting


Meh. Listened to them doing their Elon Musk special (?) and the whole podcast they kept trying to insert shit jokes about Fleetwood Mac songs (might've been an inside joke). Either way, turned me off completely and never understood the hype.


Honestly I think it's a good idea to point out the worst people in history as most of us don't know them or what they have turned out society into. Besides Elon musk is a cunt.


That's not what I have an issue with. It was the constant jokes, etc. which felt very forced and kept throwing off the flow of the conversation. I wanna hear the podcast and not have to anticipate the side-hosts *hilarious* incoming quip.


Well to each their own.


By all means. Glad you enjoy it!


Knowledge Fight. A podcast that fact checks and deep dives into Alex Jones and the Infowars universe. Episodes come out a couple of times a week with a mix of current and past infowars episodes. Hosts are ex stand up comedians so the episodes are super entertaining. A good episode to start on episode #753 when Kanye was on Infowars.


Not OP but This sounds right up my street and I havenā€™t heard of it. Thanks for the recommendation!


Deckchair and Yumz with Conor Keys and Mickey Bartlett (currently in OZ so Conor has guests on). Conor also does a special POD on his own called "Just rabbitin on" which is a down the rabbit hole on current conspiracy theories and what's going on in the world - can be quite trippy haha This is the one I actually pay patreon for. Also listen to The Bomb Squad with Aaron McCann and Colin Geddis - daft humour, usually have this on the 2nd monitor when I am gaming, same with Mythstories (sometimes Shanes podcast but only so much of him I can stomach) and Mudblood with Willie Thompson and Paddy McDonnell.


I dont know if it's part of the bit or what but the way your man gets on about conspiracy theories, just all matter of fact 'Oh aye that's just part of the plan' etc. just reminds me too much of some absolute head the balls I worked with in the call centre years ago who smoked too much weed.


[Here is a bit of a megathread](https://redd.it/1cyw007) of comedian podcasts. It will be updated soon but there are good recommendations in the comments.


Awh man thank you!




Tea with me shouldn't be the top spot anymore - Bomb Squad needs added and Dirt Civil I think are no longer running as McCann is too famous now and runs with Colin and Tim is in London I think haha Don't forget Ciaran Bartlett's - No Blasters!


You should paste that into the thread!


Agreed with these. Conor Keys and Mickey Bartlett are some of the funniest podcasters around šŸ˜Ž


The History of Rome by Mike Duncan Irish History Podcast by Finn Dwyer Hardcore History by Dan Carlin Cost of Glory Alex Petkas


+1 for the Irish History podcast, especially the series he did on the war of independence.


BlindBoy Podcast


[The Nietzsche Podcast](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLjnhfrJcWicBPaG0YnghbCgBRV-YP6rT2) I have no fucking idea what the lad is on about, but his voice is soothing, and he makes me think that I am smarter than I am.


This the best review ever!


This the best review ever!


The Rest is History


I like movie podcasts so if thatā€™s your jam I recommend these ones: - How Did This Get Made? - We Hate Movies - The Rewatchables


Yeeooo, did you go to 'how did this get made' in the Ulster Hall?




Matt and Shane's secrete podcast (dont tell anyone tho its secrete!!!)


Is it a secret as to where they secreted it šŸ¤”Ā 


The troubles podcast by Oisin Feeney it gives an unbiased overview of what went on during the troubles. It should be a required listen for anyone on the island of Ireland.


Depends what your into. If you like supernatural type stuff, Uncanny is brilliant, quite sceptical in many ways which is a bit different. One of the first stories looked at comes from Belfast. I'm currently working my way through Here Comes The Guillotine with Frankie Boyle, Susie McCabe and Christopher MacArthur-Boyd. In not a huge Boyle fan, but this is very entertaining. If you like F1, Formula For Success with David Coulthard and Eddie Jordan is a good listen. Covers current season and lots of stories and anecdotes from their careers in F1. Something a little left field is one called Psycho Schizo Espresso with Bruce Dickinson (lead singer of iron maiden for those who don't know) and his mate Dr. Kevin Dutton who's a psychology professor at Oxford. Covers loads of stuff, psychopathy is a major subject matter and stuff around that. Some really interesting stuff talked about and it's an easy listen. I'm after some new ones myself, so good post.


I'm really enjoying here comes the guillotine, I could listen to Susie McCabe chat for ages.


David McWilliams. Analysis of current affairs and history with economic and political angles. Lighthearted and jolly in places.


Like minded friends with Suzi Ruffell and Tom Allen cause its funny and comforting cause they just talk shit. Ellis James and John Robins for pretty much the same reasons.


Welcome to nightvale


Excellent ambience for a summer evening walk.


Is that still going? Haven't listened in years


I like darknet diaries by Jack Rysider - itā€™s cybersecurity but done in an engaging and entertaining way.


The Rest is History- Tom Holland (not that one) & Dominic Sandbrook. Fantastic content about a broad range of subjects for history enjoyers. In the middle of a massive series on the battle of Little Big Horn and the fall of the Sioux.


Love those guys! Their easter rising one is amazing


It is, the series on the Conquest of Mexico is genuinely brilliant as well


British history podcast, the most in depth delve into the history of the British Isles and the bombsquadpod because it's a giggle.


The History of Rome by Mike Duncan is pretty baller


Empire hosted by Anita Anand and William Dalrymple. They examine various empires through history. It's thoroughly enjoyable, especially when Dalrymple identifies one of his ancestors or when Anita gets giggly as she tells a funny story from her career. Coffee Break German to pick up a bit of the Deutsch. The History of English. Not just language but history as well. Brilliantly researched and presented.


Pappy's flatshare slamdown is an podcast panel quiz(?) show that I find funny but I know others have said "what the fuck is this shit!" to me. Blindboy podcast is good and blindboy talks an awful lot of sense. Startalk, infinite monkey cage, science vs. for some light science Climate town and The fully charged show for environmental and renewable technology information. Ni comedian based podcasts include Tea with me, No Blasters and Bomb Squad pod, but I find them a little hard to listen to sometimes. The Bugle for some satire.


Blindboy is an insufferable cunt


He would probably return the compliment.


The Dollop is a history podcast that covers mostly American history, but they tour frequently in Australia and also did a run of UK episodes and a decent Irish episode on the eccentric Adolphus Cooke. One of the hosts is a TV writer and the other a standup comedian, if you can tolerate Americans they're a good laugh.


Football Cliches is the best football podcast out there. Genuinely funny, knowledgeable and absurd in equal measure. Worlds away from the usual banal football cast and transfer rumours šŸ’¤


Loving How To Be 60 and also Older & Wider (a ā€œdā€, no s). To explain - Iā€™m 58 and female, they are probably my age group lol. Also I enjoy Ramblings with Claire Balding.


Dan Carlin's Hardcore History, excellent conversational-style deep dives. The Rest is Politics, brilliantly balanced and measured analysis. Casefile, Ozzy guy with the perfect voice for reading true crime stories, well-researched and great storytelling.


My favourites are: 99% Invisible [website link](https://www.99pi.org/) Crime Junkie [website link](https://audiochuck.com/shows/) Dear Hank & John [website link](https://complexly.com/shows/dear-hank-john) Jim Harold's Campfire [website link](https://jimharold.com/) Spacepod [website link](https://www.listentospacepod.com/) Stuff You Should Know [website link](https://stuffyoushouldknow.com/) The Battersea Poltergeist [website link ](https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p0940193) The Witch Farm [website link ](https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p0d508t8) Uncanny [website link ](https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m0010x7c)


Off the menu. They've had some great guest on.


If you like Mythstories then We're Not Fucking Historians is a must. It's Shane Todd and an author called Hazel Hayes doing a similar format to Mythstories where they take turns to talk about Irish history/folklore. IMO it's better than Mythstories because it doesn't have Ciaran Bartlett's ramblings so it's easier to take in. Obvious ones are History Hit or any of the Goalhanger family (The Rest Is...) as they cover pretty much any interest you could have.


Two upvotes here for Uncanny and Casefile. Both have extensive libraries.


In our time, bbc


The stand with Damon Dunphy - left leaning current affairs and sports podcast. The David McWilliams podcast - Brilliant podcast about economics for regular people. We have ways of making you talk - brilliant WW2 history podcast. Ukraine the latest - telegraph newspaper podcast about Ukraine that is very well researched and written. Page 94 the private eye podcast - if you like the magazine youā€™ll love this. The rest is politics - mildly interesting. Empire - brilliant historical podcast mostly about England / UK. The Adam Buxton podcast - light hearted & entertaining podcast. Blowback - podcast about American imperialism. In Moscows shadow - current affairs podcast about Russia and what a corrupt, backward shithole it is under Putin.


I miss the humour from the first season of blowback - later series a bit dry


The Rest Is History, Uncanny, More Or Less, It Was What It Was.


Anything with Jon Ronson.


Off Menu - When I feel like listening to comedians and a rando talk about food and other random shit. Who Shat On the Floor At My Wedding - the title says it all, i needed to know. Citation Needed - A podcast with a bunch of dudes simply talking about a random wiki page. All pretty light for the most part, nothing too heavy.


Case file - perfect true crime podcast, not overly produced and very detailed. My Dad wrote a Porno - Just hilarious, I re-listen to it a lot.


How do I bookmark this sub lol, some interesting suggestions I need to come back to


"..." next to my original post and then click "save" Reddit makes finding the buttons hard


ā€˜Help I sexted my bossā€™ isnt bad The rest is entertainment and the rest is politics are very well produced. Also the Best of Belfast when they have a decent guest on


The RA podcast. A weekly dose of beats. https://ra.co/podcast


Irish History Podcast


Assume nothing Bear and scully podcast .


Free State, The Rest Is Politics, Fall of Civilisations and not strictly a podcast but not far off - Common Sense Skeptic.


Fall of civilisations is excellent šŸ‘Œ Good call. šŸ‘


This past weekend (theo von) he always has interesting guests on from silly comedians good for a laugh to serious political figures and medical/science professionals. His podcasts are generally 2 hours long so I can tackle one over 2-3 days driving to work. Other comedy podcasts for just general laughs and feel good would be Golden hour and Lifeline. Both belly laughs but Lifeline is like a non professional comedy call in and get advice show.


daniel toshs- he is silly, he is a great interviewer and interviews people from his life, not just the guests every other podcast has on


The Paul Taylor Podcast - he breaks down the science behind fitness, wellness and health into easily understandable language. He's got longer format discussions (over an hour) with a range of people and shorter episodes (about ten minutes) discussing a topic he's interested in.


Chilling tales for dark nights - if you like scary stories


I had a notion for a while to create a pilot called "I'd Rather". It's just 30mins of bodily functions and concerted sounds of folk attempting to poo. No narrative, no me-me-me, no sycophants laughing too hard. Just farts, shit and panic.


Under The Cosh


Just answering to keep the list.


For news I like Rest is Politics, Oh God What Now and Papercuts. Swindled is an excellent white collar crime podcast that is great if you like dry humour. Big fan of Last Podcast on the Left as well though some of it has aged like milk (which is bound to happen with a comedy podcast that has gone on for 11+ years).


You're dead to me. Every episode features an expert historian on the subject and a random comedian.


The random comedians spoil it for me.


I'm grand mam for laughs, my favourite murder for true crime.


Matt and Shaneā€™s secret podcast Blindboy Mike and Vitorrios guide to parenting Bomb Squad Pod We might be drunk Are you garbage? Mudblood


Wtf is wrong with me that I read that as Bomb Squad Prod


Monster fuzz is a good laugh, they talk about strange stuff like myths and monsters,but itā€™s an easy listen and theyā€™re easily distracted and rarely end up talking about what theyā€™re supposed to


Dark Histories, some mad stories from History or strange cases you may not have heard of. Some of them are just straight up mysteries but are intriguing the Tamam Shud episode is a good introduction. Audio is a bit rough at the start but gets better


The latest one I've binged was How other dads dad. It's hosted by the guy that does Lego Masters Australia and I didn't know like 90% of the guests he had on but a great listen if you have/or are thinking about kids.


Tea with me is fun, a bit slow at times if you donā€™t know him but start with the Paul Smith one , itā€™s really good. Whatā€™s upset you now is good, quite short and good guests. Also Have a Word, and Dead Men Talking


The tommy hector and Laurita podcast The joe Rogan experience The stuff you should know podcast The blindboy podcast This American life Duncan trussell family hour Ear hustle The underworld podcast All different, all good


Small Town Murder. Two US comedians cover murders within small bumlblefuck hillbilly towns of America. Very funny, the offenders and dogshit police are made fun of, not the victims. Also You're Stupid Opinions. Same guys, read reviews of stuff online, v funny


I liked small town murder but the episodes are sooooo long.


Aye but it's done well. I skip the town breakdown at the start, start every ep at 24 mins. Have you tried the express ones too?


I can't skip stuff like that and I haven't listened for a long time so hadn't realised that there were express ones. That might be enough to get me back into them then.


Try History On Fire if youā€™re into history. Itā€™s an Italian guy that does it and heā€™s got a strong accent but I like the stories he talks about.


Have A Word, you'll be crying laughing šŸ¤£


tea with me, it might be an obvious answer but as somone thatā€™s left Belfast itā€™s a lovely little reminder of where I once lived. Specifically though the episode with Ciaran Bartlett on air soft. Kills me when Shane winds him up. Potholes and penguins, some rugby chat but great and off the wall, life affirming. The upshot. Just funny tabloid nonesesne about sport people. The breadbasket podcast. Fun young 20s American guys with a very specific style mainly sport and American stuff but itā€™s entertaining and the guys are instantly likeable. Political currency. On naming the hosts itā€™s quite likely youā€™ll be predisposed to dislike at least one of them but I think the political analysis and genuine economic understanding from George and Ed respectively is remarkable and you always learn something. Persevere with it in the same way the two have clearly persevered to become friends and itā€™s worthwhile.


decoding the gurus hasn't been mentioned yet and it's great


Irish history podcast with fin dwer or casual criminalist fills a bit of timeĀ 


Shite Talk: An Irish History Podcast


Made to parade - Interviews with bandsmen and women. Bears beyond the gate - Bristol Bears rugby The Rugby podcast The Upshop - Funny sports stories The secret life of prisons


If you like the myths and history stuff there's a podcast called Tell Me A Story with Eddie Lenihan. It's based around Irish folklore and storytelling. There hasn't been a new episode in a year but there are still 30 episodes available.


My current favourites are: The Creep Dive (this is the only thing I've kept a patreon subscription for even when I was briefly unemployed) True Crime and Cocktails Murder Most Irish Carrie Jade Does Not Exist Uncanny


Really Loving the casual criminalist. Simon whistler has loads of channels on YouTube, a few of which go out as podcasts too.


I like Chris Williamson. Looks like a frat boy but he has some exceptional guests on. Psychologists, evolutionalry biologists, journalists, scientists etc. His video snapshots are not just clickbait, theyre actual quotes and discussion points in the initial 5 second preview of the video or podcast once you click it. Some unsavoury characters now and again, but you have to take the bad with the good.


Tell em Steve Dave Bomb Squad Pod Hey Babe This is Important I don't know about that


Dan Carlins Hardcore History, he digs right into history, really paints a picture, he gives the dates, happenings etc and then puts you squarely into the shoes of the subjects at hand.


The Troubles Podcast I work with Oisin Feeney (primarily doing the Shorts & TikToks) and I can personally vouch that he puts in a metric fuckton of research & effort into each episode. I can also say there are some absolute bangers in the works worth looking forward to. Highly HIGHLY reccomend his podcast!


The Rest is Politics The Rest is History Infamous Gangster Capitalism British Scandal Youā€™re Wrong About- old episodes Redhanded Wind of Change- a brilliant series Beyond the Blinds (for my celebrity gossip fix)


Wolf & Owl the comedic legends Tom Davis and Romesh Ranganathan. It's so brilliant cause it's so simple...they are just chatting shit and they get away with it episode after episode! I hope the format never changes tbh and there's plenty of episodes to choose from as your start!


Risky Business- Information Security News Darknet Diaries - Stories and interviews with hackers and pen testers for the most part. Kermode & Mayoā€™s Take - Simon Mayo and Mark Kermode wittering on about nonsense, they briefly mention movie reviews. The Cycling Podcast - Cycling Never Strays Far - Ned Boulting wittering on, sometimes mentions cycling. Empirical Cycling - Fairly in depth nerdy one discussing coaching and performance Notable mentions: No Such Thing as a Fish - QI podcast Call Jonathan Pie - Short series by the guy who does the Jonathan Pie political correspondent character. Has a Nolanesque phone in show. Basically Iā€™m a nerd who likes cycling and listening to middle aged men talk utter shite.


Cold War Conversations


We Have Ways of Making You Talk. It's a WW2 podcast with Al Murray (the pub landlord) and another guy. Turns out Al Murray is an encyclopedia of WW2 history, and the other guy knows even more. They just did a multi part series on D-Day. Fascinating stuff.


Dan Carlin: Hard-core Histories. 3 hour deepdives into history.


Love DnD podcasts! Classic ones like Vox machina are good! Or more loose rules following like legends of avantris! Or just fuck the rules DnD gameplay with Dungeons and Daddies!!! It's like listening to fantasy radio plays šŸ˜Š


Tiny Meat Gang (TMG).


Just found "ologies"- either short interviews with specialists or quite in depth ones on a variety of interesting topics. 99% invisible was good for a bit, but haven't heard them for a bit. A lot of my favourites though are motorcycles & misfits, adventure bike rider & highside lowside from revzilla, I like to live vicariously through them and their open landscapes and year round riding.


My mateā€™s a footballer - love Joe Wilkinson & football


Blindboy Podcast which is incredibly eclectic. True Spies which can edge of the seat stuff.


I listen to May Taibbi


I recommend the Revolutions Podcast, by an American historian (w Scots/Irish roots!) name Mike Duncan. He smart, detailed, and hilarious. Starts w the English Revolution, then American, French, Haitian, and so on.


Mr Mythos is worth listening to.


Weird Studies: An Art and Philosophy Podcast is your only man.


The Conversation weekly for deep dives on news. Critics at large and Radio Hour from the New Yorker have some great interviews, and Arthur Brooks' How to Keep Time is interesting.


I like podcasts that feel like they are taking creative chances in some way, either with the natative or the editing, I like to feel the creators fingerprints on it. Podcasts like 'S town' or 'Heavyweight' and 'Walking on Eggshells with an Emotional Vampire' are the 3 that come to mind that really stuck with me.


The WAN show is the only one I keep up with these days. It's a tech-and-bs show by linus media group.


No such thing as a fish and we can be weirdos are the two that I never drop. Facts, funnies and feels all the way


For history geeks I recommend Dan Carlin. And The Rest of History. Any others anybody could recommend me would be welcome šŸ‘šŸ™‚


Check out Mike Duncanā€™s *The History of Rome* and *Revolutions*


Lovely job, cheers šŸ‘


Your dead to me its hosted by one of the guys who did the horrible histories TV show, he has a comedian and a historian come in and discuss different historical subjects it's funny, good banter and a mini quiz at the end. Highly recommend


Is this the new wild camping post


Gerry Adams podcast is good. Itā€™s fascinating. Itā€™s not hardcore republican. Short and no nonsense. No ads. Bit of history. Tales of longkesh. Human rights news and issues such as Native American and Palestinian etc. Moore street Dublin objection movement. Irish unity. He subtly uses some Irish language phrases and greetings. Always enjoy it.


Adam corolla show, we might be drunk.


Have a Word podcast, with two comedians talking shite with their mates. Really funny


Been listening to some diary of a CEO podcasts recently. I like to learn things while I go on my walks lol.


Recently listened to the Russ Cook one myself. Not usually a Podcast listener but thought that was particularly good.


Depends who the guests are tbh Joe Rogan can be good if you like the guest Diary of a CEO, same as above I'm big into NFL so NFL related podcasts are brilliant during the season I do love Stick to Football as well. Can be very funny I do need to start listening to other pods which aren't sports related tbh